Arsenal Military Academy

Chapter 82: The military academy was closed


The wind picked up, the door creaked, and the sky was covered with dark clouds, gloomy, with no end in sight.

There was no one on the long street, and every household closed their doors.

The blackness in the sky was suppressed a little more, and Xie Tao was a little out of breath. She walked towards the Agni Military Academy step by step, slowly but firmly.

It was still the same gravel road, and next to the gate, the five big characters of Agni Military Academy were covered by dark clouds and became dim. Xie Tao remembered that when he saw this plaque for the first time, he was still with Huang Song. The rising sun is brilliant and full of golden light.

The golden light in his heart pierced through the clouds, and Xie Tao strode in.

The guard in front of the door saw her and asked loudly, "Who is it?"

"The seventh batch of students of the Raging Fire Military Academy, Xie Liangchen!"

The soldiers were all shocked when they heard the words, the Agni Military Academy is no longer majestic, it is already the target of public criticism, and everyone can't avoid it.

In addition, Song Xicheng issued an order, and every crime was pointed at Guo Shuting, saying that he had colluded with the Revolutionary Party during his tenure, used his position to leak military secrets to the Revolutionary Party many times, and directly or indirectly participated in the assassination of senior military and political officials more than 20 times. , created the Lide Hotel bombing tragedy, intending to obstruct the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Japan, and sent his henchman Xie Tao to poison and kill Commander Zhang.

All the crimes were laid down, and Liang Yong shot Guo Shuting dead in front of all the students without saying a word.

Guo Shuting died! And die with peace!

This time, he left with the hope of rebirth, but he never thought that he would never return.

As for the other students, as long as they signed the document to report Guo Shuting, they could leave Agni Military Academy.

Under the balance of interests, how many people can stick to the morality and ideals in their hearts in the choice of life and death

The crowd in front of me rushed towards Xie Tao, Xie Tao went upstream, dozens of black guns were aimed at her, Xie Tao still strode forward without fear.

The other students who were walking outside saw Xie Tao lowered their heads, showing guilt expressions.

Xie Tao understands them, but she can't forgive them, signed their names, and stepped out of the gate, they are no longer worthy of being soldiers of the Agni Military Academy!

Without squinting, Xie Tao walked into the auditorium step by step. Guo Shuting's body was placed in front of the auditorium. The person who was sitting at the table laughing with him yesterday went out early in the morning, but there was no sound at this moment.

The love between him and Huo Xiaoyu was finally broken in the face of national hatred and family hatred.

Her eyes were red, but there were no tears in her eyes, and the rage in her heart had already dried up her tears. She hated, wished she could replace her with her own body, hated the hardships of the world, hated the chaos of her family and country, hated the injustice of the world!

Xie Tao took off his coat and covered Guo Shuting's body.

Looking at the few dozens of people left in the auditorium... Shen Junshan, Zhu Yanlin, Ji Jin, they are all there, Xie Tao secretly made up his mind that she must take them out intact, so as to live up to this friendship.

Shen Junshan, Zhu Yanlin, Ji Jin and others looked at Xie Tao with complicated eyes, as if they had a thousand words to say.

"Why are you here?"

Liang Yong came with a group of guards, his face was gloomy as if he could wring out water.

Xie Tao raised the corners of his mouth mockingly, "Why am I here, why am I still alive, don't you know?"

Liang Yong's complexion suddenly changed. As Song Xicheng's confidant, he was very clear about the deal between Gu Yanzhu and Song Xicheng, let alone Xie Tao who let him go.

"Catch it!" Liang Yong gave an order, and the guards went up with guns. At the same time, the students who were sitting scattered around rushed up to protect Xie Tao. Xie Tao walked out of the crowd and stood at the front , facing Liang Yong.

Liang Yong didn't expect that this group of students would dare to resist at this moment, but they were overwhelmed by their strength. How could these student soldiers be worth as much as his nearly 100 guards.

"Come on!" Xie Tao pulled off his coat and looked at Song Xicheng fearlessly.

Everyone looked at her in surprise. Under her skirt, there were grenades wrapped around her.

Gradually, the surprised gazes turned into panic, and Liang Yong's guards put down their guns, not daring to move.

