At the end of the Sui Dynasty, I am the king

Chapter 133: Fan the flames


The big brother Fu mentioned by Du Fuwei is of course another famous hero in troubled times in history, Fu Gong Er. They carried guns together and went whoring together. When Du Fuwei was in trouble, Fu Gong Er simply stole the sheep from his aunt's house to feed Du Fuwei. There have been many cases of teaming up to rob. Now that Du Fuwei is leading the uprising, Fu Gongyou is of course his first deputy and think tank. When Du Fuwei needs to make a decision on any important matter, he will naturally find Fu Gongyou first. discuss.

Fu Gong Er is only in his early twenties now, slightly weaker than Du Fuwei, but his mind is a little less than Du Fuwei's. After hearing Qian Xiangmin's intention and reading Chen Yingliang's personal letter, Fu Gong Er He was not in a hurry to make a statement, and cautiously ordered the soldiers to put Qian Xiangmin aside temporarily, and then Fu Gong Er asked Du Fuwei: "Brother Du, what do you think? Is it true or not?"

"I think there are more fakes than real." Du Fuwei didn't put on a bright smile in front of Fu Gong Er, and said directly in a low voice: "Do you still remember the party in our village? The laborers fled one after another, and the party was coaxing everyone to say that they would not recruit peasants from our village, and tricked those who had already escaped back. Then at night, that **** party was quietly leading the county government officials into the village to arrest people. Fortunately, you and I ran fast, otherwise, we'd probably be finished. We can't do this kind of trick a second time."

"Speak quickly, I'm so skeptical too." Fu Gong Er nodded and said: "I remember that there is a saying in the military book that what is false is true, and what is true is false. Chen Yingliang and Chen Gouguan can have such a great reputation, nine of them are treacherous. He is a gangster, showing weakness on the surface and begging for peace, and even using money and food to bribe us to divert our troops and retreat, I am afraid that he has already made up his mind, tricked us into taking it lightly, and then suddenly attacked us."

"Then how to deal with it?" Du Fuwei asked again in a low voice.

Fu Gong Er thought for a moment, and replied: "Let's do this, and Chen Gouguan pretends to be fooled to negotiate with Chen Gouguan, asking him to give more money and food, and then we will set up an ambush in the camp tonight. If he came to sneak attack, let him die. If he didn't come to sneak attack, he would really give us money and food, and we can discuss it separately."

After hearing the applause and shouting, Du Fuwei had a hasty discussion with Fugong Er, and then he called Qian Xiangmin in front of him, and proposed the terms of 10,000 shi for grain, 5,000 guanqian and 5,000 bolts of cloth for retreating. Of course, Xiang Min said with a mournful face that he had no right to make decisions, and he had to report to Chen Yingliang before he could reply. Du Fuwei waved his hand and said, "Okay, you go back and tell Chen Yingliang, and say that I only give him one night. With this amount of money and food, I will immediately retreat and leave Qiao County, if I dare to play tricks, hum! My 40,000 army is enough to crush his small town of Yongxian County!"

Qian Xiangmin, who dreamed of going back to the city as soon as he could, was overjoyed, and quickly nodded and bowed in agreement. Du Fuwei didn't bother to continue to pay attention to him, and immediately arranged for a godson to escort Qian Xiangmin back to the city, and ordered the army to continue to advance, reaching Yongcheng Fifteen miles to the east of the city, the village was built, forming a coercive trend against the defenders of Yongcheng. After the order was conveyed, Du Fuwei whispered about Miao Haichao to Fu Gong Er, and finally expressed a certain degree of concern about Miao Haichao's acquaintance with Chen Yingliang. Fu Wei said: "Brother Du, in the face of a big enemy, internal strife is the most taboo. You must not become suspicious because of such trivial matters, and you must keep your heart to Miao Haichao as before. People dare not lead a team to join us like Miao Haichao."

After listening to Fu Gong Er's persuasion, Du Fuwei, who originally planned to put a few eyeliners in Miao Haichao's team just in case, changed his mind and decided not to provoke Miao Haichao at this sensitive moment, and told his adopted sons not to spread the matter. It's a pity that Fugong Er has brains, and Du Fuwei has a heart, but his dozen godsons don't have such a heart. There are still some discussions in private, worrying that Miao Haichao and Chen Yingliang will secretly communicate with each other and plot something wrong. It's human nature, so I won't mention the specifics.

In the afternoon, Qian Xiangmin stumbled back to Yongcheng, and the area around Yongcheng had already been under martial law. The army team also has deep ditches and high fortifications, and vigorously strengthens the already strong fortifications. The swords are unsheathed, the bows are stringed, and the tips of the guns are also sharpened. They are always ready to go into battle. The atmosphere inside and outside the city is full of Unprecedented tension. Even if Qian Xiangmin was one of his own, he was able to enter the city only after his identity was carefully verified.

