Ascending, Do Not Disturb

Chapter 2: lie


Konghou once secretly hid two immortal scriptures in the house. One of them wrote that a certain swordsman was very kind and pity the poor. One day he went out to help a smelly and dirty old man who was bullied by hooligans. In fact, this old man It was changed by the gods in the sky. In order to reward the swordsman for his kindness, he gave him an elixir. After the swordsman ate the elixir, he instantly became an immortal and went to heaven to become a heavenly official.

There is another book that is even more bizarre. The protagonist is an ordinary hunter who accidentally fell off a cliff, picked up a cultivation practice method, and set foot on the cultivation road. On this cultivation road, Orion went through many hardships, was accepted as a closed disciple by experts, and finally became the leader of the righteous path of Xianmen. In the finale, she really wanted to know if this Orion had succeeded in cultivating the Great Dao and ascended to immortality.

For Konghou, who has not had the opportunity to come into contact with too many folklore books, these two stories are very exciting. When she was young, she would occasionally fantasize that on a certain night with few stars, a fairy would descend from the sky, saying that she is rare When he saw the immortal seedling, he wanted to accept her as a disciple.

When she first had this fantasy, she couldn't even recognize even the words, so she still needed to guess the contents of these two books. Now she has recited these two books, but she has not waited for the immortals to come.

In the past, before she went to bed at night, she often secretly talked about when the fairy grandpa would come to pick her up. Now she is no longer a child of six or seven years old, so she has learned to control her desires and will only repeat it once every three or five days.

I kept reciting and reciting like this, but the gods never came.

Instead, her hidden words were discovered by the female official, and the master punished her for copying books for a month, saying that as a royal princess, she should not read such vulgar books.

The Master said, Zi Buyu is strange and confused.

But Konghou felt that the Master was lying, because in the past few years after Emperor Jinghong ascended the throne, he would make sacrifices to the heaven every year, and he always liked to use miracles to emphasize how much he was valued by the heavens. Palace servants often said that His Majesty was the destiny God gave.

Adults are always so hypocritical and duplicitous.

Konghou scoffed at their behavior, of course he only dared to secretly despise them.

When the silver light above the palace became more and more dazzling, Konghou put down his hand holding his face and stared at the light falling towards the palace without blinking. Is this here to pick her up

The silver light was so strong that it hurt Konghou's eyes a little. She rubbed her left eye with her hand, but tried her best to open her right eye. When her left eye felt a little better, she hurriedly opened it before rubbing her right eye with her hand.

The immortal must... Maybe it's possible to pick her up

The appearance of these strange sights made the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty unable to react. Emperor Jinghong even stood up from the throne with some gaffe, and looked up at the sky with some madness.

Emperor heroes, seeking power and beauty, after possessing all these things, they dream of immortality. Emperor Jinghong was a qualified emperor, and the ambitions and desires that emperors possessed were similar to those of him.

The silver light gradually descended, and an old man in a gray robe walked out. The old man had a childish face. He had no sword on his body and no magic weapon. is the fairy.

"The immortal has come to the immortal country, and the immortal country will shine." Emperor Jinghong stepped forward quickly, but he was overjoyed, and stopped when he was five steps away from the immortal. He is a very vigilant. Men, even if the other party is an "immortal" is no exception. After the big ceremony, Emperor Jinghong said, "I invite the immortal to take the seat."

The immortal raised his hand: "No need."

Hearing the immortal's words, everyone was terrified. The immortal's attitude towards His Majesty was so indifferent. Could it be that God was dissatisfied with His Majesty's seizure of the throne of the previous dynasty? However, the previous generations of emperors were incompetent, and the people were ruined. If they did not rebel, how could they survive

Seemingly guessing the thoughts of these people, the immortal touched the beard on his lower jaw: "I am here today to repay the gratitude to someone here."

Pay back

When everyone heard this, their hearts were a little excited, and they wished that the object of the immortal's repayment was himself, who wouldn't want to have a little relationship with the immortal. Fortunately, everyone still remembered their own identity and didn't make their expressions look too fanatical.

Although Emperor Jinghong was a little disappointed, at least the immortals were not dissatisfied with him for taking away the former dynasty, so he felt at ease. Turning his head and looking at the courtiers standing below, Master Zhang has a reputation for benevolence and kindness, Master Li also often helps the common people, and Master Wang once received the Wanmin Umbrella before being transferred back to Beijing. I don’t know who is so lucky.

"I don't know who the immortal is looking for?" Emperor Jinghong was very generous, and the immortal wanted to thank his ministers, which was also beneficial to him.

"A child." The immortal smiled inscrutable, "I owe her a cause and effect."


The only children who can appear here are the princes and grandsons. Emperor Jinghong was determined in his heart: "I don't know which of my descendants has this fate with the immortal?"

Konghou, who was blocked by the adults, stood on tiptoe and wanted to see the appearance of the immortal, but was pulled back by a granddaughter next to him.

The granddaughter of the emperor is only seven or eight years old, and she speaks bluntly and unobstructed: "You are a princess of the former dynasty, don't try to push forward." Her grandfather is the son of God, so if you have kindness to the immortal, naturally you can only It is their princes and grandsons.

