At the end of the Sui Dynasty, I am the king

Chapter 102: Wonders of the world


"General Yuwen, Yuwen Zhuguo, you save this official, save this official, you know about this, you know, you can testify for this official! Yuwen Zhuguo, I beg you!"

If there is any shining point that can be found from General Yuwenshu with the lantern, it is that General Yuwen has at least done practical things after receiving money, and has never done any immoral activities that only take money and do nothing-this is better than many Good public servants are much stronger. In addition, it was Su Shichang, who had a grudge against General Yuwen, who came forward to shoot the black gun this time, which also became an important reason for General Yuwen to intervene.

In view of these two points, General Yuwen, who knew that Yun Da Shaoqing was indeed innocent, only hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and made up his mind, stood out of the train and bowed his hands to Emperor Yang of Sui Dynasty: "My lord, regarding Yun Ding The fact that Xingyun Shaoqing accepted Chen Yingliang's gift was known to me, and I can testify that Yun Shaoqing did not do anything disobedient in rescuing the criminal Gao Shilian."

There was an uproar in the court, and Emperor Sui Yang asked in surprise, "How did Aiqing know about this?"

"Because on the same day, Yun Shaoqing gave those gifts to Weichen again." Yu Wenshu bit the bullet and said: "On the day when the incident happened, when Weichen was leaving the imperial city to go home, he happened to meet Yun Dingxing, and he He forwarded those gifts to Weichen intact, and explained that they were gifts from his colleagues. At that time, Yun Dingxing did not ask Weichen for anything, let alone mention a single word about the criminal Gao Shilian. Wei Chen believes that this is enough to prove that Yun Dingxing has no intention to exonerate Gao Shilian."

Yu Wenshu didn't make his words very clear, but Emperor Yang of Sui understood what his favorite minister meant—if Yun Dingxing really planned to exonerate Gao Shilian, then it would undoubtedly be the best opportunity, but Yun Dingxing didn't mention this at all. This is enough to prove that Yun Dingxing really did not intend to get involved in Gao Shilian's matter. In addition, with Yunda Shaoqing as a person, if he really accepted Chen Yingliang's bribe to speak for Gao Shilian, at least half of Chen Yingliang's bribe would have to be withheld. make any request.

"What the hell is this...?" Of course Li Yuan also understood Yu Wenshu's implication, but it was precisely because he understood that Li Yuan was even more dumbfounded and at a loss, "All those jewels were given to Yun Dingxing by Chen Yingliang, and Yun Dingxing They gave those jewels to Yu Wenshu, and they haven't mentioned a word about Gao Shilian yet? Then how did Chen Yingliang save Gao Shilian?"

Emperor Sui Yang was also a little confused, and asked Yu Wenshu in doubt: "Yuwen Aiqing, Yun Dingxing really didn't mention Gao Shilian to you?"

"My lord, I really haven't." Yu Wenshu replied truthfully, and put gold on his face again, saying: "If Yun Shaoqing really mentioned this to my minister, I would definitely refuse, but Yun Shaoqing really didn't mention it. The matter, the gift given to Weichen, also shows that it is just a gift between colleagues, and did not make any request to Weichen, so Weichen reluctantly gave birth to his gift for the sake of the friendship of his colleagues. "

Emperor Sui Yang was a little dizzy, and after thinking for a moment in doubt, Emperor Sui Yang turned to Su Shichang, the instigator of the incident, and asked, "Su Shichang, you said that Chen Yingliang bribed the courtiers to exonerate Gao Shilian, and now he accepts Chen Yingliang's court officials?" They have been found out, but none of them admit that Chen Yingliang exonerated Gao Shilian, what do you have to say now?"

"Wei..., Weichen..." In fact, the most dumbfounded person was Su Shichang who stood up to be a gunman for others. He hesitated and didn't know how to answer, so he could only answer vaguely: "Weichen just heard about this matter, and reported it truthfully. It’s unclear, please forgive me, Your Majesty.”

