Assassin’s Chronicle

Chapter 78: Unintentionally framed


Among them, there was a young man with black hair and black clothes who looked particularly attractive. An Fei could feel that that young man was the leader of the orcs.

The orcs didn't seem to want to give up their goal. They kept making strange noises and chased An Fei and his group. An Fei understood that the orcs were scattered and moved in tribes or tribal groups, and the Kram Forest There should be no orcs in it! But the orcs behind them are fully equipped. The javelins they just threw are all standard. Now every orc is carrying the same short-handled mace in their hands. Some orcs are even wearing leather armor. How does this still look like A plate of loose sand

An Fei floats in the air only because he is held by Chris and Riska. He can carefully observe the movements of the orcs without any effort from him. Although the flying speed of the floating technique is not very fast, it is still better than walking through the forest. It was much more convenient, and Susanna relied on her fighting spirit to leave the orcs far behind without much effort.

Seeing that they couldn't catch up, some of the orcs gradually slowed down, while others continued to pursue them, and the entire formation was stretched apart.

"Put me down! Chris!" An Fei shouted. He believes in an eye for an eye and an eye for an eye. Since these orcs are trying to sneak attack him, he will never let them go easily!

Chris understood, and together with Riska, they threw An Fei into the treetops, and then released a magic signal that meant counterattack. Zubin and Shante spread out and moved to both sides. Susanna stopped suddenly and then shot back like a sharp arrow.

An Fei grabbed a branch, stabilized his body first, then stepped hard on a thicker branch with both feet, tested the elasticity of the branch, jumped up, and grabbed the top of the tree. The body shape fell straight down. The branch couldn't bear An Fei's weight. When An Fei was still seven or eight meters above the ground, it cracked with a crunch. An Fei took a deep breath and rolled on the spot to resolve the momentum. He pulled out his long sword with his backhand and looked coldly at the dozen orcs who were chasing him.

Retreating is just a strategy, it does not mean that you are afraid of the enemy. There are two junior magisters and a high-level swordsman in the team. This kind of strength may not be inferior to each other! Just now they were on flat ground, and the terrain was very unfavorable. Now the orcs' team has spread out, and it's time to counterattack!

Chris and others in the air rose to a certain height, and then began to focus their firepower on the central part of the orc. In this kind of battle, fire magic is the most affordable. Especially the explosive fireball, even if it cannot hit the target. The exploding sparks would also affect the nearby orcs. Chris also released several flaming dust. The high-temperature dust like burning clouds cut an isolation zone among the orcs' team.

Susanna rushed towards her with her sword, and faced two orcs who were somewhat ungrateful. They waved short-handled maces to face Susanna. As a result, one of them was almost split into two pieces by the sloping shoulder strap, and the other was hit on the chest. He kicked Susanna, and her body flew backwards like a cannonball. He hit a big tree as he slowly fell. The back was already a mess of flesh and blood, and the invisible side of the chest might have become something like that.

There were about a hundred orcs in this group, and most of them had stopped chasing. Some of them were intercepted by Chris and others. There were only a dozen orcs who rushed forward to fight in close combat, and they posed no threat to Susanna. But when she started the killing spree and rushed towards several other orcs, she glanced at An Fei from the corner of her eyes. Susanna was worried about An Fei's safety.

In fact, it is appropriate to swap An Fei's and Susanna's swordsmanship, because Susanna's swordsmanship is to use the fastest attack speed and the shortest attack distance to hit every provocative opponent. No matter how fast these half-orcs react, they will die. They blocked Susanna's long sword, but lost the weapon in the collision of disparity in power. Susanna only relied on her strength. The remaining strength can kill the opponent.

An Fei has adopted a new kind of swordsmanship, which is elegant and flexible, moving east and west, making it difficult to figure out. He seems to know that the power of the orcs is very tyrannical. The long sword in his hand will never collide with the opponent's weapon. He always waits for the orcs to attack first, and when the opponent's moves are exhausted, he suddenly takes action. If he doesn't take action, he will definitely see blood.

