Ascending, Do Not Disturb

Chapter 93: rebirth


"What's going on?" The Array Master found that the power of the resentful spirit was getting smaller and smaller, and pushed away the glamorous woman kneeling in front of him pouring wine, strode to the edge of the cliff and looked out, only to see the sky and clouds fighting with the black mist. Together, on a par.

"The former princess in the world of the world, did she worship at the door of Yunhua Gate or the gate of Buddhist cultivation?" Master Zhen gritted his teeth and said, "The group of bald donkeys never care, how can there be Buddha's light here?" The monk from the world of the world , It is a blessing not to be bullied and humiliated in the world of harassment and worry, how can it be possible to establish a relationship with Buddhist cultivators in just a few years

The buddhist cultivator with bad deeds is definitely not an ordinary person. Looking at the Buddha's light in the sky, I am afraid that this buddhist cultivator has already attained the status of Arhat and cultivated the appearance of the Dharma.

"Sir, what are we going to do now?" Xie Xiu cried out in his heart when he saw that something was wrong with a bald donkey.

"What should I do?" Master Array looked back at the evil cultivators behind him, "Aren't these monks paying attention to compassion, so you go to the city to kill people and see if these monks continue to chant scriptures or come to stop you."

"His Holiness, these monks..."

"Why, you masters in the world of evil cultivators, are you afraid that a few bald donkeys will fail?" The Array Master sneered, "Or do you only dare to play tricks on evil cultivators?"

"The little ones understand." The evil cultivator who asked the question knew that the venerable was in a state of anger and anger, and was afraid of the delay. Before they died in the hands of the bald donkey, they had already died in the hands of the venerable.

"Okay." Master Array finally had a smile on his face, "I'm older, and I like younger people who are more well-behaved." He turned his head and saw an evil cultivator who was still standing still. He let out a long sigh. "Child, are you afraid?"

"Your Excellency forgive your sins." The evil cultivator shook his head in fright, "Please forgive your sins."

"Look at how scared you are, I am a person who loves my juniors very much." The Array Master smiled, waved his hand and used his spiritual power to grab the evil cultivator in front of him. Suddenly, he used his five fingers to break the man's neck.

"In this way, you will never have to be afraid." He took out a handkerchief and wiped his fingers, turned to the other evil cultivators with a gentle smile, "Why, still not moving?"

As soon as the voice fell, the other evil cultivators flew away from the cliff and flew towards the city.

The smile on the Mage's face disappeared, and he kicked the corpse at his feet off the cliff: "Trash."

The female evil cultivator who was waiting for him was already trembling with fright. He glanced at the shrunken female evil cultivator, straightened the hair on the side of his temples, and disappeared into the sky as a white light.

"The dead are born, the six reincarnations..."

Fa Tan opened his eyes, looked in the direction of the city gate, and frowned.

"Master, please continue, leave the rest to me." Huan Zong jumped off the cloud head with the Longyin Sword in hand, looking at the evil cultivators flying towards this side from outside the city, swept away with his sword, and flew in front of the few evil cultivators , was slashed by the sword qi across his throat, and fell into the clouds one after another.

"How can there be a sword repairer?" The remaining evil repairers saw that in the blink of an eye, they had lost several of their companions, and hurriedly stopped, stood around each other, and looked at the city gate in horror.

The closed city gate opened wide, and a man dressed in white and blue silk came out without haste.

"Sword repair!"

"No, it's the real person Zhong Xi!" Cold sweat oozes out of the forehead of the evil cultivator with the highest cultivation base. One hundred years ago, his master died under this man's sword. This person's sword is ruthless, and people are more ruthless than swords. Why is this sword cultivator who should have practiced in the Glazed Light Sect in the mortal world

"Escape." In front of the real person Zhong Xi, who can stand a fight? He sent a flare into the air, hoping that the Array Master would come to rescue them.

