Ascending, Do Not Disturb

Chapter 89: Useless apologies


"There is no way to break it." Xie Xiu shrank his neck, lying on the ground and didn't dare to raise his head, "This soul sacrifice formation is called Wan Guku, and it was set up by the most powerful formation master in the Xie Xiu world. People's lives can lead to countless evil spirits and grievances."

Standing behind Konghou, Huan Zong, who had been silent for a while, frowned slightly when he heard "The bones are withered". He walked to Konghou's side and pulled her wrist.

"Huanzong, what's wrong?" Konghou turned to look at Huanzong.

"Don't step on him." Huan Zong said, "Dirty."

Evil repair: "..."

He was trampled on the ground as a mat, and it was too late to despise the dirt on the ground, but instead he was despised for being dirty on his body. These famous people are too shameless to talk and do things decently, and even the means of insulting people are so innovative.

Kong Hou moved his feet off Xie Xiu's back, rubbed the soles of his shoes on the ground, and suddenly said, "You are right."

"Murdering is just a no-brainer. You are so dignified, yet you mistreat the prisoners like this." Xie Xiu noticed Konghou's actions and whispered, "Isn't this what we evil cultivators can do?"

"Young Master, as a well-known and upright monk, I decided to fulfill his last wish in life and let his head nod." Lin Hu drew his sword and walked to Xie Xiu.

Xie Xiu begged for mercy again and again: "The real person spares his life, what we Xie Xiu said doesn't count, so don't take it seriously."

"What do you mean, that formation called Wangukuu is fake?" The tip of the sword pointed directly at Xie Xiu's eyebrows, Xie Xiu was shaking with fright, and the coldness on the sword seemed to have soaked into his mind. .

"No, no, we evil cultivators are also very honest sometimes." Xie Xiu said immediately, "I'm a weirdo among evil cultivators, and I love being a good person and doing good deeds."

Lin Hu was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, so he put away his swordsmanship: "Is there really no way to crack this array?"

"This kind of formation was created to create resentment and anger, so why do we need a way to crack it?" Xie Xiu did not dare to speak too loudly, he was afraid that Jian Xiu's sword would accidentally fall on him.

Lin Hu turned to look at Huan Zong, and there was a bit of worry in his eyes. When the ten thousand bones were formed, I was afraid that most of the mortal world would be involved. Then the monstrous resentment and anger would be brought to Lingyou Realm by Xie Xiu, Lingyou Realm. What would it be like to be overwhelmed by negative emotions

He didn't dare to think, nor could he accept that the peaceful world of Ling Youjie had become chaotic for a long time.

Hearing these words, the queen was shocked at first, and then became angry. She tore off the heavy phoenix crown on her head and threw it to the ground, took two steps forward to grab Xie Xiu's shirt, and roared angrily, "You immortals are high above the ground, what do you think of us mortals as cattle and sheep that can be slaughtered at will? That is People have flesh and blood, people with families, parents and children!"

She roared in a broken voice, without the majesty that a queen should have: "The faint-hearted emperor tortured them, the immortals high above, when we are pigs and sheep, what did we mortals do wrong?"

Seeing that an ordinary human woman dared to yell at him, Xie Xiu sneered disdainfully: "What does it have to do with us?" They are just a group of ordinary people with short lives and incompetence. When things go wrong, they only know how to ask God, worship Buddha, and ask God for help, and they deserve it.

"We mortals are incompetent, but we won't be like this forever." The queen pushed the evil cultivator away with a solemn face, "What if you are an immortal? In the face of life and death, what is the difference between us mortals?"

"We mortals have the same fear and anger before you face death." The queen slapped Xie Xiu on the face. Xie Xiu wanted to attack, and the Konghou Shui Frost sword came out of its sheath and pointed at his throat. .

Xie Xiu endured and retracted his five fingers.

"Look, you're just a waste of fear of others." The queen slapped Xie Xiu again with her backhand, "One day..."

