Astral Pet Store

Chapter 49: The Thunder Prison of Ten Directions


All the students were stunned, this scene was so incredible!

An adult Wind Demonic Beast, a fifth-level high-ranking being, was actually defeated by a Thunder Rat, and it was an instant kill! !

Who would believe this to be true if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes

This is equivalent to an ant lifting an elephant and throwing it over its shoulder!

The first person in the audience to react was the referee on the sidelines.

He was also in a daze, but was awakened by a strong murderous intention.

When he saw the brutal murderous intent radiating from the figure shrouded in thunder and lightning, he was a little stunned.

I saw the electric light all over the body of the Lei Guangshu flashing, with murderous intent, slowly approaching the wind monster whose life and death were unknown, and seemed to be preparing to deliver the final fatal blow!

Does it want to kill the wind monster

The referee was a little shocked and immediately looked at the owner of the Lei Guangshu. Was this what she meant

You must know that if you maliciously kill the opponent's pet beast during the competition, you will be deprived of the qualification and will be severely punished afterwards!

When he saw the dumbfounded expression on the girl's face, the referee was stunned again and a little confused.

Isn't this Thunder Rat her pet beast

Why is she so surprised

Could it be that she didn't understand the strength of her pet beast

Time was running out, and the referee had no time to think too much, nor did he have time to wake up the girl who was obviously in a daze and ask her to control her Lightning Rat.

His thoughts were instantly conveyed to the pet beast beside him, "Go quickly."

After receiving the thought, a gust of wind suddenly passed through the air!


A sharp whirlwind suddenly swept out, and in the middle of the whirlwind was an almost transparent bird. It flew at an extremely fast speed, like a supersonic fighter jet.

The moment it flew into the arena, the Thunder Rat, which was slowly approaching the Wind Demonic Beast, suddenly stopped. It raised its head, and its brutal and bloodthirsty eyes fell on the flying bird that was rushing towards it.


Violent thunder and lightning surged out of its body again.


Anyone who tries to attack it will be killed!

This is a painful lesson it has experienced countless times and has become instinct!


Suddenly, the thunder and lightning all over its body suddenly shot out, turned into a thunder, exploded down, and accurately hit the rushing whirlwind.

Advanced pet skill, Ten Directions Thunder Prison!


The speed of thunder and lightning was so fast that it was difficult to distinguish it with the naked eye. Although the translucent bird moved extremely fast, it could not react. The whirlwind outside its body was instantly defeated by the thunder, and the wind dissipated.

At the same time, its rapidly advancing body was stopped abruptly by the shock, its wings flapped, and wisps of lightning flashed across its feathers, showing slight burn marks.

"Wind Bird!"

The referee's pupils tightened, with a look of horror in his eyes.

This Lei Guangshu actually hurt his Wind God Bird? !

Moreover, it can actually detect the whereabouts of the Wind God Bird? ! !

You must know that the Wind God Bird is a pet beast of high bloodline. His Wind God Bird has already reached adulthood and has reached level seven. It is an extreme speed pet beast. Even beasts of the same level may not be able to keep up with its movements. Not to mention pet beasts whose levels are lower than it.


It’s still a thunder rat with such a big difference in levels!

"Ten Directions Thunder Prison!"

In the audience, the red-haired woman, Dong Songming and others all stared in shock.

I just saw the top ten secret skills of the thunder system, 'Thunder Flash', and now there is an advanced eighth-level pet skill, 'Ten Directions Thunder Prison'? !

You know, this is not inferior to the extremely blazing ray that Luofeng realized just now!


The Wind God Bird flapped its wings and stared at the Thunder Rat in front of it with its emerald green eyes. From the lightning-shrouded figure, it actually sensed a hint of danger.

As a high-level pet beast, its IQ is already comparable to that of a human child. It has long been accustomed to low-level pet beasts like the Thunder Rat, but it was unexpected that this low-level pet beast would actually hurt itself at this moment!


