Arsenal Military Academy

Chapter 58: Shen Junshan was attacked


"What's wrong with you today? I haven't seen you protecting Gu Yan's frame like this before."

After tidying up the wrinkled clothes, Xie Tao said indignantly: "I'm not protecting him, I just can't understand their behavior, so let them talk about it, the Japanese chamber of commerce is only one meal away from our school You are so patriotic, carrying dynamite to blow it up, you know you are talking about others behind your back, a bunch of snobs!"

Huang Song nodded desperately, and agreed very much: "You are right, sooner or later you will have a chance to teach them a lesson."

As if he had found a vent, Xie Tao read all these unhappiness to Huang Song.

As she talked, she was also saddened, there has been a lot of turmoil in Beiping recently, if the 21 Articles were really signed, everyone would want to know the position of Gu Yanjiao's family.

She is not deaf, because of the 21, now some of her classmates are calling Gu Yanxiang's father, Gu Zongtang, a traitor behind her back.

Xie Tao's nagging couldn't finish.

Huang Song was found out, the person who was looking for him was dressed as a middle school student, Huang Song followed him and left. After leaving, I didn't come back all afternoon, and I even skipped class.

It is almost impossible for Huang Song to skip class. Xie Tao guessed that he probably encountered trouble.

How can we ignore the students' difficulties, Xie Tao found Huang Song at night, Huang Song, who is usually careless, the first thing he said was to borrow money from Xie Tao, the amount was not small, and he refused to say what happened. Xie Tao didn't have that much money at hand, so he had to go to Shannan Tavern to find Tan Xiaojun, and the two of them should be enough together.

In the tavern, Tan Xiaojun was chatting with a handsome guy, and was a little unhappy when Xie Tao called him out. She didn't have a lot of money, and she was afraid that Xie Tao would be cheated. She asked all kinds of questions about the use of the money. Of course, Xie Tao couldn't answer, and Huang Song couldn't survive. She didn't have the nerve to ask, so she had to answer, "I I don’t know, I borrowed it for Xiaosong.”

Let alone Tan Xiaojun didn't believe this answer, she didn't even believe it herself.

Huang Song has always been frugal, and the money he borrowed now is more than ten times more than his living expenses in the year since he entered the Agni Military Academy. It doesn't seem like something he can do at all.

Tan Xiaojun finally gave the money to Xie Tao, and said with a worried face: "Smoking opium is really bad for your health, if you can quit, just quit."

Xie Tao poked her head and couldn't help laughing.

Walking on the street, Xie Tao wrapped his coat tightly, the cold wind blew past, the trees beside the street rustled, his cheeks were a little wet, Xie Tao raised his head, only to find that there were snowflakes floating in the air.

In the dark and boundless night sky, dots of silver and white fell, and the dark red brick road under the feet was soon covered with falling snow.

Xie Tao rubbed his arms, and walked towards the Agni Army Academy step by step.

When I came out, I was anxious, my mind was full of thoughts about Huang Song, and I didn't pay attention to the surrounding scenery. Now that I got the money, I have the time to look carefully, but it’s okay if I don’t look at it, I feel a little flustered when I look at it. The surrounding street lights seem to be in disrepair for a long time, flickering on and off, making a buzzing sound . The cold wind howled past, mixed with the sound of fighting with daggers striking, it seemed like the sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling.

Xie Tao quickened his pace, then stopped suddenly, and looked in the direction of the fighting sound.

The entrance of the alley was pitch-black, with only the sound of cold clashing iron objects.

Do you want to go there? Who knows who is drunk and playing crazy, she couldn't persuade them in the past, the only solution is to knock them all down.

Xie Tao instinctively doesn't want to cause trouble, she has enough troubles on herself, so she can't care about others.

She hesitated again and again, as a military student, she really couldn't sit idly by. When she walked into the alley, she shook her head, feeling that she was too kind, and this was very bad.

Just like now, I thought it was a fight between drunkards, but who knew that there were warm corpses in front of my eyes, and the scorching blood flowed down and melted the thin snow on the ground.

Xie Tao almost let out a scream. Looking up again, Shen Junshan was holding a dagger and standing in the center of the pool of blood. He was seriously injured, and the blood gushed out from his chest and abdomen, winding all the way to his feet.

Five men in black fell around him, and they fought to the last moment with one enemy and five.

Xie Tao saw him sitting upright in class in the morning, but he didn't expect something to happen. Shen Junshan also saw Xie Tao, he took a step towards her, swayed, and fell to the ground.

Xie Tao's hands and feet were trembling, and he rushed over, Shen Junshan was like a bloody man, with such a serious injury, can he still survive? She tore off the cloth and wrapped it tightly around his wound.

Shen Junshan opened his eyes and looked at her dizzily.

I only heard Xie Tao say: "Hold on, I'll take you to the hospital right away."

He was drowsy, his hands and feet were weak, he heard himself panting heavily, and let her carry him on his back.

Xie Tao staggered and carried him all the way to the hospital.

On the silent street, Xie Tao's murmured whispers sounded, with a crying voice.

