Asura God

Chapter 105: Hello, senior sister


Tu Wei's anger that he had suppressed for eight years finally broke out at this moment. The fire was boiling and his murderous intent was overwhelming. He faced Leng Zhibai crazily.

Thousands of guards seemed to have torn off their shackles and turned into wild beasts, rushing forward to swamp the Qingyun Sect disciples.

Leng Zhibai and the Qingyun Sect disciples panicked, yelled and fled in fear.

But how could the Qin family guards let them succeed? They killed each one desperately, or they were venting their anger.

Their sudden burst of fighting power and madness made even Shadow Blade secretly frightened.

More than 200,000 mining slaves were at a loss, until the battle officially broke out, until Tu Wei and others vented wildly, until Qin Ming's name and the pardon seal spread throughout the audience, they were quiet and sluggish for a long, long time... There was a sound in the square. There were sporadic cries, but in the end more than 200,000 people knelt down collectively, hugging each other and crying. Eight years, it’s finally over, it’s over…

But are these all true

Tu Wei and the others were fighting crazily, the intertwining of blood and fire boiling the night. Qin Ming walked up to the high platform and bowed deeply to the more than 200,000 citizens in the square: "The Qin family is sorry for you. Starting today... I, Qin Ming, will guarantee with my life that history will never repeat itself again."

Auntie and the others were still in a trance, really feeling like they were in a dream.

However, looking at Qin Ming on the high platform and the crazy Tu Wei, their hearts trembled and their eyes became hazy. Under the leadership of Uncle Yang, they also walked to the high platform and bowed to more than 20 people. Our Qin family owes you an apology.

Huyan Zhuozhuo took a deep breath and exhaled gently. Seeing this scene made him sad.

Ling Xue looked at the fierce battlefield in the distance, the fighting in blood and fire, the madness of the Qin family guards, and the struggle of the Qingyun Sect disciples. The scenes were all so shocking, and she could feel the trembling in their hearts from the roars.

Ling Xue looked at Qin Ming again with complicated eyes. Perhaps, from the beginning, he was planning to kill Leng Zhibai and all the disciples arranged by Qingyun Sect in Daqing Mountain, otherwise he would not have invited more than five hundred killers.

For eight years, the Qingyun Sect only regarded Qin Ming's stubbornness as a joke. They joked about how Qin Ming was beaten to a bloody pulp without kneeling down, laughed about how it was a miracle that Qin Ming's bad temper survived to this day, and also laughed about how Qin Ming made a living as a servant. Young Master, but... When this persistence, this stubbornness, and this forbearance were promoted from servant status to Jin Ling's disciple, to the city lord, the meaning completely changed.

A crazy servant and a crazy strong man are two completely different concepts.

The madness of a servant is a joke, the madness of a strong man is destruction.

Qin Ming is still the same Qin Ming, he has not changed, but the environment has changed, his identity has changed, his strength has changed, everything... will become completely different...

Shurazi? Ling Xue recognized this title for the first time.

The eight sect masters may have just been a random decision, but unexpectedly it reflected the truest Qin's destiny.

The Qingyun Sect created a Shura with their own hands and released him with their own hands. What will the future... be like

"What are you thinking about?" Huyan Zhuozhuo's smile was still innocent, but under the reflection of the firelight, this smile became more mysterious.

"The future." Ling Xue whispered. Isn't it true that Jin Linchi transforms into a dragon when encountering a storm, and the Eight Sects Tea Party was just like that storm. Storms are rising, things are changing, everything... will be different...

"Perhaps we all underestimated Qin Ming." Huyan Zhuozhuo looked at Qin Ming, who bowed deeply, and looked at the square where he was crying with joy. He really didn't expect that Qin Ming would order the execution of Leng Zhibai and the others. This simple decision reflected Qin Ming's character and meant too much.

Is this a twist? no! This is courage and toughness.

Ha, I like it, I like it so much.

After dawn, Daqingshan is in full swing, lively and festive.

More than 200,000 city residents finally understood that this was not a dream. They were free and were going home.

Qingyun Sect pardoned all their crimes.

Their lives are no longer dark and lightless, and they can start anew.

Excited! ! move! ! Rejoice! !

They heard about Qin Ming's efforts and knew about his achievements.

They are proud and happy, because the stronger Qin Ming is, the more stable their 'freedom' will be.

They saw Qin Ming's "decided killing" and Qin Ming's strong "posture", but instead of being afraid, they felt inexplicably at ease. After experiencing so many hardships, they were extremely uneasy and needed a strong person to bravely stand in front of them. They needed a leader who dared to swing a knife at the evildoers.

