Arsenal Military Academy

Chapter 63: The Ponderosa Secret


There are too many gossips, and Xie Tao has no energy to deal with it. Fortunately, he will be preparing for the exam in a few days, and the students gradually have less time to pay attention to gossip, and instead focus most of their energy on their studies.

The exam is not scary, but Lu Zhongxin's invigilator is scary. Even Huang Song has already come over to borrow notes from Xie Tao.

This made Xie Tao difficult. Yesterday Shen Junshan went back to school and borrowed notes from himself, and he had agreed to give them to him today.

Xie Tao couldn't break his promise, Huang Song returned angrily, and Gu Yan frame followed with a look of displeasure, as if he was the one who didn't borrow the notes, "Hey! When did you meet Shen Junshan yesterday, why didn't I know?"

Xie Tao rolled his eyes at him, didn't bother to pay attention to his sudden temper, turned and went into the bathroom.

When the laundry is finished, the sun will never set, lingering on the top of the mountain, reflecting the sky by the mountain into a bright red. Soon, that piece of warm red burned with a destructive momentum, and the sky above the burning head also turned into a gorgeous red.

Xie Tao put down the basin, and carefully placed the sheet in his hand on the clothesline.

The breeze blew, the sheets fluttered with the wind, and the broken hair on Xie Tao's forehead was also blown up. A paper airplane flew over staggeringly along the breeze. Xie Tao stretched out his hand to grab it, but it was in vain. When he looked up, the sky was full of paper airplanes, and the pure white was dotted in the red clouds all over the sky, flying with the wind.

Looking in the direction of the plane, Gu Yanjiao was sitting on the window sill of the dormitory building, throwing down one by one, Xie Tao looked at him for a while, put his hands around his mouth and shouted loudly: "Hey! Gu Yanframe! What are you doing?"

Gu Yan framed and smiled at her, her eyes were surprisingly bright.

"Does it look good?"


"Like it?"


"Next!" Gu Yan stood up and threw the last paper plane to Xie Tao. Xie Tao hurriedly chased it. This time she was lucky and caught the paper plane.

The plane was stacked very well, and she caught it after circling a few times in the sky, and it flew at a good angle. Although she felt a little childish, Xie Tao was very happy when she caught the plane. She excitedly held up the small plane and waved it at Gu Yan frame.

With a glance, he saw handwriting on the corner of the plane. Xie Tao was taken aback, and quickly opened the plane. On the white paper, there were densely written words. It was a delicate hand-painted lower regular script.

The corners of Xie Tao's raised mouth suddenly closed, and his face became livid.

These planes are all the notes she painstakingly copied!

"My notes!" Xie Tao shouted angrily, "Gu Yan frame! You bastard! You are dead!"

Gu Yan frame quickly retracted the window, Xie Tao wanted to rush up, but he had notes in his heart, so he could only suppress his anger, picked up the notes folded into paper airplanes one by one, laid them out carefully, and bound them into a pile.

In order to prevent things from changing, she finished the notes and sent them to Shen Junshan non-stop.

Standing in front of the dormitory door, Xie Tao tightened his shoelaces and moved his wrist, ready for all battles, but was stunned the moment he opened the dormitory door.

The dormitory was pitch black, and there was no one there, where did Gu Yan frame go

Was it because he was afraid of being beaten that he slipped away early? Does she hit her so hard every time? Since Gu Yanjiao is afraid of pain, why would she dare to tear up her notes? If she has the guts to do it but not the guts to suffer the consequences

Xie Tao leaned against the head of the bed, staring at the door closely, waiting for Gu Yan to come back and beat him up, but when his consciousness became blurred and his eyes were too sleepy to open, he still couldn't be seen.

While half asleep and half awake, someone poked her face, Xie Tao struggled to raise her eyelids, Gu Yan framed her face seriously and squatted in front of her, before she got angry, she said: "Don't talk, come with me!"

He rarely showed such a serious expression, no matter when and where he looked at himself, his eyes seemed to be smiling, Xie Tao's heart tightened, he had already held his hand, got up from the bed and followed him outside .

