Assassin’s Chronicle

Chapter 52: The price of maturity


There was a wave of magic in front of them, and then a dozen black shadows appeared in the sky. The black shadows got closer and closer. When they flew to the intersection, Bravi and others fell down.

"You are a little slower." An Fei said slowly.

"We took care of a few small fish." Bravi replied with a smile. He tried to appear calm, but the corners of his brows and eyes were full of excitement.

Sol's students used to be good children, and they also found those monsters as targets for their experience. They rarely experienced battles between people. After escaping from the Holy City until now, they have withstood several bloody baptisms. Some of them have Some people feel sad and intolerable, while some people have found their own state, and Bravi belongs to the latter group.

"Let's set off." An Fei smiled: "Sangas, you lead the way."

"Understood!" Sangas answered resoundingly, and then walked ahead to a fork in the road.

Soon, a group of people arrived in a residential area. The buildings here were very simple, obviously where some civilians lived. Sangas walked to a small house made of blue bricks and took a look. He turned around and said, "This is it. I left a magic mark here."

An Fei suddenly sniffed vigorously, and there was a faint smell of blood coming from the air. He couldn't help but sighed secretly: "Sangas, you go in and take a look."

"Me?" Sangas was stunned.

"Yeah." An Fei nodded.

Sangas walked to the door hesitantly and knocked lightly: "Is anyone there? Open the door quickly!"

"No need to knock, just go in." An Fei said.

Hearing this, Sangas raised his leg and kicked it. The door creaked open. He carefully walked inside. Suddenly he tripped over something and almost fell. When he lowered his head, he saw that it was an abandoned weapon. Torch, Sangas picked up the torch, released a small fireball to light it, and then slowly walked in holding the torch.

After a moment, Sangas let out a scream, and then there was the sound of items falling to the ground. Chris Ding was shocked and rushed in with the others.

Zubin moved very quickly, going in and out quickly. He looked at An Fei quietly under the desolate moonlight, and after a long while he said slowly: "Did you do it on purpose?"

"This is the price of growth." An Fei said lightly: "Everyone has to pay a price for maturity. It is better to use other people's blood to help you mature faster than to shed your own blood."

Zubin fell silent.

"What is intentional?" An Fei's expression became even more indifferent: "I just guessed that this kind of thing is likely to happen, and I am not completely sure."

"How did you guess that?"

"The man Niya beat seemed very narrow-minded. Didn't you see that he desperately wanted to fight Niya at all costs? Such a person can't stand the grievance. He has to vent. Due to the situation, he doesn't dare to do it himself If he comes to cause trouble for Niya, the two sisters cannot escape their murderous hands. It is not difficult for him to find out where the sisters live."

At this moment, a faint sobbing sound came from the room. It was Niya's voice. Chris Ding was comforting Niya in a low voice. There was also a person who was vomiting and coughing violently because of difficulty in breathing. Voice.

"Let's go, I'll go in and take a look too." After saying this, An Fei walked up to the house.

The room inside is not big. There is a simple kitchen outside, and the inside is divided into two rooms, the east and the west. There are some plates on the kitchen table on the inner wall of the kitchen. An Fei's eyes are very sharp, and he can see a few plates around them at a glance. It is full of gaps, and it is obvious that this family's life is very poor.

Chris Ding and others were standing in the room on the east side. An Fei walked in slowly. The people in the room looked ugly. Under the light of the torch, they looked like a group of green-faced ghosts. A student could barely hold on to the wall. Stand still, he's the one vomiting.

The two sisters who were alive and kicking during the day have turned into dead people. There is also a dead old woman lying next to the bed. I don't know what relationship she has with the two sisters.

That sister, **, was lying on the table in the room like a toad, with her hair disheveled, blocking her face that was quite active during the day. The table was covered with scratches, and the marks were all fresh, and her fingers There were bloodstains all over her body, and those scratches should have been made by her forcefully scratching on the table, which shows how much pain she suffered at that time. Two long swords penetrated her back and nailed her to the table alive, but there was almost no bleeding from the wounds. An Fei knew at a glance that these two swords were inserted after death. Her thighs and butt had completely turned black and red, and there were many wounds where the flesh had been turned over. They didn't look like whip marks, but more like they were scratched with a needle or other small sharp instrument.

