Astral Pet Store

Chapter 113: Secret realm


While students of all grades were talking about the new senior tutor, Su Ping was saying goodbye to Dong Mingsong in his office.

"In such a hurry to go back?" Dong Mingsong was a little surprised because he didn't expect Su Ping to leave the college just after class.

"There's still something going on in the store."

Su Ping said that he would go back and continue to cultivate pet beasts.

Although there is a shadow clone breeding function now, every time he breeds a batch, he needs to personally add new pet beasts for breeding. This function does not select which pet beasts to breed.

Seeing Su Ping mentioning the pet shop, Dong Mingsong understood. Thinking of the wind spirit fruit he bought from Su Ping's shop, a bright light flashed in his eyes, and he said eagerly: "I remember that your shop can also provide People breed pet beasts, right? Can you help me breed my pet beast? No matter how much it costs."

Su Ping glanced at him, shook his head and said, "I won't take orders for high-level pet beasts for the time being."

With Dong Mingsong's strength, most of the people who stay with him are high-level pet beasts, not his current customer targets.

Hearing Su Ping's words, Dong Mingsong was a little disappointed, but after thinking about it, he was relieved.

He thought that it was probably the top trainer behind Su Ping who had not recovered from his injury, so he currently did not want to come into contact with a battle pet trainer that was too powerful to avoid exposing his identity...

With a sigh in his heart, Dong Mingsong said very understandingly: "No problem. When you can breed them in the future, remember to call me. I will be available at any time. I made an appointment first. Remember to be the first to find me."

Su Ping gave him a strange look. He seemed to understand the rules of his store very well.

"Okay." Su Ping agreed, said goodbye and left.

After Feng Yanjing saw him off, Su Ping went downstairs, took out the key and opened the lock, got on his bicycle, waved goodbye to Feng Yanjing, and then rode back along the previous road.

When he arrived at the gate of the college, none of the guards stopped him, and they already remembered Su Ping's face.

In about half an hour, Su Ping rode back to the store.

As soon as he entered the store, Su Ping first took out the Infernal Candle Dragon Beast and the Little Skeleton from the summoning space and threw them back into the foster care space.

Previously, both of them were nourishing themselves in the foster care position, and were directly summoned by Su Ping.

Because of the difference between ancient spirit beast contracts and modern star power contracts, Su Ping's pet beasts do not need to stay in the summoning space to summon them. As long as they are within a certain range around him, they can be sucked into the summoning space through the power of the contract and then summoned out.

However, after being sent back to the summoning space, they cannot return to the foster care space by themselves.

Su Ping felt a little distressed after almost two hours of delay in nourishing the foster care position.

After settling the two of them, Su Ping opened the breeding window and selected the second batch of pet beasts in the foster care space for shadow clone cultivation.

When he was selecting, Su Ping suddenly discovered that there was an unexpected pet beast in one of the foster care spaces. It was a young purple-green gun python with sixth-level bloodline.

Seeing the white eggshells scattered in the foster care space, Su Ping suddenly realized that this was the egg that was previously bred in the second-level spiritual pool.

The second-level spiritual pool can give birth to high-level pet beasts, but obviously, he has not been blessed by such luck. However, spending one hundred energy, which is ten thousand yuan, to breed a sixth-level pet beast is still a big profit.

"The Purple Green Gun Python is an ordinary pet beast. No wonder I didn't find its origin at first. It was overestimated." Su Ping thought to himself.

This is a fighting-type beast. Compared with dragon-type, demon-type, and elemental-type pets, combat-type beasts are generally much weaker. Most of them have single abilities and only have amazing brute strength.

Like this purple-green gun python, its poison ability is low, its strength is relatively strong, and its pet skills are very few. It only has two inherited skills: python entanglement and snake bite. If you have good qualifications, you can also master skills such as snake rolling and lurking.

But compared to other pet beasts, these skills seem very simple.

At this moment, the purple-green python has just hatched. The scales on its body are purple-green spots and have not yet dyed into one piece. The body is only as long as an adult's arm. It is curled up in the foster care position. Its scales are stretching from time to time, as if it is breathing. It is enjoying the foster care. The spiritual energy in the position is nourishing.

Su Ping took a look and suddenly thought that his store was currently in need of a medium pet beast to unlock the high-level pet beast breeding service.

The worse the pet beast is, the easier it is to cultivate it into a mid-to-high-level aptitude. This purple-green python seems to be a good choice.

After thinking for a moment, Su Ping did not make a decision immediately, but continued to choose other pet beasts and devoted himself to the cultivation of shadow clones first.

After waiting for the shadow clone cultivation to begin, Su Ping returned to the store. While practicing and looking at the store, he called up the cultivation window and carefully screened to see if there was a place suitable for cultivating purple and green gun pythons.

Through the previous breedings, Su Ping knew that if he chose the right breeding place, he would get twice the result with half the effort in cultivating his pet beasts.

Not long after he made the selection, a guest suddenly came outside the door.

Su Ping immediately closed the cultivation window and found that the visitors were regular customers.

