Asura God

Chapter 2: Life and death


Qin Ming has long been accustomed to the looks of Qingyun Sect disciples, whether they are sympathetic or mocking, he accepts them calmly. After living here for eight years, Qin Ming has always been like a passerby, not integrating here, and the Qingyun Sect does not want to accept him.

He dragged his tired and painful body back to the Qingyun Sect's storage warehouse.

This is where he has been living for eight years. It is located on a short mountain near the main peak of the Qingyun Sect. The warehouse is very large. It used to have five people, but now only two people are looking after it.

One is the strong Qin Ming, and the other is a decadent old man.

They belong to the lowest level of Qingyun Sect and have been dependent on each other for many years.

Qin Ming returned to the warehouse, rubbed his face vigorously in front of the iron gate, and showed a light smile, as usual.

"Old man, I'm back."

Qin Ming pushed open the iron door and snapped his fingers as if nothing had happened.

The white-haired old man sat silently under an old tree in the distance. There was a solitary grave there. The old man would sit there every day, quietly missing the deceased.

One is lonely and the other is stubborn and strong, two completely different personalities, but they have lived here in harmony for many years. It is strange to say that.

Qin Ming hummed a tune and went to the warehouse to change into clean clothes. There is no annoyance, no frustration, and no resentment against anyone. Rather than saying that he is accustomed to it, it is better to say that he is trying to be optimistic, a kind of optimism based on tenacity and persistence. He has been like this for eight years.

Beside the solitary grave in the distance, the old man sat quietly, as if he did not see Qin Ming being injured. His attention was entirely on that solitary grave and the magnolia flowers swaying beside it. I basically lived like this every day. Apart from simply organizing the warehouse and eating something, I just sat there and stayed with the tomb.

"We'll have dinner later today and I'll practice for a while first."

Qin Ming said hello and sat cross-legged on the stone bench, sitting as quietly as a bell, breathing calmly, absorbing the subtle vitality between heaven and earth, and recuperating his injured body.

What he is currently operating is not martial arts, but a wonderful way of swallowing energy - Shengshengjue!

Generally speaking, the lifelong pursuit of warriors is to absorb the energy between heaven and earth, condense it into spiritual power in the body, and demonstrate powerful combat effectiveness through specific martial arts. It is recognized by the world that the energy between heaven and earth is the 'wild state' and 'original state' of spiritual power.

But what Qin Ming is capturing now is not energy, but anger, the energy of life!

This strange and rare way of swallowing air comes from an old man from afar.

The old man has been here since Qin Ming was imprisoned in Qingyun Sect as an ordinary disciple and arranged to work as a servant in the warehouse. It seems that no one knows the old man's origins, and no one cares about such a bad old man. The old man has a weird temper and rarely talks to Qin Ming, let alone other people. But on a rainy night five years ago, when Qin Ming crawled back covered in blood, he unexpectedly said a formula, which Qin Ming remembered firmly in his heart.

"The vitality is ethereal, floating between heaven and earth, without beginning or end."

"The Beidou carries Qi, transports and transforms the four seasons, and mediates in all directions. Heaven and earth intersect, and all things are born and transformed. They have a beginning and an end, and they circulate."

"Born in the four seasons, formed by day and night."

"Essence is matter, wandering soul is change."

"Check its origins and observe its movements. If you can understand its comings and goings, you can make clever arrangements to achieve prosperity and avoid decline."

Qin Ming spent three years exploring and researching, and finally he understood it thoroughly, understood it, and used it freely.

It is precisely because of this wonderful way of swallowing Qin that Qin Ming's injuries can be healed in the shortest time, allowing him to survive the persecution and oppression of Qingyun Sect until now.

What is the origin of this formula? The old man didn't say anything, and Qin Ming didn't ask.

After a day of training, Qin Ming's energy, blood and injuries had recovered by more than half, and the pain had basically disappeared.

