Arrogant Meets Passionate

Chapter 64


"This person must be here. It's just that it would be impolite for me to ask to check my phone?" Qin Yufei lowered his eyes and said calmly.

Sun Yixue put her hands on her knees, tightly clenched her fists, and her nails dug into her palms. She was thinking just now that if Qin Yufei forced her to check her mobile phone, she would scold her for being unreasonable and barbaric. But now, this reason for refusal has been broken by Qin Yufei.

Sure enough, a friend of Gu Yingjie slapped his mobile phone on the table with a "bang", and said loudly, "What's being rude, shit, check! Start with our table first, and then check other tables. First prove your innocence, and then one person is in charge of one table, and you have to act quickly, and you can’t let that person delete the photo.”

Several people agreed with him and took out their mobile phones. "Yes, we have to investigate. If we can't find out, don't we have to take the blame? Such a disgusting | obscene thing, how can we meet people after carrying this suspicion?"

Sun Yixue couldn't speak, she regretted that she didn't find a reason to leave in time. But she also knew in her heart that Qin Yufei would not let her leave, she was doubting her, and the way she stared at her now made her terrified. The smile on the corner of her mouth made her feel extremely dazzling.

Several sons and buddies really started checking each other's mobile phones, but Qin Yufei didn't stop them. She was still staring at Sun Yixue, Sun Yixue's complexion turned blue with nervousness, her heart seemed to stop beating.

Gu Yingjie already sensed that something was wrong, and so did Sun Yian. Qin Yufei's attitude was too obvious, and his eyes were too sharp. And Sun Yixue's reaction is really suspicious. Xu Yanchang also noticed this subtle atmosphere, he bumped into his friend who was still checking his phone, and then the others became alert and stopped their movements.

Then everyone's eyes followed Qin Yufei's and fell on Sun Yixue.

I was stunned and couldn't believe it.

But how to explain Sun Yixue's nervous and guilty expression

Sun Yixue froze there. She had lived for more than twenty years, and this moment was the most embarrassing and shameless moment. She almost wanted to growl and cry bitterly and rush over to beat Qin Yufei. She was so ruthless that she was easily hooked in with a few words. No flirting, no screaming, no excuses for her to fight back, she incited everyone quietly, and she didn't know how to respond. She couldn't even pretend to be pitiful. Because no one scolded her, no one hit her, no one even accused her.

Qin Yufei just sat there and sent her into hell with his eyes.

How will she meet people in the future? What do you think of her? Despicable | Despicable and vicious, that's what they said about the person who posted the photo just now. At that time they didn't know it was her, but now they know, shock and disbelief will only increase the weight of these evaluations.

Sun Yixue's mind went blank, she tried to make it up, although she didn't know how to make it up.

"I..." She couldn't admit it, absolutely couldn't admit it. But if Qin Yufei asked to check her phone, no one would have any reason to stop her after the trouble just now. Wouldn't it be more embarrassing to find out it was her

"I..." She bit her lip, everyone was staring at her, she couldn't pretend to be stupid. Sun Yixue didn't dare to look at Qin Yufei at all, she knew that she was cornered by her, and she had to make a statement. And Qin Yufei happened to have some spare time, sitting and waiting to clean her up.

Sun Yixue burst into tears, she suddenly regretted, why did she do such a stupid thing? Qin Yufei was completely different from what she had imagined. How could she naively think that she would be able to get rid of her rival in one hit without making a fuss.

Sun Yixue turned her head to look for her best friend, subconsciously wanting to find a helper, but even though her best friend had already discovered the strange situation here, she dared not come over. Seeing her look over at this time, he shook his head at her.

Sun Yixue didn't understand what shaking her head meant. Is it to tell her not to say anything or to express her helplessness. It was true that she couldn't help her, but she couldn't help herself.

"I, I, just..." Sun Yixue wanted to delay, but the longer the delay, the more unfavorable the situation. Because Qin Yufei's aura is too strong, and everyone is following her rhythm at the moment. Her rhythm is to stare at her all the time, so that she has nowhere to hide and nowhere to go.

Sun Yixue wiped away her tears and said in a pitiful tone: "I just wanted to make a joke."

There was no sound.

Sun Yixue lowered her head, not daring to look at everyone's expressions. Heartbroken, extremely embarrassing.

"It's quite funny." Qin Yufei said. The voice is very light and full of meaning.

What's so funny? Is it this joke, or this person

Embarrassed and angry, Sun Yixue lowered her head even lower subconsciously, and tears welled up again.

