Assassin Reborn

Chapter 95: What is arrogance!


A male soldier came over with several people. Although he was speaking towards Xu Xiang, his eyes were always on Xia Yao's uneven body, and his attitude of lust and soul was clearly revealed. Following him A few people are similar, as expected, birds of a feather flock together, and people are divided into groups

"Why, what do you want?" Xu Xiang looked at the male soldier in front of him with a smile, Xu Xiang didn't even bother to open his shadow pupils to check the information of this male soldier, this kind of scum Xu Xiang didn't bother to remember his name

What Xu Xiang didn't know was that this male warrior was the one who was struck to death by Xia Yao's Tianlei yesterday, and his level dropped by one level, so he stayed here all the time. It happened that Xu Xiang appeared, and Xia Yao was about to be killed Xu Xiang took it away, so naturally I have to come out to show "wei"

Xia Yao hides behind Xu Xiang, completely like a little daughter-in-law, and Xia Yao is the kind of girl who easily arouses men's desire to protect, this kind of attitude makes several players who come to find fault hate Xu Xiang Tooth itching, why? Don't you know that beautiful women are scarce now

"I give you two choices. One is to ask your little girlfriend to touch it for us. Just touch it, and it won't lose a piece of meat, right?" The male soldier and several players around laughed, attracting more The eyes of the players, some good players have already started to watch, where is life without watching

"What about the second?" Xu Xiang didn't show any fluctuations on his face, his eyes narrowed slightly, as if he was watching a group of clowns performing, just a group of clowns, this kind of clowns can't be enough to see, but it's a pity that they will be dirty Baladion, the first attack turned out to be against these scumbags

"The second is to leave all the equipment on your body, and then the uncle will let you go." The male soldier has long seen that Xu Xiang's equipment is extraordinary, and he has made wishful thinking in his heart. The equipment will also use Xu Xiang to blackmail Xia Yao into submission, but with his IQ, do you think other people can't think of it

"I still have a third choice, clean up all of you, and I will walk slowly." Xu Xiang smiled charmingly, his pupils gradually turned black, and now as long as he fights, Xu Xiang will involuntarily open his shadow pupils, black eyes His eyes swept over the people on the opposite side, the male soldiers were all shuddering, it was really Xu Xiang's eyes that were too frightening

Some of them have begun to realize that the situation is wrong, but at present they can only bite the bullet, but unfortunately, no matter how tough the scalp is, it cannot be as tough as Baladion

"Xia Yao, close your eyes, it will be fine soon." Regardless of the scum who was rushing here, Xu Xiang turned and said to Xia Yao. Xia Yao also closed her eyes obediently. good to rely on

"Just stay in the trash bin obediently, don't come out to pollute the environment" Xu Xiang turned on the evil frenzy on Balladion, matched with the bloodthirsty desire, like a gust of wind, the three players rushing to the front even Xu Xiang's figure Before I saw it, my blood volume had bottomed out, and I fell to the ground

The players around exclaimed. They didn't expect that a pk that they thought would be interesting turned into a one-sided situation. The panic on the male soldier's face could not be concealed. Lisp

"Who the hell are you?" The male soldier only had the idea of running away. Now Xu Xiang is like a demon god from hell because of his evil fanaticism and shadow pupils. The idea of rebellion, this is not a bastard, but it is better than a bastard

"You will know soon." Xu Xiang killed the male warrior with one blow, then closed the shadow pupil and evil fanaticism, and walked to Xia Yao's side. PK not only attracted players, but even NPCs rushed over

Although novices are allowed to pk, those who are famous will be arrested by the guards and put in a dungeon. This place is not far from Novice Village, so a team of guards rushed over soon

"This man is going to be unlucky. Although he has a good reason to kill, but the red name will be arrested by the guards and put in jail." A player said gloatingly, but something happened that made their newly bought glasses break again.

The captain of the guard headed by "Respected Lord Bridian Guardian" saluted Xu Xiang respectfully. Compared with Xu Xiang, his identity is completely the relationship between the superior and the subordinate.

"Hello, these players offended me, so I will kill them and cause you trouble." Xu Xiang didn't appear to be superior just because his status was higher than the opponent's. This is a very important point when getting along with NPCs, because There are often some reclusive and powerful characters in npc, and the social network of npc is also unimaginable for players

"Your approach is correct. If someone still intends to offend you next time, please tell me. I will let them taste the taste of prison." on one side

As a result, Xu Xiang dragged Xia Yao away with a big red name, leaving only a pile of corpses, a group of stunned players, and a guard team standing by to arrest those unlucky bastards who had already dropped level 1

Not long after Xu Xiang left, the first player who fell to the ground was resurrected, and his first sentence was not "I, Hu Hansan, is back", nor "Brother Xinchun, resurrect infinitely"

"That man is Luna!" He just yelled this sentence after he was resurrected, and then he was taken away by the guards. They will be greeted by a day of prison life. They can only blame their bad luck for meeting him Xu Xiang

And his words seem to be still echoing in the ears of other players. With this information, it can be said that all the truth will be revealed. He can kill seven players in an instant, and they are all instant kills. He can be famous and walk away in front of the guards. As long as you have the title of Luna, everything is normal and understandable

"The Moon God actually came to our Novice Village?"

"Is that beauty just now his girlfriend?"

"It should be, otherwise Luna wouldn't have come back specially. It's inexperienced to kill monsters in Xinshou Village above level 10."

"Wow, who has a video, please video"...

All kinds of discussions sounded, and the news that Luna, that is, Feng Xiang, came to Xinshou Village 0502 to bring his girlfriend spread quickly. The direct result of this news was that there were a large number of players with various ideas

Some players want to have a relationship with Xu Xiang, even if they can get a little benefit, it is good, but more people have bad intentions. After all, Xu Xiang has a huge temptation. Balladion!