Artifact Planting Space

Chapter 40: God of War Mo Yang [Please collect, recommend and vote]


And just then.

In the sky, a red-haired old man flying with a sword quickly flew towards the location of Lei Tianbao with a middle-aged man in white.

Among them, the red-haired old man cried out: "Ye Tian, assistant! The Thunder Sky Leopard can't kill him!"

"Who?" Ye Tian looked up.

When he saw the red-haired old man and the middle-aged man in white flying towards him with swords, he couldn't help but froze, and then waved his hands excitedly: "Grandpa! Why are you here now?"

It turned out that the red-haired old man was Ye Tian's grandfather Wang Meng. As for the middle-aged man in white, Ye Tian looked very strange.

"Hahaha... My good grandson is not too late, but I seem to have missed a good show!" The red-haired old man raised his head and laughed. After lowering the flying height, he jumped directly to Ye Tian with the middle-aged man in white. around.

Ye Tian reached out and hugged the red-haired old man: "Grandpa, you just said that I can't kill Lei Tianbao. What happened? Does he have a big background?"

"No." The red-haired old man shook his head: "Let me introduce you first. The person next to me is Mo Yang, the city lord of Mojia City. As for the reason why you can't kill Lei Tianbao, let him tell you."

The red-haired old man pointed at the middle-aged man in white.

"Mo Yang, Lord of Mojia City?" Ye Tian was surprised when he looked at the middle-aged man in white.

How could such a big shot come to Lava Town for no reason

He has known since he was a child that the strength of Mo Yang, the lord of Mojia City, and his brother Mo Yin have both reached the level of gods of war.

The realm of the God of War is a higher-level existence than the realm of laws. It masters two or more fields, can superficially integrate self-created magical powers, and can borrow the power of stars to use the power of stars.

Such a strong man is called the God of War, and his lifespan can reach a full ten thousand years!

In the entire Mojia City, in the past thousand years, only Mo Yang and Mo Yin have reached the realm of God of War. As for the strong ones, none of them have reached it at all.

It can be said that Mo Yang is the strongest person in the entire Mo Family City. As for the second one, he is his younger brother Mo Yin, who is also the dean of the Moh Academy...

Seeing Ye Tian's surprise, Mo Yang, a middle-aged man in white, couldn't help but smile lightly: "I really didn't expect that Ye Kong would have such a powerful son! At the early stage of his field, he not only defeated Lei Tianbao, but also shattered my plan Mechanical puppet."

"Stop wearing such a high hat on me!" Ye Tianzhao said: "Just tell me, why can't I kill Lei Tianbao? Today he brought hundreds of people, more than 30 strong men in the field, and almost got a bloodbath. My Ye family."

"Oh... Lei Tianbao, what's going on? How dare you touch the Ye family?" The middle-aged man in white looked coldly at the two-headed leopard lying on the ground: "Hurry up and recruit them truthfully."

The red-haired old man Wang Meng also stared at Lei Tianbao with a bad expression.

Although the Beast Lord told him that the Zhou family and the Lei family were offended because of the [Spirit Snake Sword] and Ye Qianqian's life domain, he really didn't expect that a war would happen.


Lei Tianbao returned to his original appearance, but he knelt on the ground shivering: "City Lord, I have no choice, the Ye family... Wang Si of the Ye family colluded with the thief, killed Zhong Kun, and took away his four The mysterious weapon [Silver Dragon Sword], as the mayor of Lava Town, if I handle this matter unfairly, how can I explain it to you?"

"Oh... Really?" Mo Yang, a middle-aged man in white, looked at Ye Tian with a gentle expression: "Is this the case?"

"That's nonsense!" Ye Qiantian gritted his teeth and kicked Lei Tianbao hard: "You said that my mother colluded with the thief. Where is the evidence? Bring it out!"

"This..." Lei Tianbao laid his head on the ground, feeling too guilty to speak.

If he had substantial evidence, he wouldn't be in a hurry to take action today.

Mo Yang was stunned, and suddenly he knew what was going on, and his face turned dark immediately.

Wang Meng sneered: "City Lord Mo, I don't care if my daughter is colluding with the thief, or what the inside story is, but as the mayor, Lei Tianbao, what right does he have to take action against the Ye family?"

The Ye family is one of the three major families in Lava Town. Even in Mojia City, it is somewhat famous. If the government destroys it because of some unfounded charges, it will definitely cause dissatisfaction with other major families.