In the blink of an eye, seven or eight of the orcs in front were knocked down by An Fei and Susanna. An Fei met a green orc all over his body. All the orcs had ferocious faces and similar colors. There was still a smell of sweat all over his body. An Fei didn't notice that the orc in front of him was darker than the other orcs. He took a step inward to let go of the opponent's attack, and then stabbed the opponent with a sword. Right rib.

The orc seemed very agile. An Fei had always been very tricky in finding the right time to attack. He always chose the moment when the opponent's old strength was not exhausted and new strength was not yet generated, but the orc was actually able to avoid it in this situation. An Fei's long sword grazed under his right rib, leaving a deep blood mark.

The orc roared, and hit An Fei's head with the short-handled mace in his hand. Although An Fei was a little strange, he was not confused at all. He suddenly took a vertical step and passed the mace. The long sword in his hand was like a poisonous snake. He lifted it up diagonally, struck the ground with a thud, and stabbed into the orc's neck.

An Fei exerted great force on his wrist, and with an extremely insidious stroke of the long sword, a deep wound was made on the orc's neck, and the severed throat could even be seen. An Fei kept walking, walking past the orc. After passing through, he met another orc.

"Be careful!" Susanna suddenly shouted.

An Fei suddenly felt the wind blowing from the back of his head. He didn't have time to think about it. He suddenly dwarfed and stretched out the long sword in his hand. Listening to the wind weapon was a basic skill for An Fei. Not only could he judge from the sound of the wind breaking through the sky, He could detect the opponent's weapon and accurately determine the attack path. This sword met the opponent's attack.

Fan Fei has been wearing it to this day. Although the quality of the sword is good, in the sparring with Susanna, the long sword without the protection of fighting spirit was very seriously worn. This time it collided with the heavy mace again, and the life of the long sword was finally exhausted. Come to the end.

An Fei rolled like a lazy ass, narrowly avoiding the attack, and rolled over and jumped to the side. Only then did he have the chance to look back. The orc whose neck had been cut off by nearly a third was holding it high. The mace charged at him.

He was very confident in his attack skills, but that was an absolutely fatal wound! If Fang was definitely going to fall down immediately, he would pass through the opponent in a "cool" way without any hesitation, exposing his entire back to the enemy!

Although he was a little surprised, An Fei's expression remained unchanged. He took out the manticore's tail needle from the space ring with his backhand, flashed forward, and stabbed the opponent's shoulder with the tail needle in his hand.

The half-orc figure suddenly froze, rigid! The tail needle with a very low stiffness rate actually succeeded in the first actual combat.

Susanna also pounced at this time, her right leg drew a wave of air visible to the naked eye in the air, and kicked the orc in the head.

The half-orc's neck had already been cut off by one-third by An Fei. Susanna's kick was too strong. The huge beast's head flew into the air and flew out of the old man's house in the direction of Susanna's leg. In the distance, only a headless torso was left, still gushing blood.

An Fei hurriedly turned over to avoid the bright red fountain. Looking sideways, half of Susanna's body was stained with blood, but as if nothing was wrong, she stood up again and faced the last few orcs.

There is a saying that goes well, mountains and rivers are easy to change, but nature is hard to change. An Fei is a person who likes to think about people, and he remains the same even in this moment of fighting. This girl must have killed someone before! Maybe... not enough killing! From the side, he could see Susanna's look full of determination and fearlessness, and made a judgment in his mind.

At this time. Suddenly a low horn sounded in the forest, and all the orcs turned around neatly, like a well-trained army, and ran back.

The Orcs who were trying to surround Susanna also turned and ran back. Susanna hesitated, then made a cross slash with her long sword, and the sword light flew out, killing the two Orcs on the spot. When Susanna swung her sword again. An Fei's voice sounded behind her: "Leave this to me!"

