Assassin’s Chronicle

Chapter 85: experience


here! "

"Starting tomorrow, let the orcs expand the cave. It is said that they are very capable." An Fei said with a smile: "The mountain is so big anyway, even if you hollow out the mountain, you still have to find the treasure!"

"An Fei, I..." Susanna hesitated: "As I told you, the other half of the treasure map has been taken away. Without the spell, maybe... there is no way to open the treasure even if it is found."

"What kind of spell is it?" Chris asked hurriedly.

"It's an ancient incantation, I can't understand it."

"Ancient mantras? Only alchemists like to study ancient mantras!"

"Well, my teacher told me that the treasure is sealed by an elemental lock."

"Elemental lock? That would be terrible..." Chris couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"What is the element lock?" An Fei asked.

There were a lot of things An Fei didn't understand, and even more when he asked without shame. Everyone was already used to it. Chris whispered back: "It's a sealing method. Only alchemists can create elemental locks. After the elemental lock is formed, unless it is opened with the correct spell, the elemental lock will explode, a very violent explosion! Within a certain range, all elements will become very chaotic, and finally a vacuum will be formed."

"Then we can deliberately cause the elemental lock to explode. As long as we are careful not to be injured, will the elemental lock reappear after the explosion?"

"But... the treasure will be destroyed by the explosion! The power of elemental locks is different. When alchemists arrange elemental locks, they often set the power of elemental locks according to the size of the sealed items. There is only one way to safely obtain the treasure, which is to find Spell,” Chris said.

"That's it... I still say what I said, find the treasure first! Don't think about other things. Maybe the elemental lock has failed?"

Chris and the others looked at each other. They all nodded. Anyway, they couldn't agree on anything here. Without a spell, no one can open the elemental lock, not even the great magician.

"An Fei!" Following the voice, Shante fell to the steps. His face looked a little ugly.

"What's wrong?" An Fei frowned.

"I have told the orcs what you asked me to say, but there are still many orcs asking to leave and unwilling to work for us." Shante sighed: "What should I do?"

"Didn't I tell you? Kill all the orcs who want to leave!"

"Ah... An Fei, there are more than fifty orcs asking to leave! There are also many children and..."

"I'll go." Bravi interrupted Shante,

Among Chris and others, Bravi is the most impulsive person. To describe it in modern language, this person is very 'easy to do'! In Saul's house, he was the one who scolded Zeda and was almost kicked to death by Zeda. On the way to escape, he was the only one besides An Fei and Susanna. The person with the most murders on his hands...

Most people's characters are formed bit by bit, and Bravi likes to control the fate of others. Escape was a very exciting thing for him. From the nervousness and fear at the beginning to the excitement now, Bravi has begun to change. He did not take the lives of dozens of orcs seriously at all. On the contrary, he An Fei had already made it clear that he was somewhat dissatisfied with Shante's hesitation. Kill all the orcs who want to leave! If it were him, he would not look back to An Fei for instructions. Just do it.

"Be careful." An Fei nodded.

"Yes." Bravi whispered, released his floating technique, flew to the entrance of the cave and rushed out.

"Chris, the elemental lock has magical power fluctuations. Can you sense the specific location of the treasure?" Susanna said suddenly.

"You can't sense it with your personal sensing ability, but I can set up a magic circle." Chris replied.

"Let the orcs do the work during the day, and when the orcs rest at night, you start setting up the magic circle. There are only seven or eight days until the full moon night, so we have to step up!" An Fei said.

Chris and others looked at each other speechless. They repeatedly explained the horror of the Death Forest. Who knew that An Fei still wanted to go there, otherwise he would not have repeatedly emphasized the full moon night! They understood that An Fei was letting them prepare mentally in advance, they really have to go

Violent magic fluctuations were heard outside the cave. Obviously, Bravi had already started to take action. Judging from the intensity of the magic fluctuations, Bravi did not even wait for the orcs to leave before taking action in the village. This was to scare the other half-orcs and warn the other half-orcs. Orcs.

The expressions of the people in the field were different. An Fei looked okay, Susanna looked indifferent, Riska lowered her head and was thinking about something. Chris had a sad look in his eyes. He didn't want to see the murderer... The prisoner incident happened, but he is a very smart person. He absolutely respects An Fei's decision. At least, An Fei never did anything wrong on the way to escape. In his opinion, it is wise to respect An Fei's opinion. .

"Chris, take a few people back and pick up Niya and the others." An Fei said slowly.

"Okay." Chris nodded.


When Niya and others arrived at the Orc tribe, it was almost dark. During this time, the Orcs had tidied up the broken tribe, cleared out everything in the cave, and made room for people. .

It turned out that An Fei wanted the orcs to rest in the cave, which would facilitate supervision, but Niya was firmly opposed. She hated the appearance of orcs and the smell of orcs. Niya still objected to letting Niya go to the only remaining orc thatched hut to rest. To be honest, the smell in the thatched hut was even worse... It's not that the orcs don't care about hygiene, but they don't care about the concept of hygiene at all... Hundreds and a half The village where the orcs live does not have any facilities like toilets. How can it be clean

An Fei understood Niya's pain very well, so he asked Chris to set up a magic circle, drive all the orcs into the magic circle, and sent Bravi, a man who was feared and hated by the orcs, to stay on night duty. If there were half-orcs, If the orcs try to escape, it will take a lot of courage to dare to act!

A kind of evergreen tree that blooms all year round is cut down, cut into small pieces and dried in the sun. Then it is stirred with water and dried in the sun. This is their bread.

