Astral Pet Store

Chapter 42: The love of pet animals


Seeing the signboard of the 'Little Naughty' pet shop, Su Yanying felt a little warm. When she came to this mysterious shop again, she was a little excited and looking forward to it, but she also missed it a little.

After three days of absence, she couldn't wait to hug her little ones.


Some of them are so huge that they can only be looked up at.

But in her eyes, these pet beasts are her children. Some of them were bought from infancy and raised by her. Some pet beasts grow faster and reach adulthood in three to five years. The size has also changed from being able to be easily picked up to being able to ride on the opponent.

"I wonder if this boss takes good care of your pet."

Lan Lele followed Su Yanying. This time she was still escorting and supervising. After all, she paid a lot of money last time and couldn't be fooled by the boss.

Seeing these two people entering the store, Su Ping stopped practicing and said expressionlessly: "Just wait here."

After saying that, he got up and went to the pet shop in the back, waking up the three foster pets and the thunder rats one by one.

"Come out."

Su Ping asked them to leave the foster care barrier.

Sensing Su Ping's strong will, several pet beasts reluctantly came out of the foster care barrier.

As soon as they left the foster care barrier, their star power contract with Su Yanying was connected, and they sensed each other's existence.

"It's them." Su Yanying's eyes lit up, and she felt a little happy. She felt that her pet beast was at the back of the store, separated only by a wall.

She stood on tiptoe, looking forward to it.

But after several minutes, she saw several pet beasts slowly walking out of the pet room at the back. Their movements were extremely slow, and they paused from time to time and looked back. It seemed that there was something extremely attractive behind them. Abandon.

Su Yanying was a little stunned.

Through the star power contract, she could clearly feel the strong sense of reluctance of several pet beasts. After a few days apart, they were not at all excited to see her, but only had a reluctant attachment? !

Are you attached to this place

"Let's go, let's go." Su Ping waved his hand impatiently.

Several pet beasts were intelligent, and their big watery eyes looked at him, full of pleading.

But Su Ping was too lazy to look and urged them to move faster.

The pet beasts were a little sad and returned to Su Yanying dejectedly. When they saw their master, they rubbed her body symbolically and then lay on the ground glumly.

Su Yanying could feel the frustration of several pet beasts and couldn't help but be stunned.

This was completely different from the meeting she had imagined.

Shouldn't he be running over happily

Shouldn't he be jumping for joy beside him

Why do you feel so depressed when you see your master

Su Yanying looked at the Lei Guangshu at her feet. Last time it saw her, it was very excited, but now it was also downcast and emotionless.

"This..." Su Yanying didn't know what to say for a moment. She felt aggrieved and wanted to cry.

Su Ping also felt the frustration and reluctance of several pet beasts. He was a little surprised, but it was also expected.

The primary foster care space is made of spiritual stones and is constantly nourished by spiritual energy. The feeling of being there is no less than soaking in a hot spring in winter. Now that it is suddenly pulled out by someone, it is already good without getting angry.

"Boss, why are they all so listless?"

Lan Lele also saw that some of the pet beasts were a little strange, and immediately asked Su Ping.

Su Ping's face turned cold and he said, "How do I know?" "You take care of them, don't you know?" An angry look appeared on Lan Lele's face.

Su Ping sneered, "How about I take care of you for two days? Should I also know your joys and sorrows?"

"You!" Lan Lele stamped her feet angrily.

Su Yanying came back to her senses, hurriedly stopped the two arguing, and said to Su Ping: "I'm sorry, boss, my friend is impatient."

"Yingying, this is obviously weird." Lan Lele said quickly.

Su Yanying shook her head slightly, "I only feel their nostalgia. They are like this because they are very attached to this place. It means that the boss not only did not treat them badly, but also took good care of them. I should thank the boss."

"Ah?" Lan Lele was stunned, "Attachment? Are they attached to this place?"

She felt incredible. She had only been fostered for a few days, but the pet animal had already developed feelings of attachment

Not to mention that Su Ping did not sign a contract with the pet beast. Even with the emotional transmission of the star power contract, there was no emotion between the owner and the pet beast at the beginning. They just maintained basic obedience to orders. Once the contract was released, there was no emotion. It’s related.

"it is true."

Su Yanying smiled bitterly. She also found it difficult to understand. Unless Su Ping treated his pet animals very well, he would be able to make the animals miss him. That also shows that this is a very conscientious pet shop!

Lan Lele was stunned. She believed that Su Yanying would not lie to her. It was unreasonable not to help her but to speak for the boss instead. This showed that she had really misunderstood.

After taking a look at Su Ping, seeing that the other person still had a cold face, Lan Lele immediately stopped talking about apologizing, pretending that nothing happened, and turned around to look at a few pet beasts.

"Their injuries seem to have healed."

After taking a closer look, Lan Lele discovered that Su Yanying had indeed not lied to her. Apart from being in a bad mood, these pet beasts had recovered from their injuries. Their bodies seemed healthier than before, and their hair was brighter and their hair was falling. The flames on the phoenix's feathers are also more intense, which shows that they are well cared for.

Su Yanying nodded slightly. She had noticed this before. Although the therapist said that they would recover in three days, the injuries of these three pet beasts obviously did not recover today. It can be seen that they have really been treated here and are not just foster care. Feeding.

As for what Su Ping said about improving understanding and physical fitness, she couldn't test it for the time being. She was satisfied with being able to heal her injuries.

"I wonder how it was cultivated?"

Su Yanying's eyes turned to the Lei Guangshu at her feet, and she squatted down and touched its little head to comfort its depressed mood.

While stroking it, she found that the color of the fur on the Lei Guangshu was darker, not deep purple, but black.

Moreover, she didn't know if it was an illusion, but she found that her other pet beasts seemed reluctant to get close to the Lei Guangshu, so that the one closest to her was the Lei Guangshu, while the other three were all two meters away. , unwilling to get close, seemed not to be intimate with her, but that was not the case usually.

"Boss, has it changed much from before?" Su Yanying raised her head and asked.

Su Ping said indifferently: "It must be at least several times stronger than before."

Although the combat power figure has only doubled, that is a number in statistics, not combat power!

The span from the third level to the seventh level is at least a dozen times the original strength, or even more. Hundreds of third-level beasts are vulnerable to the seventh-level beasts!

This is also where the system tasks get stuck...

"How many times stronger?" Su Yanying was stunned.

Lan Lele next to him also widened his eyes, suspecting that Su Ping had said the wrong thing.

How many times can it be improved in just three days of cultivation

Do you consider yourself a top cultivation master

In fact, even those top cultivation masters would not dare to say such big words unless they use some secret techniques, but who would go to war with a thunder rat, and the money they paid is not worth it.

(End of chapter)