Assassin Reborn

Chapter 9: Happy little miner!


After packing up my things, I turned back to Xinshou Village. In fact, the shop sells city return scrolls. You can go back to the village or city you recorded. Of course, death and resurrection are also here, but a city return scroll needs 10 silver coins. Currently, there is no such scroll. People can afford it, and no one buys it if they can afford it. Now the leveling points are very close to villages and cities. Why spend so much money for a few minutes

Back in the village, Xu Xiang didn't rush out to find skills or equipment, but went to the only open space in the village

"Level 0 shortbows are for sale. Attack 8 to 10. It is necessary for leveling and killing bosses. If you have money, come quickly. There will be no such shop after passing this village." Xu Xiang shouted in the open space. To set up a stall, you can only shout for sale

The crowd who heard that there was a sale of equipment quickly gathered. The equipment acquired so far is almost all their own needs, and there are very few leftovers. Moreover, the monster equipment explosion rate is not high, and most people have not gathered all the equipment.

"I'll offer 50 copper coins," said a little boy who looked like an archer. "50 copper coins." Xu Xiang glanced at him, wondering if it was a hot item? In other words, Xu Xiang's explosion rate increased because of leapfrog killing monsters, but he only had 3 pieces of equipment after killing hundreds of monsters

"All flash players below 1 silver coin" Xu Xiang added, telling some casual players to retreat directly

"1.5 silver coins, I want it." A middle-aged man with a very sturdy appearance came over, but Xu Xiang found that he was an archer, and the bow on his back was obviously a novice bow. It's a waste of talent not to choose warrior knights and the like

"Deal" Xu Xiang also just recognized this person. According to Jian Feng, the president of "Top of the World", he is a very rich person in reality. He was self-righteous, and was later wiped out by Bai Xinming's Dream Soul Guild and became one of its affiliated guilds. Now he and he will not have any intersections. Maybe we can cooperate to deal with Bai Xinming in the future, but it is only cooperation based on common interests.

After the transaction, Xu Xiang left Xinshou Village without saying a word. Jian Feng looked at Xu Xiang's back thoughtfully, and perhaps wanted to speak, but he moved his mouth and finally fell silent.

Xu Xiang naturally knew that Invincible had thoughts about himself, ahem, he wanted to recruit himself, but there was always only one guild in his heart—Xue Qingcheng

Xu Xiang is going to get a weapon next, because his current weapon is really bad. The destination is the mine in Xinshou Village, where there are a lot of various ores, which can be used to make weapons. Before learning mining skills, only If you dig low-level ores, don’t dream about high-level or even god-level ores.

Come to the mine, the mine is also a place to spawn monsters, but there are monsters only after you go deep, the monster is a level 8 maggot, it looks very disgusting, this kind of monster that should have been harmonized exists in this dark mine Fortunately, the miners and the girls are insulated, otherwise it would be bad to frighten the little sister

But relatively, the deeper the ore goes, the higher the quality and grade of the ore, so now the miners are not easy to mix, and they must have a certain strength, otherwise they will not even be able to mine the ore. Of course, you can pay someone to protect it, but if You haven't dug out any valuable ore, loss is inevitable

In his previous life, Xu Xiang was an ordinary player. When he had nothing to do and couldn’t find a team, he would come to mine to earn some extra money to subsidize the economy. Although if the miner reaches the master level, he can also have a high income, and the big guild is willing to spend a lot of money. But Xu Xiang doesn't have this talent, even in this world.

However, Xu Xiang has rich experience in digging low-level ore to manufacture low-level weapons. Mining, forging in "Dispute", and later tailoring, refining medicine, alchemy, etc. are all related to experience in techniques, not pure mechanization.

No one has come to mine yet in the mine. Now is the time for everyone to level up. Only about a week will anyone come here to start mining. After all, low-end players can’t make ends meet. question

Xu Xiang first took a look around the mine, and based on his previous life experience, he could tell where the mines had been dug many times, where there were few or no one had dug, and the quality of the rocks was directly related to the ore inside. Hooked, although there are no players to dig, but there are also miners in the npc

Aim at a place with better rock quality and hit it with a hammer, black iron purple gold mine! This is naturally impossible, only a few ordinary rocks fell, and the sound of falling on the ground echoed in the huge mine

One hammer, another hammer, and another hammer, Xu Xiang started his mining journey...

"Ah, I'm exhausted." Mining is indeed a tiring job, but none of the occupations in life is easy. The easiest enchantment is the most expensive, but it is only relatively easy

After more than 4 hours of digging, Xu Xiang dug a total of 5 copper mines, 2 iron mines, and a silver mine with good luck.

Copper Ore Quality: Weight 10 Iron Ore Quality: 63.67 Weight 12 Silver Ore Quality: 72 Weight 15 Return with a full load. If you sell these ores to blacksmiths, you can get about 2 silver coins, but these ores can also be made for Xu Xiang. handy weapon

Xu Xiang came to the blacksmith's shop in Xinshou Village with a backpack full of ore. A middle-aged man with a full beard was hard at work forging with a hammer. The sound of iron collision resounded in his ears.

"Uncle blacksmith, I want to forge weapons." Xu Xiang threw the ore to the blacksmith, and filled the table that the blacksmith beloved

"Warrior, what kind of weapon do you want to build?" The blacksmith uncle was not unhappy at all, he looked at Xu Xiang with a smile like he was looking at his friend

"Dagger, uncle, here, this is the deposit." Xu Xiang took out 2 silver coins to the blacksmith uncle with heartache, but unfortunately he couldn't do without cutting the meat. Originally, if there was no silver mine, Xu Xiang only planned to use 1 silver coin, but he looked at the backpack. There are nearly 2 silver coins, but I don’t think it’s too sad

"Okay, you can get it in two hours." The blacksmith uncle took the money, waved his hand, and told Xu Xiang to come back in two hours

So Xu Xiang could only rush to that pit and continue to brush the goblin shooter who occupied the latrine without shitting, and vented all the depression, happiness, and heartache these days on this evil incarnation, and exploded The chrysanthemums of one goblin shooter after another, now Xu Xiang spawns monsters much faster, but the experience value is also less, and more than 40,000 experience points have been collected in two hours

"Current experience 45612500000" The upgrade experience in "Dispute" is really scary, even if it is as strong as Xu Xiang, it can't be upgraded in a short time, but this time it may be because the level has been improved, only one piece of equipment, goblin leather armor, needs a level : 0 Type: Leather Armor Defense: 6 can be strengthened to level 1, +1% dodge rate Weight 7 Use restrictions: thieves, archers, all races

I can finally wear clothes. Naturally, Xu Xiang has been running naked since the novice commoner exploded last time. This effect is not good. The defense power has increased by 6 points, reaching the height of 21 points. The early defense power and attack power are almost normal. Wait until After level 10 job transfer, you can learn two-handed weapon proficiency, and equip active and off-hand weapons at the same time, the attack power will be much higher than now