As an Elder Brother

Chapter 30


Standing in the rain, Xu Feng was completely drenched. He raised his hand to wipe the rainwater off his face, but immediately more water dripped down.

Some fell into the eyes, stinging painfully.

Hearing these words, the young man in He Tingzhou's arms raised his smile again and said, "I'm still the lord of the Palace who loves the new and dislikes the old, so you've despised me so soon."

Then he muttered in a low voice: "However, the Palace Master's vision is not so bad."

He Tingzhou smiled inexplicably, let go of his hand and said, "Get in the carriage first."

The boy hurriedly helped him into the car.

As soon as the car curtain was lowered, Xu Feng heard a suppressed cough, and then the young man called out in surprise and anxiety: "Palace Master!"

When it was time to listen again, the coachman whipped his whip, and the carriage went far away.

Xu Feng was also injured in the underground palace, and he had no time to adjust his breath to heal his injuries, so he couldn't hold it anymore. Fortunately, the sword was still in his hand, and he used it as a crutch to support him for a while, and finally found a farmhouse to shelter from the rain.

This torrential rain continued for two days and two nights, and on the morning of the third day, the clouds stopped and the rain stopped.

Xu Feng used his kung fu to heal his injuries in the past few days, and most of the injuries on his shoulders were healed. As soon as the sky cleared, he went to the river to catch a fish, and he grilled and ate it as usual. This time the fire was well controlled, and the fish was very delicious, but for some reason, Xu Feng always remembered the burnt fish in the cave.

He had thrown that precious sword once, and it was absolutely impossible to throw it a second time, so he made a scabbard himself and still wore it on his body.

He traveled southward for a few days with one sword and one sword. When he arrived at a nearby town, he realized that the incident of Luofengzhuang had caused a commotion in the Jianghu. Rumor has it that people from the Bliss Palace washed Luofeng Manor with blood, turning a good wedding into a funeral, and even the guests who went to drink the wedding wine suffered. Owner Lin was murdered, and the newly married bride was kidnapped by thieves. Hearing that the head of Murong's family, Lei Ting was furious, and immediately sent out hero posts, calling for heroes from all over the world to destroy the Palace of Bliss. At present, there are a lot of responses and followers, and the heroes and heroes in the world all want to eliminate demons, defend the way, and uphold justice.

When Xu Feng was at the top of the inn, he also heard some people talking about it.

"Although I am not good at martial arts, I can't be a turtle with a shrinking head. I should go to the Palace of Bliss to kill some demons for fun."

"But I heard that there are so many masters in the Palace of Bliss..."

"What are you afraid of? Since ancient times, evil has prevailed over righteousness. After receiving the invitation of heroes, a group of heroes and righteous men, headed by the head of the Murong family, went to the Palace of Bliss to kill the evil spirits. We may rush there now, maybe there is still time."

"Okay! Youngest Yan, I'll go with you!"

Xu Feng listened quietly and didn't say much, but he had other thoughts in his mind. Ever since he had seen the real face of the masked man and knew that he was the housekeeper of the Murong Mansion, he already knew that there must be something strange about this matter.

What is the purpose of the behind-the-scenes mastermind to blame the bloodbath of Fengzhuang on the head of the Palace of Bliss? Is it to let the righteous people and the Palace of Bliss both lose, so that he can reap the benefits of the fisherman? Or... is this a good show directed and acted by Murong Shen

This matter is of great importance, Xu Feng dare not guess randomly, if he wants to know the truth, he can only go to the Palace of Bliss.

Xu Feng is no longer the impulsive and reckless young man he was back then. He didn't want to get involved in the turmoil, but considering how Murong Fei treated him, he couldn't just sit idly by. After thinking about it all night, he still walked in the direction of the Palace of Bliss.

He met a lot of people from the Jianghu along the way, presumably they all accepted the hero post and rushed to wipe out the Bliss Palace. Xu Feng watched carefully, but he didn't see any masters.

After walking like this for several days, he found two big bearded men sneaking around behind him. Xu Feng didn't change his face, and let them follow for two days. On the third day, he didn't make it to the next town before dark, so he had to find a ruined temple to spend the night. As soon as the fire was lit in the temple, the two bearded men also came in.

These two people were dressed in strong clothes and wore steel knives at their waists, obviously they were also Lianjiazi. After they entered the temple gate, they sat down beside the fire without saying a word, but secretly looked at Xu Feng with their eyes.

The wind was strong at night, and the two temple gates that had been in disrepair slammed loudly. The fire burning in front of the shrine was blown by the wind, and suddenly became bright and dark, as if it would be extinguished in the next moment.