"Su Biejia, isn't that right?" Chen Yingliang's distant uncle, Pei Ju, was willing to miss this opportunity to beat the dog in the water, so he immediately took up the conversation with a smile and asked, "Su Biejia, are you in the memorial to impeach Chen Yingliang?" , haven’t you already made a list of Chen Yingliang’s gifts? Su Biejia can even find out the details of what the gifts are, and how can you say that the specific situation is not clear?”

In the cold weather, there were faint traces of sweat on Su Shichang's forehead, Qiqi Ai said: "I, I heard about it, I heard about it."

"Dare to ask Su Biejia, where did you hear about this? And who did you hear about it?" Pei Ju asked bluntly.

Su Shichang was speechless, and Emperor Sui Yang's expression became even uglier. He vaguely understood that there must be a story behind this incident—after all, Emperor Sui Yang had snatched the throne from his own brother through cruel political struggles. The method of planting and framing black guns is very familiar. Su Shichang can clearly explain the details of Chen Yingliang's bribes and gifts, but he dare not explain the source of the news. Naturally, Emperor Sui Yang can guess that there must be something strange behind it.

Fortunately, Su Shichang also had thick thighs to hug in the imperial court. Seeing that Emperor Sui Yang's face became more and more ugly, Feng Deyi who was behind Su Shichang hesitated for a moment, then stepped forward bravely, and played to Emperor Sui Yang: " Your Majesty, do you find it strange that Chen Yingliang has just entered the official career, and Yun Dingxing and Yun Shaoqing have only been acquainted for a few days, for no reason, why did he send such a generous gift to Yun Dingxing? This is too strange, please tell your majesty check."

Before Feng Deyi finished speaking, Pei Ju and Pei Yun's eyes turned to Jinzi Guanglu doctor Yu Shiji together—because Feng Deyi was Yu Shiji's man on the surface. Yu Shiji, who was even more innocent, was speechless. He didn't understand why Feng Deyi and Su Shichang, his followers, pointed the finger at Chen Yingliang, and he didn't have a chance to show his innocence to the Pei family brothers. The Pei brothers must hate themselves. However, Yu Shiji had always been at odds with the Pei family brothers, and there were too many lice and it didn't itch, so he wasn't too afraid of it.

The ball was kicked back in front of Chen Yingliang. Fortunately, Chen Yingliang was well prepared for this question, so he hurriedly saluted and said, "Your Majesty, this minister gave Yun Shaoqing these gifts in order to request him, but this minister definitely did not do it for To exonerate Gao Shilian, I just borrowed a few craftsmen from Yun Shaoqing, and asked him to arrange a few off-duty craftsmen to assist me, and I have nothing else to ask for."

"Just to borrow a few craftsmen?"

Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty was even more surprised, and quickly turned his gaze to Yun Dingxing, and Yun Dingxing quickly kowtowed and said, "Your Majesty, it is true, Chen Yingliang just borrowed a few craftsmen from my ministers, and my ministers arranged for a few people who were not on duty. Artisans assist him."

"What do you borrow craftsmen for?" Emperor Sui Yang turned to Chen Yingliang and asked even more confusedly.

Finally it was Pei Yun's turn to appear on the stage. Seeing that the heat had come and the foreplay was more than ready, Pei Yun stood up immediately, cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, I know this matter. Chen Yingliang borrowed craftsmen to rush to make A strange object, and gave this strange object to Wei Chen, but Chen Yingliang gave Wei Chen this strange object just to show his filial piety to Wei Chen, and did not ask Wei Chen to exonerate Gao Shilian in any way .”

"Why did Pei Yun jump out to take care of the matter?" Li Yuan was taken aback, and felt more and more that this was not a good thing.

"What exactly is this?" Emperor Sui Yang became even more confused, and asked Pei Yun: "Pei Aiqing, what is the specific situation? Please tell me carefully."

"Observe the order." Pei Yun respectfully agreed, and said even more respectfully: "Your Majesty, before I report to you, I would like to ask you to show me some kindness by allowing me to ask Su Biejia a few questions first."

