At the end of the Sui Dynasty, I am the king

Chapter 121: Scheduled


Of course, Chen Yingliang is not a man who has no limit to his madness. He dared to say that four or five thousand rebellious thieves are nothing to worry about. He must have enough confidence to dare to say such a thing. There are only four or five thousand people in the mob, which is simply a simpler and easier task than eating and drinking. For Chen Yingliang, there are only two problems in this battle, one is how to lure the main force of the Tian brothers and Zhang Qian to die on the Yongcheng battlefield, and the other is to capture the thief first and capture the king first, how to kill the three brothers Tian and Zhang Qian. A bandit leader.

Chen Yingliang himself had this confidence, but Xu Minlian, Dong You and other new colleagues did not have this confidence. After struggling to get up from the ground, Xu Minlian said to Chen Yingliang with a wry smile: "Chen Zanzhi served the country faithfully and worried about the country's affairs. I admire him very much, but... , but I feel that Chen Zanzhi may not be very clear about the situation in Qiaojun, and it may be impossible to wipe out the black and white thieves and Zhang Qian's rebellious thieves within three days."

"That's right, Chen Zanzhi, you don't know much about the situation in Qiao County." Xie Weiping, the palace supervisor of Yongcheng, probably thought that Chen Yingliang had a hairless mouth and was talking nonsense in a youthful spirit, so he took the lead and said, "Qiao County is a second-class county. , there is only one medium-sized eagle in the territory, and there are only five regiments of soldiers under his command, and none of them are full of ranks. Just defending the safety of six county towns and Tongji Canal, the strength of the troops is already stretched. How can it be possible to wipe out the army within three days? The three thieves?"

Chen Yingliang didn't answer, but turned to Dong You and asked: "Magistrate Dong, may I ask how many government soldiers are there in Yongcheng? How many auxiliary soldiers? How many servants?"

"There are two regiments in Fubing's reputation, but in fact there are only about 300 people." Dong You replied truthfully: "There are about 600 auxiliary soldiers and more than 100 servants, but the auxiliary soldiers and servants are poorly equipped. , basically each person has a horizontal sword, and there are very few armors and bows. Also, the government soldiers are not fully equipped, and there are less than fifty people with horses."

Although he was prepared in his heart, he had already expected that the situation of the army in Qiao County would not be very good, but after learning the truth, Chen Yingliang was still taken aback, and asked in surprise: "The soldiers of the two regiments, why did you come here?" There are three hundred people? Almost a quarter of the staff is missing?"

"There are too many deserters." Dong You replied dejectedly: "At the beginning of Daye, the floods were severe. The six counties of Qiao County except Yongcheng County were all severely damaged. To die is to be unable to buy weapons, armor and war horses, and was forced to become a deserter. Later, the Holy Majesty conquered Goguryeo for the first time, and almost none of the soldiers who were transferred from Qiaojun to the north to participate in the war came back. The number of troops was greatly reduced. In Goguryeo, the government soldiers were afraid that they would be sent to Goguryeo to fight again. There were even more deserters, and some simply joined the rebels. Therefore, no matter how much the local Yingyang General Fang Kuangfang recruited, he would join in anyway. There are no soldiers."

Chen Yingliang was silent, and only then did he believe that the phrase "sweeping the ground for soldiers" in Sui Shu was not bragging. If this continues, the woman sweeping the floor must be transferred to the army to serve as a soldier in the army. Over there, Xu Minlian comforted Chen Yingliang and said, "Chen Zanzhi doesn't need to worry. In view of the serious abandonment of Juntian, I have already written to the imperial court requesting the re-division of Juntian in Qiao County and the re-recruitment of government soldiers. The imperial court also agreed. After a while, Qiao The county's government soldiers should be able to make up for it."

Of course, Chen Yingliang would not trust Xu Minlian's promise that was so far away. Fortunately, Chen Yingliang never counted on the local officers and soldiers in Qiao County, so Chen Yingliang was not in a hurry. He just let Xu Minlian and others back away, and then the Nationalist Army arrived two days later. Whispered the news of Yongcheng to Xu Minlian and the others, and at the same time told Xu Minlian and the others to keep it a secret, and never leak the news, so as not to scare away the Tian brothers and Zhang Qian.

Originally, Chen Yingliang thought that Xu Minlian, Dong You and others would be ecstatic and confident when they learned that the Nationalist Army was about to arrive, but Xu Minlian was surprised when he learned that the Nationalist Army had only two regiments. , and asked tremblingly: "Chen Zanzhi, are you kidding? The Nationalist Army of the two regiments, you want to kill Zhang Qian and the four or five thousand thieves of the black and white thieves? No matter how the Nationalist Army can fight, It's not that great, is it?"

