Arsenal Military Academy

Chapter 80: wedding


Xie Tao slept for a long time, and vaguely felt that there were people around. She wanted to raise her eyelids to take a look, but her head hurt so much that she couldn't exert any strength.

When day and night intertwined, the light dyed a large area of the sky red. Gu Yan sat in the orange light, saw her open her eyes, leaned over to look at her, the light behind him was gorgeous and magnificent, as warm as his embrace .

Xie Tao smiled, she was still alive, and Gu Yanjiao was next to her, holding her in her arms like a lost animal, which made her whole heart settle down.

"It's good to wake up, it's good to wake up." Gu Yan frame said as if she was comforting a child, her voice was soft, as if she was afraid of scaring her.

Thinking of what happened in the cell, Xie Tao's eyes turned red instantly, she turned her head sideways, Gu Yan dragged her chin in distress, and lightly touched her injured forehead with her fingers, "It's okay, don't be afraid."

After seeing each other for a few days, the two of them have countless things to say. Now that they have met, they just hug each other, but they are worth a thousand words.

Gu Yan frame was hardly willing to let go of his hand, Xie Tao was held in his arms, and he couldn't laugh or cry because of his carefulness.

She lay on the bed for another two days, and after she narrowly escaped death, she and Gu Yan frame hid in this small world, not caring about the outside world for several days.

Smoke was rising from the stove, and Huo Xiaoyu's figure shuttled back and forth in the kitchen. Guo Shuting, who had just returned from the Agni Military Academy, smiled and went to the kitchen to help her.

Gu Yan frame sneaked in with a roast chicken, put it in front of Xie Tao to claim credit, "Eat it quickly, I asked Lao Guo to buy it, don't let Miss Xiaoyu see it."

Xie Tao nodded, tore off a chicken leg and gnawed on it, as if he hadn't eaten food for a few days, he finished most of the roast chicken in a short while.

Gu Yanjiao helped her kill the remaining half of the chicken without hesitation. The two of them cleaned up, and quietly threw away the chicken bones and oiled paper bag, completely destroying the corpse.

Licking the grease stains around his mouth, Xie Tao sat on the chair and thought about it, it's not that Huo Xiaoyu has treated her badly these days. On the contrary, Huo Xiaoyu treats them well, and cooks all kinds of dishes every day, including Sichuan, Cantonese, and Hunan dishes. It's just that no matter what style of dish is in Huo Xiaoyu's hands, it tastes the same, it's unpalatable!

Maybe Guo Shuting is the only one in this world who eats all the dishes she cooks with approval, and then grins and frowns when Huo Xiaoyu can't see her.

Gu Yan framed and opened the window to dissipate the smell of oil in the room. Huo Xiaoyu and Guo Shuting's laughter came from the kitchen from time to time, and Xie Tao's mood became a little better. She felt that the most correct decision Guo Shuting made in his life was to rush to the train station on the night the Shannan Tavern was burned, and stop Huo Xiaoyu who was about to leave.

"What are you thinking about?" Gu Yan made a gesture to hug her again, but Xie Tao didn't dodge and raised his eyes.

"I want to see Li Wenzhong." Xie Tao said slowly, his voice was inaudible.

The air froze, and when Li Wenzhong was mentioned, both of them felt heavy hearts.

Gu Yan frame's movements paused, and the room was silent for a moment, Xie Tao looked up at him, her snow-white face was delicate and quiet, she did not show a sad expression, but the emotion in the depths of her eyes could never be hidden from Gu Yan frame.

She knew that the current situation was not suitable for her to show her face, but she still wanted to see Li Wenzhong.

"Okay." Gu Yan finally said.

The two disguised themselves and rushed towards the cemetery on the outskirts of the city.

The mountain road was a bit slippery, so Gu Yan framed Xie Tao all the time. In the distance, tombstones lined up solemnly and solemnly. Gu Yan frame raised her hand and pointed: "The third one in front is... Li Wenzhong's tombstone."

Xie Tao suddenly stopped, not daring to go any further, she was terrified, the people around her left one by one, they all slept in this world forever, without any life left.

A slender figure came into Xie Tao's sight. She was wearing a blue dress and had long hair with a shawl. Xie Tao recognized her. It was An Wen.

An Wen didn't come to pay homage to Li Wenzhong, she just passed by to pay homage to her parents. However, when she passed Li Wenzhong's tombstone, she paused, and suddenly bent down to carefully look at Li Wenzhong's photo on the tombstone.