Tu Wei and the others were full of energy and were boiling hot. In the past eight years, they have never been as excited as today, and they have never been as relaxed as today. They even sang songs and their steps became brisk.

The escort team first went to the forest to catch some beasts and spirits, set up a cauldron, lit a fire, and let the citizens eat the stew happily. They gathered enough strength to pack their things and prepare to... go home...

The Qin family all gathered together and were busy sorting out the things they could take away, with excited smiles on their faces.

"These are the spiritual stones and treasures that were collected from Leng Zhibai and the others. Please count them." Huyan Zhuozhuo called Qin Ming to the side. The ground was filled with all kinds of baggage, which were all filled with treasures that Leng Zhibai had packed. They were prepared for The quantity brought back to the Qingyun Sect was astonishing, including various spiritual stones, medicinal materials collected in the forest, and so on.

Qin Ming turned over some baggage: "These are all for you."

"We don't need remuneration." Huyan Zhuozhuo smiled and waved his hand.

"This is what it should be. By the way, I will use these treasures to ask your Huyan family to open a branch in Thunder Ancient City." Qin Ming is now the city lord. The first thing he has to do is how to resettle the city residents and build Thunder Ancient City. These require a lot of funds and also require Chamber of Commerce support. The only people he can rely on now are the Huyan family. Only they can help the citizens of Thunder Ancient City survive the coming cold winter, help rebuild their homes, and restore Thunder Ancient City to normal operation.

"Don't worry. Needless to say, we will do it. My father will say hello to the Qingyun Sect and allow the Huyan family to settle in the Qingyun Sect on the grounds that rebuilding the ancient city of Thunder is a big business opportunity." The Huyan family not only valued his potential, but also helped Qin Ming. In fact, there is the Thunder Ancient City behind him. Rebuilding an ancient city is not only a business opportunity, but also an opportunity to make good friends with Qin Ming. The Huyan family is now the best at investing in favors. We have helped you, Qin Ming, and we have helped you throughout the city. What reason do you have to turn your back on the Huyan family in the future

"I, Qin Ming, will never be ungrateful." Qin Ming felt warm in his heart. Although this was a 'friendship' with a cooperative nature, it really helped a lot.

"You can keep these things for your guards to practice with."

"That's fine." Qin Ming nodded, looking at the bustling mining area, heaving a long sigh of relief, with a smile on his face.

Auntie was instructing the women to clean up the house and take away as much as they could.

Qin Ying stood aside, looking curiously at the fairy-like Ling Xue in front of her, with her stunning beauty, holy temperament, and a cold and arrogant temperament that would repel people thousands of miles away. She had lived in Daqingshan for eight years and had never seen such a beautiful woman. What interested her even more was that this girl was brought back by her brother.

On such an important occasion, why would my brother come back with a girl

Why not Sister Yueqing, why not Caiyi

Is she also a disciple of Qingyun Sect

"Ying'er, why are you dazed? Hurry up and pack your things." Her aunt greeted her.

"Aunt, guess who she is." Qin Ying held her aunt in her arms and asked quietly.

"Who? Oh, look at me, I forgot to entertain others." Auntie clapped her hands and walked over with a smile.

"Aunt, what are you doing?"

"Entertaining others."

"You haven't figured out his identity yet."

"You silly girl, you brought this girl back all the way, do you still need to ask?" Auntie carefully arranged her clothes, stood next to Ling Xue, looked up and down, the more she looked, the more satisfied she became: "The girl has such a good name. ."

Ling Xue was as cold as a lotus and nodded politely: "Ling Xue."

"The name sounds nice. Are you also a disciple of the Qingyun Sect?" My aunt was secretly amazed. This girl is so beautiful. With this temperament, figure, and appearance, she is a rare beauty. My family is blessed with beauty.

"I am a disciple of Yaoshan."

Medicine mountain? He belongs to the nobles in Qingyun Sect. Yes, he has a good background. The more my aunt watched, the more she liked it: "How long have you known Qin Ming?"

"We've been together for a few months."

get along? That’s it! Auntie's smile deepened: "How old is the girl?"

Ling Xue suddenly felt that she had misunderstood, and quickly explained: "I am Senior Sister Qin Ming."

"Hello, Senior Sister, Hello, Senior Sister, Senior Sister can love people." Her aunt held her hand and nodded with satisfaction.

"..." Ling Xue chuckled unnaturally, not knowing how to explain it. Mobile phone users please browse and read for a better reading experience.