"I led four regiments of the Baoguo Army, which were not full of size, and I fought head-on with more than 50,000 rebels!" Chen Yingliang became angry, and said, "I forgot to tell you that this time, the Baoguo Army and I went east." On the way, he beheaded the leader of the Jibei bandit, Lu Mingming, and defeated the Wagang bandit army led by the leader of the Wagang bandit, Xu Shiji!"

The timid Xu Minlian yelled again, and Chen Yingliang briefly introduced what happened on his way to Qiao County from the east, and shamelessly credited himself with beheading Lu Mingxing's head, explaining that I left the national patriotic army and came to Yongcheng first, just to arrange tactics to deal with the Tian family brothers and Zhang Qian. To put it bluntly, I barely convinced Xu Minlian and others that the two regiments of the national patriotic army were sure to defeat the Tian family brothers and Zhang Qian.

Although he reluctantly believed it, Xu Minlian was still very worried, and asked again: "Chen Zanzhi, the national army is indeed famous, but this time they just passed through Qiao County, and they can't stay in Qiao County for a long time to suppress bandits. Zhang Qian and the black and white thieves They are hiding in the deep mountains and old forests, and they like to run away when the situation is not good, so it is still difficult to wipe them out?"

"This is also the reason why I came to Yongcheng in advance." Chen Yingliang smiled, and then asked: "Mr. Xu, County Magistrate Dong, and Supervisor Xie Gong, you have been in Qiao County for a long time, so you must be aware of the situation of the black and white thieves and Zhang Qian." I understand, what is the biggest character trait of the two black and white thieves and Zhang Qian? Do you know?"

Xu Minlian, Dong You, and Xie Weiping looked at each other, and then replied in unison: "Love for money and lust, the three thieves all have this virtue."

"Especially the two black and white thieves." Dong You added: "After the robber Zhang Qian finished his robbery, he would at least leave a suit of clothes for the merchants who were robbed. Even women's clothes are not spared. Therefore, the servants under the command of the lower officials have experience. If they see a corpse with clothes, they will know that Zhang Qian's thieves did it. If there is no clothes on the corpse, it must be black and white. Do it."

"Even the corpse's clothes are not spared. It seems that it is not just ordinary greed." Chen Yingliang smiled, and after thinking for a while, Chen Yingliang asked again: "Dong county magistrate, just now we mentioned that the Tongji Canal has been very bad recently. Taiping, the main culprits of the unrest are of course the two black and white thieves and Zhang Qian, have they attacked the Yongcheng Wharf before? That is, have they robbed the Yongcheng Wharf directly?"

"Not really." Dong You replied truthfully: "Whether it is Zhang Qian or the black and white thieves, they have never dared to lay hands on Yongcheng Wharf before. Tongjiqu Wharf can be said to be the lifeblood of Yongcheng. The government soldiers are all stationed next to the pier, and the auxiliary troops are very closely guarded, so the black and white thieves and Zhang Qian have never dared to lay hands on the pier before. But... "

Speaking of this, Dong You quickly closed his mouth, and timidly glanced at Xu Minlian next to him. Chen Yingliang observed his words and said hurriedly, "But what? Magistrate Dong, please be frank if you have something to say. Don't worry, I know that Qiaojun It's not your fault that the thieves are getting more and more troublesome, and I won't care about you, just talk at ease."

After finishing speaking, Chen Yingliang turned to Xu Minlian carefully, cupped his hands and said, "Prefect Xu, please hold your hand high. If County Magistrate Dong said something wrong, please forgive me."

"Of course." Xu Minlian nodded, and said to Dong You: "Say it, it's okay, you don't know who I am? The impeachment of Fu Jiande is because he made a mistake by drinking flower wine, and the grain was robbed. Are you County magistrate of Yongcheng, haven't I implicated you?"

"Then I'll just say it directly." Dong You had confidence, and he gritted his teeth and said, "But now the two black and white thieves and Zhang Qian may not dare to plunder the Yongcheng Wharf. The next official heard the wind, and the black and white two thieves have already released Kuang Yan said that the officers and soldiers of Yongcheng are nothing more than that, they are not their opponents at all, so they are going to make another big deal. The officials suspect that the big deal they are talking about probably refers to the Yongcheng Wharf."

"Where did you hear these rumors?" Chen Yingliang hurriedly asked: "Also, why did the black and white thieves say that the officers and soldiers of Yongcheng are nothing more than that, and they are not their opponents at all?"

