Assassin’s Chronicle

Chapter 96: a joke


In front of him, a volume of copywriting was handed over respectfully.

"Your efficiency has always satisfied me." Yolande took the copy with a smile and started to read it. His smile became weaker and weaker, his brows furrowed deeper and deeper, and finally he gently threw the copy on the table. Two words came out of his mouth: "Beast!"

"Your Majesty, my opinion is the same as yours." The light gray figure said with a smile.

"What a poor girl..." Yolande sighed. If he were twenty years younger, Yolande would definitely protest and curse, and he might even send a hurricane agent to take care of this injustice. , but after twenty years of experience, and having witnessed and even led many shady scenes, he no longer gets excited about anything. The word "beast" can be regarded as one of his few euphemisms.

"Your Majesty, I didn't find out who her teacher is. She can become a high-level swordsman before she is twenty years old. I think her teacher must be a very terrifying great swordsman!"

"There is no need to waste energy on checking. As long as Susanna can get together with Niya and the others, sooner or later we will get two strong men to join us." Yolande shook his head slightly.

"So... Your Majesty, do you need me to make some preparations in the Principality of Gus? After Susanna becomes a great swordsman, it is time for her to return to the Principality of Gus for revenge. If we help her, we can win her gratitude. She I will serve His Majesty."

"Confused." Yolande stretched out: "You should know Entos, right? He was born in the country of mercenaries. Why did he come to the Mayo Empire to help us fight?"

"Because...he is Master Sol's student."

"Then do we need to win over Entos?"

"Of course there is no need..." The gray figure smiled bitterly. As the leader of the spy, there was no doubt about his scheming, and he immediately understood what Yolande meant.

"It's impossible to put everyone and everything under your control." Yolande smiled: "You must distinguish the key points! You can win over Susanna, but this cannot affect An Fei, if you can win An Fei over, it will definitely affect Susanna's choice. An Fei is the leader of that team, and we have to do more things with the minimum energy, do you understand?"

"Your Majesty, I understand."

"Tell Black Eleven to fully cooperate with An Fei's actions! We must ensure An Fei's safety no matter what! If necessary... you can do whatever it takes. I am becoming more and more interested in him, haha..."

"Your Majesty, the Southern Front Army has come to you for help for the fifth time. An Fei just wants to assassinate the princess of the Shansha Empire. This will not help the overall situation. Should you..."

"That's all I can do." Yolander's tone was firm: "The most important thing is to completely destroy the Dark Moon Magic Legion of the Allison Empire, and I can pay any price for it!"

In fact, Julande also had unspeakable difficulties. His fake death was so successful that he deceived all the countries, and the Shansha Empire was also deceived. Otherwise, the Shansha Empire would not have dared to tear up the non-aggression treaty and invade brazenly. ! For Yolande, this was a big accident and it also caused him to suffer a major blow, but he had to persevere at this time, otherwise it would end in a situation where he would lose everything in return.

"Your Majesty, there is one more thing. The people of Magic Mist are very interested in An Fei, and their activities in the mercenary country have always been very frequent. I think they will find out about An Fei sooner or later. Should they find a way to remind An Fei?" Fly?"

"Leave it to Black Eleven, um... you can also transfer Black Twelve. With them here, they should be able to compete with the magic mist."

"As ordered." The gray figure lowered his head.


Bang, bang... An Fei's door was knocked lightly.

"Come in." An Fei stopped his posture, the dagger rotated in his hand at an extremely fast speed, and then disappeared.

"An Fei, we adults want to see you." Clark pushed the door open.

An Fei pondered for a moment: "Okay, let's go."

An Fei still has some understanding of the discipline and confidentiality regulations of the spy organization. He is engaged in a profession similar to that of a spy. He knows what to ask, what not to ask, and when to remain silent, so An Fei Sitting in the carriage, eyes closed, not saying a word, not even opening the curtain.

Clark, who was sitting aside, had always been a little nervous. He was afraid that An Fei would ask some questions about the internal affairs of the organization. If he answered, he might be punished. If he didn't answer... An Fei saved him last time. He would feel guilty if he didn't answer or lied. Somewhat regretful. In other words, Clark, who has always served as a liaison station, cannot be regarded as a qualified spy.

It wasn't until the carriage stopped that An Fei opened his eyes: "Are we here?"

"Yes." Clark breathed a sigh of relief and got out of the car first.

