At the end of the Sui Dynasty, I am the king

Chapter 111: Confession


The naughty villain Ma Sanbao told him to be more careful, and sent him to lead the horse to the stables. Then Chen Yingliang cautiously entered his home, went to the front yard and looked into the living room. The former dream goddess Yang Yuer was wearing emerald green clothes. , is really sitting in his own home, sipping tea in a gentle manner, sitting next to an old man who is also holding a tea bowl, and it is the white-haired old man with a duck voice next to Yang Yuer when Chen Yingliang met Yang Yuer for the first time .

Yang Yu'er was sitting at her home waiting for her return. If this situation were changed to the past, Chen Yingliang would definitely be ecstatic and overjoyed, but now... Chen Yingliang, who suddenly had a fiancée, encountered such a situation. Completely at a loss, as if his footsteps were heavy, he didn't enter the living room for a long time. In the end, the old man who was tasting tea first spotted Chen Yingliang, stood up and yelled in the familiar drake voice: "Deputy Chen, sorry to bother you, I took the liberty to come over, do you remember me? We met in the city back then." of."

"Of course I remember." Chen Yingliang reluctantly nodded, and said with a forced smile, "The last time we met was too hasty, and I didn't have time to ask the old man's name."

"My surname is Xie, and my name is Xie Mudong. You can just call me by my first name." The old man with a male duck voice replied very straightforwardly.

"Uncle Xie." Chen Yingliang respected the old eunuch Xie Mudong very politely, then strode into the hall, bowed his hands to Yang Yu'er who had also got up, and called out, "Miss Yang, it's been a long time, I haven't treated guests well, please Forgive me, girl."

"Vice Chief Chen is being polite. It's my daughter who took the liberty to disturb you. I should ask you to forgive me." Yang Yu'er's words and deeds were as dignified and polite as ever, and she said gently: "My daughter came to the door today to thank the deputy chief. Thank you for the last time to the rescue."

"Miss, please don't say that." Chen Yingliang hurriedly waved his hands, and said sincerely: "Actually, I should be the one to thank you. Two days ago, if it wasn't for the lady's help, I'm afraid the subordinate would have already been dismissed from office."

Yang Yuer's pretty face showed some surprise, but he did not deny that he had secretly helped Chen Yingliang. Chen Yingliang saw Yang Yuer's doubts, and saw that there was no one else besides Xie Mudong, so he said in a low voice: "My minister accidentally knew that the two A few days ago, Jiang Niangniang, a talented person, persuaded the Holy Majesty to summon me, and later found out that Jiang Niangniang is Your Royal Highness, your concubine, so I know about it."

Suddenly, Yang Yu'er showed some touching smiles, and chuckled softly: "Deputy Chen is really well informed, even the things in the palace are so clear, but the deputy leader misunderstood, saving you for two days is not my idea, it is mine. Mother, I didn't say anything, so if the deputy commander wants to thank me, I should thank my mother."

Seeing that Yang Yuer's expression did not seem to be telling a lie, Chen Yingliang, who was once well-versed in this matter, was immediately confused—Chen Yingliang was always confident in his handsomeness and Yushu Linfeng, but he was really not so confident that his charm could be so great With such a step, the concubines and concubines of Emperor Sui Yang, who had never met before, risked themselves to save him. Surprised, Chen Yingliang directly asked: "Why? Weichen and Niangniang Jiang have never met each other. Why did she save me?"

Yang Yu'er refused to answer, and chose Gu Zuo to talk about him, looked around pretendingly, and said: "Vice Chief Chen, your house is very nice, this is the first time I've come to you, Vice Chief Chen, I don't know if the Deputy Chief can take it Take the little girl to visit?"

This time, Chen Yingliang hesitated for a good thing that he could only wish for, and then he nodded and said: "His Royal Highness ordered me to obey my orders. It's just that I just moved here, and my house hasn't been taken care of. It's a little messy. I hope that Her Royal Highness the Princess will not dislike her."

"It's okay, I'll just take a look." Yang Yu'er was perfunctory, then turned to Xie Mudong next to him and said: "Uncle Xie, wait for me here, I'll just take a look, and I'll be back in a while."

"Princess, please hurry up, it's getting late." Xie Mudong carefully reminded. Yang Yu'er nodded, and then followed Chen Yingliang into the backyard.

