Arsenal Military Academy

Chapter 21: debut


Without the fire cover of Gu Yan's frame, the enemy obviously relaxed a lot, and the integrated forces gradually approached the workshop.

Sitting and waiting to die has never been Shen Junshan's style. Only by preemptive strikes may he have a chance of survival, even if the hope is slim, he must fight. Besides, there were not many people left in the car, and with enough ammunition, it should be possible to use a submachine gun to open a gap, but Shen Junshan was about to act but was held back by Xie Tao.


Looking in the direction Xie Tao pointed, there were crowds of people outside the workshop. It seemed that people from the entire timber factory had already gathered.

In front of the crowd were bound compatriots, including students and police officers. Shen Junshan took a closer look, and Ji Jin was among them.

The muzzle of a black gun in Wu Bin's hand was pressed against the head of a policeman: "Listen, people inside, you have been surrounded, and your accomplices have also fallen into my hands. If you don't come out, I will kill them all." .”

The muzzle of the gun moved down, and a bullet came out in response, shooting straight into the policeman's leg, and the kneeling and howling policeman was dragged aside. Ji Jin took his place, Wu Bin pointed the gun at his temple again, Ji Jin closed her eyes, quietly waiting for death to come.

If it was someone else, Shen Junshan might not care about it, but Ji Jin is a close friend he has known for decades, so how could he not care about it, so he walked out with his hands raised, Xie Tao followed him, and the crowd behind her The laborers also followed closely behind the two of them.

Wu Bin laughed loudly, grabbed Shen Junshan's collar, looked at the sign on it and read easily: "The seventh phase of the Agni Military Academy, you are capable." He let go of his hand and took a step back, Wu Bin raised his foot A group of his subordinates who kicked him crazily were as irritable as a mad dog: "A group of student soldiers beat you to such a virtuous manner that the dogs gnawed your brains, huh? A group of idiots!"

The subordinates lowered their heads and let him go crazy, no one dared to resist.

Wu Bin shook his neck, then turned his head and asked Shen Junshan, "Are you in charge here?"

"It's me, what do you want?" Shen Junshan's gaze was calm, not at all like his fellow prisoners, even though his body was covered in blood, he did not lose any pride.

"What do I want?" Wu Bin smiled wickedly, "You came to my house to shoot, kill, deprive me of sleep, and ask me what I want?"

"Everyone has different positions, and each is his master."

"Different standpoints! Different standpoints! I'm going to take a different standpoint from you!" Wu Bin kicked over the oil barrel beside him and bent over to look at Shen Junshan, "Brother, I just want to make some money! Cutting people's fortunes is like killing your parents , why did you kill my parents? Ah? Did I offend you, did they offend you?"

To speak like this really has no conscience at all, this group of people are nothing more than walking corpses with nothing left in their skins.

"You help foreigners sell your compatriots, and you are ashamed to say that you only want to make some money." Xie Tao couldn't bear it anymore, it was the first time she saw such a person, and the sense of justice in her heart almost rushed out. There was also disdain in his tone.

This disdain obviously angered Wu Bin, who was in a high position, he grabbed the gasoline can next to him and threw it at Xie Tao, "Did I let you speak? Who allowed you to speak?"

Xie Tao closed her eyes and didn't hide. It's not that she couldn't hide, but she knew her current situation. If she died here today, it would be considered a worthy death. She has no regrets, and she is no longer afraid.

The imaginary pain did not come, what was in front of me was a firm and steady embrace,

"elder brother."

Xie Tao murmured, this embrace is too warm, like Xie Liangchen, but when he opened his eyes, that person was not Xie Liangchen, the gasoline barrel hit Shen Junshan's back fiercely, and the severe pain made him pale instantly , The corner of the mouth also oozes blood.

"you… "

Shen Junshan shook his head at her, let her go, turned around and said: "Everyone has no grievances or enmities, and we are also obeying orders. Now that this matter has been cleared up, the city government, the police department, and the army are all targeting you. Killing us in one step will not help. As you said, you are doing this only to make money, so why not take a step back, talk about something practical, and allow us to spend money to buy our lives."

Wu Bin smiled and said, "Spending money to buy your life? How much money do you have?"

"There are so many that you can't imagine, and you can't make money even if you sell your labor for a lifetime."

Shen Junshan gently rubbed his arm against Xie Tao, and the dagger on his upper arm slipped from his sleeve into his hand, and Xie Tao hurriedly leaned over to block it for him.

"What a big tone! It's a pity that I don't have this blessing, everyone, goodbye!"

Wu Bin waved his hand, not taking Shen Junshan's words seriously at all.

"Shoot them all. I will go to Shanghai tomorrow, go abroad, go to France, and go to the United States. I have plenty of money. The city government, the police department, the army, go play shit. If you want to arrest me, you can't …”

Wu Bin retreated with a group of his subordinates, the sound of gunfire mixed with flames blasted in, and the huge shock wave rendered the front of the door into a sea of flames, and Wu Bin and all his subordinates were involved in the sea of flames. Wu Bin fell to the ground and stared straight at the door, as if he couldn't believe or imagine what happened before him, but it really happened. There is often only a thin line between heaven and hell, but at this moment, that gap has been opened by the artillery fire in front of you, and life and death begin to reverse at this moment.