She looked so carefully, as if she wanted to recall who he was, and also wanted to keep his appearance in her mind.

Suddenly, two lines of tears flowed down. An Wen stretched out her fingers and touched her cheeks. She looked at the tears on her fingertips in surprise. Slowly, her tears couldn't stop falling down line by line, and she even began to sob slightly uncontrollably. An Wen made a trembling voice, "I, do I know you?"

The drizzle was falling, and there was no sound in the air.

Xie Tao felt Gu Yan frame holding her hand, he frowned: "She and Li Wenzhong?"

Xie Tao nodded, without saying a word.

An Wen took out the notebook she carried with her. She flipped through it in such a hurry and so carefully that she was afraid of being a step too late or missing something. The sharp corner of the paper cut her finger, and blood dripped down her finger. The tip came out, An Wen stopped, she stared at the middle of the book, there were two pages, obviously torn off...

Thoughtfully, he took out a bunch of daylilies from the flower basket and placed it in front of Li Wenzhong's tomb. An Wen stood up and bowed, with a dazed expression: "So we don't know each other, I'm sorry, I made you laugh."

Lifting the flower basket, she continued to walk forward, and when she passed by Xie Tao, she stopped and smiled at them, polite but unfamiliar.

Xie Tao felt uncomfortable, and dragged Gu Yan frame to the tombstone.

She didn't know if An Wen would meet another person like Li Wenzhong, who was arrogant, arrogant and unreasonable... and who valued love and righteousness.

The two squatted down and looked at Li Wenzhong's photo at the same level. In the photo, he is actually quite handsome, with a youthful face, which is the best time.

But he died in his best years.

Xie Tao finally realized this clearly, and tears couldn't stop streaming down at this moment. She remembered many past events, remembered the grievances between herself and Li Wenzhong, remembered the later holding hands and making peace, and fighting side by side.

There were so many pictures of the past, it was so overwhelming that one could hardly breathe, and the breeze blew by, Gu Yan framed her gently, and whispered: "It's not your fault."

Xie Tao didn't know what happened to Li Wenzhong until he woke up.

Gu Yan framed to tell her carefully, for fear that the news would irritate her, Xie Tao didn't say anything on the surface, but felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

Even if she lied to herself again, she knew very well in her heart that Li Wenzhong actually died to save her.

After Zhang Zhongxun fainted that day, he was sent to Changping Hospital. The doctor who dealt with him happened to be Li Wenzhong's second uncle.

After inspection, Zhang Zhongxun was already dead when he was sent to the hospital. His autopsy report stated that he had heart failure caused by chronic poisoning—this was indeed a murder, or a murder that had been planned for more than a year, but the perpetrator must have It wasn't Xie Tao, the only one who did it was Song Xicheng, Zhang Zhongxun's trusted deputy.

Song Xicheng has long had the intention of treason, and he also has many contacts with the Japanese Chamber of Commerce in private. As soon as Zhang Zhongxun died, he immediately sealed off the hospital and controlled the doctors. Li Wenzhong's second uncle fled back to Li's house and told his family the truth.

With such news in mind, the Li family must be destroyed, so Li's father and his family planned to leave Shunyuan and flee abroad. After Li Wenzhong sent his parents to the train, he slipped off the train privately.

Xie Tao didn't know what Li Wenzhong was thinking at that moment, but he must not be thinking about himself. Any truly selfish person would not be able to stay at such a moment.

Li Wenzhong didn't leave, he was a student of Agni Military Academy, he was a soldier, his classmates and brothers were all here, he didn't just leave. After telling Gu Yan frame about this, he knew that the pursuers were coming, so he went to the flower shop and met the person he wanted to see the most...

Gu Yan frame was anxious like an ant on a hot pot at the time. When she heard the news, she immediately slipped into the hospital in disguise, stole Zhang Zhongxun's body and the autopsy report, and threatened Song Xicheng to release Xie Tao.

Song Xicheng's position as commander is self-appointed, and Zhang Zhongxun's old subordinates are not convinced by him. If the news of Zhang Zhongxun's death from poisoning spreads, the rest of his subordinates will definitely attack him. At that time, the position of commander he just acquired will come to an end. .

Therefore, he had to secretly replace Xie Tao and let another death row prisoner be Xie Tao's substitute.