The atmosphere was unprecedentedly tense, of course, because this was the first time that Yongcheng had encountered such a large-scale attack by the militia, but as the supreme commander of the Yongcheng garrison, Chen Yingliang acted very relaxed. These civil servants are already wearing armor and holding swords, but Chen Yingliang is still dressed as a very pretentious scholar. After hearing the replies from Du Fuwei, Fu Gong Er and others from Qian Xiangmin, Chen Yingliang smiled easily. Said: "Very good, as long as you are willing to bargain, it will be fine if you refuse outright, then the matter will be difficult."

"Brother, does this mean that Du Fuwei has been tricked?" Changsun Wuji said overjoyed, "Are we going to send troops to rob the camp tonight?"

"No hurry, wait for me to find out more about the situation."

Chen Yingliang shook his head, and then asked Qian Xiangmin about the details of his trip, and he asked Qian Xiangmin very carefully, not letting go of all the details. people! Qian Xiangmin answered truthfully one by one, and at the end, Qian Xiangmin said with a mournful face: "Chen Tongshou, the villain forgot to ask you last night. If Du Fuwei asked why he went to Miao Haichao first, how should I answer?" As a result, Du Fuwei suddenly asked about this matter today, and the young one was almost unable to answer, so he had to find an excuse temporarily, and managed to get over it."

"Then how did you answer?" Chen Yingliang hurriedly asked—Chen Yingliang deliberately forgot to give Qian Xiangmin instructions on how to answer Du Fuwei's question. Of course, he hoped that Qian Xiangmin would answer Du Fuwei with the answer given to Miao Haichao. Min also said that he had a new answer, so of course Chen Yingliang had to pay attention.

"I said you are Miao Haichao's old friend, and Miao Haichao also acquiesced." Qian Xiangmin told the truth, explained the situation at that time carefully, and analyzed that Miao Haichao probably didn't want to provoke Du Fuwei, so he helped himself It's a lie.

Chen Yingliang began to show ecstasy, and after thinking about it again, Chen Yingliang immediately ordered: "Master Qian, you have to work hard again, and I will send you some servants while it is still dark, and send me twenty immediately." Fat sheep and ten altars of good wine went to Miao Haichao, and said that I thanked him for the gift, and asked him to speak a few words for us in front of Du Fuwei, and asked Du Fuwei to reduce the amount of money and food he asked for, and also give us A little time to prepare money and food."

Qian Xiangmin's obscene old face was longer than a donkey's, and he begged Chen Yingliang to take the risk with someone else, but Chen Yingliang smiled and said, "Master Qian, it's not that I make things difficult for you, it's that you are more familiar with the situation and can find Miao Haichao." Don't worry, I don't want you to meet Miao Haichao this time, even if these gifts are not delivered to Miao Haichao, as long as you let Miao Haichao's team know, I will give him this gift again. "

After all, Chen Yingliang did not wait for Qian Xiangmin to agree, and immediately ordered the preparation of sheep wine gifts, and arranged for Qian Xiangmin to follow the yamen servants, and carefully arranged for Qian Xiangmin to travel with a war horse. He could flee for his life on a horse at any time, but Qian Xiangmin had no choice but to go to serve Chen Yingliang as a cow or a horse with a sad face. Dong You and Xie Weiping next to him were puzzled, and hurriedly asked the reason. Chen Yingliang, who was not yet very sure, smiled and did not answer, but Yun Da Shaoqing, who was very talented in the dark side, vaguely guessed Chen Yingliang's intention. Intention, thought: "This is also okay? I have to live to see the result, if it works, I must learn this old man."

Chen Yingliang's thank you gift was not delivered to Miao Haichao this time. When Qian Xiangmin tremblingly led a group of yamen servants to deliver the gift to the camp of the militia, he was immediately surrounded by countless ragged militia soldiers. There was no way out, and countless greedy green lights also focused on the fat sheep wine brought by Qian Xiangmin. Qian Xiangmin hurriedly yelled, saying that this was a gift from Chen Yingliang to King Miao Haichao Miao, but these are rare all year round Seeing that the militia soldiers who turned into meat stars were willing to listen to them a few times, Qian Xiangmin robbed them without saying anything. Thank you.

The next thing can be imagined, as a group of bandits and rogues who rely on robbing houses for food, when they learned that the wine and fat sheep that should belong to them were robbed by others, Miao Haichao's team was so angry that they could not use pen and ink To put it bluntly, before Miao Haichao got the news, countless Miao soldiers rushed to the scene with their dicks, demanding that friendly soldiers return their wine and meat! We are all bandits and rogues, there is no reason for anyone to be afraid of others, of course the friendly soldiers refused to return, and then of course, since verbal negotiations could not communicate, everyone had to use knives, guns, fists and sticks to negotiate and communicate, and a big fight broke out. The scene was soon full of swords, lights and swords, flesh and blood, hats and shoes flying all over the sky, and curses and roars came and went.