The sister was wearing clothes on her upper body, but she was naked from the thighs down. They were curled up, exposing her private parts, which were covered with filthy things. A dagger was inserted into her hands by the bedside, and from the palm of her hand, You can even see the bones inside. It must have been a desperate struggle, otherwise the wound on the palm of the hand would not be so big. The eyes that were full of longing for the future during the day have become hollow and lifeless, and the mouth is wide open, revealing half of the tongue that has been cut off. There can only be one explanation for being able to maintain this posture after death, and that is that someone was still raping her after her death, and the sexual intercourse took a long time, so she would maintain such a posture!

Niya bit her lip tightly, suddenly pushed Kris Ding away, turned around and rushed outside. An Fei, with quick eyes and quick hands, grabbed Niya and asked lightly: "What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to settle the score with that bastard!" Niya screamed. No matter how stupid you are, you know who killed the two sisters. Although Niya was a bit naive, she also guessed the reason.

An Fei suddenly waved his hand and slapped Niya hard on the face mercilessly. Niya was caught off guard, and An Fei's strength was too great, and her body spun and fell to the ground.

An Fei's action was so sudden that Chris Ding and others were stunned, but no one dared to stand up and say anything. On the way to escape, An Fei had already established a high prestige in their minds. Even among An Fei When they were looking amiable, everyone was still in awe of An Fei. Now seeing An Fei suddenly getting angry, everyone was even more silent, no one dared to speak.

Niya stood up and covered her cheek. A trace of blood flowed from the corner of her mouth to prove how strong An Fei was. She looked at An Fei in disbelief: " hit me?"

"I'll hit you lightly!" An Fei said coldly: "Think about it for yourself, what have you done! Let me tell you clearly, they would not have died in the first place, but they were implicated because of your recklessness. They, what else do you want to do? Do you still want to implicate us!"

"Everyone has seen what happened during the day. The aristocratic young man was just teasing them. If he didn't have unforgettable hatred, how could he do anything to these poor sisters! Do you think you are helping them? No, you are. Harm them! There are ways to help others, and a woman like you who knows nothing will only bring danger to others!"

"You still want to find someone to settle accounts? Think about it, why do you want to go to someone to settle accounts? This is not the Holy City, and you are not the Niya of the past. In the past, people would let you and accommodate you because you are Sol Teacher's daughter, who will let you here! If you don't want to be like them, I advise you to stay still!"

In fact, An Fei had already weighed his words when he said this. He was worried that Niya would be over-stimulated. Even so, Niya couldn't stand it anymore. She was stunned for a moment, and suddenly grabbed her hair with her hands. , burst into tears.

"Shut up! I don't have time to listen to you cry now!" An Fei's expression was still very cold: "We have taken a risk coming here. If I am not wrong, things here will be settled after we leave. It’s on us!”

"What? An Fei...what do you mean?" Riska asked in surprise.

"It's not interesting. They will say that we are just murderers. We can also solve a public case."

"People...can't be so despicable..." Chris Ding said with a wry smile.

"Despicable? You are wrong." An Fei shook his head: "There are so many despicable things in the world, so what does this mean?"

"An Fei, you... why did you let Sangas bring us here? Do you want us to..." Chris Ding suddenly thought of a possibility.

Chris Ding's words made everyone wake up at the same time. Niya also stopped crying and looked at An Fei with tearful eyes, while Sangas looked even more stunned.

"I guessed that the aristocratic young man would probably murder them, so I asked Sangas to keep an eye on them. When we escape, we can take them with us. Anyway, there are so many of us, and there are only two of them. "An Fei said lightly. Being a true villain will not bring you any good fruits. This will make everyone stay away from you. An Fei knows when to be a true villain and when to be a gentleman, even a hypocrite!

"Unfortunately... we arrived a step too late." Chris Ding sighed.

"Yeah, it would be better if we came out of the hotel earlier." Sangas nodded heavily. He finally 'understood' An Fei's good intentions and asked him to follow the sisters. It turned out to be to save people. of! Compared with Niya's actions, An Fei's behavior is very decisive. One is stupid and often brings danger to others without knowing it. The other has long expected what will happen, but just doesn't have enough time. Of course, this cannot It's An Fei's fault.

Niya's head drooped deeply. Now she felt nothing but regret in her heart. Unfortunately, there was no regret medicine in the world. The thing had already happened, and it would be useless for her to regret it.

Although An Fei's expression has become gentler now, no one dared to comfort Niya and let her sit there crying. Even Chris Ding did not move. Her emotions will be affected by the scene. That sister The tragic death of the two people was right in front of them, and it was difficult for a crying instigator to arouse their sympathy.

"Time does not allow us to delay any longer. Let's leave here immediately!" An Fei gave the order.

"What about them?" Riska asked.

"Someone will come to clean up. Let's take care of ourselves!" An Fei sighed softly.