Susanna paused, and An Fei rushed past her and hit the orc on the back. The orc screamed and flew out dancing, but his injury was not serious. He rolled a few times on the ground and got up and continued running forward. No one could see where he was injured.

"What are you doing?" Susanna asked with a frown.

An Fei smiled and waved his hand, while sniffing the smell in the air, showing a confident smile.

Susanna shrugged and didn't ask further. Anyway, there were so many mysterious things about this man that she couldn't find out even if she wanted to. Besides, what she asked might not be the real answer.

Chris and several others fell from the sky: "An Fei, do we want to catch up?"

"No need, they can't run away." An Fei smiled and said, "Suzanne. What happened to the orc just now? I obviously injured him so badly, how could he still have the strength to fight?"

"That's no ordinary orc. It's an orc warrior."

"very powerful?"

"If you were very powerful, you would have died long ago." Susanna rolled her eyes at An Fei: "Beyond the half-orc warriors, there are beast-blood warriors, and the most powerful are the beast-spirit warriors. Have you heard of Abijiang? "

"This name... I'm very familiar with it!" An Fei muttered.

"That's the powerful warrior who unified all the barbarian tribes!" Susanna said slowly: "Abijiang has half werewolf blood, and he is a beast soul warrior! Beast soul warriors are a very terrifying existence. They are more than just It has powerful attack power and a unique self-healing ability. When the great magician Richard entered Moon Shadow City at the cost of his life and sealed Abaijiang with the vacuum confinement scroll, it was because there was really no other way."

"I also know this. Abaijiang once fell into a human trap. He was shot by hundreds of demonic arrows, but he finally broke out of the encirclement. After half a year, he fully recovered. If it were an ordinary human, Even for the legendary Sword Master, this is impossible!"

"How many earth beast soul warriors are there among the half-orcs?" An Fei asked.

"Very few, and fortunately...very few." Chris smiled bitterly.

"I understand." An Fei nodded and suddenly looked at Chris and then at Zubin: "Who told me at that time that there were no orcs in the Kram Forest?"

"This..." Chris was speechless and laughed a little.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this. Let's go back immediately. The others should be waiting impatiently."

"An Fei, are we really not chasing those orcs? I remember that most of the orcs are ferocious and cruel, but have almost no brains. Those orcs are like an army, and they also know how to set up ambushes. They are too insidious. Sooner or later they will be Our big trouble." Zubin said suddenly.

"I know it well." An Fei smiled. "Let's go back!"

Back in the cave, Chris first told everyone that the wyverns had been killed, which made everyone happy. Then he told about the encounter with the orcs, and the atmosphere became tense.

An Fei solicited everyone's opinions and everyone took the lead. Although many of them had no experience, were inexperienced, naive and reckless, one thing was certain, there were no cowards among them!

Then An Fei made some arrangements. First, he asked Chris and Riska to set up a few more magic circles at the entrance of the cave. Tomorrow, except for Feiler, Elago, Niya and little Sharil, they would stay with the little guy. , everyone else was dispatched. Chris was very surprised why An Fei was so sure of finding the orc tribe. He only asked twice, but An Fei sidetracked him both times. It looked mysterious, but in fact it was very simple. When An Fei attacked, the barbarians were there. There was fragrant powder left on his body. Under normal circumstances, An Fei could find him by following the scent left by the fragrant powder.

It's not that An Fei is worried about Chris, a secret is a secret after all, and the fewer people know about it, the better!

At night, most people who know that they will participate in the battle tomorrow fall asleep early. Only by getting up early to meditate before going to the battle can they exert greater combat power. Feiler and Elago were regretting that they could not participate in the battle. Feiler had to sort out a lot of statistics every day and was very busy. Elago's leg injury had not healed yet, so they could not participate in the battle even if they wanted to.

