Astral Pet Store

Chapter 37: Extraordinary practice


"Is this a lost ancient practice?"

Su Ping came back to his senses. This thing was given by the system, and it probably wouldn't be any worse. It just so happened that he was in urgent need of ways to practice star power. It was like giving him a pillow when he was drowsy!

"Star power training..."

"Perceive the energy of the surrounding heaven and earth, which is stored in the proto-nucleus of the body's cells, and then weaved and compressed within the proto-nucleus to construct a force vortex, and then uses countless force vortices in countless cells to affect the energy of the outside world through the body, thus Execute star skills..."

This 'Chaos Star Force Map' explains cultivation in extremely detail, bringing Su Ping into a whole new world.

At this moment, Su Ping truly awakened. From an ordinary person's perspective, he stepped into the world of pet masters and saw the use of extraordinary power.

Su Ping immediately closed his eyes, and his thoughts were immersed in the magical practice of 'Chaos Star Force'.

The process of practicing for the first time was difficult, but also exciting. Su Ping practiced completely selflessly.

In extreme silence, feel yourself and the world.

Soon, Su Ping felt that there was hazy star power wandering around his body, as light and tiny as quicksand. His consciousness was like a pair of big hands, gathering gently. These star powers seemed to be inspired by his consciousness, slowly The ground flew towards his body, penetrated into the surface of the body, and fell into the pronuclei in the cells.

The process went very smoothly, making Su Ping both surprised and excited.


The pronucleus in a cell seems very small, but it seems to contain the universe!

These hazy mist-like star powers fell into the original core, like falling into another starry sky in the universe, becoming extremely small.

Su Ping kept gathering, absorbing a large amount of surrounding star power, but his perception was limited, and the range to which his consciousness extended was also limited. The range of gathered star power could only extend to a diameter of two meters centered on the body.

The speed of star power gathering was still gentle and slow, but Su Ping himself could not speed it up. No matter how anxious his consciousness was, he could not speed up the star power intake. On the contrary, it would cause star power disorder and slow down the absorption speed.

His whole body seemed to be surrounded by hazy star power, but the star power was absorbed into the original core of his body, but it was so small that it was invisible.

How can such a small amount of star power form a vortex in the proto-nucleus, or even fill the entire proto-nucleus

As he repeatedly gathered the star power, Su Ping's excitement gradually faded away. He slowly realized that the practice of star power did not happen overnight, but was something that happened over time. What is really difficult is perseverance!

Although it is easy to gather star power and there are no obstacles in the cultivation process, if you want to cultivate the star power vortex, you need to do the same thing every day and repeat the same behavior. This requires extraordinary patience and the ability to endure the increasingly boring work. Extraordinary willpower!

This is the 'difficulty' of cultivation!

"The Chaos Star Power Map, the initial stage is the Star Whirlpool Realm. It mainly concentrates the star power in the original core to form a vortex. When the vortex is formed, star skills can be used to affect the outside world."

"The second realm is the star realm!"

"This requires filling the original core with star power and materializing the vortex. The power that explodes instantly is like the explosion of countless stars in the body. The physical strength of oneself alone is like a humanoid giant beast, which can compete with the same level of power-type pet beasts. Comparable, even stronger!”

"And the third realm is the Star Map realm, which is still too far away for me at the moment..."

Su Ping slowly opened his eyes. The first two realms of the Chaos Star Force had no skills. They were just the accumulation and precipitation of the Star Force energy.

After practicing until his consciousness was tired, Su Ping found that the star power in his original core was still extremely thin, let alone forming a vortex, even forming a ray of energy was very difficult!

It must be said that this result is disappointing.

And this kind of despair is also the "inner demon" that hinders cultivation and can make people discouraged. This is the "difficulty" of cultivation.

"By the way, I also have three copies of 'Force Pill'."

Su Ping suddenly thought that he had another reward, and he suddenly became energetic. This Force Pill can improve the cultivation of star power. You must know that this kind of item that can directly improve the cultivation of star power is extremely valuable in the Federation. Usually only the rich and powerful can afford it!

This is why those star-studded geniuses usually come from families with backgrounds, but if ordinary people want to reach that point, it is almost one in a million, which is as difficult as reaching the sky!

Su Ping thought and took it out of the storage space.

Three Force Pills fell into his hands, which were three brown pills.

Each one was about the size of a thumb. Su Ping sniffed it gently and found a refreshing fragrance.

"How do you eat this?" Su Ping asked the system.

"Chew it into pieces to avoid choking." The system replied.


Why do these words feel familiar

Su Ping raised his eyebrows slightly, threw one into his mouth, chewed it slowly, and swallowed it.

While chewing, Su Ping felt a stream of pure star power flow into his body, merge into his stomach, and then slowly spread to all parts of his body with the stomach as the center.

Su Ping immediately discovered that the star power in the proto-nuclei of his cells had increased significantly. It was almost pitch black before, with only extremely weak star power floating around, but now it was hundreds of times more, forming wisps of star power!

"This pill is probably worth hundreds of days of my practice!" Su Ping's eyes shined brightly.

He quickly closed his eyes and concentrated his consciousness into the proto-nucleus of the cell, letting the star power turn into wisps of fluttering energy bands, weaving together to form an hourglass-shaped vortex base.

"The star power is too little, not enough to form a vortex."

Su Ping swallowed another Force Pill without hesitation.

The star power in the pronucleus of all cells increased again, pouring into the pronucleus one by one.

Su Ping used his consciousness to gather these star powers into the hourglass vortex and weave the outside of the vortex, but halfway through weaving, he found that the star power was gone again.

He gritted his teeth slightly and swallowed the last remaining Force Pill.

Soon, like burning, this Force Pill turned into powerful star power and injected it into the original nuclei of all cells. Su Ping worked hard to weave the remaining outermost whirlpools into one breath.


Su Ping suddenly felt a slight shock all over his body, as if he was colliding with the world!

An unprecedentedly powerful force surged from all parts of his body, filling every part of his body. He felt as if he could tear a tiger alive in an instant!

In his body, there is an extremely tiny vortex in the pronucleus of all cells, slowly rotating in the dark pronucleus.

After each rotation, a strong force was pushed out, making Su Ping feel that strength was pouring out continuously!

In addition, Su Ping found that the weak star power attached to the surface of his body like dust was pulled into the proto-core by the vortex, blended into it, and slowly grew the vortex at an extremely slow turtle speed.

(End of chapter)