At the end of the Sui Dynasty, I am the king

Chapter 126: Ferocious beyond human


There is still some controversy about whether Emperor Sui Yang is a faint emperor or a wise emperor, but if it is said who is the most restless emperor in Chinese history, there is absolutely no dispute that Emperor Sui Yang ranks first. According to statistics from historians, in history Emperor Yangdi of the Sui Dynasty reigned for 14 years, and the time he actually stayed in the capital of Daxing was less than a year. The rest of the time was either at the inspection site or on the way. This record is unprecedented, and there will be no one to follow.

No, it has not been a month since he returned to Daxing from the Liaodong battlefield, and Emperor Sui Yang couldn't stay idle again. Long before he appointed Chen Yingliang as Qiaojun Zanzhi, Emperor Sui Yang looked like he had needles growing on his ass He had already arrived at the Taiping Palace at the foot of the Qinling Mountains. He first inspected the Xiaoguo Army belonging to Youtunwei, and after not staying for a few days, another imperial decree was issued, announcing that he would visit the Eastern Capital and tour Luoyang. The officials went together, and also made the counties and counties along the way ready to welcome the driver.

The poor officials of the Sui Dynasty have long been accustomed to Emperor Sui Yang's temper, and no one dared to advise Yang Guang to take a rest and stop burdening the poorer people. The abandoned son followed Emperor Sui Yang to go on a parade eastward again. Fortunately, Emperor Sui Yang's parade has become a habit. Luanjia ceremonial guards are all ready-made. Emperor Sui Yang ordered the tour the first day, and he can start the next day. Now it is so troublesome to prepare the guard of honor for the Luanjia.

In this way, the great Emperor Sui Yang, the wise and mighty emperor, came to the east again, and he took the Xiaohan Mountain Road where Chen Yingliang, Wei Xuan and others fought Yang Xuangan decisively. They scraped the sky three feet high to offer rare treasures and delicacies to Emperor Sui Yang, and provided all the expenses for Emperor Sui Yang and his entourage. The head was tossed miserably by Emperor Sui Yang.

The one who suffered the most was our old acquaintance Hongnong Taishou Yang Zhiji, because when Emperor Sui Yang was still on the road, he had already sent someone to tell Yang Zhiji to prepare for his life. Live in the Agricultural Bank Palace for a few days and visit the scenery of Hongnong. Poor His Royal Highness Cai Wang complained in his heart, but there was nothing he could do. He could only be honest and hurriedly prepared to meet the driving affairs. Like his cousins, he lost his head and went to jail.

Fortunately, when Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty came to Hongnong, Yang Zhiji led civil and military officials to greet him. After the cousins met, Emperor Yang Zhiji of the Sui Dynasty treated Yang Zhiji with a cordial attitude, not only favoring Yang Zhiji to board the imperial chariot with him Yes, I also enthusiastically proposed to visit the site of the decisive battle between the Sui army and Yang Xuangan's rebels. Yang Zhiji did not dare to neglect, so he hurriedly led his cousin to the old battlefield of Hongnong Zhengdong, and pointed out the decisive battle sites for Emperor Sui Yang one by one. , the former site of the rebel camp, and the main battlefield when the Sui army pursued the rebels.

Although I don't know why my cousin is interested in these places, but in order to please Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, when introducing the main battlefield where the Sui army pursued the rebels, Yang Zhiji said happily: "Please look, my lord, this area is my place." The main battlefield where the Sui army killed the most enemies. When the younger brother came here, he was really frightened. The corpses of the rebel soldiers on the ground were piled up to the height of two people, stretching for several miles, and the ground was completely covered. The blood was stained red, so much blood filled the ditches, the flags were flying, and the bloody smell has not dissipated for more than a month... "

Listening to Yang Zhiji's introduction and bragging, Emperor Sui Yang kept nodding his head, saying that the kill was good and wonderful, and praised: "Thanks to my virtuous brother, who stepped forward in the face of danger and led our Sui army to fight Yang's rebels head-on. The traitor Yang was able to be wiped out here, Guanzhong was safe, and my brother deserves great credit."

