Arsenal Military Academy

Chapter 16: Good day, good night


A slim figure stood in front of Shen Junshan, with a high ponytail and a red and blue checked school uniform. Xie Tao remembers clearly seeing this school uniform? That's right, Xiao Jun's school uniform is also in this style. She is a student of Xinhua Girls' High School

Before Xie Tao could think about it, the female student excitedly introduced herself to Shen Junshan.

"Hello, my name is Gu Qiqi. Gu who visits the thatched cottage three times, is as beautiful as a dream. I know you must not know me, but it doesn't matter, as long as I know you." Gu Qiqi smiled brightly, completely ignoring Shen Shen in front of her. Jun Shan's face was gloomy, and he took a step back with a frown.

"Oh my God, I finally saw you and talked to you, I'm so excited!" Gu Qiqi's expression of excitement was hard to hide, Shen Junshan became more vigilant when he saw this, turned around and left.

"Hey, don't go." Gu Qiqi immediately stopped him: "I still have something to say."

She lowered her voice, looked around, and looked cautiously: "Ten miles outside the city, I saw all the forks leading to Wangzhuang."

Shen Junshan's expression changed slightly, he broke away from the grasped hand, and narrowed his eyes: "You have admitted the wrong person."

Xie Tao hid in the corner and listened to all this. The guesses buried deep in her heart for many days became true, and she immediately took a deep breath.

Ten miles outside the city, at the fork in Wangzhuang, that is where the Japanese were killed! Sure enough, the person who attacked the Japanese military vehicle that day was Shen Junshan.

When she came to her senses, Shen Junshan had already gone far away, and Gu Qiqi stood there, depressed for a while.

Xie Tao also planned to leave as if he hadn't heard anything, but suddenly, Li Wenzhong jumped out from the bushes opposite.

He clearly hid there a long time ago, and he didn't know how long he had heard what happened just now, but he saw that the figure was indeed chasing after Gu Qiqi.

Li Wenzhong is a man who will take revenge, if he knows what Shen Junshan has done, then Shen Junshan will be in danger, thinking of this, Xie Tao hurriedly followed.

Her steps were a little smaller, and she deliberately followed far behind in order to avoid being discovered. When he finally caught up with the man, Xie Tao almost cried out in fright at the scene in front of him.

The scattered and slanting shadows of the branches were mottled on Li Wenzhong's body, tearing his face apart in a horrific way, but his current behavior was even scarier than his face. The emaciated Gu Qiqi was pinned in the sink by him, and was still struggling, but Li Wenzhong had no sympathy at all, and he focused on questioning Gu Qiqi about Shen Junshan. If this continues... Xie Tao looked worriedly at Gu Qiqi who was still immersed in the pool, picked up a stone and walked towards Li Wenzhong.

In any case, he could not be allowed to report on Shen Junshan, let alone hurt innocent people, the stone fell suddenly and hit Li Wenzhong hard on the back of the head, instantly, he was paralyzed.

Xie Tao threw the stone, and felt her hands and feet go weak while panicking. She looked at Gu Qiqi, who was also trembling, and looked up and down: "Are you okay?"

Gu Qiqi shook his head tremblingly.

She is a courageous girl, even if Li Wenzhong forced her to question her like this, she never told about Shen Junshan's affairs from the beginning to the end.

Xie Tao forced himself to calm down, gritted his teeth and said, "Go!"

After a pause, he added: "Remember, you have to forget about today's matter and Shen Junshan's matter, and don't come to Agni Military Academy again, remember it!"

Gu Qiqi's face was full of tears, he looked at Xie Tao gratefully, and nodded vigorously: "I remember, thank you big brother."

Gu Qiqi ran staggeringly, Xie Tao watched her run far away, his heart fluttered, Li Wenzhong was motionless under her feet, his head was covered with blood.

His heart was beating wildly, mixed with a bit of fear and indescribable panic.

She squatted down to test Li Wenzhong's breath, but Li Wenzhong, who had been in a coma, suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed her wrist. Xie Tao was startled, and his scalp exploded.

Li Wenzhong's eyes were closed all the time, Xie Tao fell to the ground, all his composure was gone, he couldn't call the police, and he didn't know what to do with him.

In fact, she didn't even know what she was thinking just now, so she rushed over in a daze and did something irreparable.

I didn't know how to get back to the dormitory all the way, my left foot mixed with my right foot several times and almost fell down. She looked up at the signboard of Raging Fire Hall, her heart ached so badly.

The door of the room was locked, Gu Yan frame hadn't come back yet, Xie Tao felt even more empty, frantically rummaged through his pockets to find the key, but couldn't find it after searching for a long time because he was too nervous.

"Xie Liangchen, what's wrong with you?"

Shen Junshan's voice sounded from beside him, his voice was calm and calm, Xie Tao turned around, and under the dim light, her eyes with water vapor were reflected, her eyes were clear, her forehead was also wet with cold sweat, flowing down her cheeks Flowing down slowly, her hands and clothes were stained with blood, her body was still trembling uncontrollably, "Shen Junshan, I seem to have killed someone."

