At the end of the Sui Dynasty, I am the king

Chapter 109: Show your heart


Seeking the position of Zanzhi in Qiaojun, and going to Qiaojun to suppress bandits and rebellion is easy on the face of it, but it is so easy in practice, even though Chen Yingliang has a lot of connections, I really want to get this official position There is only Wenxi Pei's only way to go, because taking other ways is not only less secure, but if it goes wrong, Pei Ju and Pei Yun may suspect that Chen Yingliang is colluding with other clans, and teach Chen Yingliang to be a new man every minute.

So there was no other way, Chen Yingliang could only honestly take out the precious gold the next day, went to the Jinhao to buy a set of gold four treasures of the study, and then took this gift to Wubenfang to meet his distant uncle Pei Ju, Follow the normal officialdom routines to move to the post. But it is a pity that the actual busy schedule of Pei Ju, the prime minister of the State Council of the Great Sui Dynasty, was far beyond what Chen Yingliang could have imagined. Even if Chen Yingliang was Pei Ju's distant nephew, when he visited his home, he had to wait two days later according to the order of the number Only then did he have the chance to meet Pei Ju, and Chen Yingliang, who knew that his relationship with Pei Ju was not strong, did not dare to forcefully jump in the queue, so he could only honestly line up according to the number, go home and wait for two days before trying his luck.

He returned home with regret, and in the morning of the next day, Chen Yingliang once again came to the imperial city to work in a gloomy mood, and continued to do the boring job of standing guard in the east palace of the imperial city. Listless, he couldn't lift his spirits when he said anything, and even left his post several times to relax and be lazy. He played the role of a salary thief vividly and vividly, and also set an example and example for future generations of official rice worms.

Chen Yingliang's lazy and lazy attitude has long been seen by the right-leading team, and because of the silence of the right-leading team, the rest of the right-leading team can only vent a few words of dissatisfaction in their stomachs, and they don't have the guts to criticize Chen Yingliang. show up in front of you. But if you walk too much at night, you will always encounter ghosts. On this day, the retribution finally came—just as Chen Yingliang was lazily yawning on the railing of the steps, a Sui official who had just come out of the East Palace saw Chen Yingliang's lazy behavior. He strode up to Chen Yingliang very angrily, and asked, "What were you doing just now? Why did you lean on the railing? What kind of movement is this?"

After screaming unluckily, Chen Yingliang first carefully looked at the person in front of him, and found that he was nearly forty years old, wearing a dark crimson official uniform representing the fourth grade, with a handsome appearance, as if he had seen it somewhere before, then hurriedly cupped his hands and apologized: "Forgive me, Shangguan. I'm a little tired and distracted from my humble position, so I behaved impolitely. Please forgive me, Shangguan."

It was originally a trivial matter, but the fourth-rank officer refused to let go, and continued to attack: "Tired? What kind of dirty work are you doing? How tired can you be on duty? You still have the face to say that you are distracted, you know what's going on here?" Where is it? The imperial city, the capital of the Sui Dynasty! What if the guards of the imperial city are distracted like you, and an assassin suddenly arrives?"

When encountering such a picky boss, Chen Yingliang had no choice but to call it unlucky, but continued to beg for forgiveness in a low voice, saying that he would never dare to do this next time, and said a lot of apologies. Only then did the officer walk away angrily. Chen Yingliang cursed a few dirty words at his back, and then continued to be lazy as he should—after all, Chen Yingliang didn't have to worry about affecting his official career and future for such a trivial matter.

It seemed that things were not as simple as Chen Yingliang imagined, and I don't know how much time had passed. Suddenly, his immediate boss, Pei Xin, came to Chen Yingliang in a hurry. He kept his voice down as much as possible, and asked Chen Yingliang, "Why did you offend Uncle Xiao Guo?"

"Uncle Xiao Guo?" Chen Yingliang was stunned, and replied: "I didn't offend him? I haven't even met him, how could I provoke him?"

"No offence? Then why did he send someone to check your duty record and assessment situation just now? He just called your name?" Pei Xin asked.

"What?" Chen Yingliang's expression changed, and then he suddenly thought of a possibility, and blurted out: "Oops! Could it be that the person who scolded me just now was Uncle Xiao Guo?"

Pei Xin hurriedly asked what happened just now, and Chen Yingliang also truthfully explained the crime that he was reprimanded by a fourth-rank official, but Pei Xin complained when he heard it, "It's troublesome, it must be him, Xiao Guoshu's current official position is insider Shi Shilang is the fourth grade. Nephew, you are in serious trouble this time, so I will help you even if I want to."