"I'm sorry." It was Sun Yi'an who spoke, he reacted first, no matter what, he quickly apologized for his sister. "It's my sister who is ignorant."

"She's not sensible." Qin Yufei said again, "I don't know what to say."

There was no sound.

Everyone is embarrassed. Gu Yingjie's friends didn't know what else to say. Such a disgusting and wicked thing was actually done by the most well-behaved, generous, lovely and innocent sister Xue in their eyes. It's—terrible!

What is knowing people, knowing faces but not knowing the heart, and what is the most poisonous woman's heart? Everyone remembered who organized the party, who told them that Qin Yufei would not let Gu Yingjie come, and who stirred up the atmosphere and made them boo and talk about punishing Gu Yingjie. Some people objected to finding a dancer, saying it was Sun Yixue’s party, so it’s not good to play like this, but Sun Yixue smiled and said it’s okay, it’s very good... I thought about it carefully, and bought a new card, the pictures were saved and not deleted... Could it be that it will be kept for future use

This is really, scary!

"I'm sorry." Sun Yi'an said again. "I'll talk to her when I get back."

"Can you delete the photo in front of me? That way I feel at ease." Qin Yufei said, "Otherwise I will have victimization paranoia, and I am always afraid that she will post it somewhere else in the future, such as the Internet or something. No Talk about my face, how will Ajie behave?"

"I won't." Sun Yixue defended, and took out the phone under Sun Yian's stare. Her hands were shaking. No one scolded her, no one beat her, but she was ashamed as hell. Qin Yufei exposed the evidence of her bad deeds to everyone in such a polite and well-founded way.

Sun Yi'an also felt ashamed to the extreme. He snatched the phone, looked for pictures with a dark face, and found that several pictures were connected, and he deleted them all in front of everyone. Qin Yufei added: "Check to see if there is any video, maybe it's a screenshot."

Sun Yi'an couldn't refute it, he really found the video. He was so angry that he couldn't speak, and he didn't care what was stored in Sun Yixue's phone, so he simply deleted all the contents of the photo album and memory card. "Not again, I promise," he said.

"Thank you." Qin Yufei smiled at Sun Yi'an and thanked him politely. Then he turned his head to Sun Yixue and asked her: "Will there be backup or filming at your friend's place?"

Sun Yixue was so angry that she almost jumped up: "Absolutely not!"

"Very good." Qin Yufei stared into Sun Yixue's eyes, turning her head away.

"Then I'm relieved." Qin Yufei's voice was quite brisk, but what appeared in Sun Yixue's mind was her unsmiling, cold eyes.

"Okay, now the matter is clearly explained. Don't take it too seriously, everyone." Qin Yufei smiled and showed great generosity. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, although they all felt that what Sun Yixue did was really ugly and disgusting, but if the two women fought in front of them, it would be very difficult to handle. Now that the curtain has ended peacefully, that is a good thing.

Gu Yingjie reached out to hold Qin Yufei's hand, and gave her an appreciative look. He was really sorry about this, and he didn't expect to cause such trouble and make her unhappy. He is also very grateful to Qin Yufei for giving him enough face in front of his friends, he thinks this is a good deal. He would talk to Sun Yi'an about it, and he really couldn't forgive his sister's behavior. It's just that now in front of so many people, he doesn't want Sun Yi'an to get off the stage. So Qin Yufei accepts as soon as he sees a good deal, he feels very generous and wise.

Qin Yufei smiled at Gu Yingjie and squeezed his hand back. Then she turned her head and said: "Miss Sun, your makeup is all worn out, do you want to go to the bathroom to touch it up?" To the ears of others, it sounded like they were telling Sun Yixue to let her go, but Sun Yixue listened But it was very uncomfortable, as if he said to her after teasing, "Go away, there is nothing wrong with you". But she had to accept what she said, because she really needed to leave, and she really had no face to stay here.

Sun Yixue stood up stiffly and glanced at Qin Yufei. Qin Yufei smiled at her, but there was no smile in his eyes. Sun Yixue felt that this woman was really scary, why no one saw her true face. It's not kind of her to ask her to touch up her makeup, she is making her look ugly, and she has to accept it!

It felt as disgusting as swallowing a fly.

Sun Yixue didn't dare to look at the faces of the crowd, nor did she dare to look at the expressions of her brother and Gu Yingjie. She lowered her head and walked away silently and slowly.

Behind him was Qin Yufei's cheerful voice. "Okay, one thing is solved, let's solve the second one. How can you quarrel over a woman with Brother Ajie for so many years. This is the result of poor communication, and we must be a warning. Next weekend, Ajie and I Let's have a party and let everyone come to play, don't worry about today's affairs, how about it?"