Footsteps came from the stairs, Shen Junshan was taken aback, took off his jacket and covered her with a hood, and carried her back to his dormitory. Fortunately Ji Jin was not in the dormitory, Xie Tao sat on Shen Junshan's bed, still trembling uncontrollably.

Shen Junshan was only wearing a white shirt, and sat face to face with her, looked at Xie Tao's expression, and said, "Xie Liangchen, don't be afraid, speak slowly, what happened?"

"Li Wenzhong, I seem to have killed Li Wenzhong." Xie Tao choked up.

"Don't be afraid, speak slowly, what happened to Li Wenzhong?"

"I, I just heard the conversation between you and the little girl, and Li Wenzhong also heard it. He chased the little girl away, and I was afraid that he would be bad for you, so I followed. I saw him press the little girl about you The little girl refused to talk about it, so he pushed the little girl into the water, and I, I hit him on the head with a stone, and then, then... "

Shen Junshan held her hand.

Xie Tao finally couldn't help crying, "Shen Junshan, did he die, did I kill someone?"

When the voice fell to the ground, he shivered first.

Shen Junshan quickly grabbed her thin shoulders: "Xie Liangchen, don't be afraid, calm down, the current situation is uncertain, you just want to save someone, you not only saved her, you also saved me."

His voice was deep and steady, calming Xie Tao's flustered mood. Xie Tao took a deep breath and cried a little less.

Shen Junshan said: "Now think about it carefully, did anyone see what happened just now?"

Xie Tao said: "Only that little girl."

Shen Junshan said, "Is there anyone else?"

When he asked this question, his eyes kept looking at Xie Tao, his voice was gentle and soothing, Xie Tao shook his head, and his tears gradually stopped.

Shen Junshan nodded, "That's good, you go take a shower, change clothes, and sleep now, and leave the rest to me. Don't worry, no one will know about it."

"But..." Xie Tao raised his head and looked at him.

Shen Junshan returned a firm gaze: "Do you trust me?"

His expression was very gentle, it could even be said to be gentle, Xie Tao was silent for a moment, then lowered his head.

"I believe."

Shen Junshan left, Xie Tao stayed in his dormitory and changed into his clothes. She was the only one left in the huge room. She had calmed down at this time, but the guilt and fear of "killing someone" were still there. When she went to bed, she couldn't help but hugged herself, and tears flowed down her cheeks. The corners of his eyes slid down.

No one was there, so her sadness surged up again. She cried wantonly for a long time, but finally she couldn't resist the tiredness, and fell into a deep sleep.

She didn't know how long she had been asleep, but in a trance, she seemed to feel that someone was covering her with a quilt, was it her brother? Xie Tao tightly grasped the hand in front of him, that hand stiffened for a moment, and then tightly held her back.

"Junshan! What's the situation..." Ji Jin entered the door and saw the two tightly clasped hands, and was a little surprised for a moment.

Xie Tao woke up immediately, glanced at the hand being held through the slits of her eyes, and then looked at Ji Jin who was surprised. This scene was really too embarrassing, so she had to continue to pretend to be asleep, hoping to wait until Shen Junshan let go of his hand When he got up again, Shen Junshan was still as motionless as a mountain. After a long time, he withdrew his hand, picked up the quilt and stuffed it over, then pushed Ji Jin out of the door: "Go to Xie Liangchen's room to sleep tonight."


"No reason, just go if you are told."

The sound stopped abruptly, the door was slammed shut, Xie Tao felt a little regretful, he should have left just now, wouldn't it be more embarrassing to wake up now than before.

The sound of banging on the door sounded, Xie Tao was overjoyed, and sat up quickly, but it was Gu Yan frame who broke in, he looked angry, pulled Xie Tao's arm and pulled her out.

"Who told you to sleep here, don't you have a room of your own?"

"I, I accidentally fell asleep."

The appearance of Gu Yan frame just gave Xie Tao an opportunity to leave, and she prepared to go back with Gu Yan frame without thinking.

"Wait a minute, I have something to tell you."

Shen Junshan stopped them with a loud voice. Before Xie Tao had time to ask, he heard Gu Yan's fierce voice: "What are you doing? Why do you have to say something behind your back?"

Xie Zhen tugged at the corner of his clothes, and called his name weakly: "Gu Yan frame."

Gu Yan turned her face to the side and glanced at her. The corners of Xie Tao's eyes were very red. For some reason, the anger that was full just now was washed away by her soft words, and her footsteps automatically moved back.

Shen Junshan came over, softly leaned into her ear and said, "Don't be afraid, Li Wenzhong is not dead, we've already talked about it, he won't say anything."

During the speech, all the breath was sprayed on Xie Tao's ears, slightly itchy, but more of a peace of mind.

The heart that had been hanging all night was finally relieved, she breathed a sigh of relief, her whole body was relaxed, and she smiled at Shen Junshan: "Thank you."

There was a sudden pain in the arm, but it was Gu Yan who held her tightly, "Let's finish talking, and go back quickly after finishing talking."

Gu Yan's frame was very strong, Xie Tao was pulled by him, and when he turned around, he saw Shen Junshan's gentle smile, Xie Tao waved to him in a daze: "Goodbye, good night."

"Good night." The voice was low, but full of smiles.