Assassin’s Chronicle

Chapter 83: My power


.In law, we are indeed knowledgeable, but no one can be an all-rounder▊|In magic, we are indeed knowledgeable, but no one can be an all-rounder▊|In magic, we are indeed knowledgeable, but no one can be an all-rounder▊|In magic He is indeed knowledgeable in magic, but no one can be an all-rounder▊|In terms of magic, no one is indeed knowledgeable, but no one can be an all-rounder▊|Analysis of the magic fluctuations emanating from his body, he used several methods to try to make the red stone A reaction occurred, but the result was disappointing. The waiting in An Fei's eyes gradually turned into a smile. Of course, it was not meant to be ridiculing.

"It's different from what I thought." Chris returned the red strange stone to An Fei with some embarrassment: "As far as I know, the shelter is a treasure given by the beast god to the direct descendants of ancient half-beasts. There are seven in total. Most of them are collected by the three ancient direct descendants of werewolves, bearmen, and leopards. I don’t know how these half-orcs can have one. Well... let’s put it this way, the shelter is a magic teleportation array, and it is a magic coordinate system that can be carried with you. Eternally fixed magic teleportation array.”

"The magic coordinates are permanently fixed? Does that mean we can only go to the same place every time we use the shelter?"

"Yes." Chris nodded: "It is said that the shelters are all connected to each other. If the other end of this shelter leads to the stone forest in the Death Forest, then there must be another endpoint of the shelter that also leads to the stone forest. .”

"According to what you said...then the end of the other shelter leads to this?"

"That's almost it." Chris thought for a while: "However, these are all legendary things, maybe... there will be some deviations."

"You don't know how to use this shelter, do you?" An Fei laughed softly.

"I can't find its magical compatibility. After all, this is something given to the orcs by the beast god, and I'm not an alchemist. I don't know what mysteries are in this sanctuary." Chris smiled bitterly.

An Fei's eyes fell on the orc below again: "Last question, who knows how to use the shelter?"

The orcs originally spoke enthusiastically, but when they heard An Fei's question, they suddenly hesitated and looked at each other. No one stood up first.

An Xin thought to himself. If these orcs don't know how to use the shelter, they should look confused or disappointed instead of hesitant. After thinking about it, An Fei raised his voice: "This is the last question. If anyone can answer this question . Then you are all free. If no one can answer, except for those lucky ones who regain their freedom, everyone else will be executed by me. You choose!"

"Sir, can you really guarantee that we will regain our freedom?" A female half-orc asked timidly.

"I have said before that my credibility has always been very good!"

"Sir, you must offer sacrifices during the full moon, and then the great beast god will issue a sacred decree to reopen the sanctuary."

"Sacrifice? What kind of sacrifice?"

"It is to take a girl...oh no. It is to dig out the heart of an unmarried female half-orc and put this stone in it. The sacrifice must begin on the third day before the full moon, and a female half-orc must be replaced every day. Orcs. On a full moon night, as long as the shelter absorbs enough blood, it will automatically open." Huiwei suddenly interrupted: "You are going to the Death Forest? I advise you not to go!"

"Why?" An Fei asked lightly.

"Because it took a lot of effort to get out of there, and I don't want to go back! It's not a nice place."

"An Fei, that's really not a good place." Chris shook his head and sighed, "Do you really want to go there?"

"They are both Warcraft Forests. The Death Forest and the Kram Forest should be similar, right?"

"It's absolutely different!" Chris said solemnly: "The Kram Forest covers an area of only a few thousand miles, while the Death Forest covers an area... I don't know, no one has ever counted it. But it should be at least more than ten thousand miles. We So far in Kram Forest, I have only encountered a few wyverns, manticores and unicorns. But in the Death Forest, such high-level monsters can be seen everywhere! There are even top-level monsters. ! The top-level monsters I am talking about do not refer to evolved high-level monsters, but real top-tier monsters! Even if you see a few, or a dozen manticores die together in the lair, you don’t have to be surprised, because Scenes like this are very common in the forest of death."

