Arsenal Military Academy

Chapter 76: Pain the killer


As the New Year approaches, every house is decorated with lanterns and festoons, pedestrians come and go in a hurry, and there is a festive atmosphere everywhere.

But Xie Tao couldn't be happy in his heart. During this period of time, accidents followed one after another. First, the two professors Chen and Wu were assassinated many times, and then the factory was bombed, causing casualties to workers. Another thing is the matter of Prince Rong's Mansion yesterday.

Yesterday in front of the theater, Chengrui Belle and Jin Xianrong had another dispute over the three pieces of land. Chengrui Belle reprimanded Jin Xianrong sarcastically, and threatened that the Rong Palace would no longer recognize Jin Xianrong as a daughter.

As soon as the words fell, the plaque of the theater collapsed, with a loud bang, dust and smoke rose everywhere, blood spattered, and Cheng Rui immediately lost his breath. King Rong who rushed to the theater had not had time to take a look at Chengrui's body before he was shot through the head from nowhere.

Is this a coincidence? It goes without saying that everyone has calculations in their hearts.

The two masters of Rong Wang's mansion have gone, and Jin Xianrong's resistance to the three lands will be less.

Although Xie Tao didn't want to speculate on Jin Xianrong just like this, but the facts were in front of him, and there was no room for refutation. Even if she didn't do it, it couldn't be separated from her.

The originally noisy and bustling Prince Rong's Mansion was completely white, without half of its former glory. The guests who came to worship each had their own concerns, and could only hear the cries of the female relatives kneeling in front of the mourning hall. Lord Rong and Cheng Ruibei were dead, and only these helpless people were left in the huge Rong Palace.

It won't be long before the property under the name of Rongwang Mansion will probably be swallowed up by people with ulterior motives, and this once glorious Rongwang Mansion will eventually be buried in the dust with the passage of time.

The cries of the female relatives became more and more shrill, like a gust of wind blowing before the rain, piercing straight into her ears. Xie Tao felt a little chill when she heard it. She walked up to the mourning hall with Gu Yanjiao, picked up the incense, and respectfully worshiped I prayed three times.

No matter what the starting point of Chengrui Baylor's cooperation with them is, as long as what he does is beneficial to the country and the people, he should be worshipped.

Xie Tao returned to the courtyard and stood among the crowd. She saw Shen Junshan and Shen Tingbai standing aside. Shen Junshan's eyes touched her slightly, and he nodded silently.

Their sights passed by, and no one said a word.

"President of the Japanese Chamber of Commerce, Ms. Oda Xianrong is here!"

When the roll call sounded, Xie Tao looked towards the gate in shock.

Jin Xianrong was dressed in black, with a white silk flower on her chest, and walked into the yard supported by her subordinates. Her expression was flat, her eyes were silent, and she could not see any emotion.

The eyes of the guests all focused on her, everyone said that she killed the old prince and Lord Belle, she dared to come today, could it be that she wanted the two masters to have no peace after their deaths.

Jin Xianrong ignored the eyes of her surroundings and strode up to the mourning hall. She looked at the two coffins, saluted and offered incense for a while.

All the female family members of the palace knelt aside and looked at her in awe and panic. They didn't know the purpose of Jin Xianrong's visit today, and they were afraid that she wanted to kill them all. For a moment, all the crying stopped, and they stared blankly at Jin Xianrong, as if waiting for the final verdict, but unexpectedly, Jin Xianrong just glanced at them and walked out of the mourning hall.

The female relatives breathed a sigh of relief.

"Miss Xianrong, you can't just leave like this!"

Pei Shun stood up.

The general who served in the Northwest all the year round did not expect that the old prince whom he had served all his life would end up like this. Ever since Jin Xianrong entered the door, he was faintly angry.

"Miss Xianrong, I, Pei Shun, would like to ask you a question today. If there is no such thing and offend you, I will fight or kill you. But I want to know, Dafujin, the old prince, and Chengrui Xiao Lord Belle, was it really your fault?"

This question asked what everyone had been thinking, and everyone held their breath waiting for the answer.

Jin Xianrong stared at him coldly, eyes full of contempt. "Yes, so what? No, so what?"

Rumors have been repeated these days, saying that she killed Rong Wang's family, but only Jin Xianrong knew that what happened that day had nothing to do with her, but she didn't want to explain it, and she didn't know who to explain it to.

Pei Shun clenched his fists, and the veins on his forehead bulged, "If it were you, even if I risk my life, I will avenge the old prince's family!"

Jin Xianrong snorted coldly, apparently not paying attention to him, how much trouble can a retainer without the support of Prince Rong's Mansion make. "Then try it."

Jin Xianrong turned to leave, Pei Shun anxiously took a step forward, and grabbed her wrist. One of her subordinates immediately stopped in front of Pei Shun, without a word, took out a pistol and put it on his head, about to pull the trigger.

This incident happened so quickly that there was almost no time for people to react. Xie Tao and Gu Yan were far away from each other. .

"Bang!" With a gunshot, the guests turned pale with fright, and some timid ones already exclaimed.

"Stop them!"

Shen Tingbai gave an order, and the guards led people to close the gate immediately. Jin Xianrong stopped, turned to look at Shen Tingbai with a straight face.

"What does Boss Shen mean by this?"