This is a large yard, but it is a little desolate, as if no one has lived in it for a long time. Weeds are growing in the yard, and there are some bricks and stones piled in the middle. There is a thick layer of moss growing on the bricks and stones, maybe it is the top of it. Because it was covered with dew, the moss shone dimly under the moonlit night.

A dozen meters away behind the pile of bricks and stones, there was a large house with a single door. The man in black, still covering his face, was standing at the door, looking at An Fei quietly.

"Have you got all the information I need?" An Fei asked with a smile.

"I told you back then that I couldn't possibly find out everything you needed!" The man in black frowned. What An Fei needs is too broad and too broad. He believes that no organization can investigate everything in a short period of time. This guy is just making things difficult for others!

"I also told you at that time, depending on your ability, you can get as much as you want." An Fei stepped into the room and looked around: "Is this the princess's living room?"

An Fei's words have a very obvious subtext. If you can do more, you are naturally more capable. If you can do less, you are naturally less capable. The man in black felt a little unhappy, but he couldn't refute it. An Fei's words were inherently true. reason.

"Yes, I have written instructions for many places."

This house is just a model. Of course, the furniture inside cannot be exactly the same as the princess's real living room. The princess's bed... Just think about it and you will know that it must be very comfortable and gorgeous, but the bed in this house is It was very shabby, and there was a piece of paper on it describing the appearance of the princess's bed. Obviously, this was the description of the man in black.

Near the bed is a dressing table, which is also junk. There is a round table near the door, with four wooden chairs placed next to it. There is a large cabinet for clothing on the left side, and a row of wooden cabinets on the right side. There was nothing on the shelf, only a piece of paper with three big words written on it: Decoration.

There are also two wooden sticks inserted into the wall with the word 'Light' written on them. The roof is even more funny, with a big circle drawn directly on it saying 'Headlight'. The description on the ground is better, saying 'Ebony Flooring'. This word, besides the bed, is the most detailed description of something, at least it tells the material of the floor.

All I can say is that this is an extremely crude model, with instructions posted everywhere...

An Fei was carefully looking at everything in the room and walking around the room. After a long time, when the man in black felt a little impatient, An Fei squatted on the ground and looked carefully. Looking at the bed, he suddenly asked: "Is the height of this bed the same as the princess's bed?"

"Um... I don't know." The man in black paused, and then asked: "Is it necessary to be so detailed?"

"I'm very dissatisfied." A contemptuous smile appeared on An Fei's lips: "I would like to ask, do you have any assassins under your command?"

"My assassin is the most terrifying assassin in the world!" The man in black said firmly.

"What a joke!" An Fei's smile grew wider.

"What do you mean?" the man in black asked coldly. As one of the secret agents, he has a strong ability to control himself. The problem is that An Fei's attitude is too arrogant and hateful. He has some can not stand it.

An Fei did not answer his words, and continued to circle around the room. After a while, he suddenly turned around and said, "Bring me a wooden stake."

The man in black waved his hand, and not long after, a wooden stake was brought in.

An Fei gently placed the wooden stake on his chest, tore off a sheet and tied it to the upper part of the wooden stake. Then he stood there and stared at it for a long time, then walked out of the house.

The man in black didn't know why, so he had to follow An Fei outside.

An Fei walked until he was more than 20 meters away from the room before he stood still. He took a deep breath, turned sideways and suddenly started sprinting. After sprinting more than ten meters, he jumped into the air, with his hands already There is one more bow, and it is the unknown hard bow obtained from the treasure.

When An Fei's body slid down, his bow had gradually been opened, and an arrow was attached to the bow. Maybe An Fei was hiding his strength, or maybe he had made great progress in the past few days. That day, he could only draw the long bow seven to eight percent full. When An Fei fell down and half-knelt on the ground, the long bow had been drawn to the full moon. Then he saw An Fei's fingers loosen, and the arrow was invisible to the naked eye. It shot out at a fast speed.

There was a bang, and there was a hole in the wall. This was the secret that An Fei discovered. That day, Susanna played the empty strings, and the wind blade released could penetrate the hard wall of the treasure room, which was stronger than the wind blade released by the magician. Much more. If it is paired with an arrow, the wind blade will be attached to the arrow. It is truly a double arrow! After the power of the wind blade disappears, the arrows will continue to shoot forward.