An Fei tasted some Orc bread. To be honest, it was not very unpalatable. It was just a little bitter, but the taste was extremely bad. First of all, Orc bread was very hard. In An Fei's words, this thing is totally OK. Used as a murder weapon! After finally chewing it and holding a mouth full of fragments, An Fei felt like he was holding a mouthful of small stones and couldn't swallow it.

Half-orcs also like to skin and disembowel the captured monsters, take out the contents of the water, and then chop the monsters into pieces and put them in a large pot to stew a pot of bone soup... Let’s not talk about the cooking skills. Well, there are only three big pots in the entire orc tribe, and they are kept by three elders. When the orcs led An Fei to get the pot, they stunned An Fei, who was always calm.

Orcs do not have the habit of washing pots. In other words, when orcs were forcibly expelled from the civilized world by humans and had to live in the forest for many years, some living habits that were only born when civilization reached a certain level were gradually lost!

Just as he approached the big iron pot, there was a bang, and a cloud of smoke suddenly rose up. The smoke was filled with dark blue flies the size of half a finger. There were probably tens of thousands of them. There was still a little soup base left in the pot, and the soup was on top. There was a layer of flies floating in the pot, and the inside of the pot was lumpy. It should be the last souvenir left by various monsters. An unpleasant smell hit his face. Fortunately, An Fei's bottom plate was very stable, otherwise he would have been knocked off his feet by this wave of air.

An Fei held his breath, turned around and left. If he really ran out of ammunition and food, he would eat this kind of food, but if he had other choices, let alone eat it, he wouldn't even want to look at it a second time!

What makes An Fei doubtful is that. These half-orcs have such meager living supplies, so why do they have standard javelins, leather armor, and short-handled maces? He felt that he should look for a gap in Na Huiweidi. Anyway, the opponent was under his control. He was not in a hurry. He would first squeeze out the release method of the Forbidden Demon Realm.

The next day, the orcs began intensive construction. An Fei is a very cheerful person, and his daily salary is paid on the same day. This gives the half-orcs a good morale, and they do not need to go hunting. An Fei has so many magicians under his command, and they use magic to hunt and use magic. It is self-evident which one is more efficient for hunting with a javelin. A few magicians can always come back with a few low-level monsters when they go out for a spin.

Four days later, the magic circle arranged by Chris finally sensed weak magic fluctuations. This discovery was of decisive significance. Because I found the right direction for digging, instead of being in all directions like the previous few days.

An Fei's conservative estimate. It would take two more days before they could see the treasure. Taking a conservative approach to estimating how things will go is a wise way to live. Because you will find that life is full of surprises!

At noon the next day, several orcs were digging and suddenly fell into a diagonal tunnel, sliding down like a somersault. Finally, the dizzy orcs landed on a pile of things. on the cave wall, when they could see the surrounding scenery clearly through the almost extinguished elemental lamp on the cave wall. All turned into statues.

What do they work so hard for? It’s just one gold coin a day, which is already great happiness for them! But now there are yellow gold coins everywhere under their feet. There are also countless jewelry pieces that sparkle with moving colors under the dim element lights!

Gold, silver and jewelry are common things. Not to mention these, in front of the cave wall and on the left and right sides, there is a pair of heavy armors and densely packed weapons. As for the texture of the weapons, it is hard to tell now. Time has already damaged the entire stone chamber. filled with dust.

There is also a suspended silver box in mid-air, but if these orcs are discerning, they will see that it is not silver, but extremely rare mithril! You don’t need much of this kind of thing, just a piece as big as your palm is enough to turn a pauper into a rich man!

On the cave wall in front of the stone chamber, there was a black long bow, a quiver, and a two-meter-long giant ax hanging, but the orcs did not look elsewhere, just blankly. Staring at his feet, he didn't know which one was the first, or whether they were all working together, desperately grabbing the gold coins and stuffing them into his arms.

Riska, who was in charge of supervising the work today, immediately discovered something was wrong. After a while, An Fei, Chris, Susanna and others rushed over. Several people walked through the long corridor and landed in the stone chamber, and the people in the stone chamber The orcs didn't even notice that there were a few more people, and they were still stuffing gold coins into their arms desperately. In fact, it is very stupid to do this. Among the several orcs, there are female half-orcs and old half-orcs, but all of them have become pregnant women... Anyone can see the flaw!

"Put your things down and get out of here!" An Fei said calmly.

Only then did the orcs realize that there were a few more people in the stone room. Their movements stiffened and they all turned around to look at An Fei. The fierce light in their eyes surged, and the bright yellow gold coins caused their low IQs to drop sharply. He did stupid things that even low-level monsters wouldn't do.

Susanna snorted angrily. She and Sharil had gone through a lot of hardships for these treasures, and today they finally got what they wanted. How could they allow orcs to take action here

"Suzanne." An Fei called lightly, then looked at the orcs: "Didn't you hear me? Put your things down and get out of here!"

The orcs trembled for a moment, and only then did they remember the huge gap between the two sides. If they were ordinary people in front of them, they would have pounced on them and tore them to pieces! Unfortunately, in front of them were the warriors who had killed all their tribes, captured their saints, and were hundreds of times stronger than them. After a moment of hesitation, several orcs threw the gold coins from their arms to the ground with great reluctance. , but everyone secretly kept some gold coins, and the orcs were also a little clever.

"These bastards!" Seeing the orcs climbing up, Chris cursed in a low voice. Even Chris, who has always been generous, felt that the orcs were too much.

"Don't worry about them." An Fei smiled: "Look at what we gained today!"

Several people turned their attention to the box in the air. This was the difference in knowledge. An Fei and others didn't care at all about the gold and silver jewelry under their feet.