Asura God

Chapter 185: despair


"Sect Master Qiu! I have long wanted to learn your secret art of blood elf. Let's engage in the battle. Earth Fiend Fist!" The python king rushed forward quickly, flying in the air, roaring and turning like a strong wind, changing its position and falling from the sky, and violently struck with fists. Qiu Lin's head. [ Zero ↑ Nine Novels ↓ Shuowang.09 xs. ] The fists roared, as powerful as a mountain collapse, as if they were about to collapse the space, revealing unparalleled energy, which magnified violently in Qiu Lin's sight.

Qiu Lin's vertical pupils suddenly condensed and turned into two vertical lines. The evil energy was fierce. In an instant, two bloody lights burst out. The world trembled with a click, and the sound shook the whole place like a rock-shattering sound. The blood light was as fast as thunder, and it hit the Python King's fist fiercely. In an instant, there was an even louder sound, like a giant ax splitting a mountain, or like a vast ocean hitting a cliff. An astonishing energy hit the point of impact. Sweeping in all directions for the center.

The Python King's offensive was forcibly restrained, and he flew violently, but he forcibly controlled his body in mid-air, retreated in order to advance, danced rapidly, punched hard, and sent out fists that filled the sky, like meteorites falling from the sky, overwhelming Qiu Lin. .

Qiu Lin's long hair was dancing wildly, his blood was overwhelming, and he was not afraid of the fists at all. He screamed loudly, and the blood energy all over the sky 'collapsed' from the clouds, like a flood that opened to release water, drowning and rushing in a mighty way. In the depths of the blood craze, many blood energy gathered into a ferocious beast, roaring hoarsely, and rushed towards the Python King one after another.

The scene is huge and violent.

"Haha, what can the same moves do to me? The Four Elephants Divine Technique, roaring in the sky." The python king looked like a crazy demon, and the fierce fighting spirit all over his body suddenly boiled, like the rushing waves rising into the sky, churning and gathering, the energy was vast, He turned into a sky-holding giant, dominating the world and resisting the falling blood flow. The momentum was astonishing, like a duel between two gods, triggering a spiritual riot in the wilderness.

The python king charged at Qiu Lin again, moving forward without any fear. He did not dare to be careless and released with all his strength.

The five kings of the Northern Territory were able to contain the eight sect alliances not by virtue of their fame, but by their strength.

The great elder opened his mouth and spat out a dark iron black pestle, tumbling in the air and quickly returning to two meters in length. The great elder reached out and grabbed it, and held it tightly in his hand with a snapping sound. The iron pestle was completely black and filled with evil aura. It was covered with traces of various battles. It looked scarred, but it further demonstrated the black iron black pestle's illustrious military exploits: "There was no need for us to get into this situation. You forced me to do it."

"Stop making excuses for yourself. You have ruined your life's fame and prestige with your own hands. You will be nailed to the pillar of shame of Qingyun Sect and be spurned for thousands of years." Sect Master Li took the lead in attacking, and eight waves danced wildly in the sky. Like a thick long whip, it fiercely strikes, rushing towards the great elder: "Finally, I remind you that the treasures of heaven and earth can be obtained by those who are destined. The inheritance of the kings does not belong to you, and you can't get it even if you sacrifice your life."

"The inheritance of the kings, I have longed for it for twenty years, no one can take it away from me." The great elder roared, and the black iron black pestle rose into the sky, violently shattering waves of light, with fighting intent Unparalleled, fierce and fierce, speeding up to kill Sect Leader Li.

The strong men in the Holy Martial Realm went into full-scale war, and the wilderness to the east of the city suffered. Spiritual power rioted, the sky was dark, various energies intertwined, and the fierce loud noise was like a thunder group, shaking the space. [Zero ↑ Jiu Xiao ↓ Shuowang.09 xs.]

The battlefield is fierce!

Leng Shan and other powerful men from the Mang Palace and Qingyun Sect, as well as the killers from Huang Maple Valley, all showed their strongest martial arts and shouted loudly as they crashed into the towering city wall. There were loud rumbling noises, and the newly built city wall collapsed in pieces. Rocks penetrated the sky, dust and mist flew up, and they were riddled with holes.

"Kill, kill as much as you want, until they hand over Qin's orders."

Leng Shan shouted, and rushed into the city first. He raised his sword and struck violently. The sword energy swept across the streets. The seemingly solid buildings were vulnerable to his destruction, and they were broken into pieces like chopping melons and vegetables.

"Hand over Qin Ming!"

"Haha, destroy it."

