At the end of the Sui Dynasty, I am the king

Chapter 134: pour oil on the flame


The night was dark, the wind was high, and people were quieter. During this good time of murder and arson, a scouting team of ten soldiers was patrolling the dark night sky with torches.

Because the militant army camp is located fifteen miles east of Yongcheng, and the scope of reconnaissance must be expanded as much as possible, the position of this militia army fire team is less than ten miles away from Yongcheng, and it is most likely to be attacked first. Therefore, this scout fire team belonging to Du Fuwei's department was very cautious during patrolling. They didn't even dare to hit more torches. They were afraid that the target would be surrounded by the officers and soldiers, so they lit a torch to illuminate the road. Always be ready to extinguish the torch and hide your body.

Wang Ermao walked stealthily at the end of the team, pricking up his ears from time to time to listen to the movement in the distance, even if there was a slight disturbance, he was immediately ready to run for his life, and followed Du Fuwei's team from Bobo to have something to eat. Fleeing all the way from the city to this point, and traveling thousands of miles down the road, although Wang Ermao, who licks blood on the knife head every day, has not changed his timid weakness, he has also developed the ability to be vigilant and escape, unlike many unlucky fellow villagers. Similarly, he died tragically under the sword of the officer, or was captured by other bandit teams and boiled as human candied meat, and has lived to this day.

It was already halfway through the third watch, and there was still no surprise attack from the officers and soldiers. The cowardly Wang Ermao was a little relieved, knowing that he should be able to survive tonight, because Wang Ermao, who has accumulated a lot of experience in night patrols, knows very well If the officers and soldiers want to attack the camp of their own army, at least they have to pass through this place during this time period. So far, Wang Ermao has not even seen half of the officers and soldiers. This is enough to prove that the officers and soldiers have no plans for night raids and Intend.

As soon as he relaxed a little, Wang Ermao, who had been nervous for most of the night, suddenly felt anxious, and hurriedly begged Huo Zhang to stop and let himself do the reincarnation of the five grains, but just as Huo Zhang agreed, Wang Ermao heard a cry in the back of his head, At the same time, as soon as the vest was cold, Wang Ermao couldn't help but fell to the ground, screaming and fell to the ground, and the pitiful stock in his stomach immediately sprayed all over his crotch.

"What's the matter?" Wang Ermao looked up with his mouth full of slush in pain in his vest, and suddenly saw in disbelief that a tall black shadow flew past him and rushed towards other companions. The blade pierced the space, and a companion Shouting and falling to the ground, at the same time, several black figures also jumped out of the bushes by the roadside, and swiped their knives to slash his companion without saying a word. It looks like it has been hacked to death.

The sound of blades and screams and cursing continued to flow into his ears. Wang Ermao, who had already had some experience, soon discovered that the one who fell to the ground screaming was his companion, and the one who yelled at the enemy was his fire chief. The torch also fell on the battlefield, and by the light of the torch before it went out, Wang Ermao could clearly see that the black shadows attacking his sentry were not officers and soldiers of the Sui army, but several men in the same ragged clothes, Wang Ermao I couldn't help but my heart tightened suddenly, and I knew that I had encountered black and white.

Those attackers were very skillful, they were obviously experts with experience in fighting, and they seized the opportunity to attack suddenly, and quickly cut down several of Wang Ermao's companions. Screaming and fleeing to the dark place, the attackers chased after them with knives, and then a companion screamed and fell to the ground. Wang Ermao was quietly praying for the attackers to chase away quickly, when a strange voice suddenly sounded , "Okay, stop chasing, let them run."

The attackers stopped their pursuit, and when Wang Ermao, who was crawling on the ground pretending to be dead, was screaming, the strange voice suddenly shouted again: "Listen up, thieves! Laozi are officers and soldiers of Yongcheng, go back Tell Du Fuwei, if he doesn't hurry up, he will die next time!"

Wang Ermao lay on the ground, not daring to make a sound, wondering why the officers and soldiers were dressed the same as us? Then after a while, another strange voice whispered: "Brother Zhu, Du Fuwei's people have run away."

"Did they hear me?" asked the strange voice before.

"should not."

"Okay, quickly bring the officer's shoe and throw it on the corpse. Also, search the corpses and take away the valuables."