Everyone knows that in 1788, when the Austrian army helped its ally, the Tsarist Russian army, to fight against Turkey, several Austrian infantrymen refused to ask for a bottle of rum from their own cavalry, which caused a small conflict. More and more Austrian infantry and Austrian cavalry joined the battle group, which finally triggered a big melee between the Austrian cavalry and infantry, which eventually resulted in the death of more than 9,000 infantry cavalry soldiers on the spot. And this time, if Miao Haichao, Du Fuwei, and Fu Gong Er had not arrived in time, the death record of the Austrian army might have been created more than 1,100 years earlier.

Du Fuwei, Miao Haichao and others arrived a little later. When they managed to separate the bloody and infighting soldiers, there were still more than 300 bloody corpses lying on the ground, with minor injuries and serious injuries. countless. And then naturally, Du Fuwei and Miao Haichao and other big thieves were all furious, each taking care of their own children, and chopped off several soldiers who led the infighting on the spot. With his own hands, Qian Xiangmin, the culprit who caused the scuffle, was hacked to pieces, skinned and cramped!

It's a pity that Qian Xiangmin is not a fool. When he found out that the situation had become uncontrollable, Qian Xiangmin immediately understood that he was staying to wait for death, so he quickly took advantage of the opportunity of the mass internal strife between the soldiers of the militia, and ran for his life on horseback. However, the militia army was only focused on internal strife and plunder, and no one noticed that Qian Xiangmin was running away. Du Fuwei then wanted to find money to avenge Xiangmin, but of course he got nothing. With nowhere to vent his rage, Du Fuwei immediately pointed his finger at Miao Haichao, and roared in public: "Miao Haichao, why is that dog officer Chen Yingliang looking for you again? What? I am the leader of this team. He has What's the matter, why are you only looking for you and not me?"

Hearing Du Fuwei's roar, Miao Haichao, who is a good character, is a little bit better and able to keep calm. The faces of the old Xiapi troops around Miao Haichao all changed color, and many people subconsciously clenched their knives. Brother, fortunately, Miao Haichao stopped the anger of his subordinates in time, and said to Du Fuwei: "King Du, I don't know why Chen Yingliang sent someone to look for me again, I just heard that Chen Yingliang sent me some sheep wine , was robbed on the road, and then when I came to check the situation, things had already become like this."

Du Fuwei was still about to get angry, Fu Gong Er hurriedly pulled him back, and persuaded him: "Brother Du, calm down, this matter has nothing to do with King Miao, it is all caused by our lack of strict military discipline, the enemy is in front of us, we can't fight in bed It’s cheaper, Chen Gouguan.”

As he said that, Fu Gong Er kept winking at Du Fuwei as if killing a chicken and wiping his neck, and squeezed Du Fuwei's hand quietly, implying that Du Fuwei must calm down. When he lost his temper impulsively, he took a deep breath, and then said to Miao Haichao, "It turns out that Brother Miao doesn't know the specific situation, so that's fine. Don't mind me, I'm getting angry and talking If you rush a little, you will forgive me more."

"My brother, why are you being polite?" Miao Haichao said modestly, his face was calm, no one knew what was going on in his heart. But the old troops brought by Miao Haichao from Xiapi were all angry, and the anger on their faces remained undiminished.

"Also." Du Fuwei, whose anger never abated, couldn't help but add, "Brother Miao, next time your old friend Chen Gouguan sends another envoy, please let me know first." , we will meet together."

The muscles on Miao Haichao's face finally stiffened. He was not only dissatisfied with Du Fuwei's juxtaposition of himself with the dog officer, but also dissatisfied with Du Fuwei's tone of obvious distrust of himself. While agreeing, he began to feel a little regretful in his heart. "Why did I lose my head at the beginning, and promised to lead the team to merge into Du Fuwei's team, so that I can find this bird-like feeling by myself?"

On the side of Yongcheng, it is impossible for the militiamen to hide from the eyes of the scouts of the Yongcheng garrison for such a large-scale fire and internal strife outside the camp. After getting this news, Ma Sanbao, Zhu Can and others stationed in the military camp outside the city After the National People's Congress was overjoyed, Ma Sanbao hurriedly sent someone into the city to ask if he could take the opportunity to fight. As a result, Zhu Can, who was eager for meritorious service, rushed to the city to ask Chen Yingliang to fight in person. After leaving Yongcheng, he went to Tongshou Mansion to meet Chen Yingliang.