Sun Yixue walked very slowly, she just wanted to hear what this woman Qin Yufei had to say, but it turned out to be this. What a good pretender, what a disgusting woman. Sun Yixue's tears fell down. She heard that everyone agreed with Qin Yufei, and some explained that they didn't lose their temper, that's how everyone played around, and told Qin Yufei not to take it to heart.

Sun Yixue's tears kept falling, she was very angry. How could it be like this, how could they all stand on Qin Yufei's side in a blink of an eye. She invited everyone to her party at her party, after kicking her away. Sun Yixue cried until her eyes were blurred, and then a person ran over and held her hand, it was her best friend. Her best friend took her to the bathroom, Sun Yixue couldn't help it anymore, and burst into tears. He cried and told what had happened. Talking about what Qin Yufei said after he came in, how to set up a layout to force|force her, and how to play social skills, the more he said, the more aggrieved he became.

"Then you scold her, expose her, why bear it."

"How is it possible." Sun Yixue cried out of breath, the situation at that time did not allow her to say a word, and at that time she was so frightened that her mind went numb, she was not as active as she is now.

Girlfriend has nothing to say. She went to get the makeup bag and came in for Sun Yixue, "Wash your face and touch up your makeup, I'll go and have a look."

Sun Yixue sniffed and felt better after crying. The best friend went out and came back after a while: "They are leaving. Gu Yingjie went to the bathroom, while your brother and Xu Yanchang were talking. Qin Yufei went to the parking lot to drive alone, let's go, let's teach her a lesson."

"What?" Sun Yixue was a little afraid.

"No matter what, you have to tell her clearly that you are not afraid of her, and you can't let her be so proud."

This Sun Yixue wanted to do.

"Hurry up, go to the parking lot and block her. Time will be too late, let's go!" the best friend said again. Sun Yixue was heartbroken, so she went.

The parking lot of this club is relatively remote. It is behind the building. The party has not yet broken up, so there are no people in the parking lot. Sun Yixue and her best friend hurried over and saw Qin Yufei leaning against the car door waiting for someone. When she saw the two of them, she raised her eyebrows and sneered: "Will you really pick me up when I'm alone?"

Sun Yixue was taken aback, and her best friend had already shouted: "Qin Yufei, don't be too arrogant."

"I'm just so arrogant! What's the matter?" Qin Yufei stood up straight, and continued to smile at them: "I'm not arrogant, so I leave it to you to be arrogant? What kind of onion are you?"

"You!" The girlfriend was furious.

Sun Yixue was also angry, and put the feeling of something wrong behind her, and scolded Qin Yufei: "Don't pretend? Aren't you a virtuous and generous person just now?"

"Thanks to you, I just showed the virtues that I occasionally show. It's not as hard as you. It's quite difficult to make up from an ugly witch to a good little princess."

"Qin Yufei!" Sun Yixue didn't know how to scold her for a while, and forced out a sentence: "You are so disgusting."

"I won't call you disgusting, you just know it well." Qin Yufei raised his eyebrows and smiled, pointing at Sun Yixue's best friend with his chin, "I knew her when I saw her watching us furtively. It must be your friend, so I told Gu Yingjie that I would come to pick up the car. I thought that if I left the order and you didn't come to trouble me, then let's do this today and wait until I get upset. In the end, you guys If you are so ignorant, then today, I will try my best to teach you a lesson."

"Lesson! Who do you think you are!" My best friend shouted loudly, stepping forward to give Qin Yufei a push. But she never expected that Qin Yufei suddenly screamed at this moment, and the sound was so loud that it resounded through the sky. Sun Yixue and her best friend were stunned for a moment, but before they could react, they saw a blur in front of their eyes, and Qin Yufei sprayed them on their faces with something, and they felt their eyes hurt so badly, they yelled, and squatted back.

Now it became the screams of two women resounding through the sky.

Hearing Qin Yufei's scream, the security guard hurried over here, but before they arrived, they heard the scream again. When I came over to see, a young woman was holding anti-wolf spray in her hand, and the other two were obviously sprayed, and they squatted on the ground covering their faces and screaming desperately.

At this time, Gu Yingjie also ran over, and was shocked to see this scene. Qin Yufei said to Gu Yingjie: "Call her brother and ask him to come and take this woman away."

Sun Yixue didn't care anymore, and yelled loudly: "Qin Yufei, you bitch!"

