Arsenal Military Academy

Chapter 70: Xiaojun was robbed


The sun rises and the mist lifts.

Xie Tao wrapped his coat and walked on the road. The fire last night seemed like a dream, and it just dissipated with the ashes. Since then,

Shannan Tavern is just a piece of paradise that exists in memory.

The long street was deserted and deserted, and the occasional passers-by were all discussing the fire with their heads lowered in low voices, but the fire in their mouths had nothing to do with the Shannan Tavern—there was an explosion at the Lied Hotel in the city center last night In this case, several high-level personnel of the Japanese Chamber of Commerce and military personnel "coincidentally" discussed affairs in that hotel. The sudden explosion was tragic and the fire was fierce. Except for the chairman of the Japanese Chamber of Commerce, Oda Xianrong, no one on both sides survived.

This incident angered the upper echelons of the Japanese army. Lieutenant General Miyazawa sent additional manpower to the Japanese Chamber of Commerce, and the perpetrator must be caught.

Xie Tao guessed that Huo Xiaoyu was the only one who attacked Jin Xianrong at this time. A woman as affectionate and sexual as her would definitely not let Xiao Liu die in vain. Since she had already made up her mind to leave Shunyuan, she would definitely seek revenge from Jin Xianrong before she left. The plan was almost perfect, but for some reason, alone Only let Jin Xianrong escape.

What Xie Tao guessed, Jin Xianrong also guessed. In the next few days, the Japanese Chamber of Commerce sent out batch after batch to search for Huo Xiaoyu's whereabouts. But the Shannan Tavern has already been empty. What worries Xie Tao is that Tan Xiaojun, who used to work in the Shannan Tavern, may be targeted by the Japanese when Huo Xiaoyu leaves. She feels that it is necessary to remind Tan Xiaojun of the incident. The seriousness, let her make a plan early, it is best to leave Shunyuan.

"Sister! Do I have any grudge against you?"

Just listening to the quarrel behind him made Xie Tao wake up immediately.

Looking back, I saw Li Wenzhong standing in front of the flower shop with a livid face. The sky was clear, but the hair on his forehead was dripping water. When the cold wind in the morning blew, it must have been very cold. No wonder his face was so cold. so stinky.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." The proprietress of the flower shop, An Wen, apologized and took out a handkerchief to wipe it for him. Li Wenzhong waved her away with a look of disbelief.

Xie Zhen rolled her eyes and blocked An Wen's face. She raised her head and shouted at Li Wenzhong, "Hey! Talk is what you talk about, don't do anything!"

"Do it?" Li Wenzhong said angrily with a straight face, "How could I be with a girl... Forget it, you figure it out! It was her who made the first move and splashed water all over me, the second time! This is her Splash me for the second time!"

"The second time?" An Wen stood behind Xie Tao with a puzzled expression on her face, "I'm sorry sir, I don't remember."

Li Wenzhong still had a straight face, as if he still doubted the authenticity of her words. Xie Tao grabbed his collar, took him aside and whispered, "An Wen was injured when she was a child, and her brain was hit. She always forgets some things. Don't worry about her."

Xie Tao would come in occasionally when passing by a flower shop, and bought a few bouquets, and got to know An Wen acquaintedly, and also discovered that she often forgets things, and only later did she know the reason.

Hearing this, Li Wenzhong's expression softened. An Wen still looked at him apologetically. He reluctantly walked over to An Wen and said dryly, "Forget it this time. Next time, I'll hit you again." , I will really beat you!"

"I'm sorry..." An Wen apologized in a low voice, and then ran back to the flower shop. When she came out again, she had a bunch of daylilies in her hand, and she stuffed the daylilies into Li Wenzhong's arms, "Sir, this is for you, put it in the Just pour some water in the house, it’s easy to raise!”

Li Wenzhong took the daylilies, his face flushed slightly, this was the first time in his life that a girl gave him flowers.

An Wen took out a small notebook from her pocket and asked, "Sir, what's your name?"

Li Wenzhong looked at her warily, thinking that she was going to sue, "What are you doing?"

"I have a bad memory, so I have to write down important people and things. Next time I forget you, just remind me to read the notebook."

Li Wenzhong sighed inaudibly, and then took the notebook. The girl on the opposite side was looking at him carefully, with bright pupils and a beautiful face.