I have already told what I heard, Dong You of course will not hide anything anymore, and said directly: "I will not hide it from you, the superiors. In the area of Mangdang Mountain and Yushan Mountain, many of the thieves under his command are locals of Yongcheng. After the food grain was robbed last time, the subordinate officials were afraid that something serious would happen and they would lose their heads, so they arranged for a reliable person to join the team of the black and white thieves. Inquire about their news for me to grasp their movements, these news are what I arranged for the insider to inquire."

"As for why the two black and white thieves said that our Yongcheng officers and soldiers are nothing special, it's all because of the good deeds done by that lustful idiot Fu Jiande." Dong You added with a gloomy expression: "The last time the black and white two thieves robbed the tank boat, Fu Jiande went to rescue the grain. I heard that there was hope to repel the thieves, but Fu Jiande was so drunk, he was greedy for life and feared death, and suddenly took the lead to run for his life. Our team immediately lost their hearts, and we all ran with him, and more than 50 people were killed by the thieves , Lost a lot of weapons and armor, so the two black and white thieves think that our Yongcheng officers and soldiers are nothing special, and they are no longer so afraid and fearful."

Chen Yingliang showed joy, because Chen Yingliang understood that his predecessor, Fu Jiande, inadvertently left him a good foundation, which was a good foundation both internally and externally. Unexpectedly, Dong You cupped his hands to Xu Minlian again, and said: "Prefect Xu, the matter has come to this point, and the subordinate officials dare not hide it from you anymore. Today outside the city, the subordinate officials reported the ship robbery and murder to you. I understand that the murder actually happened next to the Yongcheng Wharf, less than three miles away from the Wharf. The officials are extremely worried now, if things go on like this, the black and white thieves will attack the Yongcheng Wharf sooner or later."

"So close?"

Xu Minlian was taken aback, and Chen Yingliang was also taken aback, and hurriedly asked Dong You about the situation. After Dong You answered the truth, Chen Yingliang was not only annoyed at the incompetence of his subordinates and the rampant disorder, but also showed a look of ecstasy, saying: " Good! Unexpectedly, the thieves are so rampant, this time we are even more sure."

Xu Minlian, who had a fairly good official voice, rolled his eyes at Chen Yingliang, thinking that the people of Qiao County were so unlucky yesterday, not counting such rampant thieves in the territory, why would there be such a black-hearted and rotten county magistrate who applauds the thieves? However, Chen Yingliang didn't pay attention to Xu Minlian's white eyes at all. After thinking about it for a while, Chen Yingliang suddenly asked: "Magistrate Dong, you just said that there are two regiments of soldiers stationed here in Yongcheng, so the two regiments Is the lieutenant reliable? It’s not about fighting, it’s about being a man, you have to be absolutely reliable, and you won’t betray the secrets about the bandit suppression.”

"This..." Dong You hesitated for a moment, and then said: "I don't know Li Cai and Captain Li, but Zhang Huaishen and Captain Zhang should be fine. I have a lot of contacts with him, and I know he is a straightforward person. There's nothing fancy about it."

"Lieutenant Li Cai is also reliable." Xu Minlian also said: "He is a dutiful son and a local. Last time his mother was seriously ill, and he went to countless doctors but couldn't cure it. I heard that I am proficient in medicine, so I went to I went to Qiao County to beg me to treat his mother. I shied away a few words because I was too busy with work, and he knelt down and begged me. I was moved by his filial piety, so I put aside my work and went to his house to help him cure him. My mother, he is very grateful to me, and always said that as long as I have some errands, he will repay my kindness even if he goes through fire and water. By the way, I remember that he has a younger brother who is also a soldier. Nice young man."

"Okay." Chen Yingliang was even more joyful, and he hurriedly cupped his hands to Xu Minlian and said, "Xu Taishou, Dong County Magistrate, Xie Gongjian, and my subordinates, in the capacity of Qiaojun Zanzhi, are planning to arrange a plan to lure snakes out of their holes to suppress thieves. This plan needs your help." Cooperate fully, and please read it for the sake of the court of your country, and don't refuse."

"It's all for the important affairs of the court. You don't have to be polite to Chen Zanzhi, please speak up."

Xu Minlian nodded first, and Dong You and Xie Weiping also nodded in agreement without hesitation. Chen Yingliang was overjoyed, and hurriedly introduced his plan to these new colleagues in a low voice, and then said confidently: "My lords, I Dare to say that this plan has more than 80% chance of success. As long as I can lure the black and white thieves and Zhang Qian to the Yongcheng Wharf, I will definitely kill them with the Nationalist Army team, destroy their arrogance, and let Qiaojun The Tongji Canal in the territory can be safe for a long time. And you can rest assured that even if this plan fails, we can say that we will have almost no losses, and the sacrifice of at most two couriers and a little money, food and pensions is not a big deal at all. "

As the head of a county holding Qiao County's money and food, Xu Minlian has no problem with the little money and food Chen Yingliang needs, and doesn't care much about whether the two messengers are killed. Xu Minlian is worried about another level, and hesitantly said: " Chen Zanzhi, it would be great if your plan is successful, but if it fails, or if Zhang Qian and the black and white thieves find out, then we will be in big trouble. Under their fury, they will definitely loot the canal even more rampantly, maybe Will you wait for the Nationalist Army to leave, and really come to attack the Yongcheng Wharf?"

