Arrogant Meets Passionate

Chapter 37


Two days later, Gu Yingjie passed away.

Gu Yingjie's mother insisted that Gu Yingjie move back to the mansion, and said that he should take good care of his body, but Gu Yingjie refused. Mrs. Gu was very upset, and kept saying that he kept persuading him. Seeing that Gu Yingjie was stubborn and did not let go, Mrs. Gu took her anger out on her eldest son.

"You don't even talk about your brother. Why can't you live at home? There are so many rooms. What's the reason why it's so inconvenient to go to work? Why don't you go to work if you're not in good health?"

Gu Yinghui, the eldest brother of the Gu family, had no choice but to speak. "Mom, don't worry, there is someone to take care of Ajie. You see that you are anxious about him. You should also calm down. He is so old, he just has a fever, and he is almost fine. Do you still have to watch him every day?"

"Who will take care of it?" Mrs. Gu was slow to react, "Ajie, have you got a girlfriend?"

"Yeah." Gu Yingjie glanced at his brother and answered in a low voice, feeling a little shy. Thinking of Qin Yufei telling him on the phone that she won't be visiting him for the next two days, it's inconvenient for people to come and go in the hospital. As compensation, she moved to live with him for a few days after he was discharged from the hospital.

This made Gu Yingjie look forward to it. So on the second day after the examination, he asked to be discharged from the hospital. Fortunately, the results of the examination were good, and he recovered quickly, and he had no other symptoms, so the doctor approved his application for discharge. As a result, according to the request of his wife, the housekeeper took him back to the Gu family's mansion for dinner after completing the formalities for him, so there was a scene where Mrs. Gu kept him.

"Which of the girlfriends he has made can take care of others?" Mrs. Gu continued to be dissatisfied and complained.

Gu Yinghui lowered his head to eat and stopped talking. Miss Qin's family really doesn't look like the type who can take care of others, so he better not answer the conversation and let Ajie handle it by himself.

Sure enough, Gu Yingjie couldn't bear it anymore, and retorted: "Having a girlfriend is not like hiring a servant."

"So you can still expect your girlfriend to take care of you? Just stay at home for a few days, how thin do you think you are?" Mrs. Gu insisted. Gu Wenguang, who had been silent all this time, finally said, "Okay, don't argue with your|mom, just stay for a few days. Your room is all tidied up."

Dad had already spoken, but Gu Yingjie didn't dare to refute, so he ate obediently. After the meal, the cruel mother confiscated Gu Yingjie's car keys. The Gu family's mansion is in the outskirts of the city. There are few taxis, and even fewer at night. It is difficult to move without your own car. Gu Yingjie dared not speak out, he ate fruit after dinner, swallowed another medicine, and then went back to his room to call Qin Yufei.

Qin Yufei answered the phone as soon as it rang, with an excited voice: "Have you finished eating at home? Are you coming back? I'm already here, and I bought a lot of things." In fact, she also carried a small luggage bag, I lied to my mother that I was going to stay with my friends for a few days to play together.

"What are you doing? Are you eating? It's so late?" Gu Yingjie was more concerned about this. Was she still hungry when she ran to him

"It's too late for dinner. I'll just order this after shopping. But I bought a lot of food, including fried chicken." Qin Yufei was in a good mood.

"Don't eat too much ketchup," he instructed.

"Come back soon." She was coquettish, her voice was soft and sweet, and the ending was still drawn out.

Gu Yingjie was so bloody that he couldn't bear it, he had to go back! Romeo can still turn over the window, of course he will not lose to him.

Gu Yingjie went downstairs and walked around, Mrs. Gu was watching TV in the living room, the housekeeper was pouring tea, he went up to the second floor, Gu Yinghui and Gu Wenguang were talking in the study, Gu Yingjie hurried over. The father and son chatted about business matters, but Gu Yingjie was absent-minded. After a while, Gu Wenguang chased him away: "Go to bed early if you are not in good health."

Gu Yingjie quickly responded: "Okay, then I'll go back to the room, Dad, don't talk to brother for too long, it's not safe to drive too late."

Gu Wenguang sounded reasonable, and they were talking about nothing important, so he said, "Then Ah Hui, you should go back too, and drive carefully on the road."

Gu Yinghui agreed, and Gu Yingjie said again: "Then I'll go back to my room and sleep, good night dad, good night brother."