It has only been more than half a month since I moved into the new home, and Chen Yingliang's new home is indeed quite messy, especially the garden, but Yang Yu'er just asked Chen Yingliang to take her into the garden, wandering around casually, and arrived at a relatively In a remote corner, Yang Yuer suddenly stopped in her tracks. Chen Yingliang, who was following her obliquely, knew that Yang Yuer was looking for a chance to talk to her alone, so she also stopped, looking at Yang Yuer's back and waiting for her to speak.

Yang Yuer didn't speak in a hurry, nor did she look back at Chen Yingliang, she lowered her head and remained silent for a while, before Yang Yuer said softly: "Mr. Chen, I actually wanted to discuss something with you a long time ago, but father The emperor is in the palace, mother dare not let me go out of the palace privately, so it has been delayed until now."

"His Royal Highness, please give me instructions. I will listen with all my ears." Chen Yingliang replied respectfully.

"It's about Sister Qian'er." Yang Yu'er said softly, "As for Sister Qian'er, I wonder what Young Master Chen is planning?"

"Why is this happening again?" Chen Yingliang frowned, and replied calmly: "Thank you, Princess, for your concern, but I'm sorry, Miss Chai and I have nothing to do with each other. I can only wish her happiness."

"You heartless man!" Yang Yu'er suddenly raised her voice, turned around quickly, and said with a pretty face, "Do you know that besides you, there is no other person who can marry Sister Qian'er? Do you You know, if you don’t renew your engagement with Sister Qian’er, her life will be over? Sister Qian’er is my only friend and my best friend. If you dare to harm her for life, I will be the first to let you go !"

"I know." Chen Yingliang did not hide anything, and said calmly: "Your Highness, I will not hide it from you. I sympathize with Chai Qian very much, but I have never had feelings for her, and because of some erroneous reasons, I There will never be a possibility with her."

"Are you still hating the Duke Chejun's family?" Yang Yu'er, who hadn't been out of the palace for a long time, misunderstood Chen Yingliang's meaning, and said again: "But have you ever thought about how, with your current status, how the Duke Chejun family will return?" Dare to belittle you? How can you obstruct your marriage with Sister Qianer? You also saved the lives of Duke Cheshire and his son before. If you renew your marriage contract with Sister Qianer regardless of the past, the world will praise your magnanimity even more You have a kind heart, and it will be beneficial to your official career and reputation. You don’t understand such a simple truth, do you?”

Hearing Yang Yuer's words, Chen Yingliang also understood that she still didn't know about the matter between herself and her eldest grandson Xiaoluoli, but Chen Yingliang was not in a hurry to tell the truth about Yang Yuer, and took this opportunity to speak from his heart, saying calmly: "Princess Your Highness, I think you should know the reason why I rejected Miss Chai before, but you certainly don't know how much I loved a girl named Yuer once?"

Yang Yu'er was silent again, and she lowered her pretty face slightly, Chen Yingliang was not in a hurry to speak, there was only one step between the two of them, but they were relatively speechless, the setting sun shone on the two of them, shining brightly.

"When I met her for the first time, I was full of affection for her gentle and polite." After a long time, Chen Yingliang raised his head, looked at the white clouds in the sky, and said to himself: "But I didn't Dare to have any intentions towards her, because at that time I had already roughly guessed her identity, and knew that the distance between a poor boy like me, a child of a poor family, and her was too far, too far. It's impossible to reach the distance, so I forced myself to forget her, and for a while."

"However, what I didn't expect was that after I joined the army in Luoyang, the eastern capital, and led the Baoguo army to win the first battle, I suddenly thought of her again, because I suddenly discovered that the distance between me and her was very close. I took a step, although it was only a small step, but it was the most difficult and important first step, I saw a glimmer of light, and I thought of her again."

"Later, I led the Nationalist Army to fight here and there, charged into battle, and went through life and death several times. I was once in a desperate situation, but I was never afraid, and I never gave up, because I knew that every time I won , the distance between her and her is just one step closer. It can be said that thinking about her is the biggest motivation for my struggle. In the end, I created a miracle and captured Yang Xuangan and Li Zixiong alive. I don't care about it, I just hope that with these credits, I can get the chance to stay with her for the rest of my life."