"Your Majesty, I am honored." Yang Zhiji hurriedly saluted and thanked, and said modestly: "Yang Xuangan's traitor was able to be destroyed here, it is all thanks to His Majesty's blessing, the three armies worked hard, the guards stayed behind and commanded well, and Chen Zanzhi led the army to fight to the death, so Yang Xuangan was captured alive and wiped out. The main force of the rebels, the servants have no merit."

"Your brother is too modest." Emperor Sui Yang laughed loudly, and said, "Your brother doesn't need to be so modest. I would have known all about the merits of my brother's contribution to suppressing Yang Xuangan's rebels this time. If it wasn't for Brother Xian rushed to Hangu Pass first to make arrangements to cover Wei Aiqing and the others to lead the army to retreat. At that time, we didn’t even have any soldiers to fight. Later, Wei Aiqing and Chen Aiqing were able to defeat the rebels in Hongnong because of Xian Brother, you presided over the defense, provided food, grass and weapons, appeased the people, and did all the behind-the-scenes work, otherwise, how could Wei Aiqing and Chen Aiqing defeat the rebels here?"

Yang Zhiji continued to be modest on his lips, but he kept complaining in his heart, knowing that this was not a good signal. Sure enough, after laughing out loud, Emperor Sui Yang said casually, "Your brother is so talented, it would be a pity to only serve as the prefect of a county. How about this? I will make you Situ Zuo Changshi, and I will tour the East with you." Capital, so that I can always make suggestions for me, share my worries and solve my problems."

The muscles on Yang Zhiji's face stiffened slightly, and then he showed a look of joy, and quickly thanked Emperor Sui Yang for his kindness. Emperor Sui Yang laughed, and personally picked up Yang Zhiji and praised him well, while the civil and military officials next to him had different expressions. However, many people looked at Yang Zhiji with sympathy, but there were also many people with gloating eyes—for example, another old acquaintance of ours, Yun Ding Xingyun Da Shaoqing, laughed in his heart: "You deserve it! Tell you to show off! You are a member of the royal family, what are you doing to interfere with the army? You are so outstanding, what is it? Parade till death."

Xiao Yu and Uncle Xiao Guo also gloated a little. This is not to say that Uncle Xiao Guo had any feud with Yang Zhiji, his brother-in-law’s cousin, but because Uncle Xiao Guo was very dissatisfied with the choice Yang Zhiji made in the counter-insurgency war. Forget about suppressing Chen Yingliang, who was hated at first sight, and fully supported Chen Yingliang in the decisive battle against Yang Xuangan, giving Chen Yingliang the opportunity to jump off the beam as a clown, indirectly disgraced his cousin Li Yuan, was brutally restrained by the stubborn old Fang Yanqian, and even indirectly harmed his own The nephew Li Er's wife with a green turban was robbed, sad and depressed, and still depressed-if Yang Zhiji slightly restrained Chen Yingliang, what would happen later

After Yang Zhiji was secretly surrendered by Ming Sheng and deprived of his real power, Uncle Xiao Guo suddenly had another thought in his mind, "Wait! The emperor is so jealous of Yang Zhiji, and Yang Zhiji cooperated so well with Chen Yingliang at the beginning. There must be a lot of contacts between them, if I can get the evidence that the two of them had private contacts, close contacts, and even secretly colluded, with the emperor's temper, what good life can Chen Yingliang think of?"

Having made up his mind, Uncle Xiao Guo didn't hesitate at all, and immediately turned to the admonishing doctor Xiao Huaijing next to him, and made a wink. Uncle Xiao's cousin Xiao Huaijing understood, and quickly stepped forward to get in front of Uncle Xiao. Uncle Guo then whispered into his cousin's ear: "After you enter the city, go and inquire carefully to see what kind of contacts Chen Yingliang had with His Highness Cai Wang when he was in Hongnong. It's best to get it. evidence."

