Arsenal Military Academy

Chapter 44: Bodyguard



"Come in."

Xie Tao opened the door and went in, the person in the office was not Huo Xiaoyu, but Qu Manting, Xie Tao's face immediately collapsed.

Seeing that it was her, Qu Manting didn't see how happy she was. Instead, she narrowed her eyes slightly and looked up and down.

When Guo Shuting saw her, he put away his smile, and said with a serious face: "Xie Liangchen, I have a difficult task for you now, and you must work hard and make no mistakes."

This tone, this expression, not only Xie Tao, I am afraid that the whole school has never seen it.

It was rare for Xie Tao to see him being so serious, he buckled his heel, and couldn't help but salute a standard military salute, "Yes, I promise to complete the task!"

Guo Shuting nodded in satisfaction, picked up the dusty pen on the table, wrote a note, and handed it to Xie Tao.

This was the first time she received a private mission, Xie Tao was full of excitement, but was completely speechless the moment she saw the note.

"Protect... her?"

Xie Tao pointed at Qu Manting with a trembling finger. You know, apart from patriotic politicians, wealthy businessmen have no way to find them as bodyguards in the Agni Military Academy, let alone a singer. What benefits does this give

"Yes!" Guo Shuting said confidently, "Miss Qu Manting has offended the Japanese several times in public for the dignity of the country and the interests of the nation, and now she is being followed and her life is threatened, so the school decided to send you to protect her .”

He spoke righteously in his tone, as if what he said was true.

"This won't work, the exam is coming soon." Xie Tao didn't like his tricks at all, and racked his brains to come up with an excuse, but unexpectedly Guo Shuting dismissed it.

"You have completed the task well, so you don't need to take the test, you can pass it directly."

"It's okay!"

Xie Tao exclaimed, and quickly thought about the next countermeasure.

At this moment, Lu Zhongxin's angry voice came from the corridor, "Where is my Agni Military Academy? Escort bureau? Anyone who comes here can take my students away to be bodyguards, so my Agni Military Academy doesn't need it." opened!"

exactly! Xie Tao shouted wildly in his heart, with this momentum and attitude, Lu Zhongxin's image has never been so tall, and his voice has never been so beautiful.

Lu Zhongxin had a sullen face and walked in without even knocking on the door. Xie Tao looked happy and ran behind him.

"Instructor Lu, you're right. I'm a student of the Agni Army Academy. I've learned how to protect the country and protect the land for the people. How can I be a bodyguard for someone? This isn't..."

"you shut up!"

Lu Zhongxin's attitude changed drastically after he saw the people in the office, and he gave Xie Tao a hard look. He walked up to Qu Manting, stared at her with surprise in his eyes, "You are?"

Qu Manting was also very confused by Lu Zhongxin's turning point, so she didn't say anything for a while.

Guo Shuting took the words: "Qu Hongchang's daughter, Qu Manting."

"how old are you?"

"twenty one."

"Twenty-one, twenty-one, yes, that's the age."

What are you doing? Xie Tao actually saw tears in Lu Zhongxin's eyes, isn't it a ghost

Lu Zhongxin's voice was softer than ever before, and he asked Qu Manting, "What are you doing here?"

Qu Manting didn't know much about Lu Zhongxin, but he seemed to be the one who talked the talk in the Agni Army Academy. She blinked and said, "Recently, I suspect that someone is following me, and I want to find a bodyguard."

Suspect? Xie Tao thought to himself, he dared to come to the bodyguard just because he was suspicious, and see if Lu Zhongxin didn't scold you like hell!

Unexpectedly, Lu Zhongxin cleared his throat and asked in his soft and greasy voice: "Is one enough? I have a lot of students. I will pick a few more for you. I will take turns guarding you during the day and night to ensure your safety." .”

Xie Tao feels that surprise can no longer be used to describe it, it should be panic!

Qu Manting shook her head quickly, and Xie Tao shook her head too. Lu Zhongxin didn't ask the two of them for their opinions at all, and directly discussed with Guo Shuting, "Talk about this to the people in the police department."

It was rare for Guo Shuting to cooperate, "It's time to talk about it."

Lu Zhongxin said again, "I should tell Lao Wang and tell them to send some people to investigate. It is always a bad idea to blindly defend passively without finding out the source."

Guo Shuting narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Yes, we can also take an action on this matter, and consider it as an experience."

These two people were probably drugged by Qu Manting.

Qu Manting proudly raised her eyebrows at Xie Tao with her beautiful face, which was disastrous to the country and the people. She got the assurance of the two instructors, and she didn't care about anything else. She pulled Xie Tao and walked outside. When she reached the door, she turned her head Say to the two people who are still discussing in the room: "Thank you Director Guo and Director Lu, we will leave first."

Just leave

Xie Tao clung to the door frame tightly and didn't let go, with a mournful face, "Instructor, when can I come back?"

