Asylum Live Broadcast Room

Chapter 1: Calm down


As soon as it was bright, there was a noise outside, Long Junhao turned over and continued to sleep.

"Where are you going, sir? This is the pond, come back quickly—" the panicked voice of the little nurse outside came intermittently.

"I'm a fish, a mermaid, I'm going back to the sea..."

"Sir, this is not the sea, really, I'll take you to find the real sea, you... ah—" There was a loud "whoo—" sound of water accompanied by a terrified shout.

"Come on, someone has fallen into the water—"

Long Junhao turned over again and continued to sleep.

At this moment, a thunderstorm sounded not far away, "The whole army listens to my orders, call Jin to withdraw troops, and fight again tomorrow!" There was a female voice babbling in the noise, the tune was long and long: "How much life is there, read the beautiful scenery of the good time, A dream just passed by…”

Long Junhao frowned slightly, but still didn't open his eyes.

"I think my dignified army of 800,000 people has completely overwhelmed you! The sky is against me!"

The song was euphemistic and long, "And be sloppy, let him have two rounds of the sun and the moon, coming and going like a shuttle..."

"It's so noisy..." Long Junhao muttered in dissatisfaction, and finally sat up in resignation, the scene he saw when he woke up a month ago was still in front of him, he couldn't help sighing sadly, and silently lay on the bed and counted the scene. experience for a month.

Thinking of him as a dignified prince, wanting money and power, power and beauty, even if he spends all day drinking and walking sideways on the road, no one dares to care, his life could have been like this forever.

However, it's just that he shouldn't have run off to flirt with good women in front of him on a whim in order to attract the attention of the general, and he shouldn't hold on to his own identity for the sake of face, let alone be in the general's office. When they said they wanted to let their subordinates tie him back, they would turn their heads and run away, let alone find a particularly stupid minion to drive the carriage!

And last but not least, he shouldn't be stunned and faint before the carriage rushes down a hillside that is so small and so small that its height is almost negligible. And when he woke up again, he arrived here, and his body had been replaced. The most impressive thing at the time was a piece of snow, and then... He remembered that he broke out.

Yes, it's hard not to explode when he sees all this white stuff and strangely dressed men and women who are inappropriately dressed around him chattering and slapping his hands on him. What's even more annoying is that there is a beautifully dressed but also indecent woman lying on his back, this woman is clinging to his body, crying in pain, "Son, you are awake, you scared me to death, I will You are such a precious son..."

A blue vein burst out on his forehead in an instant, and he roared when he opened his mouth, "Presumptuous, how can I be such a dignified prince that you, a pariah, can touch it? Get out of this prince!"

The woman was yelled at by him and took a step back. She approached the man in strange black clothes who had been standing silently, and asked sadly, "Husband, what did our precious son call me just now?"

The man turned his head to her silently, and calmly spit out two words, "Untouchables."

The woman suddenly burst into tears.

Long Junhao's forehead burst again with a blue vein, and he looked at the group of white-flowered people who pointed at him and chatted. thing? !

Tolerable or unbearable!

Resolutely flipping the table, "Presumptuous! Are you slaves going to rebel?! Retire all to this king!"

Everyone was frightened by his momentum and took a step back, and nodded hurriedly, "Yes, yes, you are the prince, the prince is auspicious, please pay your respects to the prince, then... prince, can you take this medicine first?"

"..." He continued to flip the table, "I am really the prince!"

"Yes, yes, you are the prince, whoever wants to say that you are not the prince, I am anxious with whom."

"… Enough… "

The above conversation had been repeated in the first few days before he arrived, and he gradually gained a general understanding of the surrounding things through their mouths.

First of all, this is a place called "sanatorium", and this place is a bit special. In their words, it is more advanced than ordinary sanatoriums. It is said that the dean built it for his lover at first. He wanted to do it in a different way. He treated his lover, and the results were very good. His lover successfully recovered, so in order to give more people a chance to recover, he set up this convalescent institution.

Again, the cost of this institution is very high and it's only recently established, so counting him there are only four patients, well, yes, he found that there are only three people in the same situation as him except for those isshiki whites, and three people … none of them are normal people. According to the voice he heard just now while half asleep, one of the three people jumped into the pond, the other suddenly began to have a dream of fighting the enemy on the battlefield today, and the other one continued to sing unmoved.

It's so lively.

"Ah, lord, are you awake?" At this moment, the door of the room was gently pushed open, and a little nurse walked in, put breakfast respectfully on the fixed table, and said sweetly, "I respectfully invite the lord to eat."

Long Junhao's forehead twitched lightly, um, another discovery he made during this time, all the people here treat these abnormal people as uncles, and they will get almost everything they ask except for not being able to set a certain limit. Yes, he remembered that in the first few days when he woke up, these doctors and nurses specially changed into what they called ancient clothes in order to suit him. He was so angry that he saw those nondescript clothes broke out again, and they changed their clothes back after , but the title "Wang Ye" has not changed.

Long Junhao glanced at her, calmly got out of bed to wash up, and then came back to eat with a blank face. He shook the dinner plate as usual, and these people did not know what to do. Once the dinner plate was placed on the table, it was tightly attached to the table. It was stuck together, no matter how you shake it, you can't get it off, and most of the furnishings in this room are fixed, and a layer of soft furry edges are deliberately inlaid on it. He knows this is to prevent them from doing uncontrollable things. injured by the incident.