Neither An Fei nor Chris slept. They were walking on the grass under the moonlight chatting. Chris was very eloquent and had a very profound knowledge. No matter what An Fei mentioned, he could tell something. So An Fei likes to be with Kerry very much


According to Chris, the origin of magic and fighting spirit in this world is very interesting. It turns out that humans do not know magic or fighting spirit. Humans, elves, barbarians, orcs, and dwarves all live peacefully on the continent, and every kind of intelligent life The gods believed in are not the same, depending on the region, and the gods believed in by the same kind of intelligent life are also different.

There are many gods, and there are many gods who have performed miracles. It is said that gods survive by the power of faith. The more people who believe in him, the stronger his power. Gods without believers can only choose to sleep forever, otherwise He will become more and more vulnerable. In order to recruit more believers, the god instigated his believers to start a war. At the same time, in order to ensure that his believers could win, he taught the believers the magic and fighting spirit that only gods could understand. When a god does this, naturally There will be other gods unwilling to lag behind. Gradually, various intelligent creatures have mastered the fighting art suitable for their own use, developed and developed, and formed a unique system.

But the gods have overlooked one thing. Under normal circumstances, life-and-death fights will not break out between them, because they already have the most precious thing, which is superior to all things. There is really nothing worth fighting for, but intelligent life Races are different!

In the never-ending fighting competition, the combat art system mastered by various intelligent beings rapidly developed to its peak, and powerful men who could threaten the safety of the gods appeared. The human sword master, the great magister, the paladin, the elves and the Sunset Archer and Great Master. The Destruction Berserkers and Destruction Priests among the barbarians, the Beast God Warriors and the Great UFO Masters among the Orcs, and the King of the Hill among the Dwarves, these strong men stand out ten or eighty or one hundred and eighty times. The gods may not care, but if thousands of them come, even the most powerful gods will retreat!

This is something the gods cannot tolerate! But there is no way, because the gods need the power of faith. It is impossible to risk the collapse of the tower of faith to embarrass those strong people. Similar things happened in the demon world, perhaps as a result of the peace between the gods and the monarchs of the demon world. A huge gate of time and space opened, connecting the two planes of space. From then on, humans and demons started a bloody war. Brutal fighting, large numbers of strong men perished in the war. After the ultimate powers of the two worlds collided with each other several times, the combat art systems mastered by each suffered devastating damage, and the ultimate strongmen who survived the war also disappeared inexplicably.

After fighting for hundreds of years, humans and demons no longer want to continue fighting, but there is too much hatred between them. No one can stop the inertia of this hatred. If you come to my hometown to burn and kill, I will too. We are going to loot your territory. Many people have carried the hatred of generations. Who is willing to put down their weapons first

Finally, after the total number of intelligent life in Pangea decreased sharply. Many gods sent down miracles, and then the huge gate of time and space disappeared.

The previous paragraph was what Chris read from a book. The latter ones are Saul's own reasoning and guesses, Saul firmly believes. The Centennial Jihad is simply a huge conspiracy! One of the most powerful pieces of evidence is that when outnumbered, Blanco resolutely led an army to block the demon attack. Blanco knew that this was his last battle and ordered his four personal guards to lead him The child left from the magic teleportation array. These four personal guards were all sword masters. They were also the last legacy given to the child by Blanco. But in the end, the child appeared at the other end of the teleportation position, and the four personal guards disappeared without a trace. Blancco is not alone in this experience. Intelligent life is accustomed to having a backup plan when the elves' habitat is besieged by the demons. The elves even transferred more than thirty sunset shooters and two great masters to other places. These people also disappeared inexplicably!

When talking about topics related to gods, the frail magicians are the boldest among all the strong ones. They believe that as long as they can control enough elements, they are gods! Hahn, the most famous great mage before the Holy War, once said wildly: "Whatever gods can do, humans can do too!"

Magicians sense elements, communicate with elements, and finally control elements. They believe that elements are the foundation of the world, so they do not believe in any gods! So Saul said these words after studying a lot of information. Of course, Saul was also very careful. Among these people, he only talked about it to Chris.