In the sound of promises, several attackers began to search for the body, footsteps came from Wang Ermao's ears, and then a hand touched Wang Ermao's body, at that moment, Wang Ermao's heart also rose to his throat , for fear that the attacker would find out that he was playing dead. Fortunately, that hand just turned Wang Ermao's body to the front, reached into his arms and searched carefully, and took away the few hard-earned money that Wang Ermao had saved with great difficulty, and also took away the broken iron knife beside Wang Ermao.

"Brother Zhu, you are still taller, Gaojiazhuang's taller." Another voice suddenly sounded, and said with a chuckle: "Those who pretend to be officers and soldiers to kill Du Fuwei have vented their anger and let officers and soldiers take the blame for us. Even in my dreams, I would never have imagined that it was actually us Xiapi people who did the work.”

"I'm not angry yet!" Brother Zhu said viciously beside Wang Ermao: "Snatch our sheep and wine, kill our brothers, and even dare to bully our brother Miao Haichao. When I have the opportunity, I must kill him!" Get rid of Du Fuwei and Fu Gong Er, the two thieves, and let our brother Miao be the king again!"

"Yes, our brother Miao shouldn't have defected to Du Fuwei, a bastard. He should have killed Du Fuwei and Fugong Er, swallowed their team, and become the king himself! Brother Zhu, you can often meet with Brother Miao, If there is a chance, you should persuade him to kill Du Fuwei as soon as possible and become the king again!"

"I've persuaded him a long time ago. Brother Miao has a good heart and doesn't say anything. If he had said a word, I would have slaughtered the two thieves a long time ago!"

Talking in a low voice, several attackers quickly left the fighting scene and hurried towards the camp of the militiamen, but Wang Ermao still endured the severe pain in his back and lay motionless on the ground, fearing the attackers and turning around When I came back and found that I was not dead, I was even more shocked, "It's Miao Haichao's people! It's Miao Haichao's people pretending to be officers and soldiers to attack us, and they want to kill Du Fuwei! Kill Uncle Fu!"

I don't know how much time passed, but there was finally a commotion in the distance. Several patrols of the militiamen rushed to the scene with torches. He got up on the ground and cried loudly with snot and tears: "I'm not dead yet! Come and save me! Come and save me! Take me to King Du, I have something important to report to the King!"

It is conceivable that Du Fuwei's anger after learning of this incident, regardless of the serious injury on Wang Ermao's back, directly lifted Wang Ermao's hands into the air, and yelled and asked Wang Ermao if he confirmed that the attackers were Miao Haichao His subordinates pretended to be? Wang Ermao swears and swears with tears, saying that if he tells half a lie, he is willing to be struck to death by five lightnings from the sky without a burial place! Du Fuwei became even more furious. He threw Wang Ermao heavily on the ground, pulled out his knife and yelled, "Miao Haichao! I'm fucking your mother's eighteen generations of ancestors!"

"Kill Miao Haichao! Kill that bastard!"

A large group of Du Fuwei's godsons also roared, and a few of them who were particularly impulsive even drew their knives and shouted to order the army to gather. The messenger who stopped to assemble the army, then immediately turned to Du Fuwei, and said quickly: "Brother Du, calm down, not to mention that there is no evidence for this matter, even if it was really done by Miao Haichao, it is still the same as Miao Haichao's." It doesn't matter much."

"It doesn't matter much?" Du Fuwei roared: "I killed more than a hundred or two hundred brothers yesterday, and killed six of my brothers last night! If this continues, will I be killed tomorrow? Up?!"

Fu Gong Er was very difficult, but in order to unite and avoid internal strife, Fu Gong Er still insisted: "Brother Du, you are right to be so worried, but you must not lead the army to find Miao Haichao, it will only completely split our team. How about doing this, you will send someone to call Miao Haichao here and confront him face to face. If his people did it, let him find him out and execute him for questioning. Attempts, it is more convenient to do it here."

