Asylum Live Broadcast Room

Chapter 11: Misfortune


When Long Junhao came out of the dean's room, someone was wagging his tail and rolling at the microphone to please him. His voice was so sweet that he was tired. He raised his head to look at Gu Chen. The meaning of the question was obvious. How did people become canines in a blink of an eye

"You don't need to pay attention to him," Gu Chen dragged him along the cobblestone path in the courtyard slowly, "as long as the object of the conversation is his wife, he has always been like this."

"Oh, so that's the case." Long Junhao nodded, thinking that loving his wife is a good quality, and the dean is not bad.

Gu Chen glanced at him and endured it, but he didn't tell him a truth after all: reality is often cruel. This kind of thing will let him experience it himself in the future.

The two walked out of the large yard and walked back along the corridor, where the genius doctor and the pregnant woman were still inseparable, and the beauty continued to sing, babbling inaudibly. Long Junhao sighed sadly, thinking that because of this incident, his cheap parents would not believe that he was a normal person, what should he do, the day he was discharged from the hospital was so far away.

No, he can't bear it anymore. This time it was a pregnant woman who broke in at midnight. What about next time? What if those creatures suddenly imagined that they had become Ultraman and regarded him as a monster

Ahhh - Long Junhao's expression is distorted, what a bad metaphor.

"What happened to you?" Gu Chen looked at him in surprise.

Long Junhao turned to look at him, pointed to himself, and asked very seriously, "I don't look like a monster, do I?"

"… "

"You... what's your expression?!" Long Junhao was quite angry every time they showed this look, "This king is not crazy!"

Gu Chen nodded silently, in agreement, and slowly.

"Perfunctory! Chiguoguo's perfunctory!" Long Junhao was even more irritated, "This king is really not crazy! I'm asking you a question very seriously! I don't look like a monster, right? Right?"

Gu Chen saw the arrogance on his body rising, hurriedly pulled over to smooth the hair, and replied seriously, "It's not like."

"Well, it's about the same." Long Junhao was a little satisfied, raised his feet and walked forward, just after taking two steps, he suddenly stopped, no, it's useless for anyone to think it's not like, the most important thing is the few He just thought he didn't look like that. He turned his head and looked over there. The two people in the small courtyard were still discussing the health of the fetus with great concentration.

To ask or not to ask, Long Junhao was confused. If you don't ask, you always have no idea in your heart. Just ask, if you bring inspiration to these two, then he is really dead.

He slowly rubbed behind a pillar, biting his little finger and showing his two eyes staring there, lost in thought, motionless, until his chief doctor even began to worry that he would rush up to take charge of the child before he moved. After a while, he made up his mind not to ask, then turned his head and left, waving to the chief physician who had been silently observing him, "What, go do your work, I'll go for a walk." No.

Gu Chen stood there and watched him go away, thinking that this person has not said the purpose of going to the dean's office to find him, maybe this person is just on a whim. He thought it was entirely possible, because he didn't find it strange what the prince had done since the day he came back. He beckoned a nurse to tell him if something happened, and then turned back to the office.

Here, Long Junhao blinked his clear eyes and walked slowly along the border of the sanatorium. He decided to abandon his current life and the protection of his wings and go to a new world of ideal freedom - to wander.

He looked up at a small cloud in the sky in the distance, and quickly glanced at the height of the wall when he lowered his head. Then he continued to walk slowly while watching the flowers and plants in the sanatorium, and also stared at the bees in the distance and threw a sigh, " Butterflies can't fly in the sea after all, flowers fade and flowers fly all over the sky, who will pity when the red flowers die The wind is Xiaoxiao and Yi Shuihan is easy, and once the strong man goes, he will never return!"

The entourage behind him suddenly saluted and said flatteringly, "Your Highness is very literary!"

Long Junhao turned his head and smiled very modestly, "Ah, the award, the award." He turned his head and continued to walk, but his heart started to go crazy. He really wanted to go back to the dean's room and grab Li Xuan's collar and roar, you **** What are you doing to build the wall so high? Have you ever considered the mood of those who want to jump over the wall? !