Li Wenzhong swayed, wrote a line and handed it to An Wen. Xie Tao secretly glanced at it, and it read: "Master Li Wenzhong, a very important person."

Xie Tao couldn't help snickering, never thought that Li Wenzhong, who was domineering and bad-tempered in school, would have such a pure and innocent side.

What is a very important person... Li Wenzhong is too narcissistic. Then again, he doesn't seem like someone who can buy flowers. He came here for no reason, and he was splashed by An Wen twice by such a coincidence. water.

Just about to make fun of Li Wenzhong, Tan Xiaojun happened to pass by here and called out to her.

"Good day!"

Xiaojun stood across the street and waved at her. She smiled with crooked eyebrows, her small oval face was buried in the scarf, she was standing on tiptoe, holding a cloth bag in her hand, she seemed to be going to school .

Xie Tao hurriedly greeted her. This is the only way to go from Tan Xiaojun's house to Xinhua Girls' School. Sure enough, it was not in vain for her to go out early in the morning, and she successfully blocked people.

Before the two could speak, a car drove over and stopped beside Tan Xiaojun.

Two tall men got out of the car, one of them covered Tan Xiaojun's mouth with a handkerchief, and the other grabbed her by the arm and forced her into the car.

"Little Jun!"

Xie Tao turned pale with shock, she did not expect Jin Xianrong to actually do it, and so urgently, so quickly. The car started quickly, bringing up dust all over the place, Xie Tao made a decisive decision, grabbed a bicycle and chased after it.

Li Wenzhong stood behind her and stared blankly. The change was so fast that he was so shocked that he couldn't even hold the daylilies in his hand.

The car was speeding all the way on the main road, and Xie Tao chased after him on a bicycle. Although the path is not easy to walk, the distance is fully twice as short as that of a car. Xie Tao rode his bike all the way up the steps and gradually overtook the car.

There is a downhill ahead, and at the end of the slope is the road, which is the only way for cars to pass. If you want to stop the car, this is the most suitable place.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the small cart parked on the side of the road, Xie Tao jumped off the bicycle, turned over to the side of the small cart, and pushed the cart down the slope. However, this was not enough, Xie Tao glanced at the stall, and picked up the butcher's knife on the case.

The small trolley wobbled over and collided with the car. The car dragged forward for a short distance and finally stopped. Xie Tao took the opportunity to throw the butcher's knife, the knife flew in through the open car window, and slashed fiercely on the arm of the man sitting in the co-pilot. In an instant, blood spurted from the car window, and screams followed.

The peddlers and butchers who were chasing after saw Xie Tao's vigor, and were frightened for a while and dared not chase again.

Another person in the car took out a gun and shot at Xie Tao one after another. Xie Tao, who was already close to the car, had to get out of the way and hide behind the room.

Seeing that the car was restarted and the opportunity she had so hard to get was lost, Xie Tao clenched her fists tightly. She was not reconciled and could only think of another way.

Throwing a handful of money to the two peddlers who suffered losses, Xie Tao climbed up the roof of the foreign firm along the ladder. When the car restarted and passed by the foreign firm, she jumped off the roof of the foreign firm and jumped to He got on the carriage next to the foreign firm, grabbed the reins and tentatively shouted "Drive!"

The horse rushed out, and Xie Tao followed in the carriage.

The car drove out of the city. Although it was not the first time for Xie Tao to ride a horse, it was really the first time to drive a horse-drawn carriage. Fortunately, driving a horse-drawn carriage was similar to riding a horse. She gradually mastered the trick and tried her best to run behind the car. After walking for a long time, the old horse had no strength and gradually slowed down. Looking from a distance, the shadow of the car was no longer visible, so Xie Tao had no choice but to rein in the car and get out of the car, following the tire marks on the dirt road.

She was very anxious, and if she knew about it, she would have informed Tan Xiaojun earlier. If something happened to Tan Xiaojun, how would she explain it to Xiaojun's parents.

A high wall in front appeared in the field of vision, and Xie Tao bowed his footsteps as he slowed down, and then simply lay down in the grass, carefully observing the heavily guarded building in front of him.