"I just want to leave with my teacher and classmates. Whether it's a trial or something else, I will accompany you!"

"You have a good idea!" Liang Yong gritted his teeth. If he hadn't been concerned about the grenade wrapped around Xie Tao's body, he would have rushed up long ago.

Xie Tao said unhurriedly, "Before I came here, I asked someone to send a letter to Superintendent Feng of the military department. I heard that he has a bad relationship with Deputy Commander Song. Do you think he saw me here? very curious?"

Looking at the hesitant Liang Yong, Xie Tao continued, "Or do you want me to wait here and explain everything clearly? For example, why am I alive? The person who saved me and your Deputy Commander Song , what deal did you do?"

"At that time, Song Xicheng's chair will collapse, will you under the chair be intact?"

Xie Zhen's threat was right in his heart, and what Liang Yong had been worried about all along was rightly said by her. The veins in his clenched fist bulged. After a long time, he seemed to have made up his mind, and finally waved his hand, "Let them go!"

The guards retreated to make way for the students. Shen Junshan and Zhu Yanlin carried Guo Shuting's body and left first. Xie Tao walked in the middle, and the other students walked out behind Xie Tao.

They got into the car one by one. As soon as the car drove out of the gate of the Agni Military Academy, they saw several small cars following in the distance. Liang Yong wanted to play tracking with them? Xie Tao sneered, untied the grenade on his body and threw it backwards.

There was an explosion, and the car behind was blown to pieces by the shock wave of the explosion.

Xie Tao's eyes were cold, and he turned his head.

With Guo Shuting's body, Xie Tao went back to Guo's residence, Huo Xiaoyu didn't want others to accompany him, and guarded Guo Shuting by himself, without speaking for a long time.

She still couldn't believe it, the person who said he would take her back to Suzhou, the person who promised to take care of her, the person she had waited for half her life... Is it over? Huo Xiaoyu wiped away tears, gently stroked Guo Shuting's cheek, "You lied to me many times, this time, I almost believe you."

The grief receded, and Huo Xiaoyu's gaze remained cold. She couldn't be immersed in grief, because she had more important things to do. She couldn't just let Guo Shuting die in vain like this. Those who hurt him must be There is a price to pay.

That night, two trucks drove across the street, kicked up a trail of dust and stopped in front of Guo Shuting's house. Liang Yong got out of the car and rushed in with the guards.

Guo's house was empty, and in a corner outside the house, Xie Tao stood behind Huo Xiaoyu, looking coldly at the place that was once full of laughter.

The sound of explosions mixed with desperate screams resounded through the long street, and the raging flames lit up half of the night sky. People passing by on the street hid far away and stopped to watch.

Huo Xiaoyu stood by the street, watching with a cold face.

"Shuting, I avenged you."

Xie Tao's eyes were also filled with fire, she held back her grief and quietly withdrew from the crowd.

Huo Xiaoyu asked Xie Tao to leave Shunyuan, but Xie Tao didn't want to. She wanted to stay here and wait for Gu Yan to come back. Whether it was a living person or a corpse, as long as it was him, Xie Tao was willing to wait.

Xie Tao didn't want to hurt Huo Xiaoyu, besides, she had more important things to say goodbye to Huo Xiaoyu, and she walked on the street alone.

Walking and walking, I arrived at the Shannan Tavern, which had been burned into ruins, and only a shelf was left. Xie Tao walked into the ruins in a trance, and the lively scene of the Shannan Tavern vaguely flashed before his eyes , as if they were still talking, laughing, and drinking.

Guo Shuting lay drunk on the wine table and talked nonsense; Huang Song, Xie Tao, and Tan Xiaojun delved into the problems of cousins and cousins together; Li Wenzhong and Zhu Yanlin sat together bragging; Ji Jin dances.

How beautiful those days were, she bent down, hugged her knees, and tried her best to endure the tears in her eyes.

Gu Yan frame, where are you

A dark door suddenly appeared at the door, it was concealed, and the scene inside could not be seen clearly. Huang Song got up and patted Xie Tao's shoulder, smiled, turned his head and walked into the door.

Li Wenzhong stood at the door, then walked in with his chest straightened out.

