As an Elder Brother

Chapter 12


New Year's Day.

Zhou Yan finally waited for the new year, and dragged Xu Feng to find the god healer early in the morning.

Xu Feng had heard Zhou Yan mention it earlier, and knew that the genius doctor was surnamed Xu, and his medical skills were extremely good, but his reputation in the world was not very good. It turns out that this genius doctor Xu loves money like his life, and he collects a lot of money for consultation, but whoever can afford the money, he will treat even the heinous people, but what about those who have nothing? Even if you die in front of you, you won't take a second look. As time goes by, it is inevitable that there will be some names of people who will not save themselves.

Of course, Zhou Yan was not afraid of this, he threw out a lot of money, not afraid that he would not be able to knock on the door of the genius doctor Xu.

Xu Feng followed Zhou Yan all the way, and arrived at the residence of Dr. Xu in a short time. He saw that it was a majestic mansion, with a vermilion lacquer gate and even a golden plaque on the door.

Because it was Chinese New Year, there was only a boy in Tsing Yi guarding the door, Zhou Yan explained why he came, so he led the two of them into the mansion. Needless to mention the pavilions, towers, pavilions, carved beams and painted buildings in the mansion, even the halls for receiving guests are luxurious and extravagant. The genius doctor Xu is in his thirties, and he can be considered a handsome man, but he is wearing gold and silver, and he wears a seven-treasure scarf on his hand. Ring, full of wealth and style, just like a pampered businessman.

Knowing that Xu Feng was here to treat his hands, so the miracle doctor Xu didn't come to see and ask about it, but first negotiated the price with Zhou Yan. Zhou Yan didn't say much, and directly stuffed a bank note in the past. As expected, it made him smile, and looked at Xu Feng from head to toe.

Seeing Zhou Yan stared at him, Doctor Xu ordered someone to serve tea, and solemnly checked Xu Feng's pulse, then carefully looked at the wound on his right hand, and said: "This should be an old wound. It's old."

"It was injured four years ago."

"Well, your tendons were severely injured at that time, and you didn't get treated in time, did you?"

Under the circumstances that day, Xu Feng almost bled to death, who will heal him? But he didn't want to mention it more, he just agreed.

Zhou Yan's face sank, and he asked, "Can it be cured?"

"It has been delayed for too long. However, I have seen the pulse of this little brother. He has been treated by an expert. If he continues to take the medicine, his right hand can recover a little bit. At least holding chopsticks will not be a problem."

This statement coincided with that of the elders of the Bliss Palace. Since the two doctors said so, it seems that there is nothing to hope for. Fortunately, Xu Feng was prepared, and he was not disappointed.

Zhou Yan said, "My younger brother is a sword wielder."

"Using a sword?" Doctor Xu flipped Xu Feng's wrist and shook his head again and again, "This is absolutely impossible."

Zhou Yan kept silent, his black eyes were deep and heavy, and he glanced at him slowly.

Doctor Xu actually felt terrified. He had already put the bank note into his bosom, but now he reluctantly took it out and said: "I really can't do anything, you two should ask another expert."

Zhou Yan didn't reach out to take the bank note, and said, "Since your Excellency is a genius doctor, you should have some extraordinary skills."

Miracle doctor Xu laughed, and said: "The method of aggressive generals doesn't work."

He looked at the bank note again, then reluctantly turned his head away, waved his hand and said, "Take it, take it."

Xu Feng said: "Brother Zhou, forget it. Anyway, I have already mastered the sword technique of my left hand, so it doesn't matter if I can't heal my right hand."

As he said that, he went to pick up the bank note.

Zhou Yan held down his hand, slowly took out another bank note from his sleeve, waved it in front of Doctor Xu, and asked him, "Does this work?"

Doctor Xu's eyes were straightened, he swallowed heavily, and said falteringly: "Well... let me think again..."

"Think slowly, don't rush."

Zhou Yan directly stuffed the silver ticket into his hand, and poured a cup of tea for Xu Feng, with a confident attitude.