"The Death Forest and the Wild Grassland border, plus the Hundred Thousand Bones Mountain in the north of the continent, these three places are the most dangerous places in the Pancontinent!" Susanna jumped back to the high platform, her expression as solemn as Chris: "An Fei, if we go to the Forest of Death, there are too many dangers in the unknown! Hundreds of magic wolves, groups of flash leopards, an army of magic ants that claim to be able to sweep everything away like waves, all with low natural immunity, Killer bees with mid-level magic, violent mammoths that can shock monsters and people to death just by stepping on the ground, and some top-level monsters... No matter which one we encounter, it will be enough to annihilate our entire army!"

"An Fei, do you know Entos? He is our brother. After he became a high-level mage, the teacher asked him to go to the Death Forest to experience, and I... am not qualified to go there!"

"Are you Master Thor's students?" Huiwei suddenly answered. Apparently he had also heard of Entos's reputation: "It's helpless... you only see the danger of Warcraft, but not the danger of humans. It's really ridiculous. !”

"Tell me, what's so funny about us?" An Fei seemed to not understand Huiwei's sarcasm, and instead patiently asked for advice.

"The Death Forest is a place without any laws or natural principles. As long as you have the strength, you can kill and loot at will in it! In addition to some powerful mercenary groups panning for gold in the Death Forest, there are also some peak experts who are dying Wandering in the forest, you have no way of guessing their identities! The most brutal and vicious butcher who robs others of their victory may turn into a polite magician when he goes outside, or he may turn into a The Great Swordsman is full of righteousness. Only in the forest can you see his true face hidden deep in the heart. the time you see the true face of others, it will be too late." Hui Wei sneered: " It seems that your abilities are very good, a high-level swordsman, a basic magician, hmm...very good, but I bet that if you break into the forest of death, you will not survive for ten days!"

"Alarmist." An Fei smiled faintly and said that some strong men killed and looted. He believed these words. When there is benefit, human beings have the possibility of killing each other. But Huiwei exaggerated the danger of the Death Forest. It was simply It's like a place where humans will die. If that was the case, how could Thor let Entos die? Wouldn't that be sending someone to death? What's more, he also said that some mercenary groups are still digging for gold in the forest. Obviously the Death Forest has given them enough benefits. Otherwise, who would want to stay in the dangerous Death Forest for a long time

"You...Okay! If you are willing to die, then take your people to die. I won't go to that kind of ghost place!" Hui Wei said with a livid face.

"Stop talking in your sleep. You are our prisoner. No matter where we go, you can only follow us unless... you are willing to tell the way to open the forbidden magic realm."

Huiwei turned his head to one side, not wanting to look at An Fei anymore.

"An Fei, what he said... makes some sense. The Death Forest is located between the three principalities of the Alison Empire, the Flash Sand Empire, and the Mercenary Country. It is indeed a place without any laws! Unlike the Kram Forest, which belongs to It is owned by the Mayo Empire, and the Kram Forest was almost destroyed in the war during the Hundred Years Holy War, so there are not many Warcraft here, and not many people come to the forest to experience it," Chris said.

"Do you know why these orcs come here? Just to leave the Death Forest!" Huiwei suddenly added. It seemed that he was very reluctant to return to the Death Forest.

"An Fei..." Susanna also wanted to add something.

"There are still a few days until the full moon night. Let's not be in a hurry. Let's discuss it later." An Fei waved his hand: "Now we should think about how to deal with these orcs."

"Dispose of the orcs? An Fei. Didn't you just... give them freedom?" Chris asked in surprise.

"Haha... I won't hurt them, but I still have some things that I need their help to do." An Fei thought for a while and whispered: "Chris, are gold coins effective on these orcs?"

"Of course." Chris smiled.

"Humans are so hostile to orcs, I guess they have money but no place to spend it?"