This is a taboo among officials in the original continent!

After all, the Origin Continent is a world where the strong are respected, not a world where officials are respected.

Mo Yang understood the meaning of Wang Meng's words, and smiled awkwardly: "Mr. Wang, let me ask the matter clearly, so be it! Just treat it as a favor and let me take Lei Tianbao back to ask for clarification. I will give him some advice afterwards. How about you give me an explanation?"

"You don't need to ask me about this, ask my grandson Ye Tian!" Wang Meng waved his hand impatiently.

Mo Yang was startled, then looked at Ye Tian.

"Take Lei Tianbao back? Where? Take him to Mojia City and let him go?" Ye Tiandun waved his hands unhappily: "This is not possible, I have to chop off Lei Tianbao's head today."

For him, Lei Tianbao almost wiped out the Ye family today and must be severely punished, even if Mo Yang, the lord of the Mo family, interceded.

"You!" Mo Yang was helpless: "Then you go ahead and chop it! As long as you can chop it off, there is one thing I must declare in advance. Lei Tianbao is the mayor of Lava Town and an official recognized by the King of Zhou Long Kingdom. You Do you know the consequences of killing him?"

"Stop being pretentious and speak up!" Ye Tian sat down on Lei Tianbao's back.

Lei Tianbao was so aggrieved that he dared not speak out.

Mo Yang knew that Ye Tian was angry. As the lord of a city, he did not care about the tone of Ye Tian's words. Instead, he shook his head and said: "According to the laws of Zhou Long Kingdom, whenever an official is killed, no matter what the reason or rank, the official will be killed." All the generals will be severely punished by being beheaded and executed in succession. Ye Tian, it was a pleasure for you to kill Lei Tianbao today, but have you thought about the thousands of people in the Ye family? Don’t tell me that with the strength of your Ye family, but Fight against the Zhou Long Kingdom with tens of millions of troops."

Mo Yang was telling the truth. The reason why King Zhou Longguo promulgated such an inhumane law was because before that, some strong men from the origin continent, relying on their own strength, often killed important officials of Zhou Longguo because of some personal grudges. , King Zhou Longguo had no choice but to come up with this law of continuous execution to restrain the strong men of Zhou Longguo and even the original continent.

As soon as this law was promulgated, the number of killings of Zhou Longguo officials was indeed much less, because in the original continent, the strong man did not have dozens or thousands of clan members. Of course, this law is not valid for some strong individuals who act alone.

But then again.

The officials of Zhou Longguo will not become lawless because of this law, because Zhou Longguo also has supervisory messengers secretly supervising them. As long as they commit crimes and meet certain conditions, they can still be convicted and executed.

There is another thing that Mo Yang did not say. In Zhou Long Kingdom, as long as the strong person reaches the strength of God of War or above, the law of continuous execution is invalid. Because the strength of the God of War is no longer something that the King of Zhou Long Kingdom can control.

Ye Tian naturally didn't know the inside story. He couldn't help but take a breath when he heard that those who killed the Lei Tianbao tribe would be executed.

He really didn't expect such serious consequences. No wonder Lei Tianbao was so confident that he didn't dare to kill him before, but he turned out to be so dependent on him.

Mo Yang knew that Ye Tian would react like this, and immediately smiled: "Ye Tian, now that you know the answer, do you still want to kill Lei Tianbao?"

"I..." Ye Tian's face turned dark.

He didn't want to impulsively put the entire Ye family into dire straits.

Wang Meng smiled and said: "Okay, Ye Tian! Let City Lord Mo take Lei Tianbao away! As long as grandpa is here, he will give the Ye family a satisfactory explanation."

"No, I'm so panicked!" Ye Tian picked up the [Spirit Snake Sword] in his hand and slashed Lei Tianbao's thigh: "The law of Zhou Longguo said that officials cannot be killed, but it does not say that they cannot be chopped. Take off the official's thigh."


[Spirit Snake Sword] was bounced back.

Lei Tianbao has a defensive weapon, and the [Spirit Snake Sword] cannot hurt him at all.

"What's going on?" Ye Tian was surprised.

"You kid."

Mo Yang smiled bitterly and shook his head.

This Thunder Sky Leopard is not a non-killer, but it is involved in the big plot behind it. I hope readers will not get entangled or scold me after reading this. I have explained it very clearly. Everyone has his own way of writing a book. If it is just because of the moment of pleasure, It's not good to let the main line break.

(End of chapter)