"So, when I met her again, I confessed to her. She ignored me. I'm not surprised, but I still don't want to give up. I miss her more and more. I know she has the right to reject me. , but she has no right to stop my love for her, although I know this is unrequited love with little hope, but I don't regret it... "

"Stop talking!" Yang Yu'er interrupted Chen Yingliang suddenly, quickly turned her body on her back, lowered her head and said, "You and I, it's impossible, never possible."

"I know." Chen Yingliang continued to look at the white clouds in the sky, and said calmly: "I know that it is impossible for me to be with her, and I don't want to keep pestering her and annoying her, so I chose another girl and concluded a marriage contract with her .”

Yang Yu'er turned around again, looked at Chen Yingliang, her face was still a little pale, and she asked with a trembling tone, "Are you engaged again?"

Chen Yingliang nodded, lowered his head and said: "Her name is Changsun Wugou, she is a very gentle girl, she is as gentle and polite as you, and has a kind heart. So, don't worry, I will not pester you again in the future, I wish you happiness. Yes, Miss Chai and I will never be able to, please comfort her for me and let her think about it, I am sorry for her."

Yang Yu'er's face became even paler, and her voice was so hoarse that she couldn't even hear it, "Really? When did it happen? Are you joking?"

"Of course I won't joke about such a big matter." Chen Yingliang said with a faint smile, "It happened a few days ago. Do you still remember that you visited the East Palace a few days ago? On that afternoon, Wugou's uncle suddenly proposed If you want to betroth her to me, I agree."

Yang Yu'er was completely stunned, looking at Chen Yingliang, it seemed that she couldn't believe it.

Chen Yingliang smiled again, and said: "By the way, I have asked someone to find an official position in another place for me. If all goes well, I will leave Daxing soon, and go to the Qilu Qingxu area to suppress thieves and suppress rebellion. Well, there should be no chance for us to meet in the future. Today, I take this opportunity to tell you so much, and I just want you to know that there is a young man who is delusional, and he has longed for you like a bone. "

A gust of wind blew up Yang Yuer's clothes, and the corners of his eyes seemed to be shining a little bit. Unfortunately, Chen Yingliang was lowering his head sadly, and didn't notice Yang Yuer's strange reaction. The two of them once again fell into a long silence. Quiet.

A sudden shout broke the silence between Chen Yingliang and Yang Yuer. Chen Laosan limped into the garden and happily told Chen Yingliang that an angel sent an edict. Chen Yingliang immediately went to the hall to receive the order, and at the same time Xie Mudong also ran into the garden, and said to Yang Yu'er in a low voice: "Your Highness, it is Liu Neishi who came to deliver the order to Deputy Chen. He knows us, but fortunately I was not seen by him. Let's go through the back door, it will be troublesome if he sees you coming out of the palace without permission."

"His Royal Highness, Uncle Xie is right, you go through the back door." Chen Yingliang nodded, and apologized: "I have to receive the order, and I can't send the princess out. If I offend, I will leave first."

After all, Chen Yingliang arranged for Chen Laosan to lead Yang Yu'er and others to leave through the back door, and then hurried to the lobby to receive the order. Yang Yu'er didn't say anything, but she lowered her head, but her eyes were suddenly filled with tears.

Just as Chen Yingliang hoped, the emissary sent by Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty announced the appointment of Chen Yingliang as the Zanzhi of Qiao County, and asked Chen Yingliang to go to Qiao County to assist the prefect Xu Minlian to eliminate the bandits in the county and ensure the vital Yongji Canal Safety. Chen Yingliang, who had been looking forward to this official position for a long time, was overjoyed, held a banquet to thank the envoy, and then inquired about the situation, only then did he know that Pei Ju made this suggestion when Emperor Yang of Sui Dynasty was on his way south to the Taiping Palace. Emperor Sui Yang, who changed the news, did not hesitate, and immediately nodded in agreement with Pei Ju's suggestion. He was determined to let Chen Yingliang, who had shown outstanding military performance, go to the anti-insurgency battlefield to resume his old career and share the pressure of Zhang Xutuo, the pillar of East China. Being able to fight, in the face of endless civil uprisings, it is already too much to deal with.