Chen Yingliang also knew that he was in serious trouble, because he had only been in office for half a month, and he had been on leave for more than four days. The absence rate was so high that he could definitely rank first in the Daxing Imperial City! If Uncle Xiao Guo brought this matter up to the court, he would have to bear some responsibilities anyway. But as a time traveler, Chen Yingliang still had a little luck in this matter, and comforted himself: "Fortunately, this is just a trivial matter. Uncle Xiao and I have never had any enmity, so the matter should not cause too much trouble."

"Nephew, don't be too happy." Pei Xin said unceremoniously: "If Uncle Xiao intends to punish you, just based on your duty records in the past few days, you can be dismissed from office. I can't eat and walk around! I have to be implicated too!"

"It's not that serious, is it?" Chen Yingliang was a little dumbfounded.

"It's so serious!" Pei Xin's face was very ugly, and he lowered his voice, and said in a low voice: "For example, Li Zixiong, who was captured alive by you, has such a bad luck! When he was the secretary of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, it was because In front of the Silla envoy, he said a rude and impertinent remark in the Central Plains, but was held back by the official censor, and an impeachment memorial was stabbed in front of the Holy Master. He was the Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and his official hat fell off immediately, and he was immediately stripped of his official position. , demoted to civilians!"

Chen Yingliang, who was working for a new official position, turned pale, and Pei Xin became more and more annoyed as he spoke, and reprimanded him in a low voice: "It's not that I, my uncle, blamed you. It's fine if you often ask for leave. I'll cover it up for you. I will pay attention, what are you doing lazily when you are on duty? Want to make trouble for yourself? Although this East Palace is not stricter than the Great Palace, there are often officials coming and going, and you may be seen to be lazy and rude at any time. If you continue like this, sooner or later I will be impeached one day! This is the imperial city, not the vegetable market, so please pay attention to me!"

Being scolded by Pei Xin like a son, the unlucky Chen Yingliang could only apologize again and again. Fortunately, Pei Xin also knew that it was useless to regret, so he almost let Chen Yingliang, who is also a distant nephew, warn him. Chen Yingliang was careful to leave as an errand—but before leaving, Pei Xin threw down another cruel sentence, "Please God and Buddha bless Uncle Xiao Guo, don't bring this matter to the Holy One, otherwise, once the Holy Majesty blames it, no one will be safe." I can't miss you!"

"May God bless you, Uncle Xiao Guo, I have never offended you, so you shouldn't be chasing me like this, right?"

With this luck in mind, Chen Yingliang finally started to stand on duty seriously. At the same time, Chen Yingliang couldn't help but feel a little strange. Why did Uncle Xiao Guo want to check his duty record after he found out that he was lazy on guard? However, Chen Yingliang quickly remembered that his seventeen-year-old right deputy leader was in charge of a group of thirty- and forty-year-old thousands of cattle and thousands of cattle, and he quickly guessed the reason—after all, it was a crime to make a small report. Chen Yingliang himself has done many such things.

It’s too late to be on duty now, Shen Shi is approaching, and when Chen Yingliang is about to go home from get off work, a group of imperial guards from the Omiya suddenly came in front of Chen Yingliang, and ordered Chen Yingliang to accompany the team to the Omiya immediately. Gong Jianjia, Chen Yingliang, who had just been caught, turned pale with shock but had no choice but to obediently follow the forbidden army to Omiya to meet him, and was even confiscated by the guards of the forbidden army. Seeing this scene from a distance, Pei Xin was of course shocked, but also helpless, so he had to rush to the Imperial City Minister's Office to report to Pei Ju without mentioning it.

To Chen Yingliang's surprise, the imperial guards who escorted him directly escorted him into the imperial garden, and finally escorted him to the steps of a pavilion, where Emperor Sui Yang, who was wearing a bright yellow dragon robe, was sitting and drinking Next to him, besides Uncle Xiao who had just reprimanded Chen Yingliang, there was also a large group of beauties standing or sitting in costumes—Chen Yingliang reckoned that the weather suddenly cleared up after being cold for several days, and the sun in winter is a treasure. So Emperor Sui Yang brought his big and small wives to the imperial garden for drinking and carnival.

He greeted Emperor Sui Yang Jishou honestly, and Emperor Sui Yang issued an order in surprise: "Get up and answer, stand up straight, and raise your face."