"Qin Ming, get out."

More than fifty Earth Martial Realm experts shouted loudly, like more than fifty war machines, running like crazy, crushing the streets, destroying shops and pavilions, heading straight to the inner city, violent roars accompanied by the ground shaking.

A strong man at the pinnacle of martial arts lowered his head, grimaced his face, and was boiling with fierce evil energy. He ran rampant without hesitation, like a running giant bear, destroying all the buildings in front of him, such as teahouses, hotels, houses, etc. etc., were all smashed into pieces and collapsed with a rumble.

A strong person shouted and roared, releasing a torrent of water that raged through the crowded streets, submerging houses and collapsing high-rise buildings. There are also strong men spitting flames from their mouths, and the flames spurt out for tens of meters, like thick fire snakes wildly destroying and igniting the city. There are even stronger ones who are more cruel. They release the black poison with a sinister smile, and then release the violent wind, which spreads in all directions. As a strong person at the pinnacle level of Earth Martial Arts, he has half-stepped into the Holy Martial Realm. His drama Poison is the manifestation of spiritual power, which is very terrifying. Not far away, some civilians were hiding in low-rise buildings, but they were overwhelmed by the poison and corroded into black coal in the blink of an eye. They didn't even scream.

"Haha, massacre the city, massacre the city!"

They roared wildly, and a majestic man stomped the ground. Strong seismic waves penetrated the ground from his feet, causing the stratum to fracture and forcibly triggering an earthquake. A muffled roar swept through the city for thousands of meters, and the ground cracked and thickened. Dust sprayed thinly, and many buildings were mercilessly swallowed up.

In the inner city, more than 200,000 citizens were scattered. They hugged tightly and shivered, not daring to listen to the loud noises and shouts in the distance. Children cried, women prayed, and they were desperate and frightened.

The high-altitude holy martial battlefield was fierce and violent. Leng Shan and others were not to be outdone. After quickly destroying the outer city, they all descended on the inner city.

"Qin family! Hand over Qin's orders, or we will massacre your entire city."

"Where is Qin Ming? Are you watching the whole city being buried with you? Get out of here!"

"You can't keep the inheritance of the kings, hand it over!"

They broke open the four gates of the inner city and broke into the inner city from four directions. Their actions were even more cruel. They used their powerful martial arts without hesitation. Some people released cold waves and blocked the streets with ice. Some people released flames and burned the pavilions. It cracked the ground and raised rocks all over the sky, deliberately causing destruction and gathering towards the city from four directions.

In the city, Tu Wei and the others looked ugly, guarding the Qin family as if they were facing a formidable enemy. You can imagine the chaos outside without going out, and you can also feel the madness and strength from the enemy. The ancient city they had worked so hard for three or four months could only watch helplessly as it was ruthlessly raped and wantonly destroyed.

"Damn it!" Ye Xiaoxiao's eyes turned red and she wanted to kill him.

"Save people, Uncle Tu, save people." Qin Ying pulled the corner of Tu Wei's clothes.

Tu Wei shook his head bitterly, I went to save people, who will protect you

"Are we going to watch them die?" Qin Ying begged Tu Wei with tears on her face.

Tu Wei's heart was bleeding and his fists were shaking. He had worked hard to protect more than 200,000 people for eight years, but in the end... he still had to watch them die.

"Master Qiu Lin has arrived, where is Yao'er, and where are the other members of the Blood Evil Sect?" Ye Xiaoxiao's heart felt like a cat scratching her head. She originally thought that Yao'er would come with many teams, but she hasn't seen anyone yet.

"Maybe they're still on the way." Yue Qing sighed. She didn't expect the Python King and the others to arrive so quickly. They should have spread the news a few days later, so that they could at least wait for other strong men from the Blood Evil Sect to come and add more to the city. sense of security.

"Why hasn't the leader of the Hundred Flowers Sect taken action yet? What is she waiting for?" Li Lingdai was very much looking forward to the leader of the Hundred Flowers Sect taking action, even if it was just to show his stance.

"She has reasons not to intervene, and she has reasons to intervene. It depends on her own decision." Ling Xue looked at the distant sky. Under the bloody clouds, the pure fluorescence was like a holy land, dazzling and misty, but always No intention of taking action.

"No one is willing to save us..." Qin Ying murmured sadly, but at this moment, a scream suddenly came from the street outside. It sounded creepy, but it didn't seem to be the sound of massacre. It was very... weird...

(The best part is here, it will break out tomorrow! Stay tuned!) Mobile phone users please browse and read for a better reading experience.