One day, they mortals can rely on their own strength to make life better and better, no longer like dogs, lingering in front of these aloof immortals.

But... will there really be such a day

The queen looked back blankly, even herself, it was only because Ji Konghou was there that she dared to vent her anger against this evil immortal. If Ji Konghou was not around, would she dare? She asked herself, and the answer she got was self-evident, she dared not.

She did not dare to fight against these high-ranking immortals, for fear that they would be unhappy and cause more people to suffer. So in the end, she will only choose to compromise and use all means to exchange for the people in the world to live.

"The Empress, you go back to rest first." Konghou saw that the Empress was in a bad mood, and said, "My friends and I will go to places where the epidemic is severe, and we will not participate in the banquet."

I came here just to find out the hidden evil cultivator, not really to eat a feast.

Although the queen did not understand what the formation was, she also guessed from the words of the evil immortal that the matter was not simple, or even incomprehensible. Ji Konghou just left, and he didn't know if there would be any danger. She really couldn't watch the other party in trouble with peace of mind.

"You..." The Queen said bitterly, took a step back after a while, and gave a deep squatting salute, "Your kindness is beyond repayment, thank you very much."

"You don't have to thank me." Konghou lifted it up in the air, not letting the queen continue to salute. She always had a smile on her face, and she was more serious than ever before, "I once thought that if I could stop the behavior of the father and emperor, maybe many people would be spared from suffering."

The queen was silent. How old was Ji Konghou back then, five or six? When she was captured by the patrolling army, her face was covered with dust that the servants had deliberately smeared on her face, and she looked particularly embarrassed. Only those eyes were big and bright, and she didn't know that she was greeted by death.

Faced with such a pair of eyes, her heart softened. It was she who told His Majesty that keeping a princess as a puppet was more useful than killing her. Although she and His Majesty are no longer in love, they still respect her, so she accepts her suggestion.

Since then, she has let the palace servants monitor Konghou everywhere, preventing her from contacting the people from the previous dynasty. Letting that little girl survive is her greatest kindness to the remnants of the previous dynasty.

At this moment, she is extremely glad that she was soft-hearted at that time. Otherwise, when encountering today's events, the people of the world really should not make the earth and the earth dead, and life and death are in the hands of these immortals who do not distinguish between good and evil.

"Niangniang, leave." Kong Hou turned to look at Huan Zong, grabbed the corner of his clothes, "Let's go."

"Okay." Huan Zong smiled at Konghou, bright as a star.

Kong Hou's heart trembled slightly, looking at the smiling Huan Zong, the little worry and loss that filled his heart gradually disappeared.

"Please wait." The eldest princess, whose eyes were red and swollen from crying, stood up, "I'm sorry for all these years."

No matter how talented and virtuous her husband is, no matter what she has done for the people of the world over the years, she can't hide her resentment for spreading her resentment to a child who doesn't know anything.

"It is useless to mention right and wrong again." Konghou looked at the eldest princess, his expression neither sad nor happy, "Water can't flow backwards, and people can't start all over again. I went through all this back then. Now, I have There is no need for an apology. From now on, the sky is high and the earth is wide, each side is right or wrong, what's the point of mentioning it?"

Huan Zong lightly held Konghou's hand, he looked coldly at the imperial palace nobles, civil servants and military generals with a distorted expression in the hall, and said, "When she was weak, you bullied her. When she was strong, you finally found out , the past was wrong."

"Huh." Huan Zong rarely laughed, let alone laughed so mockingly, his eyes were as cold as ice in the twelfth lunar month, "It's ridiculous."

"I..." The eldest princess stood there in a daze, watching Konghou and the other two immortals fly away, unable to speak for a while.

She turned back to look at the throne, and the royal brother had already woken up. I don't know if he heard Ji Konghou's words, but he just stared blankly at the Queen's Sister-in-law with a look of sadness and remorse on his face.

"Zi Tong..."