Standing up in a daze, he lifted his head more honestly according to orders, revealing his pretty face, which could barely be seen, Chen Yingliang discovered that there was a beautiful young woman wearing a phoenix crown sitting next to Emperor Sui Yang, guessing that she must be Emperor Sui Yang's regular wife Empress Xiao. As expected, Emperor Sui Yang turned to his wives and said with a smile: "Queen, all concubines, aren't you clamoring to see the legendary little Chen Qingzhi with your own eyes? He is, so take a closer look. "

The taste of being stared at by countless beauties is not so pleasant. Chen Yingliang, who is used to seeing big scenes, is rarely embarrassed and stage fright. His face turns red when he is watched by a large group of concubines of Emperor Sui Yang. Laughing, there are soft muttering voices, and you can vaguely hear the discussion of how young you are.

Fortunately, Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty quickly said: "Chen Yingliang, you are really good at making troubles. A few days ago, there was a lot of trouble because of Bai Diezi's incident. Why did you provoke Uncle Xiao today? It made him fly into a rage and directly sue me?"

Taking a peek at Uncle Xiao Guo who was next to Emperor Yang of Sui Dynasty, and seeing that his face was very ugly, and he seemed to be still dissatisfied with his dereliction of duty, Chen Yingliang confessed honestly: "My lord, this humble minister is guilty, and my humble minister is standing guard. I was distracted and disrespectful in the East Palace, which violated the majesty of the imperial court, and the humble minister is guilty, please punish me."

"Not only that?" Emperor Sui Yang said with a smile: "Uncle Xiao Guo also found out that it seems that you have been in office for sixteen days, and you have four and a half days of leave. The officials of the Sui Dynasty are all on duty like you. Is the court still governing the country?"

"Forgive me, my lord, I have asked for too much leave, but there are reasons for it." Chen Yingliang bit the bullet and explained: "One day, I asked for leave to prepare tools for making cotton-padded clothes, and one day to see You Wu off. Wei's comrades-in-arms who lived and died together, half of the day was because Wei Chen was ill, and the other two days, it was because Wei Chen lived in the mansion bestowed by the Holy One. Injured, Weichen took leave to go back to take care of family affairs, please forgive me."

"The reason is sufficient." Emperor Sui Yang sneered, and said: "Well, even if your reason for asking for leave is sufficient, I will not pursue it, but why are you distracted and disrespectful when you are on duty? You are only seventeen years old. I will appoint you as the right deputy of the prince of the fifth rank, so kind to you, how do you repay my holy kindness?"

Hearing that Emperor Sui Yang was really dissatisfied, Chen Yingliang hurriedly knelt down on one knee and said tremblingly: "Your Majesty's kindness, even if the humble minister is broken into pieces, it is difficult to repay His Majesty's kindness. The humble minister's disrespect... There is also a reason for the incident." , Your Majesty, please forgive me."

"What's the reason?" Emperor Sui Yang was a little dissatisfied with Chen Yingliang's sophistry, and hummed again: "If you can't give a proper reason, you don't have to be the right deputy of the crown prince, just go home."

Uncle Xiao Guo's face finally had some expression, showing a little smug smile, but the sweat on Chen Yingliang's forehead came out, but fortunately, because of Pei Xin's tip-off and warning, Chen Yingliang was on the way to Yuhuayuan He was already wary of this possibility, and prepared an excuse to deal with it, and replied tremblingly: "Your Majesty, I was thinking about a poem to express my heart, so I accidentally lost my mind in front of Uncle Xiao, please forgive me. crime."

Of course, what Chen Yingliang said was not aimless, because when Su Shichang impeached Chen Yingliang last time, he inadvertently involved Yu Shiji, the political opponent of Wenxi Pei's family in the court. Wen Caihua won the appreciation of Emperor Sui Yang, and it was only then that Emperor Sui Yang, the eternal tyrant, was very interested in poetry, and even wrote a good poem "Yin Ma Great Wall Cave Tour" by himself-in fact, it can be regarded as heroic The eternal masterpiece.

Just as Chen Yingliang expected, after hearing Chen Yingliang's explanation, Emperor Yang of Sui Dynasty really became interested and asked: "You are actually thinking about poetry? Then have you made this poem that expresses your heart?"

"Your Majesty, it has already been done." Chen Yingliang nodded, hit the snake on the stick again, and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, I have long heard that Your Majesty is the number one poet and poet in China and Kyushu. So this humble minister has the guts to ask His Majesty to rectify this humble minister's clumsy work, I wonder if it is possible?"