Gu Yingjie opened the door and went out. Gu Yinghui heard the sound of his younger brother going upstairs and didn't pay attention. He chatted with Gu Wenguang for a while, then went downstairs to say hello to his mother, took his leave and went back.

Gu Yinghui went to the garage to drive, and just started the car, when suddenly someone came out and knocked on his car window, which startled him. Taking a closer look, it turned out to be Gu Yingjie who was said to have gone back to his room to sleep.

"Brother, give me a ride." Gu Yingjie said as he shamelessly opened the car door and got in.

Gu Yinghui was angry: "When mom finds out, she will scold you to death."

"Let's talk about it when the time comes." Of course Gu Yingjie knew the consequences, but his beloved fierce queen was waiting for him in his house, how could he not go back? I can't open my mouth at all. And he wanted to see her, desperately wanted to see her.

"Hurry up and drive, or it will be bad if mom finds out." Gu Yingjie urged his brother. Gu Yinghui had no choice but to drive on the road. He told his younger brother: "Don't say that I took you away."

"Don't worry, I won't confess you. I just said that a friend asked me to go out to play, and I asked him to come and pick me up."

Gu Yinghui heard: "So if you didn't catch up with me and didn't leave, are you planning to call a friend to pick you up?"

"Of course, friendship is for this critical moment." Gu Yingjie spoke eloquently.

Gu Yinghui turned to look at his younger brother, "Qin Yufei is waiting for you?"

Gu Yingjie didn't answer, but his happy smile gave away the answer. Gu Yinghui turned his head back, he should look carefully at the road, the smile of a man in love is really disgusting, especially his younger brother, why didn't he know that his younger brother can be so nasty and disgusting before. This Qin Yufei really has two skills with men, let's see if he can control his brother.

There was no traffic jam all the way, and the car arrived at Gu Yingjie's community very quickly. Gu Yinghui stopped the car, and said deliberately: "Won't you invite me to sit up?"

"Don't make trouble." Gu Yingjie quickly got out of the car, waved goodbye, and then ran away in a hurry.

Gu Yinghui shook his head, lowered his head and confirmed today's date on the watch. He waited, waiting to see when Miss Qin would subdue his younger brother so that he could take her home to meet her parents.

Gu Yingjie started to giggle in the elevator, his heart was pounding, and he felt like he was in love. He felt that the elevator climbed one floor at a time, which was really slow. After finally reaching his floor, he took the key and opened the door lightly, wanting to sneak in and surprise Qin Yufei.

As soon as the door opened, he heard her singing. He couldn't tell which one he was humming, but it was very cheerful. Although it was out of tune, he thought it sounded good. He closed the door, changed his shoes, followed the singing, and walked to the master bedroom. She was not in the room, so he turned inside and saw her in the cloakroom inside. She was wearing home clothes and his big men's slippers, shaking her head, and was putting her underwear in his drawer.

Gu Yingjie smiled, completely unable to control the corners of his mouth. He leaned against the door frame and kept looking at her like this.

After a while, Qin Yufei cleaned up. She looked at him and put her clothes together, and she was very satisfied. As soon as she turned around, she suddenly saw a person blocking the door staring at her. She screamed in fright, and then screamed louder. She rushed towards the person, swooped, and hugged him tightly. .

"You're back!"

Gu Yingjie opened his arms to catch her, but she rushed too hard, he took two steps back and almost lost his footing. She screamed so loudly that it hurt his ears, but he couldn't help laughing, and laughed with her.

It feels so good, the feeling of being in love.

Qin Yufei hung on his body and kissed him vigorously. The slippers flew to nowhere, her hair was disheveled, and she sweated a lot just now, she was really not well-groomed, but she didn't care, she laughed and felt very happy. I don't know why I'm so happy. In fact, I haven't seen you for two days, but I feel as excited as if we reunited after a long absence.

"Miss Qin, where's your reserve?"

"It's a holiday today." She answered sweetly.

"My temperance seems to be off today." He said.

"No." She laughed and twisted away from him. "No." He leaned over and hugged her tightly, but she pushed him away. "You are not recovering from your illness, you should have a good rest."

"Just do it, and it will cure all diseases." He played a rogue.

She smiled and patted him: "Quack doctor!"

"Cure it."

"Don't mess around!" She was very firm.

"Okay." He was helpless, but obedient. This made her very proud, even more proud than when he praised her for being beautiful.

That night they went to bed early, did nothing, just hugged each other and chatted under the quilt. They said a lot, but none of it was serious. Qin Yufei also said: "Such a boring content, if other boys talked to me before, I would definitely kick him away."