Xu Feng knew that the comer was not good, and he was afraid that once the fire was extinguished, it would be time to do something, so he touched his sword without any trace.

Several people were staring at the flickering fire, and the temple was so quiet that a needle could be heard.

At this time, there was a sound of horseshoes in the distance, and a carriage came galloping, and it stopped outside the ruined temple in a blink of an eye. As soon as the carriage stopped, a young man in brocade jumped out of the carriage. He has a very good appearance, with dimples on his cheeks, and when he is reflected by the fire, he will be dizzy like a beautiful jade, he is very lovable.

He swept his eyes into the ruined temple, looked back at the carriage, and said with a smile: "My lord, it's time to take the medicine. I don't know who lit the fire here, I can borrow it to warm the wine."

He was answered by a muffled cough.

This sound was particularly abrupt in the silent night, and it took a while before it gradually subsided, and the person in the car let out a soft "hmm".

It turned out to be a sick child!

The two big bearded men looked at each other, and although they felt that the carriage came strangely, it was nothing to worry about, so they turned their gazes back to Xu Feng.

After Xu Feng heard the movement from the carriage, his heart trembled suddenly, and he clenched the sword around his waist.

When he moved, the person sitting opposite him also moved.

The bearded man at the head stood up, took a step forward, and said in a rough voice: "Brat, we two brothers have been with you for two days, let's end it here today. Mingren don't speak dark words , my brother Shi Xiong... but died at your hands?"

"Shi Xiong?" Xu Feng didn't look at him, he just lowered his head and stared at his right hand, and asked, "Are you talking about that bandit leader Shi Xiong who committed all kinds of crimes, including burning, killing, looting?"

The bearded man's face turned cold, he gritted his teeth and said, "Exactly!"

Xu Feng nodded, and said flatly, "I killed it."

As soon as the words were finished, there was a "clang", and the other man also jumped up and drew out the steel knife at his waist.

There was a sword on their side, but the young man in brocade clothes on the other side didn't seem to notice it. He took out a thin white porcelain bowl, filled the bowl with wine, and threw in a red pill. The pills were smoked by the heat of the fire, and quickly melted into the wine, giving off a bitter and astringent smell.

The young man in brocade clothes walked back to the carriage with the bowl in his hand, and said to the man in the carriage, "My lord, drink the medicine."

The wind blew the curtain, and a hand stretched out from behind the curtain.

His fingers were slender and fair, and when he held the thin white porcelain bowl in his hand, it looked like a normal color.

And Xu Feng was also holding a sword in his hand. That hand had been injured before, and there was a centipede-like scar on the wrist, but at this moment, he held the sword extremely firmly, and the strike was extremely swift, and the sword went straight to the throat of the bearded man.

The bearded man hastily swung his knife to block.

When the swords meet, there is a flash of swords and swords in an instant.

With one against two, Xu Feng did not lose the slightest bit. He is very good at light body, tossing and turning, the long sword in his hand is like a dragon swimming around, pointing east to west, guide to north, it makes people dazzled, as if his figure is everywhere.

In the temple, the sword light was like lightning, and the fighting was endless.

Outside the temple, the man in the carriage was quietly drinking a bowl of medicine. He had nice-looking hands, and he drank the medicine in a gentle manner, sipping it slowly, as if tasting a peerless delicacy.

When the bowl of dark red concoction bottomed out, Xu Feng had already defeated an opponent. He raised the tip of the sword obliquely, and slid up the back of the steel knife. The sharp blade cut across the neck of the bearded man, stirring up a cloud of blood.

The bearded man opened his mouth and stared at him with wide eyes, but before he could say a word, he collapsed to the ground.

Warm blood splashed on Xu Feng's face, staining half of his face red. He didn't raise his hand to wipe it, but hung his long sword upside down, looking at the carriage outside the door through the blood.

The people in the car never lifted the curtain.

Xu Feng also never walked towards the door.

After an unknown amount of time, a faint sigh sounded from inside the carriage.

The young man in brocade clothes seemed to know what the man in the carriage wanted, so he jumped back into the carriage and told the driver, "Let's go."

With a flick of the whip, the horse neighed, and the carriage flew away, disappearing into the thick night in a blink of an eye.

Xu Feng stood there for a while, then raised his hand to wipe off the blood on his face, and sat down again. The fire seemed to be in danger, but it lasted until dawn before being extinguished. After dawn, Xu Feng changed his clothes, found a place to bury the two corpses, and then continued on the road.