"Bold!" Uncle Xiao Guo, who had disliked Chen Yingliang from the very beginning, was furious, and seized the opportunity to explode, "Bold Chen Yingliang, what kind of person are you? How dare you ask the current emperor to correct your poems? You are disrespectful, and you deserve it." Ask to cut!"

"Uncle Xiao Guo, where did I offend you? Why are you holding onto me?" Chen Yingliang groaned in his heart.

Fortunately, Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty had a deep interest in poetry, so he waved his hands and smiled immediately: "Uncle Guo, calm down, Chen Yingliang asked me to correct the poetry. He is very talented, and I am very satisfied with his poem "Serving the Country with Faithful Loyalty", now let's listen to what his poems are like. Chen Yingliang, read your poems to me."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Chen Yingliang breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly put gold on his face, and said respectfully: "I want to report to Your Majesty, in fact, this poem by my minister has been brewing for many days. At that time, Wei Chen had already begun to conceive this poem, expressing his thoughts and wishes, and it has only been completed today, but it is still very clumsy and there are many mistakes, please forgive me."

"It really whets my appetite." Emperor Sui Yang saw Chen Yingliang's little trick at a glance, and said with a smile, "Quickly read it and listen to it. I want to see, what is the poem you have been brewing for so long? What kind of fineness."

"According to the order, that humble minister will show his shame." Chen Yingliang first thanked and humbled, then cleared his throat, and then chanted loudly:

"Xiaozhu is getting more and more comfortable, worrying about time and old alliances.

Hu Zun came to greet guests, waved a stag to sit and talk about soldiers.

The cloud guards the teeth and the flag is full, and the star contains the sword.

Fenghou is not what I want, but I hope Qing Xuping! "

After reading it aloud, Chen Yingliang murmured in his heart again, "Qi Jiguang, General Qi, I didn't mean to plagiarize you on purpose, but your poem is a hundred times better than Tang poetry and Song poetry at this moment. So, I'm sorry. "

As soon as the poems of loyal ministers that have been recited through the ages came out, the smile on Emperor Sui Yang's face suddenly froze, and Uncle Xiao Guo, who was always targeting Chen Yingliang, was also dumbfounded, knowing that today he would be self-defeating or even backfired. As expected, Emperor Sui Yang was silent for a long time, and then he said slowly: "Chen Aiqing, this poem expresses your heart?"

"Your Majesty, it's official." Chen Yingliang replied solemnly.

Emperor Sui Yang was silent again, and after a while, Emperor Sui Yang said calmly: "I will change two words for you in this poem, and the last sentence 'I don't want to be a Marquis, I hope Qing Xuping', I will do it for you. Change it to 'I don't want to be a Marquis, I hope all directions are peaceful'. Don't always set your sights on Qingxu Qilu's gang of thieves, you have to take care of the thieves and barbarians from all over the world."

"I would like to abide by His Majesty's edict and never forget it!" Chen Yingliang replied loudly.

"Go back to duty." Emperor Sui Yang said casually: "For the sake of your poem, I don't care about your distraction and dereliction of duty during the duty period. Be careful when you are on duty in the future. Catch you for any dereliction of duty, I just want to forgive you, but I can't find a reason to forgive you."

"My humble servant bows to the Holy Spirit for his kindness."

Chen Yingliang hurriedly thanked him, and the chief executive resigned. However, when he stood up, Chen Yingliang suddenly discovered that Yang Yuer, the goddess in his heart, was behind Emperor Sui Yang, peeking out from behind a concubine. Own. But this time, Chen Yingliang, who had already made a marriage contract again, was no longer so enthusiastic, turned around and left very calmly, because Chen Yingliang knew very well that there was no possibility for him and Yang Yu'er forever. —At the very least, Chen Yingliang can't take Yang Yu'er as his concubine, can he

"Is it a bit of a waste of talent for me to keep him in the imperial city?" Looking at the back of Chen Yingliang leaving, Emperor Sui Yang thought so in his heart, "I don't want to be a Marquis, I hope Qing Xuping. This little guy is clearly It’s because I’m expressing my heart, saying that he wants to go to Qingxu Qilu’s battlefield to fight the rebellion and wipe out the bandits for me, so if he can fight as beautifully as Yang Xuangan on the Qingxu battlefield, I’ll save myself a lot of trouble.”

Seeing Chen Yingliang's leaving back, Uncle Xiao Guo also said a word viciously in his heart, "Boy, wait! This is just the beginning!"