"Why do you have to leave now?" The city gate was filled with the unpleasant stench of corpses, and in the big pit not far away, there were still corpses piled up that had not had time to incinerate. The Dragon Yin Sword in Huan Zong's hand exuded a dazzling golden light, his eyes were very cold, and he flew to block the way of the evil cultivators.

"Zhongxi, there are so many of us, we are not necessarily afraid of you..." The leader of the evil cultivator's voice was a little trembling, and he squeezed the magic weapon in his hand.

Under the sword of Emperor Huan Zong, these evil cultivators, who were usually flamboyant and mighty, were like radishes and potatoes.

The leader of the evil cultivator turned around and fled, but he just flew out not far, only to hear a wind blowing by his ear, his left arm fell from the body, and fell into the big pit where the corpse was buried.

"Zhongxi Master, as a sword repairer in Lingyoujie, you are too busy with your business." Xie Xiu frequently looked at the distant hills, hoping that the master array would come over sooner, "These mortals have short lifespans, why should you care about this? Aren't you afraid of getting yourself into trouble?"

Huanzong kicked him into the pit and looked at him condescendingly: "Every one of the people in this pit died unwillingly and innocently. From today onwards, your soul will be guarded here until all the people. All are reincarnated, and your soul can leave this place."

"No no no..." Xie Xiu shook his head again and again, turned around and wanted to step on the corpse to climb out of the pit, a sword qi swept across, his eyes widened and he fell down with these people who were killed by them, and the array he had been waiting for The mage is still missing.

Huan Zong grabbed the void, grabbed a cyan soul shadow, bit his finger and cast a few spells on the soul shadow, and then threw the soul shadow back into the corpse pit: "The resentful spirits here are not scattered, you will never be born again."

Waving his sleeves and burning all the corpses in the corpse pit, Huan Zong put away the Longyin Sword, looked at the burning flames, turned and flew in the direction that Xie Xiu was looking at frequently.

On the cliff, is there a palace of tables and chairs that can be evacuated in time? A beautiful female cultivator knelt by the jade table, looked up and saw Huan Zong suddenly descend from the sky, looking at the Longyin Sword in his hand, she shrank back in fright Shrinking, he immediately pulled down his clothes, revealing his fair shoulders, stood up with tears in his eyes and ran towards Huan Zong: "Xianchang, help."

"Back up." Long Yin's sword was unsheathed, Huan Zong pointed at the female cultivator expressionlessly, and glanced at her from head to toe, "Where's the person?"

"Xianchang, are you talking about the bad guy who kidnapped me?" The female cultivator pursed her red lips and looked particularly charming. "Perhaps he sensed Xianchang's immortal aura, and was afraid in his heart, and had already escaped ahead of time."

She thought, I don't know which sect this immortal is from, but she looks so good-looking, there is probably no man in the world who can wear white clothes so tempting.

"Fortunately, there is an immortal who came, otherwise the slave family will be repaired by evil..."

Before she could finish her words, the sword had penetrated her spiritual platform, she bent over to cover her abdomen, her eyes widened in disbelief. She even used the charm technique, how could a man kill her so easily under such circumstances

"This is impossible..." Before she died, the female cultivator couldn't believe this fact.

This must not be a man...

Huan Zong didn't even look at the woman on the ground, turned around and rushed back. These evil cultivators are full of suffocation, and I don't know how many lives have been contaminated on their hands. Evil cultivators like this, who never talk nonsense, let them live a little longer in the world are ruthless towards the people who died at their hands.

Fa Tan led his disciples to sit among the clouds and recited the mantra for three days and three nights. When the morning sun was about to rise on the fourth day, Fa Tan opened his eyes and looked at the ten thousand bones withered formation that had lost most of its effectiveness, got up and sighed: " Although the resentful souls have been rescued, the souls locked in the Soul Containment Array still need someone to release them."

"I'll go." Lin Hu stood up.

Fa Tan shook his head: "No, the soul-collecting array is full of the souls of the people here. Now their souls are weak, their intelligence is greatly lost, and they can't bear the slightest change. To them, you are just a stranger who doesn't know where you came from. Get near there and you'll be attacked by them."