Chen Yingliang was overjoyed to have obtained the most suitable official position as he wished. He went to the imperial city early the next morning to resign from the position of the right deputy leader, and then went to the Ministry of Officials to receive the previous document and the official defense seal. Ran to Gao Shilian's home to inform the news, very busy. After Gao Shilian's family learned of Chen Yingliang's new official position, although they were a little worried about Chen Yingliang's safety and future, they had no choice but to repeatedly ask Chen Yingliang to be careful about his errands, and try to transfer back to Daxing to marry his eldest grandson Xiao Luoli as soon as possible. promise.

At the same time, Chen Yingliang also made a request to Gao Shilian by the way, under the pretext of allowing Changsun Wuji to practice and study, and proposed to let Changsun Wuji take up the post in Qiao County with him. Gao Shilian, who had no idea of his nephew's outstanding performance and was afraid of seeking a position, considered his eldest grandson Wuji's future, so he agreed without hesitation. A chance to be your own horse.

The only person in the Gao family that worries Chen Yingliang is the eldest grandson, Xiao Luoli. As Xiao Luoli's de facto fiancé, Chen Yingliang is of course worried that Xiao Luoli will not be able to accept the pain of being away from her. But fortunately, as one of the few empresses in history, Xiao Luoli, the eldest grandson, can certainly understand the difficulties of her fiancé. For the sake of Chen Yingliang's official career, Xiao Luoli forced herself to accept her fiancée's long-term separation with a smile despite her reluctance. He promised to wait patiently for Chen Yingliang's return, and told Chen Yingliang to take care of himself.

That night, Chen Yingliang drank until he was drunk at Gao Shilian's house. Fortunately, Chen Yingliang no longer had to go to the imperial city to report to work every day. While arranging his own travel luggage, he was thinking about when he would leave and who he would bid farewell to. While he was busy, Chen Laosan limped up to Chen Yingliang and said to Chen Yingliang, "Young master, the person from the day before yesterday Miss Yu'er is here again, and she said she wants to see you right away."

"Why is she here again?" Chen Yingliang was taken aback, although he was extremely surprised by Yang Yu'er's intentions, he still came to the hall to meet Yang Yu'er honestly.

It took only a little more than a day to see her, and Yang Yu'er looked rather haggard. After meeting Chen Yingliang, she said to Chen Yingliang straight to the point: "Mr. Chen, can we talk alone again? It was too hasty last time, and I have something to say." I didn't have time to finish."

"What else do you want to say?" Chen Yingliang wondered, but since Yang Yu'er made a request, Chen Yingliang couldn't refuse, so Chen Laosan arranged a banquet for Xie Mudong who came with Yang Yu'er, and he himself As Yang Yuer entered the back garden again, he had a private conversation with Yang Yuer in the back garden.

Yang Yu'er's expression was very strange this time. After entering the back garden with Chen Yingliang, she remained silent all the time. As if he was just here to appreciate the fledgling garden of Chen Yingliang's family, in the end Chen Yingliang couldn't help but open his mouth and said, "Your Highness, there are no outsiders here. If you have any orders, please speak directly."

Yang Yu'er stopped in front of a flower bed that had just been tidied up, turned her back to Chen Yingliang, and said in a strange and calm tone: "I'm getting impatient so soon? Didn't you say that you used to love me deeply? Why are you engaged now? You don’t even have the patience to walk around with me?”

Chen Yingliang was tongue-tied, and asked a little dumbfounded: "Your Highness, what do you mean by this? Why can't I understand?"

Yang Yu'er didn't answer Chen Yingliang's question, but instead asked, "Didn't you ask me last time, why did my mother take the risk to save you? I didn't have time to answer last time, do you want to hear it now?"

"Yes, of course I want to." Chen Yingliang quickly replied.

Yang Yuer's answer made Chen Yingliang almost faint—with her back to Chen Yingliang, Yang Yuer said in a calmer tone: "Because my mother knows something about you and me, and wants you to be my son-in-law, that's why she risked offending my uncle. Dangerous, pull a few concubines who have a good relationship with her, and encourage the emperor to summon you, so that you have a chance to defend yourself in front of the emperor. Otherwise, the emperor might have dismissed you that day."

Dumbfounded, Chen Yingliang blurted out and asked, "Yu'er, aren't you joking?"