Seeing this, the palace servant beside the emperor's granddaughter reached out and pressed Konghou firmly on the seat, preventing her from standing up. The previous emperor was incompetent, and his daughter was naturally a sinner, so how could the immortal see such sinners.

Konghou was not reconciled: "I made a wish with the immortals, and they will come to pick me up."

Several princes and grandsons heard the words and sneered in a low voice: "How can the immortal come to pick you up, the remnant of the previous dynasty, your Ji family can't even keep the foundation of the country, and you still try to have an immortal relationship?"

Konghou widened his eyes, opened his mouth and said, "You..."

Gong Nu hurriedly reached out to cover her mouth, and she couldn't make a sound anymore. The princes and grandsons smiled and looked at her embarrassed appearance. When the palace servants called them to see the immortals, they straightened their clothes and walked out politely.

Seeing their retreating backs, Konghou wanted to reach out and tug at the corners of their clothes, but they walked very quickly and soon disappeared behind the crowd. Konghou thought, maybe the immortal will pick up a certain prince and princess soon, and he doesn't even know that she also made a wish.

Seeing that Konghou was being held down by the servants, the courtier with a soft heart couldn't help but whispered, "Your Highness, please stop making trouble, lest..."

If the majesty and the queen were to know that the former princess was trying to get close to the immortal chief, I am afraid that after the immortal chief left, the former princess would not even be able to save her life.

Tears welled up in Konghou's round eyes. This was the first time she cried since she was named Princess Pingning by the current emperor. She cried silently, tears falling down in large drops, wetting the backs of Gong Nu's hands and flowing into Gong Nu's blue sleeves.

Back then, the mother said to her before committing suicide that if she wants to live, she has to live with a smile.

She has always been obedient and obedient, but today she couldn't help it, tears were not obedient, there was nothing she could do, she really couldn't make it stop.

Looking at the crowd blocking her in front of her eyes, Konghou kept blinking, trying to take back her tears obediently, and to make her vision clearer, but tears kept flowing down her eyes, and her vision was so blurred that she couldn't see ahead clearly. .

Suddenly, the thick human wall seemed to have been hit by something, and began to sway from side to side, even giving way to her line of sight. Kong Hou opened his eyes with all his might, and tried his best to look up at the blurred gray figure in front of him.

Wangtong bent down, took the Konghou from Gong Nu's hand, turned to look at everyone, "This girl is my benefactor."

There was an uproar in the hall, and the civil and military officials never thought that the only bloodline left over from the previous dynasty was the one who had a fate with the immortal.

"Xianchang..." Emperor Jinghong looked at Konghou, whose hair was in a mess, "This girl is my adopted daughter, Princess Pingning."

Wangtong patted the little girl obediently lying on his shoulders, took out a cloak from the mustard and put it on her, and said to Emperor Jinghong, "This girl is very destined to me."

Emperor Jinghong didn't even think about it and said, "The dog girl has a relationship with the immortal. That is the blessing of the dog girl. It is better to let her serve the immortal and share the worries for the immortal."

Wangtong couldn't see that this human emperor didn't care about this little girl at all, but he was a cultivator, and he didn't want to get involved with him, so he nodded lightly and said: "I see that this girl has no father-daughter relationship with His Majesty, I bring it with you. It's okay for her to go."

Emperor Jinghong was a little embarrassed. He was the founding emperor of the dynasty. What kind of father-daughter relationship could he have with the blood of the previous dynasty, but he just wanted to have some relationship with the Xian family. Now he has been mercilessly dismantled by Xianchang. Although he has a hot face, he can conquer the world because of shamelessness, so he immediately changed his words and said: "Xianchang is very right."

The princes and grandsons who had bullied Konghou before were hiding behind the palace servants now, daring not to let the immortals see them, let alone let Konghou see them.

"If that's the case, then I'll leave." After Wangtong finished saying this, he stepped on the auspicious clouds and flew up. When Emperor Jinghong saw such an immortal family's means, he bowed and bowed without thinking: "Respectfully send the immortal chief."

Konghou, who was lying in the arms of the immortal, looked down secretly. This high-ranking emperor was humble and respectful at the moment, too small to be worth mentioning.

"You don't need to look at it, the fate of the world will be broken, and the world's common affairs have nothing to do with you." Wang Tong touched the little girl's fluffy head, making her crooked double buns completely scattered.

Kong Hou blushed and whispered, "I eat a lot on weekdays."

Wangtong smiled and said, "Could it be that you are still afraid that I can't support you?"

"I-I'm afraid you'll be tired from holding me."

Wangtong looked down at the little girl's moist eyes: "How can a cultivator be so bad?"

Konghou peeked at the immortal and felt that he seemed familiar, but after thinking about it for a long time, there was no memory related to immortals in his mind. Did he see it in a dream

That must be the fairy who heard her bedtime wish.

"Xianchang, did you come to pick me up because you heard my wish?"

Wangtong looked down at the little girl's eyes, which were full of expectation and yearning.

"Ah." Wangtong nodded awkwardly.

Probably because the child's eyes are so beautiful that he, an old man who has lived for hundreds of years, is reluctant to let her down. Fortunately, he is not a monk, and it is also a good intention to tell an innocuous little lie.

How can a cultivator's well-meaning lie count as a lie