Xiao Huaijing smiled, and said in a low voice: "Don't worry, brother, Zu Junyan, the magistrate of Hongnong County, happened to be my friend in poetry and prose, and he participated in the whole process of that time. If the boy committed any dishonesty, the younger brother will definitely get the ironclad proof." "—By the way, Dr. Xiao Huaijing is indeed a close friend of Zu Junyan. In history, Dr. Xiao also helped to directly force Pei Renji, a famous general of the Sui Dynasty, to Zu Junyan's side.

The cruel facts quickly made Xiao Huaijing despair. That night, when Xiao Huaijing had a banquet with her good friend Zu Junyan, Xiao Huaijing inquired about Chen Yingliang's relationship with Cai Wang Yang Zhiji, who was now suspected by Emperor Sui Yang, and witnessed the whole process. Zu Junyan from the Agricultural War gave Xiao Huaijing an answer that disappointed Xiao Huaijing—Chen Yingliang did meet Yang Zhiji several times at that time, but every time they met they discussed military affairs and discussed the situation of the war, and every time there were serving officials to attend and testify , there is no chance to take advantage of it. As for the private meeting between Chen Yingliang and Yang Zhiji, that's not even half the time.

Whether it's a good thing or not, just when Xiao Huaijing was very disappointed, Zu Junyan drank a glass of wine and said suddenly: "Speaking of Chen Zanzhi, that young man is loyal, brave and kind, respects his elders and strives to be the first in everything. If you don't get rid of this temper, I'm afraid you will suffer a big loss sooner or later."

"Greedy? Why is he greedy?" Xiao Huaijing's eyes lit up.

"Stealed King Cai's ingenious plan." Zu Junyan said casually: "During the decisive battle of Hongnong, the reason why our army was able to capture the two thieves Yang Xuangan and Li Zixiong alive was because His Royal Highness Cai planned to send people to pretend to be thieves and rioters. On the occasion, he sent Yang Xuangan and Li Zixiong a batch of croton-stuffed wine and meat, which caused the two thieves Yang and Li to suffer from diarrhea, and they could not escape, so they successfully captured the two big thieves alive. Who knew that after the war, Chen Yingliang That kid actually took the credit for being in Weiliu, saying that he arranged the plan and took the credit for catching the thief all by himself."

Xiao Huaijing was overjoyed, and asked calmly, "Brother Jun Yan, how did you know about this?"

"I arranged for those people who sent wine and meat, how can I not know?" Zu Junyan asked back, Xiao Huaijing remained silent, and comforted his friend a few words, and parted with Zu Junyan happily.

These words of Zu Junyan naturally reached Uncle Xiao's ears very quickly, and Uncle Xiao Guo, who had disliked Chen Yingliang from the beginning, was immediately overjoyed—if this matter is handled well, let alone let Chen Yingliang's official hat drop off and return. Now that the family has farmed, it is not impossible to put Chen Yingliang in prison! Overjoyed, Uncle Xiao Guo, who was very successful, of course immediately ordered his cousin to collect specific evidence, and then wrote the memorial in his own hand, preparing to present it in front of Emperor Sui Yang when he had the opportunity, and to speak out for his cousin and nephew. Bad breath!

Uncle Xiao took hold of the handle but had to wait for an opportunity, because the scheming Uncle Xiao knew very well that this matter could actually be big or small. , it is very likely that the old slicker Pei Ju would take him there with a word - even if Yang Zhiji hadn't drugged Yang Xuangan, Yang Xuangan couldn't escape at that time. Therefore, Uncle Xiao Guo had to wait for the right time, when Emperor Sui Yang was furious and wanted to kill people to vent his anger, and then revealing this matter would have the best effect.