Lu Zhongxin said earnestly, "Miss Qu thinks you can come back whenever you can."

Xie Tao wanted to cry, but Guo Shuting and Lu Zhongxin smiled and looked at them lovingly, until they were sent out of the office building, they were still looking down from the window, just like an old father sending his daughter off.

It's just that Qu Manting is a daughter, but she is the hostage kidnapped by her daughter. No one loves her, she has no human rights and no freedom.

Xie Tao seriously suspected that they had accepted Qu Manting's bribe, but in front of Qu Manting, it was impossible to ask this question. Qu Manting seemed to be in a good mood after getting a free bodyguard. She didn't make things difficult for Xie Tao today, and asked her to go back to rest for a day and go back to work tomorrow.

Xie Tao walked back to the dormitory angrily, and ran into Shen Junshan who was going to fetch water in front of the door. He was obviously taken aback when he saw Xie Tao, as if he was taken aback, and then pointed to the kettle in embarrassment , "Well... I'm going to fetch water."

Xie Tao was unaware of his strange attitude, "Then wait for me, and I will go too."

Shen Junshan's complexion changed suddenly, and he turned around and went back to the dormitory: "Well, I remembered that I have other things to do, so I'll go later."

He walked fast, the dormitory door closed with a bang, Xie Tao was stunned on the spot in surprise, was Shen Junshan avoiding her just now? Turning his head, the door of his dormitory was open, Gu Yan frame leaned against the door, smiling at her while eating melon seeds.

Even if he is eating melon seeds, he can still look like a romantic young man. Xie Tao looked at him for a while, and the two looked at each other. Gu Yan framed the melon seeds in his hand, clapped his hands, and narrowed his eyes in satisfaction.

This seemed to be a gesture of watching a good show. Xie Tao was very puzzled and stared at him, "What are you laughing at?"

Unexpectedly, Gu Yan framed her laughter even more exaggeratedly, her laughter was piercing, and she went back to the house clutching her stomach "hahaha".

Simply inexplicable! Xie Tao kicked the door panel of the dormitory, today both of them are sick!

"Don't kick the door so hard, your feet will hurt when you look back." Gu Yan's voice was faint: "You have to know that everything I do is for your own good."

Xie Tao loosened his clenched lips and teeth slightly, and instantly understood that this Gu Yan frame must be what he said in front of Shen Junshan behind his back, and it was probably not a good thing.

Does it mean that she sleeps and talks in her sleep, or that she doesn't like to wash her hair? Xie Tao rushed into the dormitory, flung his teeth and claws towards Gu Yan frame.

Last night, I lost sleep thinking about things. This morning, Qu Manting started calling her name downstairs in the dormitory. Xie Tao scratched her hair, rinsed her mouth and washed her face in a hurry, and went downstairs quickly. If you keep shouting, you will become famous.

When she went downstairs, she saw with a delicate mood that Qu Manting was chatting with Jin Xianrong.

Qu Manting was wearing a neat trouser suit, but Jin Xianrong was wearing a goose yellow foreign dress. This appearance was nothing like the half-gloom I saw in the palace that day. It is true that people cannot be judged by appearances, and sea water cannot be measured.

Xie Tao bit the bullet and walked over to say hello: "Miss Jin Xianrong is here too, are you looking for Junshan? I saw him go upstairs just now."

"Yeah, I'm going to find him right now, you guys talk slowly." Jin Xianrong showed her small white teeth, smiled at Qu Manting, turned and left.

Seeing Jin Xianrong enter the door of the dormitory, Qu Manting pulled Xie Tao over: "What did you say her name was?"

"Jin Xianrong." Xie Tao was a little confused, why did Qu Manting ask such a question.

"Are you sure your surname is Jin? It's not... Oda Xianrong."

"What?" Xie Tao was taken aback, Oda, with a Japanese surname, isn't she the daughter of King Rong? Why did the surname go to Oda again

Seeing her expression, Qu Manting wanted to show off, and said mysteriously, "Let me tell you, this was said in Palimo by a senior official of the city hall who was drunk the day before yesterday."

She intended to show off, and she had to wait for Xie Tao to stare at her before continuing to say: "The senior official said that the Gege who delivered the coffin to Prince Rong's Mansion a few days ago was lost by the chairman of the Japanese Chamber of Commerce, Oda. Xiuxing picked her up, and he even adopted her as his adoptive daughter to manage the Japanese Chamber of Commerce on his behalf!"

Xie Tao was startled, and was shivered by the cold wind. Qu Manting was careless, her voice didn't know how to restrain herself, and she continued: "That's not all, people in Shunyuan City only know the other things that happened that day. I didn’t know anything else, someone delivered the coffin in the front yard that day, and a group of people broke in from the back yard, and they chopped up anyone they saw. I almost died! I heard them say that Miss Xianrong seems to be their leader!"