"What do you mean?" Shen Tingbai sneered, changing his usual calm demeanor, he looked at Jin Xianrong with a gloomy face that dripped water. "General Pei just asked a question, and Miss Jin became furious. Your subordinates were about to shoot and kill people immediately. Could it be that you are really the murderer of this murder?"

Being accused of this, Jin Xianrong smiled sweetly, she stared at Shen Tingbai closely, her eyes were not friendly, and immediately took a step forward, unexpectedly Shen Junshan stepped in and walked over to protect Shen Tingbai.

Jin Xianrong looked at Shen Junshan's actions, her eyes were a little hurt, she didn't care about other people's opinions, but the person in front of her was completely different, she lost her composure for a moment, and even her tone was a little sad, "Why? Even you thought it was me made?"

"Why do I think it's not important, what's important is what the truth is." The extremely indifferent tone has secretly revealed his doubts about her.

The last gleam of warmth in Jin Xianrong's eyes was also worn away by Shen Junshan's indifferent attitude. He really didn't care about the past affection.

"Okay, since you already believe that I did it, why do you need to ask me? If you want revenge, just come and see if your life is hard, or my bullets are more accurate!" Jin Xianrong forcibly turned his eyes away. Looking at him, he turned and walked towards the door, "Come here! Break the door open for me!"

The conflict is imminent. The Shen family's guards, Pei Shun's guards, and Jin Xianrong's subordinates are facing each other. Under the blue and calm sky, a bloody storm erupts immediately. Even Xie Tao touched the gun on his waist, ready to help . While everyone was confronting each other, someone suddenly made a noise outside the door.

"It's so bold!"

The door opened suddenly, and the commander Zhang Zhongxun walked in with his head swaggering under the protection of Song Xicheng, Liang Yong, and a group of guards. After walking two steps, he stood in front of Jin Xianrong and asked coldly, "Are you the adopted daughter of Oda Hideyuki? "

Although Jin Xianrong was dissatisfied, she still didn't dare to make trouble in front of the commander. She bent down and replied respectfully, "Yes."

"Even if your adoptive father is alive, he wouldn't dare to speak in such a tone!"

Commander Zhang stopped looking at Jin Xianrong, and went straight to the mourning hall to offer incense. As soon as he appeared, people's hearts were at ease. When the Commander came in person, no matter how rampant the Japanese Chamber of Commerce was, they had to avoid it.

Commander Zhang turned around and looked at all the guests and said, "Prince Rong is my old friend. When I started my army, I received a lot of favors from him. Now that his family has suffered misfortune, this commander is very sad, Song Xicheng!"

Song Xicheng stood up: "Yes!"

"Order to go on, no matter what the cost, we must find the murderer who killed the old prince's family."

As soon as the words came out, all the guests looked at Jin Xianrong in unison. Three points of these words were about the scene with Prince Rong's Mansion, and seven parts were about listening to Jin Xianrong. It seemed that the commander had a deep hostility towards her.

Looking at Jin Xianrong who lowered his head and didn't dare to make a sound, Zhang Zhongxun was quite satisfied, and he looked at Shen Tingbai again, "Boss Shen, I heard people say that your Shen family and the Rongwang Mansion are jointly mining a place with huge reserves. graphite mine, is there such a thing?"

Shen Tingbai said: "Responding to what Commander Zhang said, there is indeed such a thing."

"This matter is important and concerns the people's livelihood, but there are always young people who are restless and obstruct it many times. I am the commander of Mushou, and I will never allow them to interfere under my nose." Zhang Zhongxun swept his eyes and pointed to stand Xie Tao in the crowd. "you!"

"Are you from the Raging Fire Academy?" Zhang Zhongxun's eyes were on Xie Tao's uniform.

He was in a hurry to go out today, and before he had time to change his uniform, Xie Tao was taken aback, and walked out without fear, and said in a military salute, "Yes! The seventh batch of students of the Raging Fire Military Academy, Xie Liangchen!"

Gu Yan stood in the crowd and looked at her, impatient but appreciative, this is his Xie Tao, so dazzling that he was full of pride.

"Go back and tell Lu Zhongxin that from today onwards, the Agni Military Academy will take over the security and defense work of the graphite mine technology. No matter who the opponent is or what their identity is, once someone obstructs them, I will allow you to fight back by any means!"

This order was like a timely rain, Xie Tao's heart felt hot, and he immediately responded loudly: "Yes!"

Everyone suddenly realized, graphite mine! No wonder Chengrui Baylor spent so much money to buy the three lands, and it's no wonder that the Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Rongwang's Mansion have been in trouble for many times. In the face of interests, not to mention adoptive father and daughter, even biological father and daughter will turn against each other.

Commander Zhang took out a gun and handed it to Xie Tao, "This gun is for you, tell your classmates and comrades-in-arms, you are Chinese, this is Chinese land, and you were bullied by others in your own home, don't go out and say They are soldiers taught by my Agni Army Academy!"

Xie Tao took the gun, buckled the heel of his boots, and gave a neat military salute.

It's all settled.

When sitting in the car, Xie Tao couldn't calm down. Although Zhang Zhongxun was stubborn and authoritarian, he had to say that his patriotism was no worse than anyone else's. With his support, things will be much easier. Xie Tao is holding the gun and his eyes are firm. This mission must not fail.

She turned her head to look at Gu Yanzhu who was driving, Gu Yanzhu had a smile on her mouth, her face was shining with the same light as her, without any fear.