Assassin Reborn

Chapter 51: 90+ ecstasy


ps: Flowers, collect them more violently, so that you can write with motivation!

Some familiar scenes, Xu Xiang quickly found the terrain in the previous life information, this is a relatively corner place, occasionally ogres will pass by, behind is a mountain wall, and on the left is a simple dwelling made of stones , the right is the fence, because stone buildings and fences are the default indestructible objects of the system, so they can be used as obstacles

In the previous life, when Xu Xiang took his friends to make this dungeon, he was already over forty levels. He could kill all the way without relying on the terrain, so he didn’t pay attention to this terrain. Now he needs to use it to find it based on his impression.

It's just that the gap between the fence and the stone building is very large, about a yard or so, and it can barely accommodate two ogres. After all, it is impossible for you to find a place with only a little gap, and the system cannot Give you a place where you can talk about bugs, at most let you take tricks

Although the opening of this place is quite wide, it is in the shape of a cone. It gets narrower and narrower as you go in, and at the end is the mountain wall. It is estimated that except for the acup that needs to be blocked, the other people can barely squeeze it in.

After stepping on a good point, Xu Xiang took down the coordinates and went out again in stealth to bring others in. After all, he was the only one who figured out the ogre's route. If he just provided the coordinates and asked them to come in by himself, he would be easily spotted.

"Why hasn't he come out yet?" Wang Xue was a little worried, but she didn't know whether she was worried about Xu Xiang himself or the failure of the dungeon, the worry on her face couldn't be concealed

"Oh, is our Xiaoxue worried? Don't worry, your husband is the number one master in the legend. If I can't even do this, then I won't hand Xiaoxue to him." Lin Xin stood up Majestic, but still staring at the ogre camp

Fangxin just stayed aside quietly, while Acup was staring at Lin Xin's chest in a daze, this wretched man, he never forgets his true nature no matter what happens

"I said no, I always thought he was your boyfriend." Wang Xue blushed when she heard the word "husband", and then counterattacked

"How can it be"

At this time, a voice suddenly came from the middle of the four of them. Fortunately, this voice was very familiar, otherwise all kinds of attacks would have hit them directly.

"Okay, wait a minute and pay attention to follow me, don't lose it, or we will really be wiped out if we attract a large number of ogres." Xu Xiang's figure suddenly appeared in the middle of the four of them. At the entrance of the ogre camp, but did not pay attention to the mini-map

"Don't scare me, our little ones don't scare me." Acup patted his chest exaggeratedly, but unfortunately his chest is too small to be shocking. If Lin Xin did this, it would definitely be attractive

Wang Xue and Lin Xin didn't speak, they were surprised after being frightened, and Fang Xin remained silent, only showing a hint of surprise when Xu Xiang appeared, and then regained her composure

They were surprised because Xu Xiang was able to hide the perception of so many people. Just approaching this hand silently is enough to make all his enemies terrified and feel like they are sitting on pins and needles!

Not paying much attention to their reactions, Xu Xiang took the lead to enter the ogre camp, and the four of them followed Xu Xiang's footsteps and walked into the camp. The camp was filled with a smell that seemed to be moldy bread, and occasionally There is a smell of burning, and the most buildings are simple dwellings built of stones. Some dwellings are not big, just smell like ogres.

"Stop" Xu Xiang stopped a few people. According to his calculation, there should be a group of ogres passing by in ten seconds. Xu Xiang has no way to be accurate to a few seconds. After all, this is not just data. Some npcs even have emotions, which also adds uncertainty to the game, but it is also playable

As planned, 17 seconds later, a team of ogres passed 30 yards in front of Xu Xiang. The team was composed of 6 ogre fighters and an ogre boxer. They were too far away to see to properties

"Let's go!" After the huge head of the ogre disappeared from sight, Xu Xiang continued to lead the four people forward, and finally arrived at the place Xu Xiang planned, the place surrounded by stone buildings and fences

"Wait acup... little A, you're stuck here. In this case, at most two ogres can attack you. Wang Xue heals, Fang Xin and Lin Xin will attack." Xu Xiang just wanted to call acup but saw three girls present The unkind look quickly changed his words, it's hard to offend everyone!

"Okay" the three girls nodded, while Acup had a sad face: "Brother, don't play with me, how can my small body stand in the way, you are always hiding behind and hugging left and right." Acup estimated that there is not enough space here. It's just barely enough for a few of them to stand, so there is bound to be close contact, and the eyes will be red

"Who told you to choose fighters... I want to lead the overall situation, what are you slandering me?"

"Okay, little A, you just accept your fate, and Fengxiang master is more handsome than you, better than you, and even taller than you, so don't give me any hope." Lin Xin directly lost the acup to a point The money is packaged and delivered, Xu Xiang is indeed a little higher than the acup

Acup went to stand guard obediently with a mournful face, his face couldn't hide the sadness, like a little daughter-in-law who was abandoned

"No problem, if we don't have enough supplies, we will be trapped here." Lin Xin began to worry about another thing, which is supplies. In fact, the main supply problem is Wang Xue. If Wang Xue's treatment continues, I believe it will not be a big problem. But no one's mana is inexhaustible

"You'll know when the time comes"

There is no need to pull monsters, and soon a group of ogres will pass by here, as long as Xu Xiang or Lin Xin shoots an arrow, or Fang Xin casts a spell, they can attack them

The space is indeed a bit small, Xu Xiang stood at the front, but there were two positions away from the acup, in order to let the acup attract the hatred first, Fangxin stood on the left behind, Lin Xin stood on the right, and at the end was Wang Xue, after all, she only needs to add blood to the cup, and doesn't need to output. Fangxin is fine, but Lin Xin's big *ru rubbed against Xu Xiang's elbow, which made Xu Xiang feel a little distracted, and Lin Xin's face Two red clouds also rose above

Lin Xin couldn't say anything because of the current situation, and this was even more tormenting for Xu Xiang. Xu Xiang was a normal man, and a man with a normal orientation, and a boy who had never practiced. The stimulation is too much to make people blush and heartbeat

Lin Xin tried her best to keep her breathing steady so that her chest wouldn't rise and fall, and Xu Xiang also let go of the crossbow first, so as not to touch Lin Xin, Wang Xue and Fang Xin didn't pay attention to their embarrassing situation. I found a place to sit at the back and waited for the ogre to arrive