Astral Pet Store

Chapter 22: Ancient Spirit Beast Contract


Su Ping felt his body carefully. Now he was already a battle pet master.

It has to be said that there is a huge difference between battle pet masters and ordinary people. In terms of physical fitness alone, Su Ping has already felt the obvious difference.

The body is lighter, and the five senses such as vision and hearing are almost twice as sharp!

"The federal war pet masters are divided into nine levels!"

"Levels one to three are junior pet masters, levels four to six are intermediate pet masters, levels seven are senior pet masters, and levels eight are war pet masters with extremely high status, enough to serve as professors in prestigious schools. .”

"As for the highest level nine battle pet masters, they have already received titles, have their own nicknames, and are respected by thousands of people!"

"Further up, there are the legendary king beast pet masters. Each of them is a legendary figure. Their life experiences have been made into countless movies and novels. Even if they die a hundred years ago, some people will still remember them!"

"Currently, I have just awakened my original core talent. I have not yet practiced as a battle pet master. I have not yet gathered star power in my body. I am not even a first-level battle pet master."

"The training of a battle pet master..."

Su Ping suddenly had a headache when he thought about practicing.

At his current age, it is obviously impossible for him to have another chance to study in any Star Pet Academy. After all, he is over the age, unless he is specially recruited for outstanding performance.

The primary source of training knowledge for junior pet masters is from various star pet academies.

Although some training methods of pet masters have been circulated on the Internet, they are all superficial and there are no examples of specific actual operations.

"Is it possible that... you want me to go back and ask my sister for advice?"

When he thought of his sister Su Lingyue's arrogant face, Su Ping immediately gave up the idea.

The latter would be willing to teach him how to calculate the probabilities... They are all zero, no, it should be said to be negative, and he will be ridiculed mercilessly!

Su Ping shook his head. No matter what, since he is a pet master, he should first make a pet beast.

Su Ping still understands the basic knowledge of making pet beasts. This is not a mystery. Anyone who knows a little bit about pet beasts will know it.

"The number of pet beasts that a battle pet master can form a contract with is linked to their mental power. The stronger the mental power, the more and stronger the pet beasts that can form contracts will be!"

"Generally speaking, a battle pet master cannot contract a pet beast that is two levels higher than himself. Otherwise, mental oppression will make people go crazy, lose their mind, and even become complete idiots!"

Su Ping is not even a first-level battle pet master at present, and the pet beasts he can contract are extremely limited, but fortunately there is one in the store.

Thinking of the little skeleton, Su Ping hesitated.

This little thing is really worthless. If it is concluded, it will occupy a position.

After all, the more pets that form a contract, the greater the mental pressure on the owner.

"If you buy other pet beasts, most of the higher-blooded pet beasts will only stay at the first level for a short time. If my strength is not improved in time, it will hinder the pet beasts and inhibit their growth."

Su Ping frowned slightly. It seemed that he had no choice but to choose a low-level pet.

Fortunately, in the future, when the strength increases, the contract can be terminated. Although the mental burden of canceling the contract is quite heavy, and the combat effectiveness will be lost within three days, but with the protection of the pet shop, this sequelae is not a big deal.

After making up his mind, Su Ping stopped worrying and came to the front hall.


The little skeleton seemed to be frightened, and rolled off the chair at the front desk, fell to the ground, and shattered into a pile of skeletons, but it quickly reorganized slowly.

Su Ping was a little speechless. This little skeleton seemed to be very timid. As a demon beast, this was a bit strange. "Little guy, you will be my pet beast from now on."

Su Ping walked over, picked up the little skeleton from the ground, and placed it on the counter.

The little skeleton sat blankly, looking at Su Ping blankly with empty eye sockets.

Su Ping was very satisfied when he saw it being so obedient. The only advantage of a timid beast is that it is easier to tame.

He was about to conclude the contract, when the system suddenly issued a prompt: "Host, do you choose to purchase the ancient spirit beast contract?"

"Ancient spiritual beast contract?"

Su Ping was stunned when he heard this.

"The ancient spirit beast contract is a type of star pet contract. It has all the characteristics of the current star pet contract. The only difference is that the ancient spirit beast contract can sense the pet's emotions, and within a certain range, the pet can be transferred to it at any time. The beast recalls the pet space, but only if the pet is not restrained or sealed." The system explained, showing a particularly patient attitude.

Su Ping was dumbfounded.

The contract concluded actually has different effects

In his memory, there seemed to be only one kind of star pet contract. No one had ever thought that besides the star pet contract, there was another contract!

Moreover, the pet beast can be recalled at any time. The effect of this contract is too strong, right

If this is the case, once the pet beast senses danger, it can be recalled at any time to avoid sacrifice. This is a magical skill for the pet master!

Thinking of this, Su Ping suddenly became wary and asked, "How much energy is needed?"

"One hundred energy is enough," the system said.

Su Ping was stunned.

Just a hundred energy

Such a powerful thing is sold so cheaply

You know, the low-level animal trap rings in the store also cost 100 energy!

"This contract is a semi-gift, and the actual price is much higher than that." The system said calmly.

"Really?" Su Ping wondered, could this be a gift, deliberately blackmailing him out of a hundred

"Attention, first time warning for swearing!"

"Humph, have you admitted it?" Su Ping sneered.

The system did not respond again.

Su Ping cursed a few times in his heart. Although he was a little reluctant to part with it, he gritted his teeth and bought it.

Although at present, the benefit of this contract to him is not obvious, there is no doubt that this ancient spirit beast contract is extremely valuable. Moreover, this contract is not a one-time use and can be used repeatedly. It is beneficial to all pet beasts. All are available and can be used for a long time.

If he saves the life of a high-level pet beast for him in the future, then this hundred energy will definitely be well spent!



"The purchase was successful. Your ancient spirit beast contract has arrived. Please pay attention to receive it." The system prompted.

Without waiting for Su Ping's distressed energy to be deducted, a complex mark suddenly appeared in his mind. The structure of this mark, like lines, was painted in his memory one by one until it was unforgettable and could no longer be forgotten.

"Using blood as a guide and formation as a contract?"

In a daze, Su Ping came back to his senses. With a thought in his mind, the method of concluding the ancient spirit beast contract reappeared in his mind, which shocked him a little.

The method of conclusion is not to use star power, but to use one's own blood as the contract paper, and then use the complex formations carved with mysterious stripes as the content of the contract. The contract concluded is extremely strong, and it is impossible unless the owner takes the initiative to terminate the contract. The contract was severed.

"In addition to being able to recall the pet beast at any time, it is indeed the same as the star power contract in other aspects, including the termination of the contract. It will lose its combat effectiveness within three days." Su Ping felt it carefully and knew that the system did not deceive him.

(End of chapter)