Assassin’s Chronicle

Chapter 88: transfer


Fei stared at Huiwei and said slowly.

"Don't you just want to go to the Death Forest? Aren't you very courageous...Why are you so timid now?" Hui Wei said lazily.

"I want your answer!"

"It's Blackwater City, I don't need to lie to you!" Hui Wei nodded helplessly: "In order to avoid overlapping portals and causing catastrophic accidents, magicians will choose outsiders when creating teleportation scrolls. There is less smoke, but we can still see Blackwater City."

"Riska, prepare to activate the scroll." An Fei handed the magic scroll to Riska.

Riska took the scroll and stood aside silently.

"An Fei, the tunnel has been filled in. Those orcs are working very seriously. From the outside, there are almost no flaws." Zubin walked out of it.

"Okay, let those orcs gather in the cave." An Fei said slowly: "Is everyone ready?"

"Ready." Everyone replied in unison, with Niya and Sharil looking the most excited. After Sharil heard that she was going to Blackwater City, she has been clamoring to buy delicious food. The little unicorn is Everyone’s treasure, Sharil is too, and her big brothers or sisters will definitely satisfy her in this regard.

After a while, the orcs had gathered in the cave. They were so happy to know that An Fei and others were leaving. Every orc's eyes flashed with ecstasy, and they also finished filling up the tunnel. They had to be very quick and serious, although they themselves knew that they would open the corridor immediately after An Fei and others disappeared.

An Fei glanced around slowly. There were many people who should leave, and he also brought everything he needed to bring. After making sure that nothing was missing, An Fei's eyes fell on Shan Te: "Shan Te, prepare to amplify the sound."

"I understand." Shante strode to the entrance of the cave, chanted a few words of magic, and then shouted loudly: "We are leaving, bye bye to you! We are leaving, bye bye to you!"

This was what An Fei asked him to call. Poor Shante still didn't understand what 'bye' meant.

The shouts were quickly amplified dozens of times through the amplification magic. Like a tsunami, they swept over the forest in the blink of an eye, making the forest roar. Shante's magic power was limited, and he could at most make the shouts reach more than ten times. The distance is enough, in An Fei's opinion.

"Riska!" An Fei shouted.

Riska threw the scroll out, and a light blue ripple appeared out of thin air, and then slowly opened like eyes. However, human eyes open and close up and down, while the space-time door opens to both sides, but the expansion After forming a regular circle, the space-time gate stopped fluctuating, and the aperture gradually became clear.

This is the first time An Fei has seen the magic of the space-time gate. The spotless bright blue looks very beautiful. Around the space-time gate, there are faint white threads of light spinning, full of mystery.

An Fei took a deep breath: "Suzanne!"

Susanna glanced at An Fei and walked towards the time and space gate. Zubin and Shante followed her. The three of them stepped into the time and space gate one after another and disappeared immediately. Chris supported Riska, who had exhausted all his magic power, and led his team into the time and space gate. Next came Niya, Sharil, Feiler and others. Among them, only Anfei and Bravi remained. Move places.

Seeing that there were only two people left, An Fei nodded to Bravi. Bravi chanted a spell in a low voice for a long time. The orcs around him were still looking forward to An Fei leaving as soon as possible. Without thinking much, when Bravi finally finished reciting the spell and a grin appeared on his face, the orcs realized what was about to happen.

A wave of flames appeared out of thin air and swept towards the orcs. For the orcs who stood neatly in a small square formation, the flame wave was the most effective magic. The high-temperature flames swept through the orcs in an instant. After one pass, some orcs let out shrill howls and kept rolling on the ground, but some orcs didn't even have time to scream, and fell straight down. When the flaming waves surged over, if If someone is breathing, they will definitely inhale the flames, and the nose, throat, and lungs will turn into coke in a blink of an eye. Even if they don't die on the spot, they can't even scream.

Only a dozen of the orcs present escaped. After all, Yan Lang's attack range was limited. Unfortunately, An Fei also moved at this time. The orcs were still looking for stones or wooden sticks to use as weapons, but An Fei's figure was already in front of them. A female orc was the first to meet An Fei. She waved her arms and rushed towards An Fei like a madman. His body slipped and slid to her side, and the sword pierced her neck.

No matter who he is fighting, An Fei's attack points are only three places, one is the neck, one is the head, and the other is the left chest. Among them, the neck is the most important attack point for An Fei. If he doesn't take action, The attack must be a one-hit kill.

An old orc finally found the stone, but just as he grabbed the stone in his hand, with a bang, the fireball released by Bravi had hit him. The old orc spun around in the air, his head His feet hit the wall hard and stopped spinning.

"" Bravi shouted.

