Assassin’s Chronicle

Chapter 6: loyalty


Standing in front of Yagor's tombstone, both Sol and Ernest looked a little dazed, but An Fei took advantage of the rare opportunity to carefully look at the expressions of Sol and Ernest, secretly calculating something in his heart. .

Ernest's expression didn't change much. In the end, he just sighed and his expression became relaxed. In comparison, Sol's expression changed very strongly. He was surprised at first, then sad, and finally became Feeling doubtful, Thor slowly stretched out his hand and held it in the air. After a long while, he slowly said: "I can feel the strong fluctuations from the fire element here. Yagor... is indeed sleeping here!"

"Master Sol, are you suspecting that I'm lying?" An Fei asked with surprise on his face. There is a trap hidden in his words. If Sol accepts the title of 'Master' calmly, it proves that Sol's status is very high and is definitely not lower than Yagor. If Sol's expression is a little unnatural, it proves that Sol Even worse than the Kiagore.

"I'm sorry, kid, the matter is so important that I have to be more cautious." Sol smiled and said, "By the way, I haven't asked you your name yet?"

"My name is An Fei." An Fei had a sudden thought in his heart. Could it be that this Thor is also a great magician? Oh my God... An Fei suppressed the excitement in his heart and asked calmly: "I would like to ask, where does Master Sol come from?"

"I come from the Mayo Empire, I am the court mage of Mayo, and Ernest is my old friend." Saul looked at An Fei: "An Fei, tell me, how did Master Yagor die? "

"Teacher Yagor encountered an accident during a magic experiment. The injury was very serious. He passed away only two days later." An Fei had some affection for Thor. As a high-ranking peak practitioner, he could treat himself Such a little person spoke calmly, without any trace of arrogance or impatience. The other person was a very well-educated person.

"Can a great magician also have accidents during magic experiments..." Thor smiled: "Are you a student of Master Yagor?"

"Yes, Master Sol." An Fei replied: "Since the teacher has retired in seclusion, he has stopped studying fire magic. He is trying to find breakthroughs in other fields. Who knows... Alas!"

"What kind of magic is Master Yagor studying?" Sol's eyes were fixed on An Fei.

From the corner of his eye, An Fei saw Ernest's expression becoming serious. Knowing that this news was very important to the two people in front of him, An Fei deliberately hesitated for a moment: "This..."

"If you don't want to say it, forget it." Sol smiled and said, "This is Yagor's secret. If you want to keep this secret, I won't force you."

"Thank you, Master Sol, for your understanding." An Fei looked relieved.

"But... I have one more thing to ask. I hope it doesn't hurt your self-esteem." Sol looked up at the sky, and then focused his eyes on An Fei.

"Master Thor, feel free to say hello."

"You are a student of Yagor, but...when we talk about sad topics, I can't find a trace of sadness on your face, which makes me feel incomprehensible." Sol said lightly.

"Master Sol, you don't know that the teacher passed away very peacefully. He said that this accident made him find his lost nature. I am sincerely happy for the teacher." An Fei heard Sol's question and felt happy in his heart. Breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, An Fei had already thought about how to state the cause of Youngor's death. If he looked distraught in front of Youngor's tombstone, not to mention whether his performance was in place or not, what kind of flaws might be revealed. , he has given up the qualification to evaluate his acting skills to the other party, which means that he has lost the initiative, and it is up to the other party whether he passes or not.

From another perspective, only people with ulterior motives will deliberately act grief-stricken in order not to arouse other people's suspicions. Rather than doing this, it is better to arouse the other person's doubts first and direct the focus to other aspects.

After listening to Sol's questions, An Fei knew that Sol was not a very deep man. If it were him, he would have kept silent until he found enough evidence and doubts before launching a fatal blow. , instead of figuring it out when you have questions! Of course, there is another factor that cannot be ruled out, that is, there is a huge difference in strength between the two sides. Thor has no intention of scheming with a little guy who can knock down his hand. You are despising yourself, and An Fei has enough room for maneuver.

"Oh? Under the shroud of death, did Yagor also behave very peacefully?" Sol's attention was indeed diverted elsewhere by An Fei.

"Yes, the teacher passed away with a smile."

"I'm getting more and more curious. Can you tell me why?"

"This..." An Fei sighed softly: "I'm sorry, I can't tell you."

"In the past few years, Yagor has been practicing dark magic!" Ernest suddenly interrupted, his eyes revealed a blade-like light, focusing coldly on An Fei's face. Fei felt a twinge of pain.

"Wha... what?" An Fei was shocked: "No, no, no... you are talking nonsense!"

"Buried under these graves are all the young men who died tragically under the clutches of Yagor!" Ernest stretched out his hand and pointed forward. There were many graves not far from Yagor's tombstone. , An Fei deliberately dug out the bones of the teenagers and reburied them. An Fei was worried that the other party was a careless person and ignored the scenery that should be paid attention to, so the two cemeteries dug out were less than a hundred meters apart. .

"..." An Fei was speechless, with beads of sweat forming on his head. In this case, others would think that he was scared into a cold sweat.

"Despicable and depraved Yagor, what if..."