"Shirley!" Xu Yan, who had just arrived, shouted at her.

Sun Yixue froze, her eyes were so painful that she couldn't see clearly, but it seemed that a few friends had come over from the sound. She was disgraced once again, and she was seen as a shrew. She no longer dared to think about what her reputation would be like in the social circle in the future.

"What's going on?" a friend asked.

"Forget it, don't ask." Qin Yufei replied. This made Sun Yixue even more angry: "Do you f*ck| dare to tell the truth?" The girlfriend also jumped up and shouted: "She attacked us!"

Qin Yufei threw the anti-wolf spray back into the bag in front of everyone: "I'm saving face for you, you don't want it, you have to force me to tell the truth. The truth is that you brought your friends to trouble me while I was on the order, and I used it for self-defense. Put on pepper spray."

The big men were speechless, and the security guard also said that he heard the girl screaming and rushed over, confirming Qin Yufei's words. A friend came over to pull Sun Yixue: "Forget it, Shirley, your brother is still inside, I'll take you in to find him."

Sun Yixue shook off the man's hand and shouted: "She lied, I asked my friend to accompany me to apologize, she deliberately attacked us."

"Okay." Qin Yufei sighed, waved his hands, and said to everyone, "I attacked them on purpose. Please apologize to her brother for me."

Actually, so to speak. Sun Yixue was stunned. Then she realized that under the current situation, everyone would trust Qin Yufei.

Xu Yanchang angrily scolded Sun Yixue: "You really have had enough trouble!"

Sure enough. Sun Yixue was so angry that her chest hurt, her brain was stiff with anger, she couldn't shed tears, she couldn't even cry because of anger.

At this moment, Sun Yi'an hurried over, and Xu Yanchang went over to tell him about the situation here. Qin Yufei took the first two steps, lowered his voice and said quickly to Sun Yixue: "I always use the worst situation to evaluate people, so I think of you very badly. It's really disappointing that you are really like this. You should be grateful I use spray, otherwise I would really do it, and I would pull my hair and slap my face and scratch my cheeks to see the blood. But you are welcome, I don’t care about it. Remember to stay away next time you see me, I will hold a grudge.”

She took a few steps back. Sun Yi'an had already listened to Xu Yanchang's explanation, and was furious, he pulled Sun Yixue away and left: "Come here, go home!"

Sun Yixue cried loudly: "Brother, she bullied me!"

"Shut up!" Sun Yi'an lost his face tonight, and couldn't be more polite to his sister. The two brothers and sisters argued all the way and soon walked away.

Qin Yufei smiled, turned around and said to Gu Yingjie who was beside him, "Let's go home." Gu Yingjie frowned unhappy, "I'm sorry." He was really sorry.

"It's okay." Qin Yufei smiled sweetly and took his arm, "I don't blame you this time, I can handle it."

With the support of the prince's love, the princess can also wear armor and hold a sharp blade to kill the enemy.

That night Qin Yufei slept soundly, halfway through her sleep she was woken up by Gu Yingjie's movements.

"What's wrong?" She was confused.

"It's okay, sleep with you. I just want to hold you."

"Oh." She snuggled into his arms and continued to sleep. After a while, she felt a kiss lightly on her forehead, and she woke up again.

"What's wrong?"

"Just want to kiss you."


After a while, just about to fall asleep, I heard him say again: "I love you so much."

She woke up again, and lost her temper due to sleepiness: "Do you want to sleep or not!"

Gu Yingjie laughed loudly: "Sleep, of course." After thinking about it, he couldn't help laughing again: "Shouldn't a normal woman be so moved to death by such a confession?"

It's definitely not normal to be so sleepy and still move that woman. But Qin Yufei really didn't have the energy to discuss with him, she really wanted to sleep.

But after a while, Gu Yingjie shook her again: "Yufei, let's get married!"

"No!" I was really pissed off by him! I hate sleep being disturbed the most!

Do not want? That was really motivating. Then Gu Yingjie fell asleep holding Qin Yufei.

Gu Yingjie lived happily ever after. The party he held with Qin Yufei was very successful. His friends all brought gifts to Qin Yufei, and apologized to her for being rude before. Qin Yufei accepted it generously and greeted everyone well.

Many of Qin Yufei's friends also came. Yin Ting also danced with Gu Yingjie, and said to him: "Look, I am a matchmaker, and you are Yufei who I met from dancing with me."

"Yes, you are an angel." Gu Yingjie praised her.

"Angels don't have boyfriends." Yin Ting reminded him.