In the silent corridor, Zhu Yanlin was waiting anxiously. He was taken aback when he saw the two holding hands, and then gestured for them to follow.

Keep up, keep up with who

Xie Tao's eyes were sharp, and he immediately noticed that in the dark campus, there was a figure sneaking out of the school gate in front of him.

Xie Tao turned her head and looked at Gu Yanzhu, who shook her head at her and said softly, "You will know in a while."

Following all the way, Xie Tao didn't see the figure of the man until he reached the brightly lit place on the long street, it was Huang Song.

Well, when did this guy get so courageous, he slipped out of the school in the middle of the night, and he would be punished if he was discovered. Moreover, he behaved strangely these days, everyone must have noticed the abnormality, but he himself thought that the secrecy work was flawless.

Huang Song walked quickly, turned a corner behind a dark street, and walked into a room. Xie Tao looked up, and there were three large characters written on the plaque in front of the door: "Double Beast Hall".

Gu Yan framed her hand and tightened it, several people looked at each other, they were all in disbelief, Huang Song came to punch

In order to find out the truth, they also pretended to be nonchalant and followed into the house.

The hall is a quiet and elegant meeting place, with sofas, benches, refreshments and fruit plates. Walking to the depths of the corridor, the shouts of the crowd became more and more intense. Following the sound, several people walked into the basement.

The lights on the roof illuminated the basement very brightly. A huge arena was placed in the center, surrounded by crowds of spectators, who could hear endless cheers and shouts of excitement.

A few people approached the ring, Xie Tao saw the appearance of the two boxers on the ring, and he let go of his hanging heart. Fortunately, it was not Huang Song. Black boxing was strictly prohibited by the Agni Military Academy. If found, even Expulsions are light.

A waiter walked up to several people with a tray and asked, "Customer, have you placed your bet?"

Gu Yan framed his usual son-in-law, but this meeting was very useful. He propped his elbow, with an impatient expression on his face, "This round is almost over, it's not interesting, is there more tonight?"

"Yes." The waiter said respectfully, "Cricket Huang vs. Iron Tower, the next game will be."

"Okay, then I'll buy cricket yellow to win."

Gu Yan threw the money into the tray, and the waiter immediately handed over a few tickets.

Xie Tao felt weird when he heard the name, stretched out his hand and tugged at the corner of Gu Yanzhu's clothes, and asked softly, "Cricket Huang, is it Xiaosong?"

"Just look at it." Gu Yan frame sighed.

The complexions of several people are not very good. If it is really Huang Song, it will be troublesome.

There were cheers in the arena, the winner had been decided, two boxers stepped off the stage, and two new boxers came on stage.

The referee raised their hands and shouted loudly, "This time, Cricket Huang, yes, the iron tower!"

When the gong sounded, the cheers of the audience also sounded, but Xie Tao's heart sank. It turned out to be Huang Song! She wanted to jump up to stop her, but Zhu Yanlin grabbed her shoulders, "Wait until he finishes this fight."

Gu Yan frame reached out and pushed Zhu Yanlin's palm away, Zhu Yanlin quickly withdrew his hand and made a helpless expression.

Xie Tao didn't pay attention to the small movements between them, and focused on the boxing ring.

Huang Song deserves to be trained hard in the military academy. He has worked hard all these years and has been among the best in various classes. Although his opponent is not easy, this is Huang Song. He punched the opponent's boxer in the stomach , the winner is immediately determined.

The game was beautiful, the referee raised Huang Song's hand, and the audience cheered. Seeing that Huang Song was still smiling, Gu Yanxiang tore up the ticket in his hand, threw it on the ground, and left the boxing ring with Xie Tao and Zhu Yanlin.

They blocked Ponderosa in the break room, threatening him to make things clear.