With the permission of the bewildered Emperor Sui Yang, Pei Yun, who was a bystander, immediately turned to Su Shichang, and asked with a smile: "Su Biejia, you can find out the list of gifts that Chen Yingliang bribed the courtiers, then you want to find out what Chen Yingliang sent the gifts to?" It should be easier for you to give it to whom, right? In this case, why don't you publicly name and name the people who took bribes in front of your Majesty on the memorial? After learning that Chen Yingliang gave those gifts to Yun Shaoqing, you Why are you so surprised?"

Su Shichang's mouth was tightly closed, his heart was in a daze, and Pei Yun suddenly asked: "Su Biejia, you also know that Chen Yingliang went to my house yesterday, right?"

Su Shichang subconsciously nodded, and then suddenly came back to his senses, quickly shook his head desperately, and denied it: "I don't know, I don't know."

"Su, don't drive, stop acting." Pei Yun said with a smile: "You are participating in Chen Yingliang on the surface, but in fact it is me. You know that Chen Yingliang went to my house yesterday to give gifts, and you don't want to point out me directly. If you don’t know my name, just point out the content of the gift, so that Chen Yingliang can’t deny it, and he is forced to tell me, right?”

The traces of sweat on Su Shichang's forehead became more obvious, and he said bravely, "Dr. Pei misunderstood, the official has no such intention, absolutely no such intention."

"Absolutely no such intention?" Pei Yun chuckled and said, "Okay, whether Su Biejia really intended this, put it aside for now, what I can tell you clearly is that Chen Yingliang went to my house yesterday afternoon, and He gave me a gift, but I only accepted half of that gift, and I scolded him, telling him to keep the remaining half of the gift at home, so that I can invite the Holy Spirit to come to Chen Yingliang's home today. Witness the process of making this strange object with your own eyes."

Su Shichang raised his head in surprise, and Emperor Sui Yang and other civil and military officials were also taken aback, then Emperor Sui Yang hurriedly asked: "What does Pei Aiqing mean by this, and what kind of strange thing is it that can make you play? Please come to Chen Yingliang's house in person and witness it with your own eyes. The production process?"

"Your Majesty, because of this strange object, the fortunes of the Sui Dynasty can be made more prosperous!" Pei Yun said surprisingly, and kicked Chen Yingliang in public with great heartbreak, and said: "But this little guy has no eyes, is so blind and reckless. Treating this strange thing as an ordinary plaything, a way of making money, he gave this strange thing to Wei Chen with a mouth full of copper. Wei Chen was furious, and then kicked him out of the house and ordered him to prepare for the next official to play. Your Majesty, please come and witness the miraculousness and production process of this strange object with your own eyes."

After kicking the unfilial nephew again, Pei Yun took out a memorial from his sleeve, held it up with both hands and said to the dizzy Emperor Sui Yang: "Your Majesty, regarding the origin and miraculousness of this strange object, my minister It has already been written as a memorial, please read it, Your Majesty."

Emperor Sui Yang pursed his lips, and the eunuch in the palace immediately stepped forward and presented Pei Yun's memorial to Emperor Sui Yang. Emperor Sui Yang couldn't wait to take it and opened it to watch. Once again, Emperor Sui Yang couldn't help trembling all over, and suddenly shouted: "Pei Aiqing, where is this strange object? Present it to the palace!"

Pei Yun was already full of energy to get a big prize today, and of course the strange thing he was talking about had already been brought. After explaining a few words to the guards in the palace, the guards immediately rushed out of the palace. Presented to the hall, under the amazed gaze of all the people in the hall, Pei Yun opened the package with his own hands, and took out a luxurious silk dress from it. The dress is exquisite but not uncommon. something.

In the eyes of the ministers who were even more astonished and inexplicable, Emperor Sui Yang actually kicked away the eunuch who was about to transfer the silk garment, and hurried down to the hall in person, took the silk garment with his own hands for a closer look, and even weighed it with his own hands. Then suddenly shouted: "Pei Aiqing, wait for me to change clothes, I want to try it on myself!"