An Fei's figure suddenly rose up, and an arc of electricity spread from Bravi's hand in all directions, sweeping across the entire cave, then flashed with a few sparks and disappeared.

An Fei fell down, shook his hand with a sword, and stabbed a frozen old half-orc in the back of the head. Then An Fei's figure turned into a dazzling wind, passing through the half-orcs, and the sword in his hand The long sword made a sound of breaking through the air one after another.

If Susanna were here now and saw An Fei's swordsmanship, she would definitely be inspired. An Fei's sword moves and steps are skillfully coordinated and integrated like a miraculous craftsmanship. This is already the realm of a martial arts master!

Those with quick eyes can see that when An Fei drew his sword, he clearly stabbed the air, but as soon as he made a mistake in his steps, an orc's throat automatically met the tip of An Fei's sword! For ordinary warriors, movement is just movement, and attack is just attack. But for An Fei, movement is just attack. No matter what angle he thrust his sword from, he could use his dazzling steps to bring his opponent to his sword.

An Fei's figure was smooth and strange, full of beauty and murderous intent. Every orc he passed fell to the ground like a wooden stake without any resistance.

Bravi was still cooperating with An Fei at first, using fireballs, arcs, and wind blades to attack the orcs, but in the end he was stunned.

"It's your turn." When the last orc fell in front of An Fei's sword, An Fei threw the sword to the ground, turned around and said to Bravi.

Bravi woke up from a dream, nodded quickly, and started chanting a spell in a low voice. The entire cave wall began to shake violently. First, small pieces of stone fell down, and then the stones became larger and larger. Before the power of magic developed to its maximum, An Fei and Bravi had already passed through the time and space gate.

An Fei only felt a chill in his body, and then felt his toes touching the ground. Chris's voice came to his ears: "Why are you two so slow?"

"Oh... I have something to explain." An Fei opened his eyes and said with a smile. Although he has a very cold temperament, he is definitely an unbiased person and will not forcibly put the other person into the hostile camp just because he is ugly. In An Fei's mind, he divides all people into three types. Enemies are people who threaten him, friends are people who are helpful to him and worthy of his help, and the others are all living beings that have nothing to do with him. Before they launched the attack, he had no ill feelings toward the orcs. After capturing the orc tribe, he still had no ill feeling toward the orcs. But after seeing the greed of the orcs, he knew he had to take action!

Confessions, entrustments, and requests are all useless. After they leave, the orcs will definitely try to find the treasure. An Fei doesn't care about those gold, silver, and jewelry, but if the orcs try to open the treasure chest, it will inevitably trigger The elemental lock exploded. If you explain the power of the elemental lock to the orcs, will they believe it


"I thought Philip was already an old madman, but I didn't expect you to be even crazier than him!" An old man stood on the treetops and said with a wry smile. He turned out to be Stig, the dean of the Mao Empire Magic Academy.

"I've always been like this." Ernest said calmly: "Thank you for saving me."

"Swordsmen just like to be impulsive!" Stig laughed and said: "You retreat this way while fighting. If my guess is correct, Niya and the others should be in the opposite direction, right?"

"Magicians are smart." Ernest smiled. Stig has proven his camp with actual actions, otherwise he could cooperate with Philip to kill him, and then look for Niya and others in another direction, without having to stay here to enjoy the cool air with him.

"Sigh... I hate Warcraft Forest, I hate it very much, but now I can finally explain it." Looking back on his experiences these days, Stig felt miserable. He was already old and was not suitable for running into World of Warcraft. Experienced in the forest.

"Should I answer to Emperor Yolande or Thor?"

"Your Majesty... He has..." Stig blinked while thinking about the words.

At this moment, someone's shouting was faintly heard from the other side of the forest: "We're leaving, what's the waste for you..."

"Amplification magic?" Stig was stunned and frowned.

"They are leaving? Where are they going?" Ernest was also stunned.

(It’s late, something unpleasant happened, which made me depressed for a long time. I was really helpless! I opened six Jinglou in a row a few days ago to thank my friends who have always supported me. As a result, I was reported by someone, saying that someone Brush Essence. I am the one who said the number of Essences. All the reasons are mine, but some book friends have been banned... I want to say that I have always been a very low-key person. Even if I want to compete, don’t play this game. How about growing flowers and intestines? It’s too obscene! The ones I know now seem to be Bookworm Taoyu, Yuemanlou-Hate is Hard to Pay, Pingyuan Ayaka, Go to Corruption Tonight>: Are friends banned? Join the group and tell me Wait, I will go to the administrator tomorrow to unlock the ban. I am really sorry for everyone. With experience, I will not make such a mistake next time.)