When this matter was mentioned, she felt a little bitter, and obviously she was very annoyed when she thought about it.

Xie Tao was about to run towards the dormitory, "I'm going to tell Shen Junshan that I'm afraid that woman will be bad for him."

Qu Manting grabbed Xie Tao's wrist and pulled her into the car, "Don't worry about it, when you were at the seaside, look at that woman's love for Shen Junshan like the sea, how could she hurt him? Take care of your own affairs first, yes, you have to protect my safety, I am not in a good condition now."

Xie Tao was about to say something, but suddenly caught a glimpse of light yellow flashing past the gate, the figure looked very familiar, her heart moved, she stopped talking immediately, and followed Qu Manting into the car.

The car stopped at the Baiyun Racecourse in the outskirts, Xie Tao was thinking all the way, and let Qu Manting pull her out of the car.

In the distance, a thin woman in riding clothes was sitting under a tree. When she saw them coming, she immediately stood up and waved. Qu Manting excitedly pulled Xie Tao and ran over, and gave them a brief introduction. He only said that the woman was Zhao Qianqian, and the two chatted enthusiastically. Xie Tao was left alone, looking at the scenery boredly.

The racecourse is very lively. It is obvious that some event is being held. The people gathered here are all the ladies and gentlemen of Shunyuan City. Some ladies are wearing horse riding clothes and riding horses in the racecourse, while others gather together in twos and threes under the shade of the trees. picnic.

If it was Huang Song who was here now, he would definitely see it straight. He has always said that he wants to marry a gentle and graceful woman, and he wants to get married and start a family every day.

This kid, I don't know what's going on, he yearns for home so much.

Xie Tao paced back and forth with his hands behind his back, making a manly appearance to observe them, and then thought of Gu Yan frame, by the way, didn't that guy say that many girls jumped into his arms? Fortunately, he was the one who came here today, otherwise he would have broken the hearts of many young girls with his temperament.

The girl's screams suddenly sounded, and a horse rushed over recklessly. The girl on the horse had a ponytail, a neat riding outfit, and was in a panic. Her horse seemed to be frightened. The hooves came, those noble ladies They ran away screaming.

Xie Tao snorted coldly, ran over a few steps, jumped on the horseback, and reached out to stabilize her body.

"Stop barking!"

Had a headache from the screams, Xie Tao yelled sternly, the woman in front of him really shut up, Xie Tao put his arms around her waist with one hand, held the rein tightly with the other hand, the horse stood up, After a hiss, it finally stopped.

Xie Tao helped the woman off the horse, and the ladies gathered around to ask for concern. Zhao Qianqian came over and poked the woman's head with her finger: "Qiqi, what did you do? If it weren't for this gentleman, you would have been miserable !"

Period? Which period? It couldn't be Gu Qiqi who was almost drowned by Li Wenzhong last time!

"Thank you..." Gu Qiqi looked up at Xie Tao for a moment, then said, "Sir."

Xie Tao smiled awkwardly. Gu Qiqi was smart and pretended not to know her, which made her secretly relieved.

Lively and lovely, smart and generous, this is what Miss Qianjin should look like.

Qu Manting clapped her hands, and the ladies around her suddenly fell silent. She cleared her throat and said, "Come on, let me introduce to you grandly. This is my good friend, a top student from the Agni Army Academy, from Xie Liangchen from Peking! Most importantly, he is single!"

What, what

Xie Tao felt that his ears were ringing, and the back of his head was numb when facing the enthusiastic, adoring, or scrutinizing eyes of many girls.

So it turned out that Qu Manting had tried her best to transfer herself out of the Agni Army Academy just to let her go on a blind date? Seeing the commotion of the crowd, Xie Tao knew that he couldn't stand here as a target, so he backed away silently, backed up again and again, until he stood alone under the shade of a tree, holding his breath and enduring the gazes of many young ladies from time to time.

Gu Qiqi came over with two skewers of barbecue, and handed one of them to Xie Tao. Xie Tao took it and took a big bite. Take it out on the skewers.

Sitting next to her, Gu Qiqi said gratefully, "Today you saved me again, and last time, I owe you two lives. Whatever you want, I will repay you!"

Her big eyes blinked and blinked, a pair of bright pupils seemed to be filled with stars, and seemed to overlap with someone's image.

"No need." Xie Tao felt good for her and shook his head.

"Okay." Gu Qiqi felt a little disappointed, lowered his head and thought for a while, then became happy again: "Well, if you need anything in the future, you can tell my brother, and then let my brother go home and tell me."

"Your brother?" Xie Tao turned his head in surprise, and suddenly had an ominous premonition: "Is your brother also from the Agni Military Academy?"

Gu Qiqi looked proud, his eyes sparkled, "Yes, you should know him, his name is Gu Yanjiao!"