Asylum Live Broadcast Room

Chapter 4: Servant General


The moment Gu Chen fell, his brain was still thinking - how could things suddenly become like this

He is still very confident in his own skills, and he will never be knocked to the ground suddenly, but this is the case. He summed up the reasons and felt that the most important factor was that he was too careless and underestimated the enemy. , Who would have thought that this weak looking man could be so powerful

His memory of this person was still more than a month ago. How could he have guessed that this person would become so violent? Besides, when the emperor asked him just now, there was a hint of inexplicable taste in his eyes, which made him feel This person seems to have different feelings for him, and it is even more unexpected that this person will suddenly hit him like crazy in the next moment.

What's more... What's more, considering the worst aspect, he, a "general" who got nothing for nothing, returned with a big defeat, provoked Longyan's rage, and directly dragged him down and beheaded it. What's the need for the emperor to do it himself? No... So to sum up, under the influence of so many "impossible" factors, the expression on his face during the whole process of falling to the ground was stunned.

But he was stunned doesn't mean that Long Junhao will stop, the background of this new emperor is burning with raging fire at the moment, his eyes are glowing with anger, and he looks like you owe me five coins and haven't paid it back, take advantage of the situation. He jumped over and rode on him, raised his fist and was about to continue fighting.

The doctors and nurses around them hurriedly came over to fight, and while pressing down on Long Junhao, he kept persuading him. Gu Chen listened quietly on the ground, from "The Emperor calms down, the General Gu is also an important minister in the court...", "General Gu." From being loyal to the emperor" to "now there are only orphans and widows left in the solitary mansion", "four generations of the solitary family guard the northern border and serve the country with loyalty", "the solitary family is loyal and fierce", etc., he finally couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. , I thought that the general surname you said was Yang was not Gu, right? Don't think that I can't hear that this is the Yang family general!

Long Junhao felt a lot more relieved after the punch just now, but now that he is being held down, he can't move and it is impossible to succeed again, so he slowly withdrew his anger and looked down at the man on the ground, this man with short hair Now, the skin is much whiter than before, the smooth lines of the facial features outline a handsome face, the eyes are less majestic and appear gentler than before, actually more charming.

Gu Chen noticed that his eyes looked up at him, the man's neckline was torn apart in the action just now, and the exposed skin was like fine white jade, which made people want to reach out and touch it, he lowered his head , the bangs were brushed down, and from this angle, you can still see that it was dyed with a fluffy halo by the noon sun. His eyes were no longer fire-breathing, and his focused appearance made him quiet. Now, when he saw him looking at him, he slowly smiled.

This person's appearance was originally exquisite, so when he smiled like this, he had a luxurious look on his face. Gu Chen couldn't help but hold his breath, only to hear the man sigh with a smile, and said slowly, "Forget it, this king wants to understand after coming here. Now, if you have something to say, just say it directly, you have to make things so complicated... "

Gu Chen still stared blankly at the smile on the corner of his mouth. Until a long time later, he would still often recall the events of this day. This person was pressed in a messy clothes. He was definitely not in a good state. It poured down, so that the surrounding noise suddenly became blank.

"General, this king has something I've always wanted to tell you, and this king is serious," Long Junhao stared into his eyes and said word by word very slowly, as if he was afraid that he heard the wrong thing , "I like the general, I have liked it since a long time ago, I want to live with you forever." When he said the second half of the sentence, he replaced the title with "I", obviously very serious.

Gu Chen still maintained a stunned expression, and then... He fell into an even more stupid state, and then... He felt that his body stiffened inch by inch, and finally smashed into a pile of scum with a loud bang, he didn't speak for a long time, "… what?"

The crowd followed suit for a moment, then released the hand holding Long Junhao in unison, took a big step back in unison, looked at them silently, with a thoughtful and sudden realization on their faces.

So you are in this relationship...

It turns out that you are a general who is in the position of color, not by your ability...

You are also the general of the bedchamber...

Chaos in the palace, I said... Could it be that the prince decided to usurp the throne because you left him

Well... he hit you because you were... married

Gu Chen's forehead faintly burst into a blue vein, staring at them, you know that I am innocent, right, you know that I just came back, right, you are doctors here, not patients, your heads are all good problem, right? Right? !

Seeing that he didn't answer, Long Junhao called out tentatively, "...General?"

Gu Chen finally turned his gaze to him, coughed dryly, "Your Majesty... Can you move your car from Wei Chen's stomach first?"

"What do you call me?" Long Junhao frowned slightly, he looked in the mirror, his face was no different from the previous one, even if this person didn't know he was a prince, he would still call him a villain Ah, "Do you even know who I am?"

