At the end of the Sui Dynasty, I am the king

Chapter 137: Fishing in troubled waters (below)


The conflagration is still going on. Miao Haichao, the second most powerful team, has put all his strength into the fire and battlefield, and Du Fuwei, the most powerful, has also concentrated most of his troops on the fire and battlefield. The army is chasing and killing the 'Miao Haichao team' that sneaked into Du Jun's camp. The huge mutant army camp covers more than half of the area, and it is already full of flames, shouting and killing everywhere. .

Only a small half of the camps of the Mutant Militia remained calm, but the troop of the Mutant Militia stationed in these camps had soldiers with their swords out of their sheaths and generals with their horses on their horses. They were all ready to go into battle at any time. To the disappointment of the Du Jun envoys and Miao Jun envoys who came to ask for help, although they were ready to go to war, these self-contained militia troops remained on hold. They neither offered to help Du Fuwei nor opened their mouths. They promised to help Miao Haichao, but they all found various excuses to refuse, and did not send a single soldier to join the fire and the battlefield.

Zhang Dabangzi, Wang Liu, Lu Mazi and Xia Dachong are not idiots. They were originally forced by Du Fuwei to join this team of militiamen because of lack of strength. Taking Du Fuwei as the main force, but no one is convinced deep in his heart. The resentment and resentment towards the powerful Du Fuwei team are only big and small. Now the second-strongest Miao Haichao team suddenly challenged Du Fuwei. The challenge is also destined to severely weaken Du Fuwei's team. It's too late for big thieves such as Zhang Dabaozi and Wang Liu to have fun, so they will rush to help Du Fuwei quickly defeat Miao Haichao, so that Du Fuwei has the strength to continue riding Domineering on your own neck

Helping Miao Haichao is also a stupid decision. Miao Haichao's strength is not as good as Du Fuwei's, and he is not domineering enough. He doesn't seem to be able to restrain Du Fuwei. In the event of a major loss, if you lose, you will definitely die without a burial place! So Zhang Dagangzi and Wang Liu and other big thieves have long made up their minds to watch the fire from the other side, and decided to wait for Du Fuwei and Miao Haichao to decide the winner, and then help the winner beat the dog in the water. Participate in sharing the fruits of victory without complaining!

"Let's fight, let's fight, the more intense the fight, the better." Looking at the blazing battlefield in the distance, and listening to the fierce screams of killing and killing, the big thieves all smiled and felt heartbroken. He said: "When you have almost finished the fight, we can share the credit. No matter whether you Du Fuwei wins or Miao Haichao wins, your vitality will definitely be seriously injured, and you dare not do anything to me."

"It's best to both lose and die together." Wang Liu, the big thief whose camp is located in the northeast of Du Fuwei's camp, still thinks so happily, "If you fight one and lose both, I will take the opportunity to recruit some defeated teams. It's my turn to be the boss!"

"Brother Wang, there is a team coming towards us!"

The exclamation of a few minions disturbed Wang Liu's dream. Wang Liu was startled, and quickly turned his head to look. In the direction of Du Fuwei's camp in the southwest, a messy team of militiamen rushed to them, and they rushed forward. There were too many torches, and it was too far away to see how many people there were and who the general was, but I could vaguely see that team flying a tall white flag. Wang Liu couldn't help frowning, and hurriedly shouted: "Hold the fence and ask who they are! Tell them, if they're smart, don't even think about our camp!"

In the sound of promises, Wang Liu's team, which had already assembled and lined up for orders, immediately rushed to the fence, lined up to defend the fence, and even fired torches to let the enemy on the opposite side see the situation of their camp as a warning, and then a small leader shouted Shouted: "Who are you? Brother Wang Liuwang asked me to tell you, if you are smart, you'd better not think about our camp!"

Of course, the new army team from Qiao County led by Zhu Can and Zhang Di rushed forward with the white flag. They saw Wang Liu's team lined up behind the fence, pointing their knives and guns at their own team. The team also chased closer and closer, Zhang Di quickly suggested to Zhu Can: "Brother Zhu, it's best not to fight recklessly, go elsewhere, and continue to lead the enemies behind you around in circles."

Zhu Can, who had a lot of ideas, nodded subconsciously at first, but changed his mind when he got to his mouth. He said in a low voice, don't worry, and then the crowd came out with a gun, shouting: "Where is Wang Liu? Order, let him send troops to attack Miao Haichao's rebels, send troops immediately, immediately!"

"Our Big Brother Wang is preparing!" The little boss under Wang Liu replied loudly: "It's ready, our Big Brother Wang will naturally send troops!"