He tossed his sleeves, his face was calm, and there was no trace of madness. He didn't give up and continued to look for opportunities, thinking that anyway, these people regarded him as an uncle, and he didn't believe that he couldn't escape! If it really doesn't work, he will learn to make explosives! It's time to blow up this nursing home by the way!

Long Junhao leisurely watched the grass on the ground, pretended to be a poet elegantly for a while, and deliberately observed the guards at the door secretly before turning his head and walking back. According to his observation, the security guard at the gate lived a very leisurely life without taking care of patients, and it was estimated that he no longer had the so-called vigilance, so the probability of him sneaking out in the middle of the night was quite high.

He thought slowly, and as soon as he looked up, he saw the rockery in the courtyard. He immediately smiled and instructed, "Come on, this king is going to climb the mountain. Go and prepare a hook and a sturdy rope for this king." Mmmm , it really doesn't work. He has a second set of plans.

Everyone looked at the small rockery that was less than three meters in front of them, and silently asked tentatively, "Master, climb this mountain... do you need a rope?"

Long Junhao squinted at them, the prince's aura was full, "Why, are you questioning this prince's decision?"

The cold sweat of everyone came down, and they hurriedly said that they did not dare, and went to prepare.

When Gu Chen looked up from the pile of documents, he saw through the floor-to-ceiling window that someone outside was straddling a bundle of thick ropes, and he was holding a hook in his hand, which was thrown onto the rockery with great precision. Start to climb up. He suddenly opened the door in surprise and went out, and when he came to the yard, the man had already climbed up and was laughing with his arms on his hips.

The following group of people saluted, "Your Majesty is brave!"

Someone who was laughing for some inhumane reason, almost insane, finally realized that he had calmed down after seeing the figure of his doctor in the crowd. He clenched his fist with one hand and coughed. The crowd said, "Well, it's an award, an award."

Gu Chen has already learned the whole itinerary of this person from the nurse's mouth. Looking at this person staring at the new tool in his hand like a treasure, he will understand it all. Dare, this person is planning to cross the hospital

He smiled helplessly, walked slowly to the bottom of the rockery and looked up at him. Long Junhao's preliminary test was successful, and he was in a very good mood. When he saw him coming, a smile appeared on his face, "Gu Chen."

Gu Chen closed his breath, the man stood in the direction of the light, as if the whole person was glowing, not to mention that the man was still smiling at him, the crowd behind him suddenly murmured in a low voice, "Dangerous water..."

He recovered slightly, stretched out his hand and said gently, "Come down."

It was indeed a disaster, he thought, otherwise how could he let him throw a good day and go to face that terrifying group

Long Junhao was very obedient. After moving down a short distance, he simply jumped down, and fell into Guchen's arms accurately. The familiar breath filled his chest, making people feel inexplicable peace of mind, he couldn't help asking, " Gu Chen, if one day I am discharged from the hospital, can I still find you?"

Gu Chen smiled and caught him, rubbing his head, "Of course."

"Really, that's fine." Long Junhao was relieved and smiled at him again. After a brief stunned, Gu Chen suddenly realized sadly that he really had no resistance to this person's smile, which was really bad.

Long Junhao took his chief doctor to lunch, and then fell asleep for an afternoon under the pretext of consuming a lot of labor in the morning, and continued to sleep after eating in the evening. Gu Chen knew that he was recuperating and preparing to climb the wall at night. Without saying a word, he covered him with the quilt and drove home.

Long Junhao woke up at two o'clock in the middle of the night. He got up and put on his clothes, opened the door a small crack, looked at the corridor carefully, tiptoed and started to slowly slip out. When he got to the duty room, he squatted down and rubbed hard. Crawling out against the wall, it took a lot of effort to get out of the courtyard.

He exhaled and slowly rubbed against the door. He originally thought that everyone in the security room was sleeping, but he was wrong. When he was still a few steps away from the security room, the security guard inside came out, smiling. He waved to him, "Yo, isn't this your lord, take a walk at night? Why don't you come in for a cup of tea?"

"..." Long Junhao said, "No, in fact, I'm just sleepwalking. I'll go back to sleep now." He turned his head and walked back. Under the horrified eyes of the little nurse in the duty room, he floated back to the room and fell on the bed and rolled over. .