Judging from the tire traces, the car that kidnapped Tan Xiaojun should have driven in here, but the security here is heavily guarded and the high walls stand tall, so the situation inside cannot be seen clearly. But just looking at the guards with live ammunition outside the high wall, Xie Tao knew the danger, and he was afraid that he would be killed immediately as soon as he showed his face.

So she could only wait, calm down, and wait for an opportunity.

The sky was getting dark, and the spotlights inside the high wall had been turned on, turning around and shooting in the courtyard. The guards under the wall changed shifts and continued to patrol with guns.

A truck drove over, and Xie Tao, who was lying in the grass, finally moved. She knew that the opportunity had come.

The cat bent his back and jumped lightly. Xie Tao hid lightly under the truck. The truck drove into the courtyard, and the searchlights shot back and forth, sweeping towards the truck where Xie Tao was hiding. The rope, the whole body stuck to the side of the car, the spotlight swept across the truck, Xie Tao's palms were sweating nervously, his hands became looser and looser, and his body kept sliding.

Can't let go... She gritted her teeth tightly, now she is Tan Xiaojun's only hope, even if she tries her best, she must rescue Xiaojun.

Arms were tense, Xie Tao felt that his hand was sore and limp, the searchlight turned back slowly, Xie Tao walked along the carriage, and turned back to the bottom of the car again.

The truck stopped and turned off in front of the building, the tarpaulin behind the carriage was lifted, and the Japanese soldiers pulled a teenager out of the car.

The young man was dragged forward, maybe the rope loosened after struggling for a long time, he suddenly turned and ran, but was hit in the head by a Japanese officer with the butt of a gun.

There was a pain in his neck, and his head became dizzy. The boy immediately lost his legs and fell to the ground.

He collapsed on the ground, opened his eyes and saw Xie Tao who was lying under the car, similarly, Xie Tao also saw the young man clearly.

The boy was thin and small, he looked only fifteen or sixteen years old, his clothes had been stained with blood and mud so that he couldn't see the original color, his jet-black pupils were looking at the bottom of the car in surprise, wondering if he was hallucinating.

Xie Tao shook his head nervously, signaling him not to make a sound. The boy got the instruction and gradually calmed down.

"Help me!" His lips moved, and he begged Xie Tao silently.

Soon, he was erected again by Japanese soldiers and dragged into the building.

Xie Tao didn't get out from under the car until the group of people could no longer be seen. She crouched beside the car and looked around cautiously.

There is only one building here, but there are many guard posts beside it. The soldiers are quiet and orderly, and they move quickly.

This reminded Xie Tao of what Lu Zhongxin once said, that the Japanese military had set up an intelligence office in Shunyuan, which was responsible for arresting important personnel in order to obtain information.

Thinking of this, Xie Tao's gaze gradually became sharper. She knew a little about the means of the Intelligence Department. If Xiao Jun was caught... Xie Tao shook his head, suppressing his fear in his heart.

Xie Tao leaned against the wall, avoiding patrols and guards, and hid at the corner of the building. The searchlight flashed by, Xie Tao quickly backed away, but kicked a basin under his feet. When he looked down, it was actually a dog food bowl.

A several-month-old wolf dog was close at hand, staring fiercely at him. Xie Tao quickly pulled out his belt, put it around the wolf dog's neck, twisted it suddenly, and the wolf dog died.

But even at this speed, the wolfhound let out a brief howl.

The patrolling guards were attracted by the howling, and the footsteps were getting closer. Xie Tao calmly stuffed the wolf dog into the den, put it in a sleeping position, and shrank into the drain.

The guards stopped in front of the kennel. They didn't notice anything unusual, checked left and right, and left in a neat step.

Xie Tao got out of the gutter just now, and just took two steps, the shoes made the sound of water splashing, the water in the gutter was not too shallow, and she only hid for a short while, her whole body was shaking dripping water...

Xie Tao secretly said that it was unlucky, so he had to take off his coat and shoes, and stuffed them into the drain. She had already figured out the next route, barefoot, wearing close-fitting clothes, just like this, against the night wind, climbed up the wall ladder to the top of the building.

Opening the small door on the roof, Xie Tao entered the building. The environment inside the building was dark and filled with a pungent smell of blood, no matter from which angle you looked at it, there was a strange aura. She walked and dodged cautiously, and realized that she couldn't move in this outfit, so she found the right time to knock out a staff member who was going to the toilet, and changed into her uniform.