Uncle Xiao Guo never dreamed that the opportunity would come so soon. On the afternoon of the same day, a shocking news was sent to Emperor Yang of Sui Dynasty. When claiming the ministry, the boat capsized in the gutter and suffered a disastrous defeat. Feng Xiaoci was beheaded by the rebel army in front of him, and even the body and head were not rescued! Besides Li Jing, the former Youwuwei General who was unfortunately killed by bandits on his way home, Feng Xiaoci was also the first General of the Sixteenth Weifu of the Sui Dynasty to die at the hands of the peasant rebels!

After receiving this astonishing news, Emperor Sui Yang was of course furious, and immediately summoned all civil and military officials to discuss countermeasures. There is no way to avenge Feng Xiaoci immediately, let alone wipe out Zhang Jincheng's troops who are destined to become popular as soon as possible. Seeing this scene, Emperor Sui Yang's face became more and more livid, while Uncle Xiao Guo became more and more secretly happy, and he just waited for the opportunity to shoot black guns and poison.

At the end of the discussion, Emperor Sui Yang, who was still planning to conquer Goguryeo for the third time, took a compromise method and decided to mobilize the army of Zhang Xutuo, a famous counter-insurgency general, to attack Zhang Jincheng and try to destroy him— Although Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty knew that Zhang Xutuo's team was exhausted after years of fighting, and at the same time there were still too many rebel armies in Shandong, no matter how hard Zhang Xutuo fought, he still ignored the other, pressed the gourd and raised the ladle, but continued to fight. Emperor Sui Yang, who personally conquered Goguryeo twice, was still unwilling to transfer the main force to the anti-insurgency battlefield, and still wanted to use the main force in foreign wars.

It can be seen that Emperor Sui Yang made this decision reluctantly, which made Uncle Xiao Guo secretly happy. An official from Shangshu Province suddenly came outside the palace hall, and then Chen Yingliang's biggest backer in front of Emperor Sui Yang, Pei Ju, hurried out. Dian, I don't know what to do. Seeing this scene, Uncle Xiao Guo didn't hesitate anymore, and immediately stepped out of the train, and presented the memorial that he had just written this morning, impeaching Chen Yingliang for the crime of corruption and false reporting, and begging Emperor Sui Yang to do his best to rectify the law of the country and the military. .

As Uncle Xiao Guo expected, after he suddenly impeached Chen Yingliang for his crime of pretending to be a leader in the war against Yang Xuangan's rebellion, there was an uproar in the court, and Emperor Sui Yang, who was in an extremely bad mood, turned black on the spot and quickly After reading the memorial written by Uncle Xiao Guo himself, he threw the memorial in front of Yang Zhiji, his cousin who had just assumed the post of Situ Zuo Changshi, and asked in a snarl, "Is there such a thing? Boy Chen Yingliang, did you impersonate your credit?!"

Everyone's eyes turned to Yang Zhiji, Pei Yun frowned slightly, worried, and kept secretly scolding his distant nephew for being a good person, thinking about whether he would be suspected for Yang Zhiji—Chen Yingliang was kind enough to claim credit, and he was familiar with the character of Emperor Sui Yang The old Pei Yun has already seen it. Uncle Xiao Guo sneered in his heart, and secretly said: "King Cai, you decide for yourself, you don't have to admit it, the worst is to bring Zu Junyan here to confront him, the emperor is angry, if you want to make things big, do it as much as possible." Come on, be careful not to get you in."

Yang Zhiji was not in a hurry to answer, first he glanced at Uncle Xiao Guo indifferently, and then he bowed his hands to Emperor Sui Yang and said, "Your Majesty, there is absolutely no such thing as sending people to pretend to be rebels and send poisoned wine and meat to Yang Xuangan's rebels." This strategy was conceived by Chen Yingliang, and the younger brother started to arrange it, it is not presumptuous."

"Your Highness Cai Wang, I don't understand, why do you protect Chen Yingliang like this?" Uncle Xiao Guo said with a smile on his face: "Regarding this matter, I have already sent people to investigate clearly, and Hongnong County Magistrate Zu Junyan is the witness, do you want His Highness to invite him to the hall to confront him?"