Gu Chen hesitated for a moment, thinking that if he shook his head, would he be beaten by this person for playing with him? No, it's okay to be knocked down, it's not good if the patient's condition is aggravated by irritation... He looked at the person above and nodded sincerely.

"Then why do you call me the emperor? You didn't call me that before. You were fierce to me before, and you threatened to arrest me and put me in jail, don't you remember?"

Gu Chen wanted to cry but had no tears, thinking to my lord, I really don’t know what you are talking about. I didn’t talk to you before I went abroad. Actually, we are not familiar with each other. You are mistaken, it must be Got the wrong person!

He looked at the people around him, and those people silently continued to wink at him - the dean said that everything should be... He silently turned back, coughed, and looked at him sincerely, "Actually, I lost my memory..."

Everyone slaps their thighs, cow!

Long Junhao was stunned for a moment, "...You have amnesia?"

Lonely nodded.

"No," Long Junhao frowned, "If you really lose your memory, why did you nod when I asked you if you were a general, and you nodded when I asked if you knew who I was?"

Gu Chen silently went to see the doctors around him. Do ordinary patients have such an orderliness? He's not sick, is he

Everyone looked up to the sky.

"..." Gu Chen resigned his fate and turned his eyes back again, "No, I vaguely remember that I am a general, other than that I only remember..." He stared at the person above seriously, "I only remember your face..."

Everyone patted their thighs again, even more awesome!

Long Junhao started to sweat coldly, thinking about him... Did he chase him here in order to catch him? ! He got up suddenly, turned his head and ran away. He was very timid, especially when facing this general. The majesty of this person always made him a little scared, not to mention the impression he left on this person is... He I'm afraid, I'm afraid that this person will suddenly remember one day, what should I do at that time...

He wandered around the bedroom like a trapped beast, and the nurse who came over cautiously asked, "Your Majesty... Are you alright?"

"Let me ask you," Long Junhao grabbed her wrist, "How can people remember what happened before?"

The little nurse was also one of the people who were watching just now, so she comforted when she heard this, "As long as you meet the important person before, you can remember it soon, the emperor, don't worry."

This king didn't want him to remember... Long Junhao sniffed spinelessly, "Then... Then how can a person lose their memory?"

"Amnesia?" The little nurse thought for a while, "Generally, a severe blow to the head may lead to amnesia."

Heavy blow to the head... Heavy blow to the head... Long Junhao repeatedly recited these two words in his heart, and when he suddenly looked up, he saw the beating board in the corner of the room. He hesitated for a moment... If using this for the general's head Come on... will he lose his memory again...

The little nurse tilted her head to look at him innocently, "... Your Majesty?"

Long Junhao suddenly came back to his senses, turned his heart away, picked up the board and rushed out.

The little nurse's mouth froze in a gorgeous "O" shape. After a long time, she screamed out and hurriedly chased out, "Your Majesty... What are you doing... Calm down your anger..."

Here Gu Chen was finally pulled from the ground, "Doctor Gu, are you alright?"

"Oh, it's okay," Gu Chen looked into the distance in surprise, "Why did he run away?"

Everyone then replied, "I don't know, I'm probably moved to tears..."


"So the solitary doctor is still amazing!"

"Yeah, Doctor Lone is really smart! Good concentration!"

"Doctor Orphan is indeed a well-known doctor in the industry."

Gu Chen smiled humbly, "Ah, I won the award." After he said this, he saw the people in front suddenly froze again, his pupils trembled, and a bad premonition suddenly filled his heart, stiff Turning back slowly, I saw that the person who had run away ran back again. Not only that, but he was holding an extraordinarily familiar object in his hand, with a resolute expression on his face.

"..." Gu Chen said, "Mental homicide is not against the law, right?"

"Well..." Everyone nodded silently.

"..." Gu Chen said again, "Guess... Did he come after me this time?"

"Well..." Everyone nodded silently again.

"..." Gu Chen said again, "...Aren't you going to take some measures?"

"Um..." Everyone looked away, "The dean said that everything should be..."

Gu Chen turned his head and left, "... I want to resign."

"General!" At this time, Long Junhao strode over to stand in front of him, he looked at this familiar face, struggled for a while, and finally opened his mouth, swiping the board horizontally, "General, you... Did you let this king hit you with this?"

"..." Gu Chen looked at the thickness of the board, " normal person would agree with it, right?"

Long Junhao blinked dryly and said with a pure face, "I'm here to help you restore your memory, really..."

"So that's the case..." Gu Chen Yuanmu, this person is really not a general obsession with him.

Long Junhao's eyes instantly lit up when he saw Nengcheng, and before he could speak, he saw this man suddenly look at him sincerely, and said sadly, "Actually, I'm not a general, really, I don't have amnesia, and I don't need to restore my memory, you really I've admitted the wrong person, please let me go!"