The smoke dissipated slowly, revealing the dark faces of Gu Yanzhu and Huang Song. If it was Xie Tao in the past, he would definitely find it ridiculous, but today, what rises in his heart is mostly moved, and also mixed with a trace of rejoicing, rejoicing for the rest of his life after the catastrophe, and even more rejoicing that there are old friends in the rest of his life.

Gu Yan frame didn't know the fluctuations in Xie Tao's heart at all, coughed for a long time, slapped off the sawdust on his body, pointed at his face covered in black and gray and roared: "Didn't you say you can use it?"

Huang Song chuckled, his white teeth stood out against a black face: "Yeah, didn't all the guns come out?"

"These two idiots!" Xie Tao scolded with a smile in his heart.

Although he dislikes it, in Xie Tao's heart, Gu Yanjiao and Huang Song have become an indispensable part. They can always make her happy and bring unexpected surprises to her boring life.

But for Shen Junshan, it was a completely different feeling.

There is dependence, trust, and maybe a little liking. This kind of liking is very subtle. Xie Tao once thought it was the kind of liking between men and women, but at the moment when he rushed over just now, Xie Tao suddenly realized that, It is a kind of love among relatives, just like she likes her parents and her brother, she likes Shen Junshan, he and Xie Liangchen have too many similarities, so similar that Xie Tao unconsciously treats him The generation of dependence also caused Xie Tao to fall into a deep panic, but from today onwards, everything has passed, and he is still a friend worthy of trust and dependence, and he can only be a friend.

The laborers were rescued, and what happened next had little to do with them. Under the arrangement of the school, everyone got on the bus again and returned to the Agni Military Academy.

It was the first time for Xie Tao to do a mission. He thought it was just a small fight, but who knew that this battle would be sensational and exciting. When he returned to the dormitory and lay down on the bed, he couldn't help being a little dazed. Get out and come back intact.

This night, few newcomers could sleep soundly. Xie Tao had several nightmares. After waking up, without exception, he saw Gu Yan's heavy sleeping face. Xie Tao couldn't help but sigh again with jealousy.

After finally staying up all night, I got up early and rushed to the cafeteria. The crowded cafeteria was not as lively as it used to be. The students were all quietly chewing their food. The silence was terrifying. Xie Tao looked around and found no sign of Shen Junshan. She felt a little lost and wanted to ask Ji Jin felt that it was too deliberate, so she had to sit here silently.

The canteen door opened, and Gu Yan frame sneaked in. While he was wandering, a pair of feet suddenly appeared in front of him. These shiny leather shoes, these straight military trousers, and this unsmiling dead face, this, this is not Lu Zhongxin!

Gu Yan frame raised her head and smiled obsequiously, "Instructor Lu, good morning!"

"It's getting late, I've been waiting for you for an hour." Lu Zhong hooked his hands back: "Come here!"

A group of guards rushed over from their seats and stood behind Lu Zhongxin.

"I was wrong, I was wrong, I will never be late again, taking a big bath in such a cold day will kill someone!" Gu Yan frame was still struggling, "Instructor, please let me go this time, I..."

"Salute!" Lu Zhongxin suddenly shouted loudly.

Everyone in the cafeteria buckled their boots and saluted Gu Yan frame uniformly. Huang Song poked Gu Yan frame who hadn't recovered yet and said, "Laugh!"

There was a stiff smile on Gu Yanzhuan's face, and Lu Zhongxin stepped forward and patted Gu Yanzhuan and Huang Song on the shoulders: "For your heroic performance last night, the school gave high praise and reported this matter to the military academy to fight for you. Commendation. As expected of the students taught by my Agni Military Academy, I am proud of you."

The applause was thunderous and prolonged. It wasn't until Lu Zhongxin's figure disappeared at the door of the cafeteria that the students boldly came over to congratulate.

Xie Tao looked at Gu Yan, who was surrounded tightly, and felt happy for him in his heart. After thinking about it, he should go to Ji Jin first.

"Why didn't you see Shen Junshan?"

"He came back last night and kept coughing up blood. I sent him to the hospital. The doctor said that his lungs were injured by the concussion."

Xie Tao's heart twitched violently. Could it be that he was injured yesterday to protect himself

"Which hospital is he in?"

"City hospital."

Xie Tao turned around and walked out, Ji Jin's voice came from behind: "Xie Liangchen, today is not a rest day, you have to ask for leave!"

When I couldn't see him, I was worried about it, but when I really wanted to meet, Xie Tao showed timidity and hesitated in front of the door. I still remember that the first time I met Shen Junshan was in this hospital for a physical examination. I bumped into him by accident at that time. I thought it was a casual meeting, but unexpectedly, it became the sincere love of life and death together.

The door opened, but his hand was still on the doorknob, unable to move.