She was very scared, she couldn't be by Xie Liangchen's side when his accident happened, and now that something happened to Shen Junshan, she couldn't allow the same thing to happen to Shen Junshan.

I don't know how she got to the hospital. Fortunately, she has been trained in school. Even so, her legs and feet are so tired.

Shen Junshan was escorted into the emergency room by the medical staff, and a doctor came out, "The dean took several attending doctors to Beiping for a meeting. In Shunyuan, there is only one person named Chang Chuan Koji who can perform this kind of operation." Doctor, but..."

Xie Tao ran out of the hospital before he finished speaking, the doctor shook his head, the young man was impulsive, Nagakawa Koji is a Japanese, how could he be invited here casually.

In the dark night, the wind and snow blow on the face, and the wind is biting.

The iron gate of the Japanese Chamber of Commerce has been newly rolled black several times, and it is as deep as a bottomless well.

This place is basically a forbidden zone. Just looking at the heavily armed Japanese soldiers guarding the area, one can tell that this place is a dragon's pool and a tiger's den. How can ordinary people dare to inquire about it at will.

Xie Tao kicked open the door, and rushed in so grandly.

The officer on duty was woken up by her actions, and immediately rushed over to block the door, Xie Tao lifted his foot and kicked him aside.

The guards of the chamber of commerce came and surrounded Xie Tao. Xie Tao looked at the crowd around him, pulled out his gun, fired two shots at the ceiling, and then pointed forward and shouted.

"Jin Xianrong! Come out!"

People around her were pointing guns at her, as if they were looking at a fool, the dignified president's daughter, who would be called out in the middle of the night

But I have to admit that her commotion made a lot of noise. Jin Xianrong heard the commotion on the second floor, and she really came out with a few subordinates. Seeing that it was Xie Tao, she squinted her eyes and looked down at her.

"Xie classmate, you just broke in like this, aren't you afraid you won't be able to get out?"

Time was urgent, Xie Tao didn't want to talk nonsense with her, so he asked straightforwardly, "Did you send the person who assassinated Shen Junshan?"

The smile on Jin Xianrong's face disappeared instantly, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes, but he quickly calmed down again, "How is he?"

The subconscious reaction is often the most real. It seems that the person was not sent by Jin Xianrong. Xie Tao gritted his teeth and stared at her, "He was stabbed twice in the back and once in the lower abdomen in the municipal hospital. For surgery, a doctor named Nagakawa Koji is needed."

Jin Xianrong turned pale when she heard the news, she hurriedly walked, and repeatedly ordered her men to pick up Chang Chuan Koji, and rushed to the hospital with Xie Tao.

Jin Xianrong's subordinates moved very quickly. Xie Tao had just entered the hospital, and Chang Chuan Koji was ready to enter the operating room. The light in front of the door was on for a long time. Xie Tao was guarding the door, while Jin Xianrong was sitting beside her, her eyes just staring at the door.

After a long time, the lights dimmed.

The door of the operating room was pushed open, and Chang Chuan Koji and Dr. Liu came out together. Xie Tao hurriedly went up to ask about the situation. After getting an affirmative answer, Xie Tao finally breathed a sigh of relief, his tense nerves relaxed, and his fatigue felt like It was like a tide coming up, she swayed, and quickly stretched out her hand to support the wall.

Jin Xianrong wanted to go in to check on Shen Junshan's injuries, but was stopped by the guards of Shen Junshan's house, and the two sides were at a stalemate at the door.

"Let her in, she won't hurt Shen Junshan."

With Xie Tao's voice, although the guards were unwilling, they still put down their guns. This young lady is their young master's savior, so what she said, she naturally wanted to save face.

Jin Xianrong didn't stay longer, but walked out of the room in two minutes, Xie Tao leaned against the door, "Miss Xianrong, thank you for today."

Jin Xianrong frowned upon hearing the words, turned around and looked at Xie Tao, with a slightly excited expression, "Why do you thank me, who are you?"

"I am his classmate and his friend."

Jin Xianrong's expression was very bad. She used to think that she was Shen Junshan's friend and his confidant, but when it comes to the issue of position, the so-called friendship is nothing.

That day at the Japanese Chamber of Commerce, when Shen Junshan saw her in a kimono, he had already made a decision, no matter how much she pleaded, he would ignore it.

The answer is never to see each other again, Jin Xianrong laughed at himself, when did Shen Junshan's friend become someone else.

After the scene of gratitude is over, it's time to settle the grievances.

Xie Tao didn't intend to save face for her, "I have something to ask you, did you do the thing about the Japanese students studying in Beiping? It was you who sold labor, snatched the gold seal, and killed the hunter on the mountain. Instructed."

Jin Xianrong stared at Xie Tao for a long time, then suddenly laughed.

"Yes, I did it." She raised her thin eyebrows provocatively, "But, what can you do?"

"You will pay the price."

Xie Zhen stared at her with firm eyes. She will definitely give them an explanation for the eleven corpses buried under the heavy snow in the suburbs of Beiping, and the new grave in the barren hills.