"No need." Yang Zhiji replied calmly: "He didn't know, that's why he misunderstood Chen Juncheng's false claim of credit. It was also a coincidence that Chen Juncheng offered time. He was comforting the soldiers in the military camp and preparing for a decisive battle. He had no time to meet me, so he wrote the strategy in the On the paper, send someone to send it to me, and ask me to act according to the plan. I think the plan is good, so I adopted it. The note is still kept in my study. If Uncle Xiao Guo doesn’t believe it, he can send someone to Pick it up, or Uncle Xiao Guo can pick it up in person, that note will be placed in the official document collection in July."

"Oops!" Uncle Xiao Guo's face changed, and only then did he realize that he had really underestimated the hidden Cai Wang Yang Zhiji—I guessed that Yang Zhiji was careful, and he knew that it would be beneficial for Chen Yingliang to steal his credit. More than the disadvantages, he had long been worried that someone would take advantage of this to make a fuss, harming Chen Yingliang and himself, so he forged a note early on just in case.

Seeing Yang Zhiji's self-confidence, Emperor Sui Yang immediately believed it was true, and when his expression slowed down a little, he immediately took Uncle Xiao Guo as a punching bag, and roared at Uncle Xiao Guo: "Xiao Yu, have you made enough trouble? Where did Chen Aiqing offend?" You? The last time I impeached him when he was on duty, forget about trivial matters like distraction, and today he slandered him for taking the lead in the military. If you think he is not pleasing to the eye, just say it. If he is wrong, I will make the decision for you! Do this again next time Even if you are my brother-in-law, I will never forgive you lightly!"

Xiao Yu, who was unlucky to meet an opponent of Yang Zhiji's level, was dejected, and could only quickly kowtow to plead guilty. At the same time, Pei Ju, who had just happened for some reason, returned to the palace hall, holding two memorials in his hand, and asked Sui Yang Di Jishou saluted and said respectfully, "My lord, I have come to apologize to you."

"What is your crime?" Sui Yang Emperor was stunned, and Pei Yun and all the civil and military officials beside him were also stunned. They all said that Pei Ju was crazy. They knew that the emperor was in a very bad mood at this time. what

"My lord, Chen Yingliang, the governor of Qiaojun, recommended by my minister to you, failed my recommendation and made a big mistake." Pei Ju said dejectedly: "Chen Yingliang was traveling with the Taifu fleet on his way to Qiaojun to take office. As a result, on the way, they were jointly attacked by the Wagang bandits and the Jibei rebels Lu Mingming. They failed to fulfill their duties as officials and tried their best to protect the Taifu fleet. The servants were killed, and nearly 60% of the Jun kiln porcelain sent to the Jiangdu palace in Luoyang, the eastern capital, was also destroyed."

Emperor Sui Yang, who had placed high hopes on Chen Yingliang's performance on the battlefield, was disappointed, and his face turned ugly again. He snorted heavily, and said, "We can't blame him entirely. He is not an official of the Taifu. This matter must be dealt with seriously." Just escort the officers."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your grace." Pei Ju thanked you very respectfully, and added carefully: "Your Majesty, Chen Yingliang, my distant nephew, is not an escort official, and he is not responsible for the crime, but he is still sincerely afraid of this, in order to take credit for it. For the crime, he spared no effort to behead Lu Mingming, the great bandit in Jibei, and presented his head to Dongdu as a pardon."

"now it's right."

Emperor Sui Yang nodded sullenly, but in the middle of the point, Sui Yang suddenly realized that something was wrong, but suddenly raised his head, with the same horrified expression as the civil and military men of the Manchu Dynasty, and exclaimed: "He killed Lu Mingming? The leader Many rebels besieged the leader of the rebellion in Dongjun, and even Fei Qingnu was killed by Chen Aiqing against his helpless Lu Mingxing gangster?!"