The effect of Shengshengjue is miraculous.

In the evening, Qin Ming saw that it was getting late, so he stopped practicing and went to the warehouse to cook food and put it on the simple wooden table outside. "Old man, it's time to eat."

They were all very common wild vegetables, the same every day, but Qin Ming still made some different tricks and put out four dishes.

The old man looked back at the dishes here. Maybe it was because they were good in color and appearance, or maybe he was really hungry after not eating for a day. He dusted himself off, sat down and ate slowly without saying anything.

"You keep eating, I'll practice for a while." Qin Mingze picked up two chopsticks randomly and continued to sit cross-legged on the stone bench to swallow the life energy.

He must resolve the injury as soon as possible without leaving any hidden dangers.

The old man tasted the dishes one by one and felt they tasted good. He pulled all four dishes in front of him and ate them slowly.

He seems to have a particularly strong appetite today.

"Master Qin?" A pretty and fair girl knocked on the iron door and walked in.

"Caiyi." Qin Ming greeted with a chuckle: "I haven't seen you for a few months, and you are beautiful again."

"I haven't seen you for a few months, and you are causing trouble again. I don't want to worry about it. Senior Sister Yueting asked me to bring you some medicine." The girl shook the small bamboo basket in her hand and said hello to the old man, but she didn't After being ignored, the old man ate his own food. The girl didn't care. She quickly came to Qin Ming with light steps: "Let me see how the injury is."

"It's nothing, much better, don't worry."

"Really, why are you doing this? You know they won't let you pass." The girl put the small bamboo basket next to Qin Ming. She looked pure and beautiful, fresh and beautiful, as white and delicate as a hibiscus, and she looked very lively. Cheerful, but Qin Ming's pale face still made her face full of worry, and she blamed him for being impulsive.

"The opportunity is there. How can you not know if it works if you don't try it?"

"Then what kind of opportunity is there? Why don't you understand? With the great elders and the others suppressing them, other elders will not be willing to cause trouble. I know you are worried about your relatives and want to win status and improve their situation, but you The more head-on you are like this, the more they will suppress you. Can't we lower our posture a little?" Caiyi felt sorry for Qin Ming's pale face.

"Stop your posture and be like a dog? Wag your tail and beg for mercy? Beg for alms? I, Qin Ming, can't do that."

Cai Yi pouted her rosy lips and didn't say much else. She had tried to persuade her so many times before, including Senior Sister Yue Qing, but what was the use? She opened the small bamboo basket, which contained two bottles of medicine for clearing silt and regulating Qi, as well as some exquisite pastries. She whispered: "Guess who made it."

"Say thank you to Yue Qing for me. Don't worry about me. Haven't I lived well all these years?" Qin Ming picked up the cake, put it in his mouth and tasted it. He nodded while eating: "It belongs to Yue Qing. Craftsmanship and delicious taste.”

"Do you think you're living a good life? I feel bad for being in such a miserable state. There are two fights for three days, and either you beat someone else's head to a bloody head, or someone else beats you until you're covered in blood. They are obviously deliberately provoking trouble, how can you If you want to avoid it, just avoid it.”

"The weak will not have a good death, and the strong will not have a good life. I will be the strong one! Always the strong one!"

"Who said that?"

"My father." Qin Ming looked a little sad, but then he felt relieved and picked up another snack to taste.

Caiyi opened her mouth and carefully looked at Qin Ming's face: "Do you... hate them? I don't mean anything else, but others say they are actually... "

"Hate? Why should I hate? They will not abandon me or their loved ones."

"I'm sorry, I said the wrong thing." Cai Yi knew that she had encountered Qin Ming's sad past.

"I'm fine, don't worry."

"By the way, Senior Sister Yueqing asked me to remind you that if you have been silent for so many months and suddenly publicly show your Lingwu realm strength, you will attract a lot of attention and attract more people to suppress you. You must be mentally prepared."