The rest of the journey was uneventful, and Xu Feng never encountered any problems, nor did he see that carriage again.

He traveled day and night, and it took more than half a month to reach the vicinity of the Bliss Palace, just in time to catch up with the brigade headed by Murong Shen. Murong Shen climbed up and shouted, although there were a lot of followers, some of the people who came looked to be hiding something, and some looked like they were fishing in troubled waters, it was a mixed bag. Xu Feng thought for a while, and then sneaked in quietly.

He was a nobody, so it was not very noticeable to get involved in it. Only Yan Laosan who met at the inn the other day saw that he looked familiar and came over to have a chat with him.

Xu Feng took the opportunity to inquire about some news. He heard that the housekeeper of the Murong Mansion had passed away a month ago, which happened to coincide with the death of the masked man. Later, he found another opportunity to meet Murong Shen from a distance, and saw that he was still gentle and refined, although the whereabouts of his two sons and daughters were unknown, he did not lose his gentlemanly demeanor at all. But the monk that Xu Feng had met at the beginning was nowhere to be seen, and he didn't know if he had other important matters, or he had fallen out with Murong Shen.

This group of people, led by Murong Shen, walked for a few more days and finally arrived at the foot of the Bliss Palace.

The foot of the mountain used to be a dense forest, with towering trees covering the sky and the sun, even in summer it was chilly. Before entering the forest, the sun was still shining brightly, but as soon as we walked in, the sky suddenly became overcast, dark and ghostly.

The crowd wandered through the woods for an unknown amount of time, when suddenly someone yelled, "Damn it! Did you pass this road just now?"

The man who came with him said: "Yan Laosan, did you remember wrongly?"

"I just urinated on this tree stump, I remember it clearly, how could there be a mistake?"

"Is it really going back?"

"No, I remember walking forward all the time."

"Who is leading the way?"

"The road led by the head of the Murong family, how can there be any mistakes?"

"Did you run into a ghost hitting a wall?"

Everyone chattered and talked, and only then did they realize that there was a thick fog in the woods at some point, and the people walking in front could not be seen at all.

Xu Feng looked around and felt that he had walked this road just now. When he was still in the Palace of Bliss, he heard that there was a large formation at the foot of the mountain, but because of the palace's reputation, no one dared to break into it, and this formation had not been opened for many years.

Yan Laosan and the others discussed for a long time, but failed to come up with a charter, and finally just waved their hands and walked forward. It's just that the further you walk, the thicker the fog becomes, until you can only see the blurred back of the person in front of you.

As he was walking, there was a scream in front of him, which sounded like Yan Laosan's voice.

Xu Feng's heart trembled, and he hurriedly pressed the sword on his waist. He heard the strong wind sweeping past his ears, but there was a black shadow passing by. Xu Feng experienced a lot of life and death in that underground palace, and his martial arts has improved a lot. At this time, he drew his sword out of its sheath and swung it out.

With a flash of sword light, the black shadow was cut into several pieces immediately.

It's just that there was no blood on Xu Feng's sword, and his hands were light as if he hadn't cut anything. When he looked closely, he saw the black shadow gathering again and fleeing quickly to the distance.

Xu Feng knew something was wrong, so he stopped chasing after him. He took back his sword and looked around, but he saw that the surroundings were empty, except for a thick fog, there was no one else.

"Yan Lao San?"

"Senior Yang?"

He called the names of the few people who were traveling with him just now, but no one answered.

It was difficult to tell the direction in the dense fog. Xu Feng knew that it was useless to wait, so he raised his sword to protect his body and continued to walk forward. He was afraid of encountering the "ghost hitting the wall" again, so he left marks on the tree trunk along the way.

Although this dense forest is big, there are quite a few people who came this time. The strange thing is that Xu Feng hasn't met anyone after walking for a long time. Are these people already in distress? Or have you been spinning in circles

Just as Xu Feng was thinking of this, he saw another figure flash by. He turned around and saw the man's side face, but was stunned.

Murong Fei


Xu Feng yelled and immediately chased after him.

The man was extremely fast, and jumped into the depths of the woods after a few ups and downs. Xu Feng chased after him for a while before he realized that something was wrong. Is Murong Fei's lightness kung fu so good

His footsteps paused slightly, and the opponent's figure had disappeared, but at this moment, he heard a strong wind blowing behind his ears, and someone hit him on the back of the neck with a palm.

Xu Feng's kung fu was not too bad, he was able to be restrained with one move.

Before falling into the deep darkness, he suddenly thought in his heart, the side face he saw just now, is it Murong Fei, or... Murong Shen