When Chris and An Fei said this, they were also very careful, and even arranged a soundproof magic circle before they dared to reveal their secrets. When An Fei heard these words, he felt like a hero had similar views... It is completely understandable, assuming He, An Fei, is a god. If he encounters the same thing, he may make a similar plan. This method of removing salary from the bottom of the cauldron is very simple and very effective!

The two of them became more and more interested in talking and forgot about time. However, the little unicorn was so aggrieved that it followed An Fei out to play with An Fei. Who knew that An Fei ignored it at all? An Fei was dawdling around, which annoyed An Fei, so he slapped him and sent him flying on all fours, and finally he had to lie down behind An Fei.

"An Fei, it's getting very late. Let's go back." Chris looked up at the night and hesitated: "An Fei, you must not say these words to anyone today! Otherwise, you will tell the teacher What brings trouble, you know, the church and the magic guild have always had conflicts, and now the church is very powerful, and their eyes and ears are everywhere. If these things are leaked..."

"Okay, don't worry! Do you think I am a person with a long tongue?" An Fei said with a smile.

"Haha..." Chris smiled and suddenly said in surprise: "Huh? Where is the little guy?"

I don't know when, the little unicorn slipped away. It's not to blame An Fei. He was in the mood, how could he be in the mood to play with that little thing!

"I have to make a rein tomorrow and tie it up!" An Fei looked around and shouted: "Hey!"

The little guy still doesn't have a name. According to An Fei's wish, just pick one at random. It can be noisy, playful, joyful... but Niya, Susanna and others are firmly opposed to it. Unfortunately, they have been criticized for the name they chose. An Fei's strong opposition, silver lightning! Is it pink now? And the name is too vulgar, right? The elegance of Mount Gruya! Come on, this name is not cheesy anymore, but let me see that Gruya Mountain first, okay? Isn't it uncomfortable to have such a long name again? Jungle Nocturne! Save it, Xiaojia

Wan is humming, my singing is much better than it, what kind of song is it? Now, An Fei can only call the little guy 'hey'.

It was quiet all around, and the little guy didn't run over happily looking for An Fei's shouts like before.

"Hey! Hey! Hey..." An Fei's voice got louder and louder.

"An Fei, let's go back first. Maybe the little guy will go back by himself first."

"No, it doesn't like to stay in the cave. If someone wasn't watching, it would have run out long ago." An Fei shook his head.

"Then... let's look for it separately?"

"That's fine." An Fei was about to get up when he suddenly saw a small white shadow galloping from the distance.

The white shadow was the little unicorn. It was holding a bunch of things in its mouth, which looked like clothes. The little guy ran up to An Fei, threw the things in his mouth aside, and touched his head affectionately. He arched An Fei's chest.

An Fei was not one to be infected so easily. He reached out and patted the little guy's butt gently twice: "I let you go out and run around, I let you go out and run around!"

Chris's eyes fell on the pile of things, his expression changed a little, and he said unnaturally: "An Fei, please sit here for a while, I'll go back first."

"Okay." An Fei nodded. He was only focused on teaching the little guy a lesson and didn't pay attention to the pile of things for the time being.

The little guy made a squeaking sound. While continuing to rub into An Fei's arms, he also licked An Fei's hand with his tongue, just like a puppy. This is his experience. There is no way to change what he has already beaten, but he can stop An Fei from continuing. Teach it a lesson.

Sure enough, An Fei laughed and stroked the little guy's head a few times. Then he lay on the grass with his hands and pillows, and the little guy put his head on An Fei's chest, and his screams became smaller and smaller. Although the scenery of this grassland is beautiful, there are countless flies, mosquitoes, ants, and crustaceans in the grass. However, the little guy has an invisible and perceptible wave that can spontaneously drive away all kinds of small creatures. This is something that everyone has just discovered recently. When we lived in caves in the past, large swarms of night mosquitoes would always gather outside the caves the next morning. Sometimes they even blocked the sky. Someone had to collect a large amount of water from the sky. Elements can make night mosquitoes lose their power to fly and fall to the ground, spreading a layer of them. But after 'taking in' the little guy, Night Mosquito never appeared again.