Xu Feng drank his tea and asked in a low voice: "Does Dr. Xu really have a solution?"

"Of course, it was just a trick for him to raise the price." Zhou Yan's eyes fell on his right hand, and said, "If this surname Xu can't do it, we can also find another famous doctor elsewhere, no matter what, he can always cure you. hand."

Xu Feng faintly felt strange, his right hand had been useless for many years, and he didn't care much about it, why did Brother Zhou care so much

Before the cup of tea was finished, Doctor Xu turned the ring in his hand and said: "Yes! I thought of a way, maybe it can heal this little brother's injury."


"Haha, it can definitely be cured, but..."

"But what?"

Doctor Xu was not in a hurry to answer, but just folded the two bank notes and put them in his arms with peace of mind, then cleared his throat, and said solemnly: "However, it takes a lot of time to cure, so the consultation fee..."

"Silver is not a problem."

Doctor Xu nodded, glanced at Xu Feng, and said, "Besides, this little brother is going to suffer a lot."

As soon as Zhou Yan heard this, he immediately stood in front of Xu Feng. It took a while to realize that the person in front of him was just a doctor, so he couldn't hurt his younger brother.

The person who really made Xu Feng lose his right hand was clearly...

He closed his eyes, restrained his emotions, and asked in a deep voice, "How do you plan to heal?"

Doctor Xu looked at the sky and said: "It's getting late, let's talk about this in detail after lunch."

Zhou Yan and Xu Feng stayed for dinner.

Miracle doctor Xu had a big show, so the meal was not simple, only the three of them ate, and all kinds of dishes were served like flowing water, and there were two other beautiful maidservants serving them.

Xu Feng didn't know until he finished eating that it was also worth money.

Dare to feel that Dr. Xu used his house as an inn. Zhou Yan spent a lot of money, so he didn't care about the little money, he waved his hand and said, "It will be recorded in the account."

Dr. Xu took out a small golden abacus, settled the account cracklingly, and happily took the two of them to the pharmacy.

The pharmacy is decent, with all kinds of medicinal materials, and there are two medicine boys looking after it. Doctor Xu waved them to go down, opened the medicine box by himself, and found a brocade box. With a dignified expression, he held the brocade box as if holding a peerless treasure. When he opened the box, he found it was a porcelain vase. Doctor Xu pulled out the cap of the bottle, bit his own finger, and squeezed a few drops of blood into the bottle.

Xu Feng thought it was such a rare medicinal material, and couldn't help but ask, "What's inside?"


Doctor Xu shook his finger, signaling him to keep silent, and continued to wait with his breath held. After a while, a small worm crawled out of the mouth of the bottle. It was only about the length of a finger, and the whole body was colorful. Only the head was green, which looked a little scary.

"This is… ?"

Master Xu said triumphantly, "It's a Gu worm."

Naturally, Xu Feng had heard of the name of the Miaojiang Poison Gu, so he couldn't help retreating to Zhou Yan's side.

"Don't be afraid," Doctor Xu said, "Gu insects are good and evil, and there are those who harm people and those who save people. The green-headed Gu in my hand is a holy thing for life-saving and healing. I treasure it very much on weekdays. If it weren't for the two A silver ticket... Ahem, for the sake of two distinguished guests, I am reluctant to take it out. I don't know how much effort I spent in order to get this Gu worm..."

Zhou Yan interrupted him and said, "Can this thing heal my brother's hand?"



Doctor Xu paused, then looked at Xu Feng again.

Zhou Yan was so impatient that he almost kicked him, only to hear him say: "I wonder if my little brother is afraid of pain? If you want to reconnect the tendons in your right hand, you must first cut open the old wound and put this Gu worm back on it." In the flesh and blood, supplemented with decoction for recuperation, it can take two to three months at the earliest, or about half a year at the slowest, and you will see initial results. It's just that the Gu worms are naturally poisonous, and it is difficult to adapt when they are first put in, and it may hurt for a few days .”