Feeling that Fu Gong Er's words were reasonable, Du Fuwei also immediately adopted Fu Gong Er's suggestion and sent someone to invite Miao Haichao to discuss the matter. However, Fu Gong Er and Du Fuwei somewhat underestimated the prudence of Miao Haichao's team. The first evening, Miao Haichao's team and Du Fuwei and other troops had an infighting. Before dawn, Du Fuwei sent When people come to invite Miao Haichao to the camp to narrate, even if they are as kind as Miao Haichao himself, they will inevitably have some doubts about Du Fuwei's real purpose. Haichao was invited, and Miao Haichao thought it was reasonable, so he refused Du Fuwei's invitation on the pretext of feeling unwell. After all, although Miao Haichao was a good person, he didn't want to die in vain.

A terrible chain reaction appeared. After learning that Miao Haichao refused the invitation, Du Fuwei immediately ordered the whole army to prepare for battle in a rage, and summoned all the thieves who were in charge of the army alone to discuss matters in his camp. After the team noticed that Du Fuwei's troops were on guard, they immediately assembled the team to prepare for the battle, and the other thieves who voluntarily or were forced to join Du Fuwei's team were not fools, except for the two little thieves who reacted slowly. In addition to meeting Du Fuwei in the camp, none of the remaining thieves, big or small, was fooled. They all hurriedly assembled their teams to prepare for the battle. A day or so ago, they were still a group of peaceful militia army teams, and they fell into disintegration almost in the blink of an eye. .

Regarding this corrupt situation, Du Fuwei's gang of godsons of course advocated the first attack, and quickly dispatched troops to kill Miao Haichao with the strongest strength, so as to avoid a worse situation. Fortunately, Du Fuwei will be more or less calm now Some, instead of impulsively ordering troops, chose to ask Fu Gong Er for advice. After Fu Gong Er hesitated again and again, he decided to go to Miao Haichao's camp alone, explain the misunderstanding to Miao Haichao, and make Miao Haichao repeat the accident. Or, everyone reconciled and reunited.

At present, Du Fuwei and Fu Gong Er still have a brotherly relationship. Naturally, he did not let Fu Gong Er take this strange risk, and arranged for his most useless godson, Tian Baishe, to go to Miaoying to execute Fu Gong Er. Although Tian Baishe was greedy for life and afraid of death, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and go to Miao Haichao's camp to explain the misunderstanding to Miao Haichao.

Tian Baishe, who was able to escape from Chen Yingliang's butcher's knife, was of course lucky, and this time was no exception. Miao Haichao, who can be regarded as deeply aware of righteousness, listened to his explanation calmly and carefully, and immediately suspected that this matter was his subordinate. The general did it, and immediately summoned all the generals under his command to ask who did such an illegal thing, and asked them to stand up and plead guilty. As a result, all the generals under Miao Haichao shouted their wrongdoing and denied that they had done such a thing, but none of them suspected that it was a third party who set the blame on them, and they all believed that a certain companion did it to vent their anger A beautiful thing - this is not because Miao Haichao's generals are too stupid, but because of the firefight yesterday evening, the enmity between Miao Haichao's team and Du Fuwei's troops was too deep.

No one pleaded guilty when he was furious. Miao Haichao could only threaten to kill the culprit after finding out, and at the same time asked Tian Baishe to go back and report to Du Fuwei, saying that he would find out the real culprit as soon as possible and report to Du Fu. Wei apologized, Tian Baishe hurriedly said goodbye and left. But as soon as Tian Baishe left, all the generals under Miao Haichao began to inquire about each other, and asked each other happily whether the other party had taken revenge. Isn’t it right to do this? Yesterday those sons of bitches robbed us of our wine and meat, and killed hundreds of our brothers, what’s wrong with killing them for revenge?”

Miao Haichao was at a loss for words, so he could only ask, "You really did it?"

Everyone shook their heads again, and someone said: "Brother Miao, don't ask, the brother who did this is also because he is loyal to you, you find him out and hand him over to that bastard Du Fuwei, and there will be those brothers in the future." Why be loyal to you?"

Miao Haichao was at a loss for words again, and he said after a while, "But how should I explain to Du Fuwei?"

"There is no need to explain." Almost all the confidantes said so, "The big deal is to separate the family. We will lead the team and fight the world by ourselves. Anyway, Du Fuwei is not from Zuo Junxing. We have swords and weapons. The gun has a team, so are you afraid that you won’t be able to find food?”

