Aromatic Flesh

Chapter 9: Read 9 by volume


Meirou Shengxiang (latest) Author: Su Nuojin

Volume reading 9

Some extravagance. These colors are only worthy of and can only be owned by the royal family.

Liu Yi felt extremely uncomfortable with prying eyes from all directions. If possible, he wished he could goug out the eyes of all the men who looked at Gu Mingyue. But at the same time, his heart has been greatly satisfied. It is also a great joy in life to have such beautiful women by his side, so that other men can see that they can't eat. Because of his careful thinking, Liu Yi's heart blossomed with joy. He hugged Gu Mingyue's slender waist with one hand, and served Gu Mingyue with the other hand. In a short time, the jade plate in front of Gu Mingyue was filled with a small mountain of food, which made her finish it, so she glared at him with eyes.

The look of the beautiful woman's glaring eyes not only does not make people feel disgusting, but it makes people feel that this face is more delicate and agile with the vivid expression. Liu Yi's body was stunned by those eyes, and he could not wait to hold the little goblin to practice the Fa on the spot.

Others at the banquet heard that the Prince of Qin and his concubine Qin Se were in harmony with each other, and they were very loving. But seeing it is better than seeing it. The Prince of Qin is like a jewel to his concubine. He is afraid that he will fall when he holds it in the palm of his hand, and he is afraid that it will melt in his mouth. The two of them showed their love in a high-profile manner like no one else around, and they simply dazzled the eyes of a group of people. A woman who can't be married or not married is so envious that she can't wait to replace her.

The queen mother looked at the two with a smile, the prince's face was like a crown of jade, and his demeanor was elegant; although the prince's concubine said that she was not tall, her temperament was elegant and dignified, and her face was alluring. Sitting side by side, these two are a perfect match. So the queen mother felt very satisfied, and she rewarded countless gold and silver jewelry as soon as she opened her mouth, and even called Gu Mingyue to hold her hand and take a closer look, and she praised a beautiful man!

Lu Wanqing and her mother were sitting not far from the Prince Qin and his wife. They saw Prince Qin's affection for her concubine sister, and heard the Queen Mother's praise to her. Her heart was full of bitterness. His hands were clenched tightly, and the long nails pierced into the flesh, causing the slightest tingling pain. But this kind of pain is far less than one ten thousandth of her heart!

She originally disapproved of her younger sister who was married to the Prince of Qin, but she was just a concubine. Even if the Prince of Qin was seriously ill at the time, it would be a high achievement for her to marry into the royal family. Even if the prince died of a serious illness in the end, the life of those who got the royal jade will not be too sad, the big deal is to let the father help him more.

But who knows, the prince is so good! Before she saw the Prince of Qin with her own eyes tonight, how could she have imagined that a person who had been in a sickbed for more than ten years would actually give birth to a zhilan and jade tree, so handsome and handsome! What shocked her even more was that the concubine younger sister, who was timid before getting married, has transformed into such a radiant and graceful manner! The moment she saw Gu Mingyue, she couldn't believe her eyes.

Lu Wanqing felt that the love between the prince and the prince of Qin was extremely dazzling. If his father disliked the prince's serious illness and felt that he couldn't give up a direct daughter and let his sister marry him, then she would be the one who sat beside the prince and enjoyed the favor and praise. …

So when she saw that Liu Yi asked the palace servants to leave the table, she also found an excuse to go out.

Gu Mingyue has been observing Lu Wanqing from the corner of her eye, and she has seen all her expressions in her eyes. This talented woman in the capital, Rao Shi, tried her best to cover it up, but Gu Mingyue still felt the sadness and unwillingness in her heart. So after seeing Lu Wanqing leave the table, he was relieved.

Now, the moment to accept the results of her hard work during this period is coming, and she doesn't want to miss it at all...

Liu Yi drank more at the banquet, and his head was a little dizzy. He knew that if he drank any more, he would lose his temper, but there was an endless stream of people who came to toast, so he had to find an excuse to go to the clean room and sneak out to sober up and breathe.