Zhou Yan frowned when he heard that the old wound was going to be cut open, and when he heard that Gu worms were going to be put into Xu Feng's body, he felt even more inappropriate, so he turned his head and said, "Let's change a doctor."

"Brother Zhou," Xu Feng said, "I want to give it a try."

Doctor Xu also came to persuade him because of the two bank notes that he had already obtained: "People in the Jianghu fight and kill, what is this little injury? I don't think this little brother is like a pampered person, he won't suffer It hurts to live here."

Zhou Yan asked, "What kind of pain is it?"

"Well, it's like... It's like being bitten by a bug."

Zhou Yan saw that his gaze was dodging, and he couldn't believe him, so he said to Xu Feng: "There is more than one genius doctor in this world."

"But other genius doctors may not be able to cure my hand. Even if they can, it will still take a lot of trouble." Seeing Zhou Yan's brows furrowed, Xu Feng unconsciously smiled and said, "Brother Zhou is too worried. I'm sick, actually see a doctor and take medicine, how can I not feel some pain."

Master Xu saw the needles, and hurriedly echoed: "Yes, yes, that's exactly the case. I think the little brother might as well stay here today, have a good night's rest, and start healing when he has enough energy tomorrow."

"Are you going to pay for the room?"

"Hahaha, little brother is really smart."

"Brother Feng..."

Zhou Yan was still waiting to persuade, but Xu Feng only said one word, and his voice got stuck in his throat, and he couldn't say a word.

"Brother Zhou, don't worry." Xu Feng looked down at his hand and said, "No matter how painful it is, it won't be as bad as when I was injured."

Zhou Yanru was slapped face to face, and he didn't make another sound for a long while.

Xu Feng only thought that he agreed, and simply talked about the rent with Dr. Xu. Since he wants to stay for medical treatment, Zhou Yan certainly won't leave, the rent for two rooms is not cheap.

Doctor Xu was afraid that he would hesitate, so he said, "Since you two are brothers, only one room is enough."

Xu Feng was stunned, and couldn't help but look back at Zhou Yan, seeing that his face was expressionless, with no expression on his face, and he didn't know what it meant. He thought about this for a while, remembering how Zhou Yan focused on cutting window grilles under the candlelight on the eve of New Year's Eve. He felt a slight heat on his face, and finally said: "There are still two rooms."

Miracle doctor Xu received two more money, so he was in a good mood, arranged a room for Zhou and Xu, and had another good meal with good wine and food in the evening.

After eating, Xu Feng realized that Zhou Yan had been very silent all afternoon, so he asked on the way back to his room, "I made my own decision today, but did I offend Brother Zhou?"

Zhou Yan didn't know what was on his mind, he came back to his senses after hearing this, fixedly looked at Xu Feng for a while, and said: "It is your hand that heals, so it should come according to your heart."

"Actually, it doesn't matter who you go to for treatment. It's just that Brother Zhou has put a lot of thought into this matter. I don't want to make a trip for nothing."

"Yes, I know."

Xu Feng felt that Zhou Yan was colder than usual, and wanted to talk to him a few more words, but he heard Zhou Yan say: "Tomorrow you have to heal your wounds, you should go back to your room to rest earlier."

Xu Feng opened his mouth, but couldn't find anything to say for a while, so he had to go back to his room. Although he got up early in the morning, he moved to another place after all, so he didn't sleep well at night.

Dimly, I felt that someone came to the bed, pinched his wrist lightly, stroked the centipede-like scar on his hand with cool fingers, and sighed inaudibly.

In such a silent night, the voice seemed to hit his heart.

Xu Feng was half asleep and half awake, and vaguely knew who the person in front of the bed was, but he couldn't open his eyes no matter what. When he struggled to call out "Brother Zhou", he woke up from his dream. The sun was shining brightly outside the window, and the sky was already bright.

Xu Feng was a little distracted, as if he still remembered the sigh in his dream.