Knowing the internal strife in the militia, Yunda Shaoqing, Changsun Wuji and the others were of course overjoyed and persuaded Chen Yingliang to take the opportunity to fight. Waiting for the next news on the tower, Chen Yingliang just turned a deaf ear to Zhu Can and Yun Da Shaoqing's pleas to enter the army - he didn't have much money in hand, of course Chen Yingliang didn't dare to take the risk.

Sure enough, when Qian Xiangmin fled to Yongcheng to report the mission to Chen Yingliang, he had just finished talking about the cause of the internal strife in the Bianmin army, and the scouts who went to investigate the Dongjing of the Bianmin army had already rushed back to the city, reporting that The internal strife of the militia has ended, and at the same time, a large number of troops of the militia have been out of camp, and the Yongcheng garrison has no chance to take advantage of the fire.

Hearing the news and knowing the reason for the internal strife in Du Fuwei's team, everyone of course sighed loudly, regretting that the opportunity was missed, Yun Da Shaoqing even beat his chest and wailed, howling that he knew that there were twenty sheep and ten jars of wine. With such a good effect, more sheep wine should be sent over, and the army should follow behind. After the rebels fight on a larger scale, they will surely win a big victory by taking the opportunity to advance. Chen Yingliang smiled calmly, and said, "Old man, the rebels are not fools, so how can they not find that our army is behind? With our army behind, the rebels will not dare to fight among themselves no matter how stupid they are?"

"That's true." Yun Da Shaoqing thought about it, and then ended his wailing, and said to Chen Yingliang in a rare and serious manner: "Nephew Yingliang, the thieves are not in harmony, and there has just been internal strife, and the hearts of the people have collapsed. It is a great opportunity to further divide them. The old man thinks that we should ask Qian Xiangmin to send some wine and meat to Miao Haichao, so that they can make another mess, and it will be bigger."

"Yun Shaoqing, I dare not go!" Qian Xiangmin, who was frightened out of his wits, hurriedly knelt down to Chen Yingliang and Yun Dingxing, and howled in tears: "Chen Tongshou, you dare not kill me!" Go, I would rather not be that eighth-rank official, the gift I gave just now caused so many troubles, if you let me go again, it will kill me! I have old people and young people!"

"What are you afraid of?" Yun Da Shaoqing encouraged: "If you die for the country, I will personally ask for a letter for you, and ask the Holy Majesty to personally issue an official title for you, and take care of your family, so that they can live in food and clothing for the rest of their lives. No worries."

Yunda Shaoqing's consolation only had the opposite effect, making the cowardly Qian Xiangmin cry even louder. Fortunately, Chen Yingliang finally found out his conscience once, and told Qian Xiangmin: "Get up, go back Rest assured, I will not let you take any more risks. I am very satisfied that you have done well these two times, and Cao Shenjun, the soldier in Qiao County, must belong to you."

Qian Xiangmin stopped crying immediately, but Young Master Yun refused to give up, and said again: "Nephew Yingliang, are you willing to give up such a good opportunity to divorce?"

"It's not to give up, but to send money to Xiangmin to give gifts to alienate people. It will only leave too much trace and be counterproductive." Chen Yingliang shook his head, first waved Qian Xiangmin away, then called Zhu Can to his face, and said with a smile: "Zhu Bantou , the next step is your errand, take a few helpers who are familiar with the terrain of Yongcheng, change into civilian clothes, and go out to camp in the middle of the night to do something for me."

"What's the point of asking my subordinates to go out to camp in the middle of the night? Please obey your lord's orders." Zhu Can, who had long been looking forward to getting ahead, quickly stood up straight.

"Go to the sentry." Chen Yingliang ordered casually: "Kill a few sentries of the thieves, and then deliberately leave a victim alive, let him pretend to be dead and escape with his life. But remember, you must let the victim know that you are Miao Haichao People, because they are dissatisfied with Du Fuwei oppressing your brothers of King Xiapi Miao, so they killed him to vent their anger. If you have a chance, you will also kill Du Fuwei and Fugong Er! As for how to do it, I will not give you instructions here. Adapt to the situation yourself, and I believe that with your ingenuity, you will be able to do it seamlessly, making Du Fuwei and Fu Gong Er believe it is true!"

"Master Tongshou, don't worry, the villain will handle this matter beautifully!"

Zhu Can was overjoyed, and saluted Chen Yingliang Jishou, and solemnly promised. Chen Yingliang smiled and waved his hand. Zhu Can understood, and immediately rushed down the tower like flying, his steps brisk and extremely excited. Regarding this, Chen Yingliang didn't take it seriously, and continued to ponder some immoral ideas of cutting off children and grandchildren in his mind, but Yunda Shaoqing was puzzled, and said to himself: "Damn it, such a difficult and dangerous job, how can this kid named Zhu Can still do it?" So happy? In the future, I will discover and promote a few lackeys who are brave enough to do things and are not afraid of death."