Assassin’s Chronicle

Chapter 34: You and I are deceitful


When An Fei and Ernest returned to Sol's house, they had just stepped through the door when they were directly invited to the living room by the old housekeeper with a worried look. I don't know what happened, Niya and Sol's students They all gathered in the living room, and the atmosphere seemed particularly depressing. Niya held her cheeks with her hands, staring blankly ahead, with undried tears remaining in the corners of her eyes. Chris Ding, who was usually very cheerful, covered his hands with his hands. Face was sobbing softly, while Bravi was whispering something next to Chris Ding, probably trying to persuade him.

"What happened?" An Fei felt cold. Out of the instinct of an assassin, he always likes to think the worst when things happen. Things that can make the atmosphere so depressing... Thor? Could it be that something happened to Sol!

"Master An Fei, didn't you hear the death knell?"

"Death knell?" Anfei and Ernest looked at each other. Could it be the bell coming from San Blancico Mountain? They heard it at the time, but neither of them took the bell seriously.

"Your Majesty...has returned to the embrace of heaven." The old housekeeper sighed.

"Really..." An Fei breathed a sigh of relief. His Majesty and His Highness have nothing to do with him. Just die, as long as nothing happens to Sol.

Niya on the side let out a long breath. She was very sad in her heart. Ever since she had memories, Yolande treated her as if she were his own daughter and cared for her very much. Even if Niya caused any trouble, Sol He even pretended to reprimand her for the sake of face, but Yolande didn't care about that, and no one could think of wronging Niya in front of him!

And Chris Ding's sobbing voice became louder and his shoulders were shaking. An Fei saw that everyone looked sad. It would not look good if he was the only one who looked plain, so he quickly put on a sad face. With an expression on his face, he lowered his head and began to mourn. Compared with acting, the people here are far inferior to An Fei.

The news of Yolande's death spread throughout the Holy City like a gust of wind. Speaking of the cause of Yolande's death, it was very bizarre. There was a change in the magic teleportation array, and Yolandere who walked into the teleportation array disappeared without a trace. There was no trace, not even a hair was left. The four personal guards responsible for guarding the teleportation array were also affected. They were all killed and no one survived.

In the past, only the king had the right to mobilize the garrison of the Holy City. Now no one is in charge of the overall situation. If this situation is delayed for a few days, it will inevitably cause riots. Fortunately, Mioric has always had prestige in the military, and he is a The powerful Golden Knight quickly took command of the garrison and issued martial law, controlling the situation in the entire Holy City.

On the top of San Blancico Mountain, there is a large artificial platform. There is a spectacular dome on the platform, which is covered with lifelike reliefs. Near the railing, there is a high platform made of warm jade. Back seat, in front of the seat is a huge eagle carved from stone. This is Julande's 'creation'. Even the eagle soaring in the sky has to prostrate in front of him, symbolizing his ability and ambition.

In the past, Julande liked to sit on this chair and watch the scenery of the Holy City. Now the person sitting on it was replaced by West, the eldest prince of the Mayo Empire.

The magic circle on the platform suddenly became brighter, and West's close friend Blufield appeared from the magic circle and walked slowly towards West.

"Your Highness..."

"I told you, no one should disturb me!" West said in a hoarse voice.

A sarcastic look flashed in Blufield's eyes, and then turned into sadness: "Your Highness, I know you are sad, but now is not the time to be sad! Do you know? You are about to be in disaster!"

"Whether it's a disaster or a blessing, don't bother me again, please!"

"You..." Blufield sighed and stood silently behind West.

I don't know how long it took, West slowly closed his eyes, with an expression that looked like crying and smiling at the same time: "When I was very young, my father often carried me here and gave me I tell some fables that can inspire me. We look at the moon, the stars, and the beauty of this holy city together. I remember my father said... one day, these will all be mine! Haha... I am too young. , didn’t understand anything, and asked my father, do the moon and stars also belong to me? My father smiled and answered me, everything belongs to me.”

Brufeld said nothing, he knew he should be a good listener at this time.

"Later, when I grew up, I also had two younger brothers. I don't know when I started to have a deep prejudice against Glendon and Rodhart. I'm afraid...I'm afraid that one day, my father will promise What you give me will be taken away by them!”

"After hearing the news of my father's death, I suddenly understood why people are like this. Only after losing it can we know how to cherish!" West suddenly stood up and tapped the ground with his magic wand excitedly: "Here is What's good? Tell me, what's good here! What can looking down at the Holy City and the entire earth bring me?"