"They can trade with other orc tribes. Gold coins are the common currency in the entire continent. They are effective no matter where they are. If it doesn't work, they can find a spokesperson to buy goods from the outside world. There are also werewolves and bearmen. When a certain level is reached, After reaching this level, they can become ordinary people at any time and wander around in various places. They also need gold coins. Even those undead creatures are willing to accumulate gold coins, haha... money will never be useless. "

An Fei felt confident, standing on the edge of the high platform and scanning the orcs below. Although An Fei had promised to give them freedom, Zubin and Shante were still blocking the entrance of the cave. No orc dared to be the first to test An Fei's attitude. They were huddled under the cave wall and whispering nervously.

"You are free, but you still have two choices. One is to leave here, and the other is to stay and work for me. If you want to leave, you can leave immediately. I will not interfere with you." An Fei took out a piece of paper from the space ring. He scattered the gold coins below: "Those who are willing to work for me can each take a gold coin, which will be regarded as my deposit."

The orcs were stunned. Among the various intelligent life species in the Pancontinent, the status of ordinary orcs is the lowest. Even the status of elf female slaves is much better than them. At least elf female slaves can bring people a pleasing pleasure, but their ugly appearance makes people upset. In other words, no one wants to be a slave. Where can I find it? A history of working and making money!

Chris walked slowly to An Fei and whispered: "An Fei, if you want to use money to influence them... it's impossible. Don't forget how many orcs we killed just now!"

"I know." An Fei smiled and said, "I just need them to work for me for a few days."

" this...really for us?" A female half-orc stood up.

"Of course. But I need you to think clearly that my job is not easy. It requires you to put in a lot of sweat and endure a lot of hardship, but my remuneration is also very high, and I will definitely satisfy you!"

"Sir, I'm not afraid of hardship!" When the female half-orc heard An Fei say that it would take sweat and hard work, she felt relieved and hurriedly grabbed it, picked up a gold coin, and put it carefully in her pocket.

"Oh my God... The beast god above, open your eyes and look at them! They have given up their faith and the dignity of half-orcs, and they are actually willing to work for the murderer... Great beast god! Please come down..."

Before the half-orc elder could finish shouting, Susanna stepped on his chest. Blood spurted out from his mouth, and he could no longer live.

The orcs below originally wanted to rush forward to pick up the gold coins. After hearing the elder's words, they couldn't help but stand there, looking at each other. Finally, they looked at An Fei with a complicated look. Which one picked up the gold coins? The earth female half-orc also quietly took out the gold coins from her pocket and threw them on the ground.

"It's not without reason that we are here today!" An Fei smiled faintly: "I think some of you also know that you attacked us yesterday, but you just didn't succeed. I can face the great God of Light. I swear, I have never had the idea of discriminating against orcs. I believe that all intelligent life in the world should live in harmony! But I have my own rules. No matter who tries to harm me and my friends, I will not do anything. Fight back mercilessly!"

"Am I wrong? No! It was your tribe who attacked me first! I have the right to retaliate! I know that in your eyes, I am a murderer, but in my eyes, so are the warriors in your tribe. Murderers! They attacked us in a very cruel way without any reason! If we are to blame, it is they who are at fault, not me!"

"Okay, that's all I have to say. Those who are willing to work for me, stay, and those who are not willing to work for me, leave immediately!" An Fei said lightly.

The expressions of the orcs gradually softened. An Fei's principles were simple and easy to understand. The orcs who competed with the monsters for food in the forest easily understood it, just like when they attacked the monsters, they died in the hands of the monsters. The truth is similar, this is the law of nature.

(Yesterday's essence building was all refined, 600 essences... It took a long time! My machine's firewall blocked all the interfaces that pop up web pages, and the interface that appeared after refining was also blocked. Each refining required seven , eight seconds or even more than ten seconds to complete, it will be too much to open a car every other day and put it all together.)