Pei Ju finally showed some smiles, nodded vigorously, held up an official document and replied: "This is the victory report document of Fan Zi Gai Fan staying behind, please have a look at it, Your Majesty."

Emperor Sui Yang laughed loudly, and said with a big laugh: "Pei Aiqing, you are not pleading guilty, you are asking for merit, and you also called Chen Aiqing an unfilial nephew. How many unfilial nephews can you recommend to me? how much to use."

The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty suddenly realized that they cursed Pei Ju for flattering and trying to please Emperor Sui Yang, while congratulating Emperor Sui Yang. Xiao Yu and Uncle Xiao Guo turned pale, knowing that it would be more difficult to clean up Chen Yingliang for his cousin. But the matter was not over yet, Pei Ju suddenly smiled and said: "My lord, in fact, I really hope that there will be more such unfilial nephews."

"This is another victory report sent by Fan Liushou in six hundred miles. It happened to be delivered at the same time. Please have a look at it." Pei Ju held up the second memorial and said with a smile: "My minister's unfilial nephew Chen Yingliang In order to make atonement, after taking office in Qiaojun, it only took three days to decapitate the heads of the two major thieves, Tian Heishe and Zhang Qian, and cut off an arm of the big thief leader Tian Baishe, and then took advantage of the momentum to break through. He has conquered the two bandit camps of Mangdang Mountain and Ji Mountain in Qiao County, and he has wiped out the two major bandits in Qiao County that have harmed Tongji Canal for more than two years."

Emperor Sui Yang was stunned, his mouth was so wide open that he couldn't close it at all, all the civil and military officials of the whole court were stunned, Pei Yun and Yang Zhiji's mouths were so wide open that they could stuff two eggs in, Yun Da Shaoqing's mouths were so wide open that they could stuff them Three people went in, but the one who was most shocked was Uncle Xiao Guo, who was kneeling next to Pei Ju. He turned to look at Pei Ju with a dull face, and asked in a daze, "Pei Xiang, who are you talking about? In three days, just Shoveled down two big gangsters, and cut down the leader of the gangster, Tou Tian, who once looted grain?"

"Uncle Xiao, I'm talking about Chen Yingliang." Pei Ju smiled very kindly, and replied in a calm tone: "It's the Qiaojun Zanzhi Chen Yingliang you impeached just now."

With a bang, Uncle Xiao Guo fell directly on the main hall, foam was pouring out of his mouth, and there was only one thought left in his mind, "Duke Tang, cousin, it's not that I don't help you out, it's because our opponent is so cruel. Elephant people!"

Uncle Xiao Guo was in despair, but Emperor Sui Yang, who came back to his senses, was ecstatic. Overjoyed, Emperor Sui Yang simply ordered Pei Ju to recite the two victory memorials sent by Fan Zigai in public. Pei Ju, who recommended Chen Yingliang as the Zanzhi of Qiaojun, was not polite. He recited the two victory memorials vividly and vividly, with cadences. Emperor Sui Yang became happier the more he listened to it. He laughed and said: "It turns out that this little guy is leading the Nationalist Army to suppress the bandits again. No wonder he played so beautifully. Fan Aiqing will also arrange for the two regiments of the Nationalist Army to guard the Taifu fleet. This is the imperial porcelain escorted by me. , or let Chen Yingliang have an army to suppress the thieves?"

After listening to Pei Ju read how Chen Yingliang quickly killed the three major thieves in Qiao County, Baiguanshan congratulated, and Emperor Sui Yang laughed even more, "Hahahahaha, no wonder the speed of suppressing the thieves is so fast. It is thanks to him to come up with such a bad idea, using a bunch of broken porcelain as gold, silver and jewels to lure the snake out of the hole, and lure the three thieves to the pier to die!"

"Your Majesty, Chen Zanzhi likes to use his brains when fighting with troops, which is very rare." Yang Zhiji took the opportunity to say, "It was the same when we put down Yang Xuangan's rebellion last time. Our Sui army was able to win more with less and capture the leader of the bandits alive, thanks to Chen Zanzhi's ingenious arrangements. , an ingenious plan."