"The humble minister obeys the order."

Pei Yun happily agreed, and quickly waited on Emperor Sui Yang to take off the dragon robe and the fur that Emperor Sui Yang was wearing inside, and then Emperor Sui Yang couldn't wait to put on the thick silk dress, and carefully After feeling the feeling of wearing the clothes, Emperor Sui Yang burst out laughing and said: "Warm! It is as warm as wearing a fur fur! Pei Aiqing, is this dress really made of white flowers in the imperial garden? "

"Your Majesty, it is absolutely true." Pei Yun replied respectfully: "My minister's unfilial nephew, Chen Yingliang, learned from overseas books that white jellyfish is called cotton overseas, and that it can be made into warm clothes through special techniques, and has a warm effect. It is no less than any fur coat, and it is called a cotton coat overseas. Then, in order to please the minister, Chen Yingliang borrowed a few craftsmen from Yun Shaoqing to make this cotton coat and gave it to the minister."

"Violence!" Sui Yang Emperor suddenly roared, and then shouted: "Decree, drive out of the palace, Chen Yingliang, show me the way to your home, I want to see how this padded coat is made!"

Chen Yingliang hurriedly saluted and agreed, and then under the dumbfounded eyes of the officials, Emperor Sui Yang really drove out of the palace immediately, leading civil and military officials and a large group of guards of honor to attack Yiyang Square in a mighty manner. He was simply reluctant to take off the cotton-padded jacket, and directly put on the dragon robe over the cotton-padded jacket. At the same time, Li Yuan, Feng Deyi, Su Shichang and the others were confused and at a loss. They didn't understand what happened at all, so they could only bite the bullet and accompany them out of the palace, and rushed to Yiyang Fang to check the situation.

Of course, it was the first time for Emperor Sui Yang to enter Yiyangfang, which was considered a middle-level place in Daxing. However, Emperor Sui Yang didn't have much interest in admiring the scenery. As soon as he arrived at Chen Yingliang's house, he immediately stepped off the imperial chariot , ordered Chen Yingliang to lead the way straight to the workshop in the backyard, and the trembling Chen Laosan led his servants to kneel outside the door to greet him, but Emperor Sui Yang didn't even bother to look at it.

Cotton-making tools have already been moved to the relatively spacious backyard of the Chen family. Under the personal order of Emperor Sui Yang, ten craftsmen Chen Yingliang borrowed from Yundingxing performed their duties and demonstrated to Emperor Sui Yang on the spot how to use them. Cotton fibers are extracted with simple tools, how to press the fibers into sheets with a wooden grinding disc, fix them on the thread, and then how to make cotton clothes. At the same time, because of their early preparations, these craftsmen also made a cotton coat, a quilt and a quilt on the spot. The pillows were presented to Emperor Sui Yang together. After Chen Yingliang told Emperor Sui Yang the purpose of the quilt and pillow, he was overjoyed and ordered someone to fetch a couch immediately, and tested the quilt and pillow on the spot. The feeling of sleeping on a cotton pillow is full of praise.

"My dear friends, don't be dumbfounded." Covered with a cotton quilt, Emperor Sui Yang pointed to the cotton coat that had just been made, and said with a big smile, "Try to put it on, try to put it on, I will put it on myself." Wearing a cotton coat, the dragon body is always very comfortable, and it feels warmer than wearing a fur, and it doesn’t have the slightest smell and itching of the fur.” ——This is not because the craftsmen in the Sui Dynasty were weak, but because there was no degreasing process for fur in that era.

With the permission of Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, the civil and military officials who had long been extremely curious couldn't wait to try on the cotton-padded clothes in turn. As a result, after wearing the cotton-padded clothes in the cold weather, everyone found that it was really warm, at least not the only effective way to keep out the cold in this era. Under the fur clothing, it is more than ten times stronger than the reed (reed) clothing worn by the people. But even so, most of the civil and military officials present were still very confused, at least Su Wei, the right prime minister, couldn't help but asked Emperor Sui Yang: "Your Majesty, this thing is really good for keeping out the cold, but what's the use of it?" ? Wearing fur clothes can also keep out the cold?"