"Your Majesty." The queen turned to look at him, her eyes flat and unwavering, "Fairy Konghou and her immortal friends have rushed to the place where the epidemic is frequent. I will go to the quiet room to pray for her and the people of the world."

After speaking, before Emperor Jinghong could react, she had already straightened her waist and walked outside the hall.

Emperor Jinghong sighed and turned around to see that the prince was also awake, and said to the prince, "Prince follow me to the Tai Temple to pray for blessings."

"Yes." The prince stood up and looked out of the temple door, where there was bright sunlight.

"Senior Lin, why did you bring this evil cultivator too?" Konghou glanced at the evil cultivator who was being held by Lin Hu, and let go of the hand he held with Huan Zong, "What's the use of keeping him?"

"Take him with you when you break the formation. If you can't break it, let him fill the eyes of the formation. If it breaks, you will save his life." Lin Hu's tone was calm, and it didn't seem like he was saying anything threatening.

The evil cultivator wanted to cry but had no tears. Most of the decent cultivators he met in the past paid attention to the decent face of famous people. Where did he meet such a person? This formation has no way to stop the destruction at all, and he is destined to die in the formation created by his own people.

"That's a good idea." Kong Hou nodded and said to Huan Zong, "Huan Zong, let's hurry up."

The Mortal Realm was much smaller than the Lingyou Realm, and it only took less than half an hour to travel from the capital to the city infected with the disease in the southeast.

The closer you are to the southeast, the stronger the evil spirit, miasma, and sullen resentment. Ordinary people can't see it, but Konghou, a monk, can see that black resentment is pervading the entire southeast sky. These resentments are rolling in the clouds, mixed with rainwater and falling to the ground.

The rain with suffocating and suffocating qi wet the flowers, plants and trees, and the rainwater flows into the river along the stream. The water flows downstream, and the suffocating qi begins to spread to the next city.

Konghou took a deep breath. Downstream of this river is a very prosperous city. There are more than 200,000 people in this city. If they are infected by the epidemic...

She took out a bottle of spirit medicine refined by Uncle Qing Yuan and poured it into the river, and the black air in the river disappeared.

"It's useless." Xie Xiu was tied up by the magic weapon and couldn't move. He looked at the temporarily restored river channel: "As long as the rain doesn't stop, this river will still be polluted again."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Jianxiu in white threw a seal with golden light from his sleeve. The seal fell into the river, and the suffocating energy around him escaped, and more suffocating qi was swallowed by the golden light.

"What is this?" After Konghou discovered that the golden seal had fallen into the water, the evil spirit within a radius of more than ten miles disappeared without a trace. The golden light seemed to have a tendency to spread everywhere, and it was so violent that it forced the evil spirit to have nowhere to hide.

"The seal of the mountains and the sea." Huan Zong explained to Konghou patiently, "The firmness of the mountains and the protection of the sea level have the effect of warding off evil spirits and suppressing the sea."

"Shan Hai Yin..." Konghou vaguely remembered where he had heard of this thing. Seeing that the evil spirit within a radius of nearly a hundred miles was completely swallowed up by Shan Hai Yin, she whispered, "I remember, Shan Hai Yin. The seal is one of the heaven-level artifacts held by Master Zhongxi. If you hold this golden seal, no evil will invade it. How could one of Master Zhongxi’s portable artifacts be here with you?”

When Xie Xiu heard the words "Zhongxi Real Man", his shoulders couldn't help shaking, and his back became cold.

As the suffocating energy quickly dissipated, Konghou finally had the urge to joke, "No wonder..."

"No wonder what?" Huan Zong looked at Konghou with worry, anticipation, and a bit of unease in his eyes.

"It's no wonder that when I told you about the rumors about Zhenren Zhongxi, you didn't always talk much about it. It turns out that he and you are close friends." Konghou sighed, "If not, how could he lend you such an important artifact?"

As a person of Huan Zong, he really does not like to talk about his friends in private.

Lin Hu: "..."

This little girl is afraid of being stupid.