Artifact Planting Space

Chapter 116: Don’t be greedy[Please subscribe]


Wang Si naturally agreed to the fact that the beast thief wanted to follow Ye Qianqian to study at Mojia Academy and increase his strength.

In her opinion.

The beast thief became stronger, which actually made Ye Tian stronger.

And the most important point is that the beast thief is not low in strength and cultivation talent. If the beast thief becomes an extremely strong man because of his little help, this is something that everyone would like to see. .

But in Wang Si's heart, he was a little worried.

This worry is the identity of the beast thief.

She had always felt that there was an element of conspiracy in the fact that a mysterious figure like Beast Thief appeared in Lava Town and became good friends with Ye Tian.

As for what the conspiracy is, it is unknown.

However, judging from the current situation, the beast thieves posed no threat to the Ye family or Ye Tian, so she didn't think too much about it.

The question she needs to think about now is.

When the family moves to Mojia City, it is time to prepare the necessary supplies.

Previously, due to the lava giant's sneak attack on Lava Town, Ye Mansion had been completely destroyed, and some supplies had long been destroyed.

And it is no longer possible to buy it again.

Because Lava Town is now in dire straits and is in a state of depression. There is not even a single person in the market, let alone the supplies that need to be purchased.

Fortunately, I prepared some for Ye Tian a few days ago and stored them in the space ring. The Ye family has a great business. As long as they have money, they actually go to Mojia City. Wang Si believes that they can buy all kinds of things.

After confirming that Ye Qianqian's servants were Xiao Nuomi, Homida, Ye Tian, Beast Bandit, and Ying Yidao, they also determined the 47 Ye family guards who would follow them to Mojia City.

Just as he was about to go to Granny Wu to prepare the carriage and other matters, Ye Xiao appeared in the hall with the second elder of the Ye family. Their purpose, needless to say, was to hand over the Ye family's public bills and assets.

It was beyond the expectations of Ye Xiao and the elder.

Wang Si led them to Granny Wu and handed them the public asset bill. In addition to taking away dozens of cronies, other assets, such as nearly ten million gold coins, all the shops on the bustling streets of Lava Town, and She didn't ask for a large number of land deeds.

Leave everything to Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao was naturally excited to accept these assets. He originally wanted to bring the second elder to liquidate them and be a witness, but now it seems that it is simply unnecessary.

However, the second elder was still not satisfied. After taking a puff of dry cigarette, he asked Wang Si: "Madam, the Ye family's assets are now clearly handed over. I wonder if I can refine Ye Tian's Great Return Pill?" Keep the secret recipe? This will also give the Ye family a foothold in Lava Town!"

"I'm sorry, Second Elder! The secret recipe for refining the Great Return Pill is not the public property of the Ye family, but is the private property of my son Ye Tian." Wang Si replied without humility and said nothing: "I advise you not to use the Great Return Pill. The secret recipe idea because you’re not qualified.”

"You!" The second elder's face turned dark with anger.

She really didn't expect Wang Si to refuse him directly without giving him face.

Ye Xiao's face was also ugly, but he didn't say anything. After all, what Wang Si said was reasonable and he couldn't refute it.

the most important point is.

His current strength simply cannot compete with Wang Si.

If the quarrel continues, it will definitely be him who suffers in the end.

"Okay, the public assets have been handed over clearly. If you two are okay, you can leave first and take over the Ye Mansion tomorrow morning." Wang Si glanced at Ye Xiao and the second elder and said softly: "By the way, I would like to remind you, Although I left Lava Town and handed over the rights of the Ye family, Dean Mo has appointed me as the mayor of Lava Town. If you dare to use the power in your hands to do evil, I, Wang Si, will not let you go. .”

"Wha...what? Dean Mo appointed his wife as the mayor of Lava Town?" The second elder's eyes widened in shock and he didn't believe it at all.

Ye was also stunned on the spot, his mouth opened into an O shape.

Originally, he thought that after Wang Si left Lava Town, the Ye family would belong to him, Ye Xiao.

Now it seems that he thought too much.

Wang Si handed over the rights of the Ye family, which was just an upgrade to the mayor. He didn't want to deal with the little things of the Ye family.

What does the mayor of Lava Town represent? He is the local emperor of Lava Town. Ye Xiao and the second elder cannot jump up and down in front of her.

all in all.

One sentence.

Even if Ye Xiao became the head of the Ye family, it would still be under her control.

If they did something wrong, Wang Si could definitely kill them with just one sentence.

The power among them is much greater than that of the head of the Ye family.

Wang Si smiled at the constipated expressions on the faces of Ye Xiao and the second elder, turned around and left with a slight step.

She informed Dean Mo that he had appointed her as the mayor of Lava Town, and the purpose was to scare Ye Xiao so that he would not dare to mess around.

Now it seems that this purpose has been achieved.

"Second Elder, let's go!" Ye Xiaolian said after coming back to his senses: "It seems that some of our previous plans are about to change."

"Yes! It's just that Dean Mo appointed Wang Si as the mayor of Lava Town. How come I don't have any news at all?" The second elder had a look of fear on his face.

"I haven't received any news either, but Wang Si will not lie to us. Now his daughter Ye Qianqian has awakened to the god-level realm, but there is a certain chance of becoming a strong person in the god-of-war realm. Under such circumstances, Dean Mo should not say Let Wang Si be the mayor, and she may be appointed to a bigger official in the future!" Ye Xiao said sadly.

"That's right, I was really rude just now. I even mentioned the secret recipe of Dahuan Dan in front of Wang Si. Now, I can only fawn over her and cannot offend her!" The second elder shook his head regretfully.

Ye Xiao smiled: "Don't think about it, let's go! Go get ready and send off Wang Si's family to Lava Town tomorrow. This is a good opportunity to flatter her. Don't say you won't come."

"Of course, and I have to prepare 10,000 spiritual stones for their travel expenses. No! 20,000 spiritual stones, hahaha..."

"Oh my god, the second elder is rich!"

It's just dawn.

Ye Mansion, the main entrance.

Chirp! Chirp!

Two red fire sparrows were chirping happily on a leafy tree.

On the side of the road paved with blue marble.

Ten large mahogany carriages were parked neatly, and 47 Ye family guards stood guard with long swords.

In a carriage in the middle, a beast thief wearing a black robe with a wine gourd hanging from his waist was lying on the top of the carriage, holding a piece of horsetail leisurely in the corner of his mouth, and his eyes glanced in the direction of the gate of Ye Mansion from time to time. .

As for the dozen strong men in Mojia City, they were lazily waiting in front of the carriage where Zhong Lin and Mo Hu were imprisoned, and gathered together to have breakfast.

Among them, the bald man complained: "Damn it, I really am not what Dean Mo thinks. In the past, gifted students were picked up and dropped off by flying mystical weapons when they went to Mo Academy. Why didn't we this time?"

(End of chapter)