"Fart!" Zhu Can yelled, and suddenly rushed forward, raised his hand and shot a gun as fast as lightning, passed through the gap in the fence, stabbed a bandit behind the fence, and then quickly retreated, holding his spear and shouting : "Brothers, Wang Liugou gangsters colluded with Miao Haichao and betrayed King Du, kill me!"

"Kill!" Zhang Di also came to his senses, waved his hands and shouted: "Spearman, come on me, stab these traitors to death!"

"Promise!" The spearman of the new army, who has received formal military training for more than a month, agreed loudly, strode forward and stabbed Wang Liu's team across the fence, and took advantage of the training to quickly knock over a dozen of them. The thieves successfully aroused the anger of Wang Liu's team, and then under the command of the banner, they strode towards the camp gate of Wang Liu's camp and continued to provoke. Under the banner of Du Fuwei's team, they attacked Wang Liu's team guarding the camp gate Bandit soldiers.

The clay figurines still have a three-point earthy temperament, not to mention the bandit team that used to rob houses for food. Seeing that this new army team was so arrogant and unreasonable, Wang Liu became angry and immediately ordered to open the camp gate and go out to fight back. As a result, Wang Liu's team just After rushing out of the gate of the camp, Zhu Can and Zhang Di led the new army and fled in the direction of Lu Mazi. When Wang Liuzheng was hesitating whether to send his troops to chase after him, the real Du Fuwei team led by Kan Leng and Ximen Junyi chased after him. When he came over, he happened to meet the flank of Wang Liu's team.

The biggest weakness of the militant army is that the military orders are not strict and the discipline is insufficient. Seeing the real Du Fuwei's team coming to kill, the soldiers of Wang Liu's team who had just been aroused did not even ask questions. When he came to fight Du Jun's team, Du Jun's team was caught off guard, and two of them were chopped down in an instant. Kan Leng was furious, and immediately swung his famous double-edged sword, roaring, facing the swarming crowd. The soldiers of Wang Liujun cut off their heads, one after the other, three soldiers of Wang Liujun screamed and fell down, the soldiers of Wang Liujun screamed and retreated quickly, and more soldiers of Wang Liujun rushed to Kan Ling's side On both sides, the soldiers under the command of Kan Leng went to avenge their companions. The fire between Du Fuwei's team and Wang Liu's team suddenly broke out inexplicably, and the new army team led by Zhu Can and Zhang Di took the opportunity to flee quickly and continue Find the next hapless person to fan the flames.

Having tasted the sweetness before, Zhu Can and Zhang Di were much smarter this time. They first asked ordinary soldiers to go to the fence to find out whose camp it was, and then they rushed to the gate of Lu Mazi's camp and continued to fight. Du Fuwei's banner yelled, demanding that Lu Mazi send troops to attack the traitor Miao Haichao immediately! Lu Mazi believed it was true, and sent his own younger brother to negotiate, explaining that he had to wait for a while before sending out troops. As a result, Zhu Can and Zhang Di were two white-eyed wolves, and Zhu Can knocked Lu Mazi down with a single shot. He fell to the ground, and then the soldiers of the new army rushed forward and dragged Lu Mazi's younger brother into the team. He punched and kicked Lu Mazi's younger brother in front of Lu Mazi's team. The strike was so heavy that he broke Lu Mazi's hands and feet on the spot and shattered a mouth full of teeth.

His younger brother was so abused by the enemy, if Lu Mazi didn't get angry, he would be sorry for his parents. Under the roar, the gate of the camp opened wide, and Lu Mazi personally led the army to kill him, and Zhang Di cut off the head of Lu Mazi's younger brother. He and Zhu Can led the army to turn around and ran to Du Fuwei's camp, while Lu Mazi, who was furious, personally waved his army to chase and kill him. He used the blood of Du Jun's troops to avenge his own brother, and Du Fuwei's troops had already concentrated on the main battlefield. Most of the people left in the camp were old and weak, women and children. Mazi's murder and arson caused heavy casualties under Lu Mazi's butcher's knife, and many soldiers under Lu Mazi's command took the opportunity to rob and snatch the valuables that Du Fuwei robbed all the way south for Tian Xingdao, which immediately created countless chaos.

Zhu Can and Zhang Di succeeded in bluffing twice in a row, of course they still wanted to pick a bargain for the third time, but it was a pity that the main force of Fatty Lu's team had been chasing after him, and Zhu Can and Zhang Di, who didn't want to fight recklessly, could only take it with them. The new army team specially selected people with few people to flee in the open, but after fleeing three times and two times, Zhu Can and Zhang Di's team unknowingly fled to the place where the army had entered the camp before, and there was no one in this area. Fences that had been toppled by the new army team and some corpses lay on the ground. Seeing this, Zhu Can looked back at Du Fuwei's camp, which was in complete chaos, and ordered again decisively: "Turn out all the torches, go out of the camp and find a place to rest, and see the situation before we talk."