It feels that its dignity as a high-level pet animal has been provoked by ignorant existence! call!

The strong power of the wind element surrounds the arena. This wind force is far more powerful and oppressive than the energy caused by the wind monster before. If the wind bird is willing, it can overturn the entire venue in an instant!

This is the power of high-level pet beasts!

Sensing the anger of the wind god bird, the referee came over in shock and quickly used his thoughts to comfort it. At the same time, he hurriedly said to the girl on the other side: "Stop your pet beast quickly!"

Hearing the cry, Su Yanying came back to her senses. All this happened in an instant, and she had not yet reacted.

"Why did the referee take action?" Su Yanying's thoughts were still at the time when the referee came on the stage, and she was a little confused, but she didn't have time to think too much and immediately sent her thoughts to Lei Guangshu, letting it return to her.

After receiving the signal, the killing in Lei Guangshu's eyes gradually suppressed, and the figure jumped quickly, returning to Su Yanying's feet.

Seeing that the lightning rat did not lose control, the referee breathed a sigh of relief. Then he realized that he was so nervous by a lightning rat. He couldn't help but feel dumb and smiled secretly in his heart.

"Su Yanying won the competition." The referee coughed lightly, straightened up his demeanor, and announced the result.

There was no cheering in the venue, it was quiet and very strange.

The main reason is that this battle is too weird.

How could a lightning rat defeat the Wind Demonic Beast, and even seem to have competed with the referee's Wind God Bird

All the students can’t figure it out or understand it.

After seven or eight seconds of silence, I don't know who took the lead. Suddenly there was a round of applause, followed by applause one after another. Later, the applause gradually became enthusiastic, and cheers were heard at the same time.

Although they didn't understand it, they had to say that this battle was so exciting, with twists and turns that exceeded everyone's expectations and opened their eyes.

Su Yanying looked at the Lei Guangshu at her feet, feeling a little confused.

She knew very well how terrifying the adult Wind Demonic Beast was, and it had been mentioned more than once in the textbook. However, this terrifying pet beast was actually defeated by her Lightning Rat, and it was killed instantly!

Thinking of the shivering Ksitigarbha Toutuo, Su Yanying looked at the Lei Guangshu, which had no unusual appearance at her feet, and suddenly felt a little confused.

This little guy…

How strong is it

She thought of the pet shop and couldn't help but tremble slightly in her heart.

Who is it that can cultivate an ordinary thunder rat to such an extent

She had heard that some masters from outside the world like to live in seclusion in the city. Could it be that this is the kind of master she met

"Is this really a lightning rat?"

"Could it be a variant that looks like a thunder rat?"

In the audience, Fiery Red Hair, Vice Principal Dong Songming and others gradually came to their senses.

When I think about the pet beast at the girl's feet, which had previously used a secret skill like 'Thunder Flash', I feel a bit like a dream.

Even if a high-level pet beast masters such a secret skill, it is enough to shock and envy!

"How many advanced pet skills does this little thing master?" Another burly man couldn't help but ask.

Several other people looked at each other, and the corners of their mouths twitched slightly. Taking into account the previous afterimages of thunder shadows and thunder breaks, plus the Shifang Lei Prison that had just been cast... this was going to defy the heavens!

"It's a pity that such a monster's qualifications are actually in a thunder rat. If it were another pet beast, even a pet beast of medium blood, it would be enough to sell for a sky-high price!" The flaming-haired woman sighed.

"Principal Dong, let's take a step to talk." The burly man said.

Several other people immediately cast their gazes, and the red-haired woman snorted coldly: "The game is not over yet, so impatient."

"Everyone, our Red Flame Team wants this man." Another young man with a bandage on his arm said coldly.


Several other people sneered and didn't bother to pay attention.

want to

We also have to ask them whether they will answer or not. Who is afraid of whom

(End of chapter)