The situation is more serious than everyone thought. At first, I thought that Huang Song needed living expenses to fight black boxing, but I didn't expect that Huang He had an accident and went to prison. The environment in the prison was dark and humid, Huang He fell seriously ill, and Huang Song rushed to the doctor in order to beg the guards in the cell. Somehow, he met Boss Mu of the boxing ring and asked him to borrow money. At the same time, he signed a contract to fight for the boxing ring two years.

Two years, not to mention whether he will be discovered by the military academy, this body alone may not be able to last two years.

Everyone had no good idea, several people discussed for a while, and Gu Yan frame took Huang Song to see Boss Mu, intending to use money to suppress this matter.

Xie Tao was quietly waiting for the news in the dormitory. Since Gu Yanframe was willing to help, there shouldn't be any mistakes.

It's a pity that Xie Tao was wrong. The boss of Dou Beast Hall is stubborn, and he refuses to let Huang Song, a cash cow, just like this.

"Everything has to be done according to the rules. If you want to leave, you have to win the Life and Death Fist."

These were Boss Mu's original words. Gu Yanjiao wanted to continue to put pressure on him, but Huang Song responded without hesitation. One was that he didn't want to cause trouble for Gu Yanframe, and the other was that he didn't want to embarrass Boss Mu. The parties have already said so, and there is no room for change in this matter.

Up to now, Xie Tao can't bear to blame Huang Song anymore, Huang He is patriotic and passionate, but he went to jail because of this, Huang Song was confused for saving his brother, after all, she blamed herself, if it wasn't for She forgot to lend the money to Huang Song in time...

Xie Tao wants to do something for Huang Song, but what she and Gu Yan can do for him now is to train with him.

Shen Junshan heard about this from Zhu Yanlin, and dragged Ji Jin to join in, and offered to help formulate the training plan.

Xie Tao was very relieved that Shen Junshan finally stopped avoiding her like a snake and scorpion, but his attitude was still a little strange. Since he came back last time, Shen Junshan seemed to be a different person, not so cold, and even a little too good, maybe his heart knot was healed.

There are people in the Agni Military Academy who are training continuously during the day and night. Among these people, the Huang Songs are obviously the hardest. No matter it is windy or rainy, they will go to the training venue to practice together every day. The word "Life and Death Fist" sounds oppressive. No matter what, they have tried their best.

The days passed day by day, and soon the game date was approaching.

In the past few days, everyone's nerves have become tense, and they have worked even more overtime in training, especially Huang Song, who hardly rests and spends all his time on training.

We had a discussion the day before the competition and decided to take a good rest for a day and get enough energy for tomorrow.

After finally having some free time, Xie Taowo felt a little bored in the dormitory. Gu Yan went to the Dou Beast Hall, not knowing what he was planning. When he left, even the air became quiet, looking for a quarrel No one spoke.

Someone knocked on the door, and the corners of Xie Tao's mouth twitched. It should be that Gu Yan came back. She jumped up and down to open the door. What she saw at a glance was not the smiling face she imagined, but Shen Junshan, who was dressed neatly.

"Jun Shan, are you okay?" Xie Tao quickly adjusted his expression.

"Xie Liangchen." Shen Junshan paused every word, and it became very strange to say the good name from his mouth, "I have something to go out for, and if the instructor makes rounds, you can ask for a leave of absence for me."

"No problem." Seeing his serious expression, Xie Tao thought it was a big deal, but she didn't expect it to be such a small thing, so of course she agreed.

Shen Junshan stood still, "Aren't you going to ask me where I'm going?"

"Where are you going?" Xie Tao was confused by his sudden sentence, but he still asked in cooperation.

Shen Junshan suppressed the corners of his mouth that were about to turn up: "I'll go find Xie Xiang."

Thank you - incense!

Xie Tao seemed to have seen a ghost, and looked at him with trepidation in his heart, "Why are you looking for her?"

"I've heard that you have a twin sister. It's rare that I'm free today. I want to go see her." He looked at Xie Tao with a very natural expression, and even asked naturally: "Are you going?"

If Xie Tao is gone, there will be no Xie Xiang...