The new army team extinguished the torches according to the order, followed Zhu Can and swarmed out of the camp, and quickly fled to the dark place where they came. The human-dominated new army was finally thrown away by Zhu Can and Zhang Di. Lu Mazi was afraid that there would be an ambush in the dark, so he decisively ordered to go back to Du Fuwei's camp and seek revenge from other Du Fuwei's troops. It is to contact Miao Haichao quickly and agree to contact Miao Haichao to attack Du Fuwei. Zhu Can and Zhang Di led the new army to escape to a dark place to rest. While sending people to contact Chen Yingliang who led the army behind to report the situation of the battle, they did not mention the number of casualties.

The temporary decision to leave the battlefield was Zhu Can's own idea. Although Zhang Di, who admired Zhu Can a lot, obeyed, he was also a little worried that Chen Yingliang would be furious and ordered to punish him. However, after resting in a remote place for a while, Zhang Di soon became less so. I'm worried, because after the bluffing and deceitful self-army made trouble and instigation, the flames of the various ministries of the militia army not only showed no signs of stopping, but also became more and more lively, and the killing became more intense, and the flames of war spread more and more.

Zhang Di really doesn't need to worry. In the current situation, not to mention that it is impossible for Du Fuwei and Miao Haichao, who are already feuding like seas, to sit down and talk peacefully. And self-protection, Miao Haichao can only use all his strength to carry the frontal battlefield, Wang Liu can only grit his teeth for Miao Haichao to restrain Kan Leng, the most capable fighter under Du Fuwei's command, and Lu Mazi is desperately fighting against the enemy. Killing and setting fire in Du Fuwei's camp, massacring the old and weak family members of Du Fuwei's team frantically, burning Du Fuwei's supplies, supplies, food and grass tents, creating chaos and hitting Du Fuwei's military morale, and making Du Fuwei's camp ablaze Soaring to the sky, crying everywhere, corpses all over the ground.

After being joined together by the three friendly forces, although Du Fuwei's team still has the upper hand in terms of overall strength, it has fallen into an absolute disadvantage in terms of psychological morale. We must worry about the situation in the camp. I am afraid that even when they already had the advantage, they began to waver and panic. A large group of godsons flocked to Du Fuwei and asked him how to cook. Fu Gong Er asked for a plan, Fu Gong Er thought carefully for a moment, gritted his teeth and said: "The matter has come to this point, once we retreat, the team will definitely collapse immediately, and we can only move forward! We only need to kill Miao Haichao, Wang Liu and Lu Mazi at any cost." Nothing to be afraid of!"

Feeling that Fu Gong Er's words made sense, Du Fuwei also changed his mind to retreat before the battle, and urged his own team to go forward to fight. Fighting, and beheading several people with his natural supernatural power, he immediately strangled the counterattack momentum that Miao Haichao's team had gradually built up, and brought the battle situation back to his own advantage. Fu Gong Er hurriedly sent someone to contact General Kan Leng, asking him to kill Wang Liu as soon as possible, and return to the army to reinforce the main battlefield. Gong Er has no family members.

Fu Gong Er's decisive decision had the effect of stabilizing people's hearts. After receiving the order to move forward with all his strength, although Du Fuwei's team was still worried about the situation in the camp, they did not continue to retreat. And relying on the advantage of the large number of people, Miao Haichao's team was defeated steadily, and they retreated all the way to the hinterland of Miao Haichao's camp. And Kan Leng also knew that the situation was critical after receiving the order from Fu Gong Er, so he immediately started to charge desperately, waving his huge sword with a length of one foot like Shura killing the god, letting the enemy die if he touches it, and he will die if he touches it Wang Liu's team didn't dare to be the vanguard, and after being charged by Kan Leng, they retreated back into their own camp screaming like a tidal wave.

The situation was critical, and Kan Leng and Ximen Junyi didn't dare to continue chasing and killing them. They immediately turned back to reinforce the main battlefield. They didn't make any delay when they passed the camp of the Chinese army. , didn't dare to come up to stop him, and watched Kan Leng's team pass by in front of him, and returned directly to the main battlefield.

Kan Leng's return team became the last straw that broke the camel's camel's back. Miao Haichao's team, which was not strong enough, could only parry in front of Du Jun's main force, and was powerless to fight back. Seeing that the situation was not good, Miao Haichao quickly made a decisive decision, abandoned his camp and military supplies, and led his confidant team to retreat eastward, preparing to go northeast to meet with Lu Mazi and Wang Liu. When the team reunited, Du Fuwei led the army in hot pursuit, saying that he would kill Miao Haichao, the culprit, the anti-bone boy. Auxiliary Gong Er commanded the rear army to burn Miao Haichao's camp and slaughter the family members of Miao Haichao's team. He told the other thieves with fire and blood that the victory of the army was determined, and if they were wise, they should not mess around.