"Have I ever been afraid? After eight years, I finally broke through to the Spiritual Martial Realm. This is just the beginning. I will become stronger and let the senior officials of the Qingyun Sect really take me seriously. I will one day save my relatives and my second wife. One hundred thousand city citizens." Qin Ming said casually, but his tone contained a firmness that only he knew.

"Don't be so anxious. You've endured it for eight years and you still care about it now? If you really feel like someone is trying to harm you during this period, just run to Senior Sister Yueqing. We can't save Thunder Ancient City, but we can definitely protect you. …”


The iron door of the warehouse compound was slammed open with a bang, and Zhao Lie walked in with his followers in a swaggering manner.

"Zhao Lie! What are you doing here!" Caiyi was angry and scared me.

Zhao Lie was not surprised that Caiyi was here: "Isn't this junior sister Caiyi? I haven't seen her for a long time and I don't dare to recognize her."

"Let me ask you a question, what are you doing here?"

"Where do I, Zhao Lie, need to report to you?"

"You're not welcome here, get out!" Caiyi knew exactly what they were doing.

"Is this your home?" Zhao Lie showed a naughty smile, and several of the followers laughed unceremoniously.

"you… "

Qin Ming sat on the stone bench without getting up, eating snacks by himself: "Don't get angry with a few rubbish."

"Sinner Qin Ming, what did you just say? Do you dare to say it again?" Zhao Lie walked towards them.

"I've said it many times over the years. Why, are you addicted to it?"

Cai Yi quickly reminded: "Qin Ming, he is not the Zhao Lie he used to be."

"I'm not the same person I used to be." Qin Ming endured it for more than two months and made continuous breakthroughs. Although he was humiliated by Elder Chu Hua today, his strength is no longer at the spirit-quenching level before.

"Really?" Zhao Lie motioned to his followers to close the iron door, and stood in front of Qin Ming with a smile, looking down at him with his eyes lowered.

Qin Ming glanced at him with raised eyebrows, stood up on the stone bench, and stood taller than him, so that he could look down at Zhao Lie with his eyes lowered. "Is something wrong?"

The momentum that Zhao Lie had just mentioned weakened on the spot. He was angry: "Qin Ming, I don't understand where you, a sinner, get your sense of superiority!"

"If you have something to say, get out of here."

"I want to challenge you!" Zhao Lie didn't want to talk nonsense with him anymore. He just wanted to beat Qin Ming severely and spoke out in anger. He was so powerful that his hands burst into flames, burning fiercely.

The spiritual power is revealed, the spiritual martial realm!

"I haven't seen him for two months. How high is Lingwu now?" Qin Ming glanced at the flame on his hand, and there was no surprise.

"Lingwu! Third Heaven!" Zhao Lie puffed up his chest proudly. In fact, he disappeared for so long because he was taken away by Elder Chu Hua to start a small stove. It was his sister who helped him get the opportunity. He trained hard under Elder Chu Hua and was taken seriously by Elder Chu Hua. Guidance, rising to two heavens in a row, from entering the Lingwu realm for the first time to the third level of Lingwu.

The followers were all proud of Zhao Lie.

"Qin Ming, listen up. Our senior brother Zhao Lie passed today's test and ranked first. Elder Chu Hua also gave us an extra Spirit Pearl Grass as a gift!"

"Do you know what Lingzhu grass is? It's a middle-grade Lingzhu grass!"

"In ten days, our senior brother Zhao Lie will enter Wuzong Pavilion to receive a stronger martial arts inheritance. In the future, we may not only be direct disciples, but also grow into Jin Ling disciples. And you, continue to do odd jobs in this warehouse, haha."

"From now on, you can only stand behind our senior brother Zhao Lie and look at his back, haha."

Qin Ming's expression finally showed some fluctuation, is it Lingzhu grass? He glanced at the embroidered bag on Zhao Lie's waist.