When he got dressed and went to look for Zhou Yan, the room next door was empty. After looking in the front hall, he realized that Zhou Yan had already woken up and was talking with Dr. Xu. Listening to what he said, he regarded Xu Feng as a pile of gold and jade, and made of emeralds. He couldn't suffer a little, couldn't bear a little pain. Doctor Xu swore to guarantee that Xu Feng was never in danger, so he was relieved.

Under Zhou Yan's threat, Doctor Xu made good preparations, burned incense and took a bath before treating Xu Feng's injury. When the old wound on his right hand was cut open, Xu Feng only felt a chill in his wrist, and a sharp pain rushed up. Bright red blood beads came out, overlapping with the bloody scene that year, Xu Feng gritted his teeth, his body still trembled uncontrollably.

Zhou Yan stretched out a hand and held his left hand firmly, but the palm of that hand was actually a bit cooler than his.

Doctor Xu used Xu Feng's blood to draw out the Gu worms in the porcelain vase. The colorful worm wriggled in Xu Feng's hand, crawled to the wound bit by bit, and burrowed into the flesh and blood.

Xu Feng felt a numbness and couldn't help clenching his fists. Doctor Xu hurriedly pressed his hand, sprinkled some medicinal powder on the wound, and then quickly bandaged it up, his technique was very skillful. It seems that although he is open to seeing money, his medical skills really live up to his reputation.

"It's done." Dr. Xu wiped off his sweat, and said, "It will hurt a little for the first two days, but it will be fine after I get over it."

Xu Feng thanked repeatedly.

Zhou Yan threw out another bank note and told him to quickly write a prescription.

Miracle doctor Xu went with a smile.

Xu Feng didn't know how much this "a little pain" really hurt until the afternoon. At first, it was really just like being bitten by a bug, with a slight sting, followed by the second and third bite... Later, there were more and more, tens of thousands, densely packed, like countless bugs biting his right hand, Both painful and itchy.

Xu Feng is a martial arts practitioner, and he was patient at first, but he didn't show it because he was afraid that Zhou Yan would be worried, but when he had dinner at night, his face turned pale.

When Zhou Yan asked, he said he was fine: "I didn't sleep well last night, I'm just a little tired."

Zhou Yan sent him back to his room to rest, and asked at the door, "Do you want me to stay with you?"

Xu Feng laughed and said, "Brother Zhou, do you think I'm a three-year-old child?"

Zhou Yan just smiled.

That gaze was really gentle, falling on Xu Feng's face together with the moonlight, it was indescribably charming.

Standing at the door, Xu Feng was a bit reluctant to leave. He didn't turn around and enter the room until Zhou Yan urged him. Once he calmed down, the feeling of being devoured by thousands of bugs became more vivid.

Xu Feng endured it for an entire afternoon, but at this moment he couldn't hold on anymore, and collapsed on the bed after closing his clothes. Although he was in severe pain, he was still conscious. Knowing that Zhou Yan's hearing was excellent, he resisted not making a sound.

He almost lost all feeling in his right hand, as if the Gu worm had devoured his flesh and blood, and burrowed into the bone crevice, it was painful and extremely itchy.

Although it is not as painful as when I was injured, it is more difficult than it was then.

Xu Feng lay on the bed for a while, then sat up slowly, groped for the wound with his left hand, pinched it down with his fingertips—this was too hard, he shivered in pain, and curled up all over, but Finally overwhelmed that strange itching.

Xu Feng gasped for breath, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and even his back was soaked in sweat. But only for a moment, the Gu worm became active again and continued to gnaw on his flesh and blood.

Xu Feng had no choice but to hold down the wound on his right hand again. After tossing and turning like this a few times, the bandaged wound gradually showed bloodstains.

It was pitch black inside the house, and the night was still very long.

Xu Feng stopped to take a rest, and wanted to get out of bed to drink a glass of water, but all the strength in his body was exhausted, as soon as he got out of bed, his feet felt weak, and he fell to the ground.