At this time, flowers of various colors were still blooming in the imperial garden, the night sky was like washing, the moon was like a practice, and the full moonlight was streaming down, and the entire imperial garden was covered with a hazy silver layer. Liu Yi felt that the moonlight was very beautiful, and the breeze with the fragrance of flowers swept past his face, which blew most of his drinking.

Taking a deep breath, Liu Yi felt refreshed, and when he was about to return to the banquet, a Pingting girl came across her face, looking at her clothes, not like a maid, but like a noble girl from some family.

The girl was slender, swaying as she walked. She walked slowly in the intoxicating moonlight, the breeze lifted her coat and hair, and the accessories on her body jingled. In the midst of the flowers, she seemed to be able to rise up in the wind and ride the clouds away like a jade girl from Yaotai.

When it got close, Liu Yifang could see her face clearly. She has beautiful eyebrows, and although her facial features are not exquisite, she is elegant and refined, and the scenery around her is so beautiful. She stands ten feet away from herself. Although the distance is so close, she throws people a beauty like flowers. The ethereal feeling of clouds.

Liu Yi felt that his heart seemed to be drawn uncontrollably. The girl looked at him with watery eyes, and her heart was full of eyes, as if he was the only one in her eyes, which was very endearing. He couldn't help wanting to touch the beautiful jade cheeks that glowed faintly under the moonlight, and use the pulp of his fingers to feel whether it was as smooth as he thought.

Just as Liu Yi's fingers were about to touch Lu Wanqing's skin, his expression suddenly froze. The girl in front of her was full of anticipation, looking at her shyly and timidly, a trace of puzzlement flashed in her eyes, obviously wondering why he suddenly stopped.

"You... Whose family's female family are you? It's not suitable for me to wait for a lonely man and a widow to be here. Miss, let's hurry back to the banquet!" Liu Yi turned away from looking at her. The feeling of being close to this woman made it very uncomfortable. What's more, this woman came prepared, he was so easily about to let go of her heart, which is a big taboo!

Just as Liu Yi opened his legs, a pair of small hands grabbed his sleeves. He frowned, turned his body and said in a good-natured manner, "Why is the young lady pulling and pulling?" His voice was so clear and cold that it was hard to believe that the man was almost unable to help himself just a second ago.

"Why?" Lu Wan asked pitifully. Is she not beautiful enough, not attractive enough? She is well-known in the capital with both talent and beauty. Wasn't this man attracted to her just now? Why did he suddenly retreat in the next second when the relationship between the two was about to be closer

"Miss self-respect." The man lightly put down these words, gently brushed away the hands that were tightening the sleeves with his hands across the sleeves, and strode away, leaving Lu Wanqing alone in grief.

Liu Yi was anxious and wanted to return to the banquet immediately. Without him by his side, Gu Mingyue did not know how many men who coveted her would look at her. Although they clearly didn't dare to do anything, they secretly didn't know how obscene eyes they would use to obsess over his woman.

He was undeniably attracted to the woman in the imperial garden just now, and he even thought that he might be able to bring her into the manor as his company. This kind of heartbeat is really inexplicable. The woman is not half as good as Gu Mingyue in terms of color, but she is involuntarily attracted. This is simply incredible, and there is a strangeness everywhere. Fortunately, Gu Mingyue's tearful face suddenly appeared in his mind at a critical moment, and he woke up instantly.

Rao is that Liu Yi is well-informed, and he will not know that it is because of the halo of the heroine.

At this time, Liu Yi only thought that if he really had something with that woman, Gu Mingyue would not know how sad he would be. There is no woman in the world who is willing to share her husband with others, especially with her appearance and talent. Although she is not visible on weekdays, he knows that if there are other women in the house, she will not be happy. Anyway, I'm not a greedy person anyway, it's enough to have beauty alone, and it will also save Yingying Yanyan in the backyard from competing for favor and causing trouble.

As soon as Liu Yi walked out of the imperial garden, she saw Gu Mingyue standing pretty in front of the corridor, looking at him with a bright smile. Her eyes were clear and bright stars seemed to gather in her eyes, and she caressed her temples unintentionally. wind-blown hair,

Volume reading 9