Guo Shuting wobbled with the wine bottle, turned around to look at Xie Tao before leaving, and cursed a few words with a smile.

Ji Jin, Zhu Yanlin and Shen Junshan disappeared without a trace. Xie Tao looked horrified, and when he turned his head, Gu Yan stood in front of him, looking at her tenderly. Xie Tao's eyes were filled with tears, he shook his head, trying to grab the hem of his clothes, but in vain, Gu Yan smiled slightly, and walked towards the door.

"Don't!" Xie Tao yelled, waking up, the house in front of him was still a dilapidated image after being burned, with messy tables and chairs, dark ruins everywhere, and under the open-air eaves, water dripped on the ground and made a rattling noise. sound.

Xie Tao lowered his head, hugged his elbows with his hands, and tears fell to the ground.

Gu Yan frame, you come back to me!

If you are gone, what should I do...

She sat there blankly, as if she was waiting for the nightmare to wake up, her nose was getting more and more blocked, she wanted that person to hug her again, comfort her, and tell her that there was nothing wrong, he was here.

A hand rested on Xie Tao's shoulder.

Xie Tao suddenly raised his head, the stars were shining brightly, under the high sky, the man seemed to be standing upright.

Gu Yan lowered her head and smiled weakly at her, "Why did you come here, looking for you all over the world."

dream? Are you dreaming

Not caring about his body that was about to fall apart, Xie Tao hugged Gu Yan frame and exhausted all his strength until his arms trembled from too much force.

The person in her arms was real, she touched his back, her head was buried in his neck, where it was warm, and the blood flowed smoothly under the skin.

This is not a dream.

Her side face was pressed against his chin tightly, feeling his breathing, the real feeling made her blood pressure rise accordingly, every part of her body was stiff due to tension, and she couldn't even move for a while After moving a bit, she gasped for breath with difficulty, with a look of shock still on her face.

Seeing her frightened look, Gu Yan felt a pain in her heart, hugged her tightly, and comforted her softly, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Xie Tao couldn't hold back anymore and cried softly. Gradually, the crying became louder and louder. She cried out all the grievances and panics of the past few days until she was exhausted from crying. She hung her head on Gu Yan's frame. On his shoulders, choked up thinking about caring for others, "Where's Ji Jin?"

Gu Yan patted her back lightly, her throat tightened, "He was injured, I placed him in the home of a doctor I know well, what about the others?"

"Instructor Guo died... The other students were seriously injured and were taken away by their families."

Gu Yan sighed deeply, this result was very bad, he endured the uncomfortable analysis: "Others are fine, but we have always been in close contact with Instructor Guo, the people in the commander's office may not just stop like this, Shen Junshan If the family is big and the business is big, they will have scruples, but others are afraid that they will be in danger."

Xie Tao's heart fell, and he grabbed his arm, "What should I do then?"

Gu Yan hugged her back, "Let's go to the arsenal on the outskirts of the city first, Shen Junshan and the others should find it."

They went to the arsenal overnight, and looking at the familiar building in front of them, Xie Tao felt mixed feelings. The last time they met here was because of a mission. At that time, they were very downcast, and even the cotton coats on their bodies were taken off by Lu Zhongxin But then they were rich too, with best friends and buddies around.

Although the journey was extremely thrilling, Xie Tao didn't feel so scared with them accompanying him.

Gu Yan frame stepped forward and pushed open the door, then stood there in a daze, Xie Tao followed behind him in a daze, unable to believe her eyes.

Shen Junshan, Zhu Yanlin, Ji Jin... not only their former partners were there, but also other students from the Raging Fire Military Academy.

They looked at the two of them and smiled at them, "I'll just wait for you!"

"It's too slow, you can't forget big things when you're in love!"

"Why did we come, we are almost asleep!"

"Come in now."

"You two, when did it happen?"

"I knew they were together!"

"Gu Yan frame!"

"Xie Liangchen!"

Xie Tao's heart suddenly filled up, as if there was a real fire surging inside.

On the outer wall of the warehouse, a new green leaf was pulled out from a strip of withered and yellow creeper vines. Under the illumination of the light, the sprouts on the dead branches were particularly dazzling.

Great, we can fight side by side again.