"Prefect Xu, if we don't do this, will the thieves like Zhang Qian and the Tian family brothers let the Tongji Canal go?" Chen Yingliang said calmly: "Prefect Xu, the imperial court arranged for me to serve as your assistant, so that Help you to quickly suppress the riots in the county and ensure the smooth flow of the Tongji Canal Canal. Suppress the Tian family brothers and Zhang Qian's two groups of thieves. So, Governor Xu, if you want to severely damage the thieves in the territory as soon as possible, and don't repeat the mistakes of the last time the grain was robbed, now is the only chance."

Chen Yingliang's words awakened Xu Minlian. Considering that his tolerance strategy during this time has already made the Tian brothers and Zhang Qian even more aggressive, and he also knew that if he didn't help Chen Yingliang set up this trap, the thieves in the county would also die. Xu Minlian gritted his teeth and nodded and said: "Chen Zanzhi is reasonable, well, everything is up to your arrangement. County Magistrate Dong, you should immediately send someone to take Li Xiaowei and Zhang Xiaowei away." Captain, please come, we will act according to plan."

After arranging the preliminary work of the plan, and accompanying Xu Minlian and Xie Weiping to the reception dinner prepared by Dong You with the funds of the county government, it was already dark, and Chen Yingliang, who was tired from the journey, followed Xu Minlian to the inn to stay— In order to keep it secret, Chen Yingliang not only used a pseudonym in the post office, but also fabricated the identity of an envoy from the Eastern Capital Taifu. Fortunately, with Xu Minlian as the witness, Chen Yingliang didn't even need to forge official documents, and directly led Changsun Wuji, Ma Sanbao, etc. People live in the post house.

Regarding Chen Yingliang's sinful act of abandoning his own public funds to eat and drink, Changsun Wuji and Ma Sanbao, who have no official positions at present, have no complaints. : "Things without conscience, let me be fine if you don't ask me to drink in the main hall, and let me have dinner with a group of servants, Qiuba. I am a lady of every family. If others find out, how will I behave in the future?"

"Who told you to wear men's clothes?" Chen Yingliang, who was exhausted, hummed while thinking about the plan to lure the enemy, "It's a shame that you still have the face to call yourself a lady, wear men's clothes all day long, and behave so rudely. Possessed? The wild boy is not bad, right?"

Pei Cuiyun's fair and tender face flushed immediately, and she said angrily, "You think I want to wear men's clothes all the time? I was in a hurry to go out and forgot to bring women's clothes! You want me to return to women's clothes? Be dignified? Okay, I'll go to the streets tomorrow Buy ten sets of women's clothes, you pay for it!"

"Why do you want my brother-in-law to pay for it?" Changsun Wuji asked from the side, and deliberately said the word "brother-in-law" very strongly.

"Because I haven't returned the dowry to him, and I saved his life, so it's reasonable to use his money!" Pei Cuiyun replied with a sneer.

Changsun Wuji was also furious, and quickly pointed out that the engagement between Pei Cuiyun and Chen Yingliang was just a misunderstanding, and had a big quarrel with Pei Cuiyun. Chen Yingliang, who was almost exhausted physically and mentally, was lying on a chair to watch the excitement. Looking at Pei Cuiyun's charming face even in anger, and her plump and charming figure after wearing a corset, Chen Yingliang couldn't help but sighed quietly, " This girl is so beautiful, why can't she be more gentle and virtuous?"

After sighing secretly, Chen Yingliang suddenly thought of a big event, he quickly cheered up, sat up straight and said, "Sister Cuiyun, do you want to buy women's clothing? Okay, I'll accompany you to the market tomorrow, and it would be best to buy some sets for you." women's clothes, and I will buy you two sets of fine jewelry by the way, and I will pay for it."

"Brother-in-law! You?!" Changsun Wuji was furious.

"Really?" Pei Cuiyun showed a charming smile that was more beautiful than flowers. Seeing Chen Yingliang nodding seriously, Pei Cuiyun was even more happy, and rarely shyly thought in her heart, "Promise to buy me clothes and jewelry. Could it be that this heartless man finally Conscience found out?"