"Yes, if other local officials can serve as hard as Chen Aiqing and put down the rebellion quickly, I will be more relieved." Emperor Sui Yang nodded repeatedly, agreeing with Yang Zhiji's opinion, and also brought the death of General Feng Xiaoci of the Right Marquis Wei. His unhappiness was swept away, and he twirled his beard and said: "Chen Aiqing is so clever in using troops and countering the rebellion so fast, it would be too condescending to let him be the governor of a county. Feng Xiaoci died in battle, and General Youhouwei was vacant." . . . "

"What?!" Uncle Xiao Guo, who was still kneeling in Jishou up to now, jumped up and reminded loudly with a pale face: "My lord, Chen Yingliang is only seventeen years old, too young. Give it to him, I'm afraid he still can't afford it!"

Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty looked at Uncle Xiao's expression gloomy again, and Yang Zhiji quickly stood up, cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, what Uncle Xiao Guo said is justified. He is young, lacks tempering, and it is harmful to him to promote him. If he is promoted too high suddenly, he will not only be incompetent, but he may lose my holy dynasty and miss a rare talent. Your Majesty Wanwang think twice."

In other times, if Yang Zhiji dared to suppress the person Pei Ju recommended to Emperor Sui Yang, Pei Ju would hate Yang Zhiji to death, but this time Pei Ju is gone, because Pei Ju knew that Yang Zhiji said such things for Chen Yingliang's sake. Second, Pei Ju was also frightened by Chen Yingliang's impressive military exploits. He was afraid that Chen Yingliang would climb too high all of a sudden and fail to show a corresponding record and fall even worse, so Pei Ju also hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, Your Highness Cai Wang It is reasonable to say that it will only be harmful and not beneficial. Moreover, Chen Yingliang's success this time is due to the elite team he left behind in Youwuwei. He has not trained new recruits, and has not yet passed the test of local politics. Whether he can stand alone remains to be seen.”

Hearing Pei Ju and Yang Zhiji's persuasion, Emperor Sui Yang, who had almost impulsively promoted Chen Yingliang as General of the Right Marquis just now, calmed down somewhat. Seeing that Su Wei, Pei Yun and other civil and military officials also opposed the rapid promotion of Chen Yingliang, Emperor Sui Yang also changed his mind, nodded, and said: "Well, since all the aiqing think that you can't encourage the growth of seedlings, then reward Chen Aiqing with a hundred taels of gold and a thousand grains of grain, and let him also serve as the governor of Qiao County. , Command the troops and horses of Qiao County, to see the aftermath.”

The muscles on Uncle Xiao's face twitched again. The official position of Tongshou created by Emperor Sui Yang was not easy. In terms of reputation, he was still the assistant official of the prefect. In fact, his power was greater than that of the prefect. He not only took charge of local civil affairs, but also commanded the army of the whole county. , You can also recruit troops to expand the army, you can depose (promotion and demotion) to assess local officials, and even when necessary, you can cut them first and then open the warehouse to release food. Earth emperor! So upon hearing the appointment of Emperor Sui Yang, Uncle Xiao Guo was a little apprehensive and extremely jealous.

It is useless to be jealous, seeing that the appointment of Emperor Sui Yang is very suitable for Chen Yingliang to let go of his hands and feet, and also to test Chen Yingliang's specific military and political capabilities. Even if there is any mistake, it is easy to make up for it. Pei Yun waited for Chen Yingliang's backer without any hesitation, and hurriedly thanked Chen Yingliang. Yang Zhiji, Su Wei and other officials also had no objections. Uncle Xiao Guo, who had just been reprimanded by Emperor Sui Yang, had no choice but to be honest and shut up. , watched helplessly as the disliked Chen Yingliang got promoted and made a fortune in front of him, and gained great power.