"He did it to help me..." Gu Yan framed in a low voice. When Li Wenzhong came to him that day with a train ticket in his hand, he presumably was about to leave Shunyuan. After confronting each other for so long, he did not expect that in the face of life and death, he would not hesitate I chose them carefully, this friendship is really precious.

His body was found in an alley not far from the flower shop. Li Wenzhong fought one against four, and all the enemies died. His clothes were stained with blood, but the badge of the Agni Military Academy on the skirt was wiped brightly. He leaned upright against the wall Sitting on the side, facing the flower shop, eyes closed.

He is like a statue, who has been buried in Shunyuan's homeland ever since, with his badge of glory, guarding his girl forever.

Xie Tao put the lily next to the day lilies, wiped away her tears, and sighed. She suddenly remembered that An Wen once told him that the flower language of day lilies is love that will never be forgotten.

"Li Wenzhong, thank you."

The wind blowing the leaves above his head rustled, it seemed that Li Wenzhong was pretending to be disdainful: "It's a small thing, you're welcome."

Gu Yan frame held her hand tightly, which was silent comfort, but it was the most powerful comfort to Xie Tao, and the two walked back to Guo Shuting's home side by side.

"Dinner is ready! Come and eat!"

Huo Xiaoyu's death-like demonic voice sounded, and both Xie Tao and Gu Yan shuddered. This voice frightened their melancholy back a bit, and they went to the table tremblingly.

Today's dishes are extraordinarily large, and there is a whole table.

Huo Xiaoyu was wearing a bright red cheongsam, her hair was tied neatly behind her head, and she was sitting smiling. Guo Shuting put on a suit and tie for a rare occasion, and walked out with two bottles of wine. His hair was cut a lot shorter, his beard was shaved clean, and he sat beside Huo Xiaoyu with a smile.

Xie Tao and Gu Yanzhu were at a loss for a while, Xie Tao tugged at the corner of Gu Yanzhu's clothes, Gu Yanzhu asked bravely, "What do you guys mean?"

Huo Xiaoyu glanced at Guo Shuting, and lowered her head shyly, "Today is a good day for me and Shuting!"

On a good day, Xie Tao was shocked when he realized it, this... is this getting married? So fast

Gu Yan was surprised and at a loss, "We didn't prepare anything!"

The ambiguity of these words is huge, Guo Shuting and Xie Tao glared at him at the same time, Guo Shuting was very dissatisfied, "I'm getting married, what are you planning?"

Gu Yan stuttered, "I mean, well, I have to give a gift anyway! At least I have to book a restaurant, which is very beautiful."

This idea is really in line with Gu Yan's style of work, Xie Tao glanced at him again, and that glance showed great disapproval.

Huo Xiaoyu said, "It's not that particular, besides, it's not appropriate at this juncture."

Gu Yan frame sighed, "Wait a little longer, if it's really impossible, you can stay in Shunyuan."

This time Huo Xiaoyu looked deeply at Guo Shuting, "I've been waiting for so many years, I don't want to wait any longer."

Guo Shuting was flustered by her look, and was about to arouse Huo Xiaoyu's sadness, so he quickly picked up a chopsticks of chicken legs and stuffed them into Gu Yan's mouth, "Where are you talking so much nonsense, hurry up and eat, wait for you and When Xie Tao gets married, it's enough to do it in a good way."

Gu Yan frame who said this was very happy, but Xie Tao froze.

Thinking of Gu Yan frame's opinion on organizing the wedding just now, Xie Tao instinctively refused. She looked away from Gu Yan's cheerful smiling face to prevent further confusion in her head, "I didn't say I wanted to marry him!"

Guo Shuting slapped his chopsticks on the table, "See, you have to work harder!"

Gu Yan framed and said with a smile: "You believe her nonsense, who else can I marry if she doesn't marry, we have already secretly promised for life, hahaha."

Before everyone's laughter had time to fall, a knock on the door broke the happy atmosphere. Several people immediately became alert and took out their guns one after another. In the past few days, Song Xicheng has hunted and arrested Xie Tao and Gu Yanjiao in Shunyuan, and they have to guard against them.

Guo Shuting didn't think so, and said fearlessly: "What are you doing? I'm very safe here, it's impossible for anyone to think that you are here."

After speaking, he got up and walked towards the gate. When he got to the gate, Guo Shuting took out a gun from under the table where the vase was placed, and loaded it by the way.

Xie Tao, who looked at his back, rolled his eyes.

Safety? impossible? Pooh! Instructor Guo is still so inconsistent.