"Old fool!" Emperor Sui Yang was suddenly furious, and shouted: "You are still a minister, how come you don't even have any brains? Let me ask you, a fur coat made of common sheepskin, how many do you need?" The whole hide of a sheep?"

"At least the whole hides of two sheep are needed." Su Wei was very clear about this, and replied honestly: "If the sheep are small, maybe three more."

"How many sheep can be raised on one mu of land?" Emperor Sui Yang asked.

"This..." Su Wei was a little dumbfounded, and replied hesitantly: "I don't know very well, but if you want to have an acre of land, you probably only need to raise one or two sheep at most."

"Very good." Emperor Sui Yang nodded, sat up on the couch and said, "Very well, even if one mu of land can raise two sheep, and the fur of the two sheep can be made into a warm fur coat, it means that one mu of land can raise two sheep. Make a leather coat to keep out the cold—then Su Aiqing, do you know how many japonicas can be produced from one mu of land? How many cotton coats can also be made to keep out the cold?”

"This..." Su Wei had nothing to say, so he had to plead guilty: "Your Majesty, forgive me, this is the first time this old minister has seen cotton clothes, and I really don't know."

"Pei Aiqing, tell him." Emperor Sui Yang instructed Pei Yun beside him.

"My minister obeys the order." Pei Yun respectfully agreed, then turned to Su Wei, and said in a clear voice: "Su Youcheng, the output of baidiezi overseas is at least more than sixty catties per mu of land, and a cotton coat can be made at most. It costs only four catties of white stacks, which means that one mu of land can produce at least 15 pieces of warm cotton clothes, which is 15 times that of cold clothes made by raising sheep!"

Glancing at the tongue-tied Su Wei, Pei Yun smiled again and said, "Besides, one mu of land is used to grow grain, which can produce about one stone of grain. According to the current market price, it is worth more than 4,000 yuan in money—and at the current market price, one The fur clothes are worth at least three thousand dollars! How much can fifteen cotton-padded clothes be exchanged for, please do the math yourself, Prime Minister Su."

There was no sound, and the audience was shocked. Li Yuan, who happened to be trying on the cotton coat, was even more stunned on the spot - because Li Yuan had already understood the economic and military value of cotton. After a long time, Yu Wenshu, one of the most powerful landlords in the world, suddenly yelled and asked Pei Yun, "Doctor Pei, are you kidding me? One mu of land can grow more than sixty catties of arborescens?"

"Yuwen Zhuguo, it's absolutely true." Chen Yingliang took over the topic, and said tremblingly: "Actually, I have offered you several discounts. As far as I know, overseas, there is still an acre of real estate worth hundreds of catties in vain. record of!"

Yu Wenshu was tongue-tied, and after a while he said ecstatically, "In this way, growing white berries is at least ten times better than growing grain? I have grown a lot of these things in my garden!"

"My mouth is full of money! You only stare at petty profits, what do you know?"

Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty scolded, and then said excitedly: "My dear friends, you can think about it, if we have enough cotton clothes in the Sui Dynasty, how many troops can be stationed on the northern border?"

"When I conquer Goguryeo, Turks and Khitan, do I need to deliberately avoid the harsh winter and cold weather?"

"After I conquered the bitter cold land in the Northeast, do I still have to worry that I won't be able to garrison the people, and I won't be able to effectively control the Northeast land, and I will give those barbarians who don't accept the king's transformation a chance to come back?"

"The grassland battlefield north of the Great Wall, the bitterly cold desert in the northwest, and the Tubo battlefield covered with snow all the year round, do I still need to worry about not being able to use soldiers in winter?!"

"Why didn't I get this thing earlier?" Said excitedly, Emperor Sui Yang looked up to the sky and sighed, "If I got the cotton-padded clothes earlier, I went to Goguryeo twice, why would I return without success? If I got this thing earlier How can there be a song "Wuxiang Liaodong Wave Death" in the world?!"