Astral Pet Store

Chapter 11: The evil thunder rat


"Yeah, what a shame."

The others also nodded slightly, with regrets on their faces.

A mere low-level pet beast can comprehend such profound and complex high-level combat skills, which shows that his understanding is extremely high!

However, it is really a waste for such understanding to appear in a thunder rat!

The Lei Guangshu's own bloodline is too low. Even if it evolves into a Sky Thunder Rat, it is only a third-level beast. The ceiling is not high enough, and it is useless to have extraordinary understanding.

On the stage, the first battle has ended.

Su Yanying held the Lei Guangshu that fell in her arms, still a little dreamy. She didn't expect that the first fierce battle was won so easily. During the entire battle, as the owner of the Lei Guangshu and a pet master, she He actually won without participating in the whole process.

A thunder rat takes her to bed and wins!

Thinking of this, her expression became a little strange, and she didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

On the other side of the venue, Zhang Xiao gradually came back to his senses. When he saw Mo Longquan, who was dying and seriously injured lying next to him, his face suddenly turned ugly.

He gritted his teeth, activated the power of the contract, and took the latter back into the contract space. Then he turned his head and looked at Su Yanying with cold eyes.

Too underestimated!

He was angry in his heart. He should have thought a long time ago that there must be another reason why the other party used a thunder rat to fight in such a high-profile pet beast competition.

Unexpectedly, this thunder rat was actually a rare item.

He had never heard of the Lei Guangshu who had mastered the seventh-level 'Thunder Break' pet skill.

However, that’s it!

He originally wanted to win beautifully, with a three-to-zero victory, but now it is obviously impossible. In this case, he must give full play to his talents as a battle pet master, and he must not fall twice in the same place!

"Rock Rhinoceros!"

Zhang Xiao once again activated the power of the contract, and a pale yellow light appeared in front of him. Then the venue under his feet shook slightly, and a larger rhinoceros-like beast appeared.

This rock rhinoceros is covered with a solid rock shell. In addition, there are fishbone-like sharp blades protruding from its back. In a frontal impact battle, there are almost no pet beasts that can shake it!

"It's an earth beast!"

Su Yanying immediately noticed the pet beast sent by the other party, and her face changed slightly.

At this time, the Lei Guangshu, who was being held in her arms, seemed to feel something. Suddenly his body moved, he broke away from her arms and jumped out. He turned around again and stood in front of her. He bared his teeth and flashed fierce lightning all over his body!

"Lei Guangshu..." Su Yanying was stunned.


The Lei Guangshu suddenly rushed out at extremely high speed and took the initiative to rush towards the Rock Rhinoceros Beast!

This move caused a cry of surprise in the audience.

Even the referees and commentators nearby were very surprised, and at the same time they didn't understand. As the owner of the Lei Guangshu, didn't he know that the thunder beast was defeated by the earth system? Why did he continue to send the Lei Guangshu to fight

"Hmph, looking for death!"

Zhang Xiao sneered, "Smash Clash, kill it!"

At the same time as he ordered, starlight appeared all over his body, and he quickly displayed several amplifying star skills, "Second-level power amplification, second-level blast amplification, third-level hardness amplification..." Especially the third 'hardness amplification' is what he is best at. Amplification type.

The reason why he practiced hard on this 'Hard Amplification' in the first place was to match his Rock Rhinoceros.

The rock rhinoceros beast has rough skin and thick flesh, and coupled with the 'hardness increase', not to mention the thunder rat, even his magic dragon dog can hardly bite it!

Several amplified haloes flashed past the feet of the Rock Rhinoceros, and then turned into energy runes to wrap around its body and sink into its body. Although this process was extremely short, it still caused exclamations from the scene.

Being able to perform three amplifying star skills so quickly and skillfully in succession, Zhang Xiao's own ability has surpassed that of most of the students present!


The Rock Rhinoceros roared and suddenly ran towards the Thunder Rat.

Opposite, Su Yanying saw Zhang Xiao's amplified combat skills and suddenly woke up. She quickly wanted to use it on Lei Guangshu, but when she glanced at it, she was shocked to find that Lei Guangshu's figure was out of the range of her ability.


Lightning flashed out again, and the Thunder Rat quickly rushed towards the Rock Rhinoceros.

The moment the two collided, the Lei Guangshu's body suddenly split into two!



Two Thunder Rats ran past from both sides of the Rock Rhinoceros Beast. At first glance, they seemed to have been knocked into two by the Rock Rhinoceros Beast!

"Thunder Shadow Afterimage!" At the leadership table at the front of the audience, several figures who were watching leisurely opened their eyes suddenly.

"How is that possible!" The red-haired woman opened her red lips slightly, her face full of disbelief.

It's just a seventh-level 'Thunder Break' pet skill, but a 'Thunder Shadow Afterimage' of the same level appears? !

A mere low-level lightning rat actually mastered two high-level pet skills?

Not only was she unable to believe it, but the others next to her were also shocked.

If it is just one kind, it is understandable. After all, although the probability of coincidence is extremely low, it will always happen.

But showing two high-level pet skills in succession, can this still be considered a coincidence? !

"Did I see it wrong?" The burly man among them couldn't help but blinked.

The person next to him came back to his senses and couldn't help but smile bitterly: "It's okay if you are wrong alone, but we can't all be wrong. This Thunder Rat... is too evil!"

"Two high-level pet skills combined into one, this aptitude, this understanding... Even those high-level thunder pet beasts may not be able to do it, right?"

"I remember that only the old captain's Dark Thunder Flying Dragon in our team understood these two pet skills, right?"

At this point, several people looked around and couldn't help but feel dumb.

A mere lowly little thunder rat, his understanding is as good as that of a dark thunder dragon. This...

On the field.

The thunder rat that split into two instantly confused the rock rhinoceros, making it unable to tell which one was real.

In fact, even its owner, Zhang Xiao, looked confused at the moment.

In his daily lectures, Zhang Xiao had heard about the advanced thunder pet skill, Thunder Shadow Afterimage.

However, after hearing it, who knows how to crack it? !


When Zhang Xiao was stunned, one of the figures with lightning speed was already rushing towards him.

There was nothing he could do about the rock rhinoceros, but the thunder rat was extremely dangerous to Zhang Xiao.

"not good!"

Seeing through the Lei Guangshu's intention, Zhang Xiao's expression changed. He immediately used the contract to summon the Rock Rhinoceros to defend, but it was already too late.

"Star Shield!"

Zhang Xiao quickly activated the star power in his body, and a transparent barrier opened up, covering him inside.


The moment the barrier opened, it was shattered.

Thunder breaks!

The Lei Guangshu once again used Thunder Break. After shattering the barrier, the compressed thunder blade above its head remained unabated and rushed towards Zhang Xiao!


The next moment, Zhang Xiao's figure suddenly disappeared.

When he reappeared, he was already in mid-air, held by a bird with an almost transparent body, and slowly landed on the ground.

"In the second round, Zhang Xiao loses." The referee announced in a cold voice, and the strange bird surrounding Zhang Xiao spread its wings slightly and flew to his side, gradually disappearing into the air.

(End of chapter)