After a long time, An Fei let out a long breath. Then slowly stood up from the ground, this time. Only then did his eyes fall on the pile of things, which seemed to be...women's clothes!

A woman's exclamation came from the left. An Fei was stunned. He recognized Niya's voice: "Niya, what happened?"

There was no answer. After a moment, a plump figure slowly walked out of the forest. The strangest thing was that there were actually two heads on the figure when it walked out of the shadows. An Fei recognized them, they were two people. One is Niya and the other is Susanna. Both of them are wrapped in a cloak. Under the moonlight, you can clearly see four smooth calves exposed under the cloak, with boots on them.

Comparing the two people, from a body shape point of view, Susanna's calves are thinner than Niya's calves. From a comparison of the waist outline, Susanna's legs are about six or seven centimeters longer than Niya's legs, and Niya's height She is slightly taller than Susanna, and her frame is wider than Susanna's. Unfortunately, her combat power has nothing to do with her frame... One Susanna can beat hundreds of Niyas to death! And fighting ability has nothing to do with temperament. Niya, who has poor fighting ability, looks tall and heroic, while Susanna looks very weak.

An Fei immediately realized what happened! Susanna was covered in blood today. She must have come to take a bath with Niya. As a result, their clothes were stolen by the little guy while taking a bath... The problem is that it is useless to know what the problem is, and he may not be able to solve it. That question!

"What are you doing?" An Fei took two steps sideways as he spoke, trying to cover the clothes on the ground. This was not because he was guilty, but because he was worried that he could not explain clearly.

"Okay! It's you again!" Susanna's eyes widened with anger, looking sad and angry.

"What is me again?" An Fei asked.

"You were peeking at us taking a shower again, and this time you stole our clothes. What on earth do you want to do? An Fei!"

"Ah..." Niya looked at An Fei in surprise. She was not very stupid. The word 'again' was too valuable for research. What a gossip...

"Do you think it's necessary for me to peek at you taking a shower?"

"Ah..." Niya looked at Susanna in surprise. There was no need to look? What does that mean? Could it be that I have already seen it... so there is no need to see it

"You..." Susanna has reached the point of incomprehensible grief and anger. Old hatred and new hatred are rushing into her heart, and she is about to move forward.

"No, Susanna!" Niya screamed: "You are going to die!" Niya yelled back while holding Susanna and the cloak tightly with her hands, for fear that they would be exposed. In fact, they were already exposed. If someone can get around it, When you go behind them, you will be surprised to see a pair of snow-white buttocks. The cloak is so big that it cannot cover both of them.

After Niya and Susanna took a shower, they found that all their clothes were gone. Only their boots were left at the scene. Niya had no choice but to take out a cloak from her space ring and barely escaped. A disaster, otherwise they would have to stay in the pool forever...

Hearing An Fei's voice, the two of them exchanged opinions in a low voice on the issue of whether to go out or not, and finally decided to go out. The purpose of returning to the cave is for everyone to see, so it is better for An Fei to see alone... This will allow everyone to see. An Fei went back to find Sharil by himself and brought back some spare clothes.

"Don't be excited, don't be excited." An Fei smiled bitterly and said, "I didn't take your clothes, it took them." An Fei pointed his finger at the little guy.

(Please give me a monthly vote. I tried my best to write 8,000 words every day, and I will keep this number not just for this month, but for the entire book. The first book is not eligible to be included in the new book monthly vote list, but the second book is. I was squeezed out after two days. If this book still ends up with the same fate, it will be a denial of my three-year coding career. Please give me some support...)