He waited for a long time to check the time again. It was already four in the morning. He felt that the vigilance of both the nurse and the security guard had been reduced to the lowest level, so he opened the door again and went out. This time, he took the tools and went straight to the nursing home. An eye-catching corner of the high wall, throw the hook and start to climb.

Ouch, Ou Di Niang... He endured the huge pain from the friction of the rope on his hand and slowly climbed up, thinking that I was exhausted, and I have never done such a huge labor in two lifetimes!

As the saying goes, the emperor pays off. After a lot of hard work, a certain prince finally got his wish and climbed to the top floor. He turned the hook in a different direction and started to slide down along the rope. , took a deep breath, and immediately felt a feeling of tears filling my eyes, I clenched my fist, the air outside is really better than the air inside!

He patted the dust on his body and was about to start running, but at this moment, a voice suddenly came from beside him, without even changing his tone, "Yo, isn't this Wang Ye, sleepwalking again? Your way of sleepwalking is really special enough. Yes."

"..." Long Junhao turned his head stiffly, the security guard in front of him was smiling kindly at him, it was such a cheap laugh, he was suddenly angry, and he pointed at him tremblingly, "You... you don't fuck at night. sleep?!"

The security guard nodded, "I'm really sleeping at this time of the week."

"What about tonight?!"

"Isn't it different tonight," the security guard said kindly. "The orphan doctor said before get off work that you always have symptoms of sleepwalking. Let us pay more attention."

"Fart!" Long Junhao was even more angry, "How does he know I'm sleepwalking?!"

"I asked about this," the security guard continued to laugh, "Doctor Orphan said he slept with you..."

"… "

"Are you still going to swim?"

Long Junhao was indignant, he furiously put away his things and carried them on his shoulders, strode towards the nursing home against the backdrop of a raging fire, and floated into the house under the even more horrifying gaze of the nurse in the duty room.

When Gu Chen came to work in the morning, Long Junhao was instructing people to dig a hole, and it was more than two meters deep. The good lawn was ruined like this. He visually measured the distance from the wall here, and silently asked the man to ask The idea of digging out a hole was rejected, and he continued to observe.

Long Junhao glanced at him, ordered someone to come up, and then stood still by the pit. Gu Chen secretly thought that he would not want to commit suicide? He hurriedly walked over, "Haohao."

Long Junhao lowered his head listlessly and said silently, "13, 13, 13..."

Gu Chen's mouth twitched, Long Junhao turned his head, blinked his wet eyes and looked at him, the bottom of his eyes was slightly red - caused by not sleeping last night, he opened his mouth and called weakly like a small beast, "Gu Chen..."

Gu Chen's heart trembled violently, thinking that this picture is too impactful, it's easy to make people's blood rush and do some things that are not suitable for doing during the day.

Long Junhao continued to call, "Gu Chen..."

The soul that Gu Chen was called by him was gone, and he involuntarily floated to him. Just as he was about to open his mouth, a force suddenly came from his body. The next moment, the feeling of imbalance came immediately. He opened his mouth, still a little unbelievable. , I thought that a person who was so powerful in the industry was pushed into the pit in such an understatement. Sure enough, calamity is calamity.

He hurriedly adjusted his posture in the air, his legs landed, Long Junhao's voice sounded lazily above his head, "14, 14, 14..."

"Shit!" Gu Chen yelled from below, "It's obviously only me!"

Long Junhao turned a deaf ear, turned his head and left, not forgetting his lazy order, "Bury me."

"Yes." After everyone finished speaking, they immediately rushed to the pit to cry, "The general has a good journey, and we will definitely come to sweep the tomb at this time next year! We will definitely come!"

Gu Chen's mouth twitched, "Thank you so much..."

"You're welcome, general!" After saying that, he began to fill in the hole.

"Hey, are you serious?"

"No way, the emperor's order cannot be violated, and I hope the general will forgive me."

"Excuse me? It's me who was buried, okay?"

"We know it's you, we know, you don't need to remind me."

"… "

When Gu Chen climbed up covered in dirt, Long Junhao had already gone to make up his sleep. He looked at the man's bedroom with a wry smile, "I'm doing this for your own good too..."