He dryly rejected him, and when Shen Junshan walked out of the dormitory, she had already turned around a hundred times on the spot.

Why did one or two of them target Xie Xiang, blame her, when she lied at first, she just wanted to divert attention, but now, it takes hundreds of lies to cover one lie.

In one go, Xie Tao took a shortcut and went to Xinhua Girls' School with his backpack on his back.

She walked quickly all the way, and after finding a place to change, Shen Junshan's car drove over before she could catch her breath.


He rolled down the window and greeted her.

Xie Tao tried hard to squeeze out a smile, thinking that this is considered to be a meeting, and he wanted to run on the excuse that he was going to the bookstore, but was dragged into the car by Shen Junshan in the name of going along the way.

His attitude was modest and polite, and he used the name of being Xie Liangchen's classmate. Xie Tao really couldn't find an excuse to refuse. Looking at Shen Junshan who was concentrating on driving beside him, Xie Tao's face was full of guilty conscience, and he worked hard. Desperately leaning towards the car door, as if staying away from him would make her feel less guilty.

The car didn't stop at the door of the bookstore, but went to the Shengping Theater. Xie Tao, who hadn't recovered from his senses, followed him in a trance.

It was always pitch black in the theater, only a faint beam of light shot from overhead, illuminating the path under their feet.

This... Xie Tao frowned, looked up at the suddenly brightened stage, the dancers on the stage stood in line, saw the two people coming, the music suddenly started, and the dancers started their performance.

This is the Russian Tulip Dance Troupe!

Sensing her changed expression, Shen Junshan dragged her to the first row and sat down.

Xie Zhen was trembling with excitement. The Tulip Dance Troupe is the dream of every ballet dancer. She only heard about this dance troupe from people. She really saw their performance. It was like a dream. Every move seemed to echo her, and she felt the enthusiasm for dancing still burning in her chest.

It had been a long time since she sat quietly and watched a performance. Xie Tao's body was tense, and her mind was also tense. Her eyes were firmly fixed on the dancers' every move, and she gradually forgot everything around her, Shen Junshan, and the theater with only two audiences.

Familiar dance music, extraordinary dance moves, perfect coordination, and well-tried movements.

And the brilliance in Xie Tao's eyes has never faded since the beginning of the performance, making her face glow brightly.

If she changed her identity and put on a dance skirt for her, she would surely have the same elegant appearance as a dancer on stage. As one of the only two audience members in the theater, Shen Junshan hardly put his eyes on the stage, but looked at Xie Tao from time to time, thinking deeply.

It wasn't until the end of the show that Xie Tao recovered from the dream.

It was only then that she remembered that she had just left Shen Junshan aside like this, without ever saying a word to him.

Shen Junshan didn't care about this, and said with a smile: "Seeing that you are so engrossed, I didn't dare to disturb you. Are you hungry, may I treat you to dinner?"

Where did Xie Tao dare to go? It was already an exception to watch the dance today. I was discovered by Gu Yan, and I don’t know what to do. If I go to eat again... Xie Tao shook his head, no! Absolutely not!

After several rounds of negotiation, Shen Junshan finally gave in and obediently sent her back to Xinhua Girls' School. There was no trace of dissatisfaction on his face, but he was quite refreshed.

There were people coming and going at the school gate, and Shen Junshan attracted a lot of attention as soon as he got out of the car, but he turned a blind eye to those gazes, and only saw the person in front of him, "I bought these cakes specially, you take them back and eat them."

After that, he stuffed several boxes of pastries into Xie Tao's arms without any explanation, as if he was afraid that she would refuse, he drove away quickly.

Xie Tao looked at his leaving back, and suddenly felt that these pastries weighed a thousand catties, making her breathless. As soon as he looked up, he saw Huang Song standing across the road with a bitter face. He was holding a bag of fruit in his hand and a bouquet of lilies in his arms. He was facing himself, but his eyes were empty. This man... is not at school. Rest, what are you doing here

Just as Xie Tao wanted to ask, a tram drove by, and there was no trace of the yellow pine on the street.