Miao Haichao was silent, and thought to himself: "Look at Du Fuwei's reaction. If he is smart and doesn't care about this matter, then that's all. If he insists on forcing me to hand over someone, the worst thing is to separate the family, brother. You are right, if I hand over my loyal brothers, who will work for me in the future?"

The message Tian Baishe brought back made Du Fuwei's anger rest for a while, and after listening to Fu Gong Er's patient persuasion, Du Fuwei also decided to give Miao Haichao a little time until he found out the real culprit. At this time, it was already dawn, and Du Fuwei remembered that he asked Chen Yingliang to hand over 10,000 shi of grain, 5,000 guan coins, and 5,000 pieces of cloth. He did not see Chen Yingliang sent someone to contact and negotiate, so Du Fuwei immediately decided to send troops. Going westward, he personally went to the city of Yongxian County to force Chen Yingliang to hand over money and food. At the same time, just in case, Du Fuwei sent someone to ask Miao Haichao to lead his troops westward, and go to the city of Yongxian with him to ask for money for diversion.

In order to avoid further misunderstandings, Miao Haichao agreed to Du Fuwei's request, personally led 3,000 troops out of the camp, and joined forces with Du Fuwei. However, the cracks that had already appeared could not be repaired in a short while. Considering it, Du Fuwei ordered Miao Haichao to be the forward as the general manager, while he himself led 5,000 troops to walk behind, and kept a certain distance from Miao Haichao's team very carefully. As a result, Miao Haichao took the lead, and all the old Xiapi troops under Miao Haichao's command were muttering in their hearts. They suspected that Du Fuwei deliberately wanted to serve as cannon fodder and die in front of Du Fuwei's team. The gap is deeper.

Of course, it was impossible for the militiamen to make such a big move westward by dispatching a large army. After the scouts sent the news to Yongcheng, Chen Yingliang immediately ordered the army to be on full alert, and ordered the army to strictly guard the city and camps. At the same time, Chen Yingliang also personally boarded the tower at the west gate of Yongcheng, urging the soldiers led by Li Cai and Li Huaishen to guard the city. Important facilities such as docks and camps.

As soon as he was ready to defend the city, the militia army team appeared in Chen Yingliang's field of vision. On the tower, he saw that the enemy was divided into two teams, the front and the back, and the distance between them was quite far. He was not in a hurry to decide on tactics, but patiently waited for the enemy's two teams to arrive at the city. After seeing the enemy's two formations, Chen Yingliang called Qian Xiangmin to him with great joy, and asked: " Look, the team in front is Miao Haichao's team, right?"

Because of the distance, Qian Xiangmin climbed on the railing and looked around for a long time before he said in surprise, "It's Miao Haichao's team, but Chen Tongshou, haven't you seen Miao Haichao's team? How do you know?" It's them?"

Chen Yingliang smiled very happily, and then ordered: "Master Qian, you have to work hard again, go down to the city in a hanging basket, fly a white flag to see Miao Haichao, and ask him to come and answer. County Magistrate Dong, please let him go immediately." They will prepare another twenty sheep and twenty jugs of fine wine, and send them to Simon to wait for them."

Dong You, who had the power of examination held in Chen Yingliang's hands, immediately agreed, and immediately rushed down to arrange it himself, but Qian Xiangmin's old face was stretched longer than a donkey again, and he said tremblingly: "Chen Tongshou, if you What if Miao Haichao refuses to agree?"

"It's okay, you just need to go over and say something, and you can come back after you finish speaking." Chen Yingliang ordered casually, and then said with a smile: "And you can rest assured, Miao Haichao will definitely agree."

Qian Xiangmin took his orders and left with a sad face, while Yun Da Shaoqing who had been following Chen Yingliang was thoughtful, and whispered to Chen Yingliang: "Nephew, you want to go out and provoke dissension yourself? Is that right? Is it too obvious?"

"It's okay, I'm sure." Chen Yingliang replied with a smile, and then looked at Yunda Shaoqing's wretched old face, Chen Yingliang's heart moved, and he hurriedly said: "Old man, can you meet Miao Haichao with me later?" When the time comes, I will say a few disrespectful words to my nephew, don’t you mind, uncle.”