At the same time, after finding out that Miao Haichao's defeat is set, and knowing that the two little loaches, Lu Mazi and Wang Liu, can't make any waves at all, Zhang Dabangzi and Xia Dachong, who have been watching the fire from the other side, finally found out their conscience. Without hesitation, he led the team out of the self-army camp, and cooperated with Du Fuwei's team to intercept and attack the three unlucky Miao Haichao, Wang Liu and Lu Mazi, and they all took the lead in killing Even more ruthless than Du Fuwei, Miao Haichao, Wang Liu, and Lu Mazi's team complained endlessly. They could only fight hard in order to survive, trying desperately to join together, and countless dead fell.

At this time, the sky was already gray and began to light up. The three teams of Miao Haichao, Wang Liu, and Lu Mazi who were alone and alone had nowhere to hide. Together in the siege, Lu Mazi, who was empty in the camp, even kicked the camp by his neighbor Zhang Daxiong, and the beautiful wife he snatched was also snatched back by Zhang Daxiong to cover the bed. Realizing that the situation was wrong, Wang Liu, who was on the outside of the camp, made a quick decision and immediately led his team to run eastward, throwing away everything that could be left behind.

Seeing Wang Liu leading the team to run away, Du Fuwei originally planned to lead his army to chase after him, but Fu Gong Er stopped him and said: "Brother Du, the situation is urgent. There is such a big movement here, it is impossible for Yongcheng to not know about it. Chen Yingliang and Chen Gouguan can't guarantee that they won't have the idea of taking advantage of the fire. We can't lose the big because of small things. We should concentrate on killing the scourge of Miao Haichao first, lest he and Chen Gouguan collude with each other. If Wang Liu wants to leave, let him go, etc. It’s not too late to settle accounts with him in the future.”

As soon as Du Fuwei heard that it made sense, he immediately commanded the army to encircle Miao Haichao and Lu Mazi's team with all their strength. During the mobilization of various troops, good news came suddenly. Dismounting the horse died on the spot, and Lu Mazi's team, which was not strong in combat effectiveness and cohesion, collapsed immediately. They either surrendered or ran for their lives. On the battlefield of internal strife in the entire camp, only Miao Haichao's team was left to resist, and the number was also small. There were only four or five hundred people left, and they were completely surrounded by Du Fuwei's team, with no way to go to heaven or go to earth.

Seeing this scene, Du Fuwei and Fu Gong Er were of course overjoyed, and immediately mobilized their troops to besiege the remnants of Miao Haichao with all their strength. Although the team around Miao Haichao were all kiln workers and tenants he brought out from Xiapi, they were trained by him to disperse their wealth. Da En's cohesion is quite strong, but there are too few troops and most of them are wounded. They can't kill the encirclement by rushing from left to right. On the contrary, they are killed by the furious Du Fuwei team and other eager thieves. Already at night.

At this point in the situation, Miao Haichao regretted not running for his life resolutely, and only sighed and cried, secretly hating his indecisive character for constantly hurting the Xiapi team. The conductor Du Fuwei and Fu Gong Er in the center were dancing with joy, shouting and urging the troops to come forward, kill Miao Haichao's team as soon as possible, and then capture Miao Haichao himself alive. At the same time, Du Fuwei also took the time to ask Fu Gong Er: "Brother Fu, have the people sent to investigate the enemy's situation come back? Chen Yingliang and Chen Gouguan, what's the matter?"

"I haven't come back yet, but I should be there soon..." Fu Gong Er answered smoothly, but before he finished speaking, Fu Gong Er's face suddenly changed. He first listened carefully in disbelief, and then trembled. Turning around, raising his eyes to look towards the west, his face suddenly turned pale.

"Brother Fu, what happened?" Du Fuwei, who was observing the battlefield in the east with his back to the west, turned his head in surprise. Said: "Brother Fu, what's your face...?"

Before the question was finished, Du Fuwei, who had turned his head, couldn't continue asking, and his face became as pale as Fugong Er, because Du Fuwei had already seen that in the direction of Yongcheng in the west, a The Sui Army team, which is small in number but with a clear banner, is striding towards this side. At the same time, the neat and clear voice of military songs also entered Du Fuwei's ears...

"The smoke rises, the rivers and mountains look north, the dragon curls up, the horse neighs, and the sword energy is like frost! The heart is like the Yellow River, and twenty years, who can resist...?!"