He heard a "bang" sound, and his eyes were spinning for a while. It seemed like a long time passed, and it seemed that it was only a short moment. When he opened his eyes again, candles were already lit in the room, and someone hugged him and sat back on the bed.

Xu Feng's vision was also blurred, and he asked, "Brother Zhou?"

"It's me." Zhou Yan wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve and asked, "Brother Feng, how are you?"

Xu Feng hid his right hand behind his back and said: "It's okay, the room is too dark, I accidentally fell when I got out of bed to drink water."

Zhou Yan grabbed his hand.

The candlelight was dim, but the blood oozing from his wound could be seen at a glance.

Zhou Yan's complexion sank, and he asked, "Does it hurt?"

Xu Feng tried his best to smile and said, "It doesn't hurt at all."

Zhou Yan seemed to be stabbed by something, but he couldn't stand the pain, so he hugged him even tighter, and said: "I asked Doctor Xu to take out the Gu worm, and we can't treat this injury."

"Brother Zhou..." Xu Feng didn't have the strength to stop him, he just said intermittently, "I don't want to... give up halfway..."

"Brother Feng!"

"It's been hurting for half the night, if you take out the Gu worm at this time, wouldn't all previous efforts be wasted?"

Zhou Yan couldn't resist Xu Feng, so he blamed the fault on Xu Feng's head: "That Xu man is full of nonsense, if it's not for his life, it's still useful..."

"Brother Zhou..."

Zhou Yan snorted and said, "Just talking."

Looking at Xu Feng's hand again, he said, "I asked him to come over and take a look at your injury."

Xu Feng just shook his head and said in a daze, "Brother Zhou, don't go..."

After Zhou Yan heard this, he couldn't move.

I don't know if the pain was too much, Xu Feng leaned against his arms at this moment, he felt light on his body, and it was not as difficult as before.

Zhou Yan pulled the quilt to cover him and said, "It's still early before dawn, so you can sleep a little longer."

Xu Feng let out a "huh" and closed his eyes as expected. Just when he was about to fall asleep, he was pulled back by the pain. While half asleep and half awake, he thought about some past events, and said softly: "Brother Zhou, did I mention to you that I have a long-lost elder brother?"

Zhou Yan held his hand stiffly, and said, "I have indeed heard you say it."

"Brother Zhou is always looking for your younger brother, but I have never found him. Guess why?"


Xu Feng half-closed his eyes, and after a long time he said: "There was a severe drought in central Hebei, my parents passed away on the way to escape, and I wandered with my elder brother, often hungry and full, and sometimes I couldn't eat for a few days. After so many years, I can't even remember my elder brother's appearance, only one thing I remember clearly."

"What's up?"

"That day... I remember that day, I was hungry for several meals, and I couldn't stand it anymore, so I climbed into the yard of a family and stole the fruit from the tree to eat. Unexpectedly, that family had two big dogs …The two fierce and aggressive dogs stood up to the height of a person, and they were released to run after us… I was so scared, I ran as hard as I could…”

Xu Feng seemed to have returned to that time, his breathing became rapid, and he said: "Running and running, I fell to the ground. I burst into tears in pain, and my brother picked me up from the ground and said to me,' Don't be afraid, my brother will continue to run forward, don't look back'. I didn't listen to him, I ran a few steps and turned around, and saw my brother rushing back. I didn't understand why at the time, but later I realized that he was doing it for Save me, and lead those two big dogs away by yourself. I haven’t seen him since, all these years, I only remember his back at that time.”

Xu Feng's face was as white as paper, he didn't know if it was because of Gu insects or other reasons, he said: "I dare not look for him because I don't know if he is alive or dead, I am afraid that he will be dead by then."

"No." Zhou Yan said in a low voice, "He is much older than you, so he must have beaten those two big dogs away."

Xu Feng looked at Zhou Yan and said, "Then why didn't the elder brother come back to look for me? Is it because I... left him and ran away?"

"How come? He must have other difficulties, so he can't recognize you."