"Your Highness, don't get too excited." Brufeld advised slowly.

"Excited? Haha... Then what do you want me to do? Continue to be my prince as if nothing has happened?"

"Your Highness, there are some words... I don't know whether I should say it or not." Blufield hesitated: "Your Majesty is indeed a rare wise king. His talent and wisdom are not matched by many people. The Maho Empire can have Today's strength is inseparable from His Majesty's ability. But... Your Highness, do you know why Your Majesty is able to do what he does today?"

"Go on." West said calmly.

"Because His Majesty has the fighting spirit in his heart!" Brufeld said in a solemn tone: "And you, my Highness, you have lost the fighting spirit!"

"what do you want to say in the end!"

"The accident happened so suddenly. Your Majesty didn't leave a will at all. Now you are telling everyone that His Majesty has chosen you as his successor, but... who will believe it? It's Rodhar who controls a principality. Will the President believe you, or will Glendon, who holds the frontline military power, believe you? My Lord, there is a fire burning under your throne, but you are immersed in the news of His Majesty's death and are unable to extricate yourself. Soon, that The flames will engulf you!"

West sat down slowly, his face pale. Obviously, Blufield's words hit his sore spot.

"Your Highness, you said that you have always had a deep prejudice against Glendon and Rodhart. So, do they have any prejudice against you? You should know it in your heart!"

West smiled bitterly. People are not stupid. When a person faces a smile, he will always smile back. When a person feels the hostility of the other person, he will naturally respond with the same hostility. West knows this well. , what is the attitude of his two younger brothers towards him! But who can blame this? It was he who took the initiative to destroy the originally harmonious brotherhood.

"Your Highness, you have disappointed me very much. From the perspective of a friend, I would like to give you one last piece of advice. Since you already know that people only know how to cherish after they have lost it, why don't you cherish it now? Do you want to try it a second time? Do you feel regretful?" After Brufeld said this, he turned around and strode towards the magic teleportation array.

"Brufeld, what are you going to do?" West asked in shock.

"Your Highness, I have said what I have to say and I have done what I have to do. You don't want to consider my opinion at all. Is there any point for me to stay here?" Blufield smiled and walked towards Magic again. Teleportation array.

"Wait, Blufield! What...what do you want me to do?"

A proud smile appeared on Blufield's face. He knew that West would never let him go. The hesitant West could not live without friends!

"Your Highness, are you willing to listen to my suggestions?" Blufield slowly turned around.

"Brufeld, tell me, what should I do now?"

"What you have to do is very simple. First of all, you must make yourself full of fighting spirit! Think about it, my lord, you have lost your father. Do you still want to watch the power that your majesty has left to you be taken away by others? !”

"No!" West replied very firmly.

"Next, you have to find ways to spread the news that you have inherited the throne and seek people's recognition. Of course, your enemies will jump out and resolutely oppose you. At this time, all you have to do is find the strongest person. Big enemy, defeat him quickly!"

"The enemy..." West smiled bitterly. Blufield's words were all nonsense, and there was no concrete solution at all.

"Your Highness!" Blufield has been observing West's expression carefully: "Who do you think will pose the greatest threat to you?"

"Who do you think it is?" West asked.

"Glendon! He now controls more than 200,000 troops and has the help of the great magician Thor. I think he is the greatest threat to you."

"What do you want me to use against Glendon? The army? Now the garrison in the Holy City is controlled by Mioric. Are you sure that he will be on our side?"

"I'm not sure. It's up to you to fight for it." Blufield shook his head: "But Glendon is not as scary as you think!"

"what do you mean?"

"Your Majesty's incident was too sudden for us, and it was just as sudden for Glendon. He would not have been prepared. And His Highness, don't forget how influential the great magician Thor is in the Mao Empire! "

"It's because of Thor that I'm worried! If Glendon was alone, he wouldn't be able to get more than 200,000 troops to follow him!"

"Your Highness, what if Thor will side with us?"

"This is impossible!" West was stunned and shook his head: "Saul has always admired Grandon, and Niya has been the best friend with Grandon since childhood. The last time Niya and I met, I deliberately said After saying a few words to Glendon, Niya almost fell out with me."

"Your Highness, where is Niya? Where are Glendon and Thor?"

"You mean..." West was stunned.