"Shut up!" An Fei roared and interrupted Ernest's words. He had already remembered that in Yagor's magic diary, he had recorded his helplessness and anxiety about the lack of experimental products, and about the Tumen Business Alliance. An Fei could feel that Yagor was worried about the possible reaction of the Maao Empire. The palace chef was deeply afraid because Yagor had thought of leaving the island and looking for another secluded place. If you guessed correctly, the Saul in front of him should be the palace master who made Yagor jealous. He came back and found a person to help him, and then came to the isolated island to look for Yagor!

"Who are you telling me to shut up!" Ernest's face was as cold as thousands of years of ice. Although his body did not make any movement, it was still so upright, but his momentum was like that of a bird about to pounce. The lion chasing prey makes people feel scared from the bottom of their hearts.

"That's right! The teacher did do some bad things in order to break through the magic bottleneck, but...but he finally woke up! Who hasn't been confused? Who hasn't done something wrong? The teacher is gone, gone forever, isn't it? Do you have to criticize a dead person harshly?" Tears welled up in An Fei's eyes: "Please leave here, you are not welcome here!" Ernest's threat confirmed An Fei's guess that if power is also divided into two poles If so, Thor and Ernest are undoubtedly people who are in the light camp. Such people will not kill themselves for no reason, not to mention that the current body is only a teenager!

"Death does not mean that the sins you have committed have disappeared!" Ernest walked towards An Fei coldly: "I want to dig out Yagor's body and hang it on the gallows. I want him to be tortured." Scorned by countless people!”

"No!" An Fei opened his arms to stop Ernest.

"Get out of my way!" Ernest roared angrily, drew out the long sword from his waist and struck at An Fei.

An Fei stood proudly in front of Yagor's tombstone, watching the approaching sword light, motionless, with a bit of stubbornness and a bit of despair in his eyes. In fact, Ernest's sword was not very fast. An Fei was 100% sure to dodge the sword, but now was the time to gamble, and he had to hold on.

"Don't scare the child..." Thor's words rang out.

The sword light disappeared in a flash. Ernest withdrew his sword and looked at An Fei as if nothing happened. His eyes were full of curiosity, and his aura disappeared.

An Fei staggered a step and was slightly out of breath, which proved how much perseverance he had just spent in front of the sword!

"Are you really Yagor's student?" Sol asked, his tone becoming very gentle.


"Why didn't you dissuade Yagor when he was practicing dark magic?"

"I..." An Fei was stunned, looking at the cemetery in the distance with a wry smile on his lips. For a well-informed big man, he often does not easily believe what others say, but likes to find the answer himself, so An Fei uses just the right body language to induce the other person to think and search, so that he can conclude The conclusion is the most convincing, because people can doubt others, but not themselves. The answer they find is of course correct!

"You were also tricked here by Yagor, right?" Sol smiled.

" do you know?" An Fei was startled and looked at Sol with shocked eyes.

"Haha... When did Yagor accept you as a student?"

"When the teacher was dying." An Fei lowered his head.

"Is it after the accident in the magic experiment?"


"How many people were still on the island at that time?"

"I'm the only one left, Aga...Aga went to do experiments with the teacher that day."

"Aga? If Yagor had taken you to do the experiment that day, wouldn't it be Aga who is talking to me now?" Sol said with a smile.

"Yes, it is."

"You are such a poor child and a lucky child." Thor sighed.

"They... are all pitiful."

"Yager is dead. Who taught you magic? I can feel the fluctuations of the fire element in you. Have you been teaching yourself? Didn't Yagor leave anything to you?" After all, he is the palace master. , three sentences are inseparable from the profession.

"The teacher gave me a book and I have been studying it."

"Can you let me see it?"

"Okay." An Fei naturally took out the fire magic book from his arms and handed it to Sol. When Sol reached out to pick it up, An Fei took the book back: "Master Sol, Your...teacher has passed away, I hope you can forgive the wrong things that the teacher has done and preserve the teacher's reputation, okay?"

"Don't worry, we won't trouble a dead person. The past is in the past." Sol said with a smile.

"Yes!" An Fei nodded vigorously and solemnly handed over the fire magic book. Although in the eyes of the world, this kind of magic book written by a great magician is priceless, An Fei feels that Thor is not coveting his magic book, but testing his mind.

Thor took the magic book, read it for a moment, and gave it back to An Fei: "Keep it safe. This is the relic left by Yagor to you. Don't lose it."

"I know." An Fei carefully placed the fire magic book close to his chest.

Sol looked at Yagor's tombstone for a long time, sighed, turned and walked back. Ernest slowly followed Sol, leaving An Fei staring at their backs blankly.

"Boy, what are you waiting for? Do you want to stay on a desert island forever?" Ernest suddenly turned around and said.

" want to take me away?" An Fei asked in surprise and joy.

"Unless you want to stay, we won't force you." Thor smiled.

An Fei cheered and jumped up and down: "Wait a minute, wait a minute, I'll go pack my things!"

Sol and Ernest looked at each other and smiled at the same time. What could be more loyal than risking one's life to protect a dead person? An Fei's stubbornness has successfully won the favor of Sol and Ernest.