Zhou Yan stretched out his hand, wanting to touch Xu Feng's face, but in the end it just fell lightly on his temple, and said: "You are his younger brother, the only relative he has in this world, even if he goes through fire and water for you, he is willing .”

When he said this, his expression was quite different from usual.

Xu Feng seemed to fall into that bizarre dream again. He ran after his brother's back, but when the man turned around, he turned into Brother Zhou.

His heart fluttered, and he was about to take a closer look at Zhou Yan's expression, but Zhou Yan moved his hand over, slowly covering his eyes with his palm, and said, "Go to sleep for a while."

Xu Feng was indeed very tired. After hearing this, he quickly fell asleep. In his sleep, he called vaguely: "Brother Zhou..."

Then he said, "Brother, it hurts so much."

He heard someone whispering in his ear: "Don't be afraid, the pain will be gone soon."

The voice is very pleasant, I don't know if it is his elder brother or his elder brother Zhou.

Xu Feng naturally slept restlessly this time, and woke up from time to time, seeing himself falling into a cave full of worms in a trance, the flesh and blood on his body had been gnawed clean, leaving only a skeleton. He was taken aback and realized that he was still in a dream.

At dawn, people were coming and going from his room. Then another voice came from outside the house, and Xu Feng recognized that it was the voice of Miracle Doctor Xu.

"Ouch, Ouch, hero, spare your life!"

"Who is the hero?"

"Then... the hero, spare your life?"


"Ah, it hurts, hurts!"

"Tell me, is there a way..."

"Yes, yes! I just thought of a way..."

The voice behind gradually faded, and Xu Feng couldn't hear clearly. After an unknown amount of time, someone came to his bedside and whispered his name. Xu Feng wanted to respond, but he couldn't open his eyes no matter what. The man sat down beside the bed and supported Xu Feng's back with his hands.

Xu Feng couldn't help shouting pain when he moved a little.

The man brought the cold medicine bowl over and said, "Drink the medicine and you'll be fine."

Although Xu Feng was not fully awake, he trusted this man in his heart, so he opened his mouth and took a sip of the medicine. The concoction was not only extremely bitter, but also had a strong fishy smell. Xu Feng choked on it and could hardly swallow it.

The man stroked his back with his palm, still coaxing him to drink the medicine in a low voice.

Xu Feng coaxed him like this, but he felt so soft in his heart, he took his hand and obediently drank the rest of the medicine. Strange to say, after drinking this medicine, the severe pain in his hand was indeed relieved a lot, and the worms that had been raging in his body before had faded away like a tide.

The man asked him to lie back on the bed and gently tucked in the quilt.

Xu Feng finally fell into a deep sleep.

He slept like this until the next afternoon. When he woke up, the sun was just right, and the warm light came in from the window. He raised his hand and found that the injury on his right hand had been bandaged again. Apart from some tingling pain, there was nothing wrong with it. All the sufferings of last night were like a dream.

Xu Feng was wondering, but he heard someone in the room say: "Are you awake? It's time to get up and take medicine."

Seeing that it wasn't Zhou Yan's voice, Xu Feng was startled, got up and saw that it was Dr. Xu in his room. Doctor Xu brought a bowl of dark medicinal juice in front of him, and said, "Drink the medicine that has just been decocted while it's hot."

Xu Feng took it and smelled it, just like the medicine last night, it had a strong fishy smell, which was hard to swallow. But after all, it is a good medicine for curing diseases, he held his breath, raised his head and drank the medicine in the bowl.

After drinking, he asked, "Where's my elder brother?"

Doctor Xu said with a bitter face: "Is that elder brother of yours the leader of the bandits? He dragged me out of bed in the middle of the night and forced me to treat your illness. He also said that if you couldn't be cured, my house would be demolished. I have been practicing medicine and treating diseases for so many years, and I have never seen such an arrogant and unreasonable person."

Seeing his complexion, Xu Feng was much more haggard than yesterday, thinking that Zhou Yan was looking for his bad luck, so he quickly apologized to him and said: "My elder brother is also worried about my illness, and he lost his manners in a hurry. Divine doctor Haihan."