Gu Yingjie laughed loudly: "My best friends are here today, you can choose as much as you want, tell me which one you like, if the other party doesn't have a girlfriend yet, I'll introduce you."

Yin Ting was very happy, she walked around to observe the man, and then saw Qiu Zhengqing who was late. She hurried over to greet him: "It's just in time for you to come, help me choose a man."

Qiu Zhengqing had black lines on his face. "I only have an eye for stocks."

"This is enough."

"The stock market has plummeted recently, so it's not the time to sell."

"..." Yin Ting waved her hand: "Forget it, you should study stocks. Goodbye."

On the other end, Xu Yanchang was chatting about Sun Yi'an. He didn't come today, but he asked Xu Yanchang to deliver a gift. He sent his sister abroad. From that day on, Sun Yixue was making trouble at home every day, and the Sun family was very angry. After that incident, rumors spread in the social circle, and the reputation of the Sun family was damaged. Sun Yixue continued to make troubles and cried all day long. In the end, the Sun family's parents decided to throw her abroad to calm down for a while, so as not to embarrass her.

Gu Yingjie felt very uncomfortable hearing this, but he would never forgive Sun Yixue for treating Qin Yufei like this.

Gu Yingjie wanted to get married, so he began to think of various ways. First, she told her family about her idea of getting married. Mrs. Gu was already mentally prepared, and after she reservedly stated that she would not object, she waited for Gu Yingjie's result.

Then Gu Yingjie went to conquer Qin Wenyi. This difficulty is a little bit, but Gu Yingjie feels that he is sure if he is willing to sacrifice. He works hard, often goes to Yongkai, actively behaves in front of Qin Wenyi, and takes the initiative to participate in Yongkai's business shamelessly. Later, Qin Wenyi took the initiative to talk to him to test his interest in Yongkai's business. Gu Yingjie replied: "As long as it is my own business, I am interested. If I marry Yufei, Yongkai will naturally be my own business."

This hint is a little too obvious. Qin Wenyi was also defeated by Gu Yingjie's thick skin for a while. He could only say: "It depends on Yufei's own opinion."

On Qin Yufei's side, Gu Yingjie also worked hard, working hard while actively proposing marriage. Qin Yufei didn't agree to get married, but she suddenly fainted when she got up one morning. Although she quickly regained consciousness, Gu Yingjie was still scared to death and rushed her to the hospital.

After a series of examinations, the doctor announced that Qin Yufei was pregnant.

Ahh, Gu Yingjie was ecstatic and shouted at Dr. Xie. Qin Yufei really wanted to pat him twice, it was really embarrassing. In case of Qin Yufei's physical condition, Gu Yingjie asked Qin Yufei to be hospitalized for a detailed physical examination. Qin Yufei, who was lying on the hospital bed, slowly came back to her senses. She suddenly remembered that her stomach hadn't hurt for a long time. Even now that she has a child, she doesn't panic anymore. Just, wait a minute, why does she have kids? It is obvious that protective measures are taken every time.

"Gu Yingjie, get the hell out of here."

Gu Yingjie, who was frantically calling outside to announce the good news, came in with a smile on his face: "Honey, did you call me?"


In fact, this title is also quite good.

Qin Yufei thought and thought, thought and thought, and then felt sleepy. "I'll answer you when I wake up."

When she woke up, a ring had already been put on her finger.

She touched the ring and couldn't help laughing. This big radish is quite efficient. She touched|touched her still flat belly, and asked, "Baby, tell me, do you want to marry?"

Of course no one answered in my stomach. But Qin Yufei felt that he heard the voice of happiness.

She feels really happy.

The author has something to say: Well, the day has finally come. The online version ends here. Thank you for your support. If this story has a chance to be published, I will add more content and write extra stories. Regular readers know that the content will be added to the Internet three months after publication.

Well, let's take the leading actors to bow to everyone and say goodbye. I hope to see everyone's ID appearing below the text in the next story. In addition, I implore everyone to go to my column to click [Favorite this author], thank you very much.

Because the publication manuscript of "Flying Dragon and Phoenix Dance" will be revised next, Xinkeng "Please Be Serious" will not be opened until early October, and please support it.

Yin Ting: Mmmm, please support me a lot, she is finally able to be the heroine.

Qiu Zhengqing: Yes.

Yin Ting: Well, what do you mean? It's not easy for you to be the hero.

Qiu Zhengqing: No. I remember that when I first appeared on the stage, some readers said that I am the hero fan.

Yin Ting: ...

Author: card! Done! knock off!

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