"Boss, I'm here to collect my phantom beast." The person who walked in was Gu Beichen. His face was slightly cold. Today he was purely here to take back his phantom beast. As for cultivating it, he didn't have any expectations. I thought he was fostered here by Su Ping for a day.

Although the cost is very expensive, fortunately, the blood soul beads and demonic corpses found earlier have made up for this loss.

"Yes." Su Ping was quite satisfied when he saw that the other party arrived on time, and said, "Wait here, I will get it for you."

After he arrived at the store today, the first batch of pet beasts he asked his shadow clone to cultivate included the opponent's phantom beasts. Now when he came to the pet room, Su Ping glanced around and found the phantom beast in a foster care space and took it out.

The phantom monster had just returned from the breeding ground with scars, and was immersed in the nourishment of spiritual energy in the foster care place. After being taken out by Su Ping, it became furious. Under its cloud-like body, a ferocious mouth was revealed, and it grinned at Su Ping.

However, when it saw Su Ping's appearance clearly and felt the aura on Su Ping's body, it froze for a moment, and its open mouth slowly closed, and the gap between the mouth gradually narrowed until it completely disappeared...

It had a pair of huge black eyes, full of grievance.

When Su Ping saw how timid it was at this moment, he knew that it had been "trained" quite well in the breeding ground. He used the Pet Beast Identification Technique to check its abilities and found that it had two new abilities. One of the abilities is pretty good, it’s actually a high-level ability!

In addition, its combat power has also been increased by 0.2. In terms of ordinary cultivation, this effect is very good.

Su Ping was quite satisfied and took it out of the pet room and handed it to Gu Beichen, "Your pet."

Gu Beichen looked at his phantom beast. After seeing that it was not injured, he breathed a sigh of relief and nodded: "Thank you very much."

Just a polite courtesy.

After saying that, he put away the phantom beast. As for how well it was cultivated? He didn't even ask.

It only takes one day to cultivate, but I don’t know what it will be like.

"Let's go." Gu Beichen turned and left.

Su Ping was slightly stunned. He originally wanted to introduce the skills of the phantom beast to the other party, so as not to be as unfamiliar as Su Yanying and unable to display his abilities, but the other party did not give him this opportunity at all.

Seeing that the other party had already gone out, Su Ping had no choice but to give up.

After leaving the pet shop, Gu Beichen got on his off-road vehicle and drove to the border of the base city, heading to the deserted area outside.

He came back yesterday and completed the registration. Now he is waiting for the elite league to start. During this period, he will continue to train in the deserted area and make the final sprint!

After Gu Beichen left, Su Ping sat in the store and continued to practice. He took the air out of the system store and bought the intermediate animal trapping ring inside.

The repeat customers who came this morning allowed him to earn nearly 5,000 more energy, which was more than enough to buy this medium-level animal trapping ring. However, the intermediate force pill that made Su Ping coveted was still less than half of the energy, and he could only hope. And sigh.

Not long after, people came outside the store again.

Su Ping thought it was Gu Beichen from before who came back, because the guests who came this time also drove the same car, and the roaring sound of the exhaust was exactly the same.

When Su Ping looked up, he found that it was not Gu Beichen who came in, but it was also a familiar face.

"Boss Su, long time no see." Ye Chenshan smiled.

Su Ping had a strange expression on his face, "Why are you here?"

Ye Chenshan smiled and said, "Thanks to you last time, I'm here to take care of your business. Isn't that what I should do?"

Su Ping nodded, "Indeed."

Ye Chenshan was stunned and said with a smile: "Boss Su is indeed a straightforward person."

Su Ping was noncommittal, "Let's take a look. What do you want to buy?"

Ye Chenshan's eyes followed Su Ping's shoulders and looked at the shelves behind him. When he saw the price of the pet food on it, his face suddenly stopped smiling. He just laughed softly and said: "Su Boss, actually I came here this time because I have a good thing to ask you."


Su Ping was calm and not surprised.

The so-called "Don't go to the Three Treasures Palace for anything", even though this is not the Three Treasures Palace, it is just a small shop, but the other party has been here for a long time to repay his kindness, and he only came now, most likely because he has something to do with him.

Ye Chenshan smiled slightly and said: "A secret realm is about to open recently. Is Boss Su interested? The Global Elite League will start soon. Boss Su should also sign up. This secret realm is the best sprint." If there is an opportunity, many people who sign up for the competition will go to the secret realm to train and strive to make breakthroughs so that they can stand out in the league and achieve a good ranking."

He smiled and said: "Even if you don't win the championship, if you are lucky enough to enter the top ten of the championship, you can still get a chance to be taught by a legendary pet master! This secret realm is very critical. If you can get a valuable treasure in it, or It’s an extinct secret, so participating in the league is a sure thing.”

"Secret realm?"

Su Ping was stunned.

He seemed to have heard of it, but the information blockade in this secret realm was stricter than that in the wilderness. For civilians like him, the information he got was very limited. He only knew that it was a dangerous place where strong men in the wilderness would fall.

(End of chapter)