He pouted and started to eat. His adaptability is very strong, and he basically recognized all the things around him under the careful introduction of the doctors and nurses, and basically knew how to use them. I have to say that I am here with him. It turned out that the place where he lived was almost 108,000 miles apart, but the only thing that made him happy was that it was at least comfortable to live here, of course, provided that he could ignore the three truly abnormal creatures.

But after this time, he felt that he had really calmed down.

While thinking sadly, Long Junhao picked up the cup of special material and started drinking milk. At this moment, the door of the room was suddenly kicked open with a bang, and the door hit the wall and started to vibrate.

Long Junhao was startled, and the milk he had just drank immediately spit it out. He turned his head in horror, and saw that the people who came were rushing in. He threw himself on his knees in front of him, burst into tears, "Your Majesty. , I will go to the army of 800,000... to defeat the rebels! I have the emperor's heavy trust, and I deserve ten thousand deaths!"

"Cough cough..." Because Long Junhao choked just now, he was lying on the bed coughing violently, and he didn't have time to care about him for a while.

"Your Majesty..." The man didn't notice his situation at all, he cried out in despair, closed his eyes gently, and a tear slid from the corner of his eyes, "I am... dead... ah!" After speaking, the angry Long Junhao directly smashed his head with a cup, and suddenly fell to the ground with a whimper.

"Don't lie here!" Long Junhao got out of bed with a furious look on his face, kicked a few times in the past, and finally stepped on his chest and looked at him condescendingly and said, "This is the end of your fiasco. What other face is there to see me?"

"Your Majesty!" The man lay on the ground and cried out again desperately and affectionately, "I can show your loyalty to the emperor... Chen, Chen..." When he said this, two suspicious red clouds floated on his face instantly. Immediately shy, "I'll never change my love for the emperor..."

Long Junhao's face was suddenly twisted, but before he could speak, the doctors and nurses who heard the news rushed in and rescued the man from his feet.

He glanced at him coldly, and said majestically, "Drag it out and chop it off!"

Everyone was frightened by his aura, and they immediately saluted, "Follow the order." After saying that, they dragged the man out directly, and at the same time they heard a shrill cry, "No—I've been wronged. -I'm sorry-"

Long Junhao looked at the milk on his body, a blue vein burst out on his forehead, I was calm, calm... I'm going to! How the fuck does this calm me down? !

The previous little nurse floated over softly and asked with big watery eyes, "My lord, when did you usurp the throne?"

"..." Long Junhao silently turned his eyes to her, and calmly spit out two words, "Just now." Then he floated into the bathroom and changed his clothes.

The sun was shining brightly today, Long Junhao pushed open the door and walked to the yard to bask in the sun. This sanatorium is built on a hillside. The house is exquisite and elegant. It has a European style from the outside and a Chinese-Japanese style from the inside. Several houses are surrounded by courtyards, and then several courtyards are interconnected. The corridors are all covered with wood. The floor is made of artificial intelligence, the railings are covered with purple vines, and trees are planted in the center of the yard, some cherry trees and some peach trees, every flowering season is as beautiful as a dream.

Several courtyards surrounded a larger space, with green grass and activity equipment, and a huge lotus pond. When Long Junhao went out, he saw a group of people just fished out a person from the pond and lifted it up. I got on the stretcher and walked towards the room quickly, and there were sporadic conversations—

"I'm really a mermaid, I want to go back to the sea, you won't be happy if you keep me like this, really..."

Everyone immediately agreed, "Yes, yes, you are a mermaid, we are taking you to find the prince, find your beloved prince..."

"Damn, I don't love him! He left me and cheated on others. I already dumped him. What I love now is someone else, someone else! Don't talk nonsense if you don't have common sense!"

"... I, I, we have no common sense... No common sense..." Everyone's fragile heart trembled and asked weakly, "Then who do you love now?"

"What I love is the witch at the bottom of the sea, I want to find her! Do you understand what you call a banging mandarin duck?"

Everyone froze for a moment, then said seriously, "...Actually, the witch was sent out of the sea by your father a long time ago, and she lives on land now."

"What?! Really?! How could I not know!"

"Really... The news you just got, you don't know yet. We will take you to find her. Well, we will take you to her."

"Then... Then I will reluctantly trust you once."

Everyone immediately kowtowed, "Thank you, uncle."

"Watch your words, it's a mermaid! A mermaid!"

Everyone kowtowed again, "Yes, thank you, Mr. Mermaid."

"… Ah, that's about it."

The crowd carried him flamboyantly and ran in.

Long Junhao stroked his forehead with his hand, thinking that the man had a poker face, but he was doing some monster moths all day, really convinced.

The tune in the distance is still long, "I seem to be frightened around the tree to the empty branch, who expects the old swallow to find a nest and enter the painting building? Today, a bosom friend is happy to meet a bosom friend, this is a different meeting! Slowly pass on and sing, a song of neon clothes has been broadcast for thousands of years..."

The voice was desolate and tactful, and in an instant, Long Junhao turned his head to look at the small pavilion built on the pond. There stood a beauty with long hair and waist-length, singing with a sad face. The female voice imitated it very much. If it weren't for the fact that his clothes were open to his chest, with a clear view on it, Long Junhao really doubted that he was a woman.

The man seemed to sense that his gaze turned slightly to the side and waved at him, still imitating a female voice, and sang, "If this life is difficult to end, you may wish to live in the next life..."

"I am willing..." Long Junhao sighed sadly, and walked there resignedly, and the long day of his heart began again.

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