Doctor Xu didn't come to make things difficult for him, he just muttered in a low voice: "I have seen hundreds of patients, but I have never seen a younger brother who is so nervous as a big brother."

Xu Feng blushed, and asked again: "Where is my elder brother? I asked him to come and apologize to you, the genius doctor."

Doctor Xu waved his hands again and again: "No need, thank God he didn't come to settle accounts with me. He is sleeping next door right now, and I'm afraid he won't be able to wake up for a while."

"What's wrong with my brother?"

"You didn't see his ferocious vigor last night. I insisted on finding a way to alleviate the poison of Gu insects on your body. I was forced to give him the treasure..." Doctor Xu sighed, his heart ached. Terrible.

Xu Feng asked: "What is it? Did you eat it for me?"

"It's a Gu worm, it was eaten by your elder brother."

"A Gu worm again?"

"The Gu worms I worked so hard to get were originally a pair. The female Gu worm is mildly poisonous, the one that was put into your body, but the male Gu worm is much more overbearing. If you are not careful, it will hurt you. People's lives, so it has never been used to save people."

"Then my brother...why..."

"After taking the male Gu, he takes blood and uses it as medicine, so that he can suppress the poison of the female Gu in your body."

Xu Feng was still holding the medicine bowl in his hand. Hearing this, his hand couldn't help trembling, and the medicine bowl fell to the ground and shattered. The concoction remaining at the bottom of the bowl is a little dark red, isn't it just a smear of blood

Xu Feng's eyes seemed to be stung by the color, and asked in a daze: "Then the medicine I took last night and today...?"

Doctor Xu said: "That's exactly how it's done."

Xu Feng stayed there for a while.

Doctor Xu went on to say: "No matter how painful this Gu poison is, it will pass after a few days, and now he insists on suffering from the insect poison for you. He has tossed and tossed for nothing, and in the end he still wants me to treat you." ?”

Xu Feng didn't listen to a word, lifted the quilt and got out of bed, and ran to the next door without even putting on his shoes. As soon as the door was opened, Zhou Yan was lying on the bed.

Xu Feng ran in such a hurry that his heart seemed to jump out of his chest, but when he saw the person on the bed, he became quiet again, couldn't help slowing down, and walked to Zhou Yan's side step by step.

Zhou Yan's eyes were closed tightly, and even though he was in a deep sleep, his brows were slightly frowned.

Xu Feng had just been tortured by the Gu insect last night, so he naturally knew how hard it was, not to mention that the poison of the male Gu was even more severe. He grabbed Zhou Yan's hand and saw that his wrist was also wrapped with a white cloth, and the staggered scars were faintly visible underneath. He thought he had scratched himself in order to take blood for medicine.

Xu Feng's eyes turned red, thinking of the bowl of medicine that smelled of blood last night, and how Zhou Yan coaxed him to drink the medicine, his heart was sweet and bitter, and he couldn't tell what it was like.

I don't know if his elder brother is willing to go through fire and water for him, but his brother Zhou... is willing.

Xu Feng leaned against the head of the bed and said in a low voice: "Brother Zhou and I are just sworn brothers, why should Brother Zhou treat me like this?"

Zhou Yan was fast asleep, so of course he couldn't answer him.

Xu Feng has been watching by the bed.

The afternoon passed quickly, and the sky quickly darkened. There were no candles in the room, and it was almost pitch black.

Xu Feng stayed in the same posture for too long, and half of his body was already numb. He adjusted his position to get closer to Zhou Yan. Although it was in the dark, he had seen Zhou Yan's face thousands of times, engraved everything on his heart, and knew where his eyes were, where his nose was, and where his lips were... He has a pair of The eyes are the most beautiful, and there is a carelessness in the eyes, like the thin mist outside the window.

Xu Feng was fascinated by it, and lowered his head involuntarily, his lips gently pressed against his.