"So I'm not another boy." Gu Yingjie emphasized, "I'm your boyfriend."

"Boyfriend, let me tell you something."

"What? Did you hear any scandal again?"

"You are guilty."

"No, is there really a scandal?"

"Before I tell you, you should confess quickly, so that you can deal with it leniently."

"Take a confession?" Gu Yingjie thought seriously, but didn't think about it at all, "It's really gone. Shirley did come to the hospital with her brother to see me, but I never talked to her alone. She peeled an apple for me. I didn't eat either. But she didn't behave abnormally, and her brother and other friends were there, so I can't emphasize anything. I have nothing to do with her, and there can't be a showdown. Then, except for Abby, no other ex-girlfriend came to see me By the way, I don’t want them to come to see me. I didn’t tell them about my hospitalization, but a buddy invited me to play, and I said by the way that I couldn’t go to the hospital because of illness. We all know."

"Hmph. The big carrot with the heart."

Gu Yingjie was very helpless: "Okay, let's reveal the mystery, what's going on?"

"I'm going to check my body."

Gu Yingjie was taken aback, "You have it?" On second thought, no, obviously they haven't done it since her last aunt, and he was running around on business trips, so he couldn't even see her face.

"What nonsense." Qin Yufei's heart sank when she saw his shocked expression. She turned over and leaned against him to ease her emotions. It was a normal thing, but when he mentioned this, it was another Such a reaction caused her to be stabbed suddenly, and her lower abdomen started to hurt involuntarily.

"Then what's wrong with you? Are you sick?" Gu Yingjie asked without noticing her abnormality.

Qin Yufei took a breath, deliberately ignored the pain in her lower abdomen, and said, "That's right, you keep urging me to see about my aunt's stomachache. I went to the hospital for a gynecology check yesterday." She paused, Gu Yingjie's My heart hangs, can't I be really sick? He was just trying to comfort her that it's okay, treat her when she's sick, it's no big deal, don't be stressed. But before he could speak, she heard her continue: "I have done all the tests that can be done, and the doctor said that I am completely fine and not sick."

Gu Yingjie breathed a sigh of relief: "You scared me to death."

Qin Yufei pursed his lips, did he think she was pregnant and scared to death

"Gu Yingjie." She turned over and looked at him.


She opened her mouth, wanting to ask him what if they really had a child by accident? In fact, she didn't want to have a child, she was very afraid of having a child, but she just wanted to test him. But when the words came to her lips, she couldn't ask. Why do you want to test it? He replied that she would not be able to respond after she was born, because she didn't want it at all now. He said no, and she couldn't accept it even more. The pain last time was too deep, and the pain still hurts now. Why did she go crazy and try to test him again? She dared not listen to his answer at all, why should she commit evil herself.

"What's wrong?" He patted her on the back, closed his eyes, a little sleepy.

"That's right, didn't you say that you want to take me to the doctor and help me recuperate?"

"Would you like to go?" He opened his eyes.

"Well. Since there is no problem with the examination by the western doctor, let's try the Chinese medicine treatment." In fact, she wanted to tell him this. She doesn't like to see a doctor, but for him, she hopes to cure her own problems.

In fact, she understands that it is herself who benefits in the end. It was only because he kept urging her to face up to this problem. Both physically and psychologically. I don't remember where I saw a sentence, a good partner will make you better.

She thinks he is.

The author has something to say:

small theater:

Author: Hahaha, come and see, some readers have left very good comments.

Gu Yingjie: Where is it

Author: None of your business. It's for Xiaoting.

Yin Ting: Say I'm pretty and cute? Show me quickly.

Author: Dangdang, look quickly. The ID is from Soy Sauce King and wrote: Yufei’s Xiaoqing cuts toenails, so could Xiaoting’s Xiaoqing help Mr. Chou to dig his earwax

Qin Yufei: ...

Yin Ting: ...

Author: Hahahaha... Uh, wait, what expression do you two have? Xiaoting, you have to calm down, don't learn from Yufei, temperament, pay attention to temperament. Wait a minute, I didn't say that, go to Mr. Soy Sauce. By the way, there are two people below hahaha, Destine and Xing Zhihai_, you need to settle accounts with them, I didn't do it, I am innocent. Also, you have to think about the good, it's just earwax digging, not booger picking, a little artistic treatment can still be very beautiful. Wait, wait, have something to say! It is said that weapons should not be placed indiscriminately, so who did this? !