This formation is too sinister, the soul in the soul-absorbing formation is like oil in an oil lamp. Although the fire on the oil lamp is extinguished, the oil cannot be poured out casually.

"Senior Lin, leave this matter to me." Konghou held a phoenix head and walked in front of Lin Hu, blessed him, and turned to look at the bright sky, "From the day I was born, , and enjoy everything the people have given them. I couldn't help them back then, and today I can't let them die even in peace."

"Girl Konghou..."

"Pay attention to safety." Huan Zong took a deep look at Kong Hou, and helped the hairpin on her temple, "We are here waiting for you to come back."

Kong Hou smiled and raised his eyebrows: "Okay."

"Young Master!" Lin Hu frowned. Although the resentment and suffocation had been suppressed, the crisis had not really been resolved. How could Young Master rest assured that Miss Konghou would go alone

Huan Zong ignored him, withdrew his hand beside Kong Hou's temple, raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and his eyes were as gentle as a hot spring: "Go, I'm right here."

Kong Hou nodded, jumped out of the cloud head, and flew towards the formation eye.

Huan Zong followed two steps forward, until Fa Tan chanted the Buddha's name, and then stopped.

The wind on the cloud was strong, and the horns of Huan Zong's robe were blown by the horns. He looked back at Fa Tan, who was sitting cross-legged, threw his flying sword, jumped up, and chased after Konghou. Not far from the eye of the formation, he stopped and held the Longyin Sword in his hand.

When he came to the array, Konghou was stunned by the scene in front of him. Countless wailing souls, they stretched their arms and tried to crawl outside, only to be pulled back again and again. The heads and arms were entangled and squeezed together, and no one could get rid of them.

Kong Hou walked to the edge of the formation, and a Wu Qing hand grabbed her ankle. The hand was shriveled, but still the hand of a half-old child. She bent down, patted the arm lightly, and jumped in without hesitation.

"First there is heaven and earth, water and all things, clearing Qi and removing turbidity. Heaven and earth give birth to yin and yang, yin and yang combine two instruments, and two instruments give birth to four images..."

The soul tried to tear her apart, wanted to step on her shoulders and leave the place where they were imprisoned. Konghou closed his eyes, sat down with his legs crossed with the phoenix head in his arms, his fingers resting on the strings of the phoenix head.

These people were born here and buried here, but they should not be bound here.

The music is melodious, like a requiem that is the most peaceful and gentle, soothing these irrational souls little by little. The bun is messed up, the clothes are old, and there are screams of pain and unwillingness in the ears.

Everything about her belonged to Ling Youjie, but not herself, nor the voice she created.

The people in the city watched Konghou jump into the formation full of resentful souls. Some people saw their relatives in the formation, some saw their friends in the formation, and they also saw more and more wounds on Princess Konghou's body.

They were silent.

"It's raining… "

Drops of drizzle fell, no longer bitter rain, but sweet and delicious rain.

As the drizzle washed away, the angry and roaring resentful spirits in the formation gradually quieted down, the tattered clothes on their bodies gradually became complete and bright, and the wounds on their bodies gradually healed.

The music has not stopped, but the rain is still falling.

The rain soaked the ends of Huan Zong's hair, and it fell to the ground along his chin. He looked at the girl in the formation without blinking, his long eyelashes were dyed with water vapor.

"Amitabha." Fa Tan slowly opened his eyes, "It's such a beautiful tune, I haven't heard such a beautiful tune for many years."

"Master, this is... Requiem of Requiem?" Disciple Xuan Wu said, "This Konghou girl is only in the heartbeat stage, how can she play such a powerful tune?"

"Benevolence does not distinguish between young and old, and naturally it does not distinguish between cultivation bases." Fa Tan put his hands together and recited the Buddha's name, "If this woman enters my Buddhist school, her comprehension will be much higher than yours. It's a pity..."

As soon as the song stopped, Konghou's plucked fingers were already stained with blood. She opened her eyes and saw the ghosts in the formation turned into light spots and flew towards the road to life.